20. Enjoy your company

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Be sure you've read last chapter, "19. Bet,"

March 23, 2017

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March 23, 2017


Kasim let out a breath as he held Lei's hand and walked into their mothers home, today he felt that he could handle facing her, and Lei had begged him to go and get her things with him so...here they were.

He held her favorite flowers in his hands, "ma?"

The house was silent, "mommy?" Lei called out.

Nothing looked out of order so they didn't have any red flags, "she's in the shower," they heard.

Kasim felt Lei squeeze his hand as they rounded the corner and stepped into the living room, the man by the name of Lamar had sat on the couch reading a newspaper drinking coffe. He saw them and stood, "my name is Lamar," he held his hand out for Kasim.

He made no moves to shake the man's hand, "my name is Lei," she shook his hand.

Lei hissed when Kasim snatched her hand out of his, "go grab what you need and make it fast,"

"Okay," she halfway smiled and headed up the stairs.

Studying the man, he looked clean and unlike most of the men his mother had went for in the past.

"Well, I'm going to start your mothers lunch, you're free to join me in the kitchen, get whatever it is off of your chest," Lamar smiled at him, he cleaned his area before making his way into the kitchen.

Kasim closed his eyes and refrained from punching the man's teeth out of his mouth, and he thought to the conversation he just had with Nala, Zuri and even Orion.

"If you go over there and fuck with that man unprovoked I'll really be disappointed in you, daddy," Zuri's voice rang through his head.

Nala's then sounded out, "If you speak to your mother disrespectfully or even her man, I won't talk to you and you know I mean it, I'm not saying go be friends or dismiss your feelings. Just talk with some sense, and remember she's a grown woman. You and Lei are no longer in her care so, what she does is on her, be respectful.."

He felt himself calming down and even chuckling at Orion's words, "beat the fuck outta that nigga and bitch if they disrespect you, if they don't, then just grab Lei shît and leave. Don't go starting shit, but, you know not to ever let a mothafucka' hit you or curse you again, don't look at me like that nigga' you know ion fuck' with Layla's ass,"

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