19. Bet

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Be sure you've read last chapter, "18. Are we pa?,"

March 20, 2017

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March 20, 2017


Orion stretched as he looked at the time and then to his ringing phone.

A smile appeared on his face seeing that Kane flashed across the screen.

He slid the button over and walked to his conjoined bathroom propping the phone on the counter so he could start his morning hygiene routine, "mornin' daddy," Kane spoke.

"Mornin' love,"

Orion turned the water on and did his face care routine Nala had forced him to do, even though he complained it did make his skin feel better and clear up in just five days—so, he kept doing it.

"Why you look so down?" Orion asked Kane, "what's bothering' you?"

Kane only sighed, "my grandparents are coming' to town for a while to stay with my parents..."

"Oh," Orion nodded and began to brush his teeth, "how you feeling about that?"

Although Kane's parents had accepted his sexuality when he finally came out to them around two years ago—his grandparents, however, cut him off and hadn't spoke to him since. It was crazy to everyone to say the least because he was his grandpa's favorite grandchild and he acted as if Kane didn't exist anymore. He had opened up to Orion about it months ago, and the way he still cried about it let Orion know that he was deeply hurt by it. Kane had lost alot of family and friends but his nana and pop had hurt the worse, it broke him, literally.

"Even though they no longer claim me, I'm excited to lay eyes on them beyond a picture. Regardless of anything I miss them, especially my pop," he vented.

The line grew silent after that as Orion continued to brush his teeth, "what's bothering you?" Kane now asked.

"You," he stated simply, and muted the phone so he could take his morning piss before showering, "you ain't fuçkin' with me like that or what?"  He asked after washing his hands and unmuting.

Kane sighed, "it ain't even like that,"

"Enlighten me on what it's like then so I can understand?" He dried his hands, "I ain't finna' keep begging' to see no nigga. Especially a mothafucka' who stayed up my ass while I was in prison, nigga been out for five days and a keep gettin' the run around,"

The line grew silent, "chill the fuck out Orion' a nigga can't go through shit? You know I want to be under you but...."

"I ain't no nigga that get told 'but', you can go through whatever nigga' I'll hit you later or some. Maybe not ever again, lame ass stupid bitch,"

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