16. Je tape

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 Anything for them,"

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March 13, 2017


"Who the fuçk keeps calling you sunshine? It's literally three in the morning,"

Nala peeled her eyes open and groaned, she untangled herself from Kasim's arms and reached over to grab her phone. With one eye shut and one squinted from the brightness of her screen she quickly jolted up and answered, having seven missed calls from the contact Kylan—her sixteen year old baby brother—her heart started to beat rapidly out of her chest, her panic alerted Kasim as he sat up and turned the light on.

"Is it Ky? Ori?"

Nala fingers trembled as she slid her finger across the screen, "what is it Ky? Is everything okay?"

The line was silent, other than the occasional sniffling on the other end of the phone.

"C—can you come get me Ka, please? I can't do this no more, grandma is having one of her episodes and I called mom but she told me that I can deal with it, because she survived and you did too, and you turned out fine," he told her, "I think she fractured my ribs this time, i—it was so bad,"

Nala quickly stood to her feet and made it to her room, she grabbed anything to slip on. Kasim and Zuri not too far behind her, not asking any questions. She figured they'd heard him because he was on speaker, and anytime he called she'd go to him no matter what. Her heart broke for him, she knew exactly what he as going through and she promised him as soon as he turned eighteen that she could legally take him in, he hadn't called her in months now pertaining any abuse. They'd talk but he hadn't been truthful about their grandmother's abusive ways, he never wanted to bother Nala for more that what she does for him. She literally took care of him.

"I'm on my way Ky, pack whatever it is of importance. You're not going back, we're going to the police and hospital, I'm sick of this shît."

She was shocked that this time he hadn't refused either option but simply told her, "okay," and to the best of his abilities got up to pack his things.


Arriving to the home Nala hadn't stepped foot in since she was kicked out on the streets as a teen, she felt her heart rate increase. She also hadn't faced Nancy since back then as well, this would be her first time seeing her being it' pained Kylan to walk and she would have to go in and get him, "come on sweetbaby, I ain't gonna let nothing happen to you or him, don't give her the satisfaction." Kasim grabbed her hand and coached her, she locked eyes with him, she felt like a small child again.

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