Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x...

By Guardian4674

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(Y/N) was a Young, Joyful boy who was best-friends with 5 identical sisters. Until an accident changes him fo... More

Chapter 1: Lost Feelings
Chapter 2: Lost Feelings 2
Chapter 3: Lost Feelings 3
Chapter 4: Fresh Beginnings!
Chapter 5: Morning Tests
Chapter 6: Check-Mate!
Chapter 7: Shokugeki!
Chapter 8: Recollection!
Chapter 9: A Visit?
Chapter 10: Fireworks 1
Chapter 11: Fireworks 2 (Miku)
Chapter 12: Fireworks 3 (Ichika)
Chapter 13: Fireworks 4 (Itsuki)
Chapter 14: Solving a Mystery!
Chapter 15: Ultimatum / Counter!
Chapter 16: Karaoke!
Chapter 18: Encounter!
Chapter 19: Secrets in the Snow!
Chapter 20: Lost in Power 1
Chapter 21: Lost in Power 2
Chapter 22: Lost in Power 3
Chapter 23: I Choose.... [Finale!]

Chapter 17: Mid-Terms!

158 3 0
By Guardian4674

 Nino PoV

It was the night, tomorrow is the last day before the finals. Thanks to Uesugi being stupid I know that if we fail he's gone. But. . .  that's unsettling. I snuck out of my room and looked over the balcony. I saw (Y/N) sleeping like a baby in a hammock. I walked to the stairs when I heard a door open.

"Eh? Nino!" Itsuki whisper shouted, I shushed her as I pointed at (Y/N).  She looked and nodded, not wanting to wake him.

"Why are you awake!" I whispered, She seemed to shimmy in her place. "I-I wanted to check on (Y/N)..." I sighed at her response but giggled myself.

"Let's go check on him together." I smiled. We may be love rivals but she is my baby sister first and foremost. We crept out way to the hammock and smiled looking at the boy finally looking peaceful in his sleep. 

"Itsuki. . . Who ever passes. . .  Will be allowed to confess." I said, I knew it would be against my favor but I just felt it would be right. Seeing how close these two are, I'm okay with it.

"A-are you sure?" She seemed concerned. I just nodded and smiled, I could feel it was bitter sweet but I knew it was the right call. "I won't loose tho!" I retorted, I heard him grobble as we looked at him. We giggled and kissed his forehead as we made our ways to our rooms and got a good rest.

No PoV

It was morning and (Y/N) stretched as he raised out of my hammock. He looked around and noticed no one was awake yet so he decided to checked his phone and saw it was 6:30. 

"No wonder the sun was just now rising." He thought as he went and got some water and did a little light stretching. He went to his bag and grabbed his training clothes. The reason he wore these specific clothes is due to their increased weight and flexibility. He finished changing and went to the balcony and did a hefty workout, all while using his aura. 

"Release. 80%" He thought as he felt his body surge with power, but his muscles began to strain. He got on his hands and started by doing 1,000 handstand pushups. Which he managed to complete in about 15minutes as he moved on to situps and crunches, each at 1,000. Unknown to him however, he had spectators.

"W-Woah..." Nino said with a massive blush on her face, blood coming out of her nose as she quickly grabbed a tissue. 

"Y-Yeah... We've seen him shirtless but this just shows he put the work in." Itsuki said, trying to hold back her drool, also having a tissue in her nose to stop the blood. 

The two shook their heads as Itsuki sat at the table and Nino began to make breakfast, She made eggs benedict for herself, Itsuki, as well as Ichika who just arrived downstairs. After about 30-45 minutes it was done and she made her way to the balcony door.

"Darling~, breakfasts ready!" She said as he stood up and took the towel Nino had offered him. She smiled as she lead him inside and told him to quickly wash up. He nodded as he took his pair of clothes and went to take a quick shower. After about 15 minutes, he walked out in a black tshirt, light blue jacket and normal jeans. 

"Thanks for the meal!" They all prayed as they began to eat.

"You never get up this early Ichika. I'm kind of shocked." Itsuki said. (Y/N) blinked twice confused. 

"Yeah but i'm still the last one to get out of bed. Miku slept in my room but I'm not sure how early she got up." Ichika said, curious as to where the middle sister could have been.

"Yotsuba went into town to try and find her but she hasn't comeback yet." Nino deadpanned, clearly understanding they sent the wrong person. 

"And what about him?" Itsuki said as she bit into her breakfast. (Y/N) clapping as he had finished and began to wash his dished finally spoke.

"Most likely still asleep." He said as he dried his plate and made his way upstairs. "I'll check." He knocked on the door as it burst open to show Uesugi. (Y/N) hearing a faint noise combined with the tutor's expression. Pushed him into the room deducing.

"Miku is in here. I should have known." (Y/N) said pulling out his phone.

"Who are you calling?" He asked.

"Tim. He's gonna kill you." (Y/N) said casually as he was about to hit dial. Uesugi pleaded him not to in which (Y/N) sighed. 

"I was joking, She most likely involunteerily made her way in here out of reflex." (Y/N) said as he was about to leave.

"I'm gonna call you. When I say "Ligma" The coast is clear and you two can come out. Alright?"

They nodded as he called Uesugi who placed it on speaker, (Y/N) muting his side so no noise came through. He went downstairs to suggest everyone get's ready to go out and study at the library where Miku was waiting. Itsuki, Nino and Ichika shurgged as Nino went to her room. Itsuki her room, and Ichika left to head to the library. (Y/N) gave the signal as Uesugi left and not long after so did Miku, both in normal clothes as (Y/N) deadpanned. 


After having stayed the night again, (Y/N) woke up and saw the clock said 8:15am. . .  when school reports at 8:30am. . .  and today was the midterms.

"OH MY GOD!!!!" He screamed mentally as he took in a deep breath, ready to scream.


"Not so loud (Y/N)..." Uesugi said before realizing the time. Soon everyone followed suit as Yotsuba was already out the door and running to school. Not long after everyone else got to running as (Y/N) was leading the charge. Nino panicking about make up to which (Y/N) responded:

" You're beautiful either way so get moving!" 

He saw Miku helping an old lady which (Y/N) sighed at the noble act. Ichika was exhausted, and tried to sleep but (Y/N) sprayed her face with a water spritzer. Itsuki was stopped by food as (Y/N) sighed and bought her a meatbun and himself one as well. 

They eventually made their way to the school as they hid from the Guidance Counsler. At least..... everyone but (Y/N).

"(Y/N)! Sit down you'll be caught!" Uesugi said. 

"Pfft. Please I'll be fine, come on." (Y/N) said as he walked to the front entrance. With the quints behind him.

"You there! You're all late! You're going to the off-"

"Why Mr.Shikumaro, I do hope your not threatening the person who pays you." (Y/N) said, with a creepy smile. 

"S-Sorry sir." He moved aside as everyone watched in awe. "They are exused as well, am I correct." (Y/N) said as he glared at the teacher.

"Y-Yes sir!" 

"Good, we'll be off then." 

They made their way to the classrooms as Nino was questioning (Y/N).

"Okay just how much influence do you have?" She questioned, while the two walked to their class. 

"I own majority of the major industries in the city. Schools, Hospitals, Apartments, Resorts, etc. I can literally control anything." He said. "But don't worry about that, just focus on your exams. I hope our study sessions didn't go to waist."

"T-They didn't! I'll prove it!" She said, (Y/N) smiled as he could feel the fire radiating from her. "Good, I hope you pass!"


They entered as the teacher was about to accuse them of being late, but once he saw the blizzard forming around (Y/N)'s stare, he clammed up. The two took their seat and began the test, (Y/N) finishing fastest out of the whole school, and getting 500 overall as the teachers just knew he was. He was excused from the room as he rushed to change in the bathroom, having an important meeting with the school board today. 

"Do your best guys!" He thought as he walked out of the bathroom in a fitted black suit with a white button down and a black skinny tie. His eyes dawned a pair of aviators as he made his way to the office.


Everyone was gathered around in the library. Ready to read their exam results to Uesugi, who still doesn't know the deal that (Y/N) struck with their daddy. 

"Thank you all for gathering here today." Uesugi said, hurt in his voice.

"Dude, why do you make this sound like it's a funeral?" (Y/N) exclaimed, a little shocked at his formality.

"Yeah Fuutaro, why so formal?" Ichika said in her cheerful tone.

"It's about the test results right? Can you go over the ones we got wrong?" Miku asked, (Y/N) snickered to himself.

"What's so funny?" They all pouted. (Y/N) chuckled as he waved them off.

"Alright! Let's see those results!" (Y/N) said as Uesugi seemed relunctant. They all deadpanned as his confidence was overwhelming. They sighed as Yotsuba was up first.

"I didn't do well, I guessed in Japanese and managed to squeeze by." Yotsuba said sheepishly.

"I managed to pass history but that's in the best of my ability for now." Miku said. 

"I got by in Mathmatics. And so you know, I did try my best." She said with a wink. Causing (Y/N) to sigh. He then looked at Nino and Itsuki.

"I-It's private information!" Itsuki exclaimed, (Y/N) sighed knowing she probably didn't do well.

"Well, Just so you know darling~. I scored a 154. Only failing 2 subjects."

"I-I got the same (N/N)."

The two locked eyes, Nino and Itsuki chuckling as their competition came to a stalemate. (Y/N) on the otherhand, was about to cry with joy. He ran and hugged the girls with a powerful bearhug.

"I knew you girls could do it! I'm so proud!"

The two blushed but didn't fight the embrace. (Y/N) put them down as his phone began to ring. 

"Hello Dr. Nakano."

They all whipped their heads to (Y/N) who was on the phone with their father.

"So (Y/N), I take it you're with my daughters? I would like to know their scores please."

"Sure thing! I will say not everyone passed, however, Nino and Itsuki both passed overall."

"That's good to hear. I'm glad to see your theory about this has paid off."

"Yep! So........ can I tell them?"

"Go ahead."

With that the phonecall ended as (Y/N) looked at them with a massive grin.

"Uesugi! YOU are NOT fired!"

"HUUUUH!?!" They screamed as the librarian shushed them and they apologized.

"What do you mean 'not fired' the condition he placed was they all passed and we didn't make it!" He said clearly annoyed. (Y/N) just laughed.

"While that was originally true, I called him after you told me and struck a deal with him."

"What kind of deal?" Nino and Itsuki said as they were skeptic of him. 

"I offered him a new position, as Director/Represenative of the hospital. It would increase his pay, lighten his load. And allow him more family time." He smiled as the girls were shocked.

"I know he isn't around much but I can tell he want's to be a good and active father deep down. So this I felt was a right call." He continued.

"(Y/N). You never cease to amaze me." Ichika chuckled as Yotsuba was in awe. Uesugi breathed a sigh of relief as they all laughed. 

"Now then, how about a reward for your hard efforts? How does Parfait sound?" (Y/N) exclaimed. "I own a good shop by the station, and since Nino and Itsuki passed, they a Jumbo one."

"DEAL" The two exclaimed as they rest chuckled. They made their way to the parfait shop.

On a nearby roof, watching the 7 walk down the sidewalk, was a man with Grey long hair and blood red right eye and a black eyepatch on his left eye. He wore a crimson coat with rough tan fur on the collar and bottom. Black tactical pants with a grey military jacket underneath the coat and grey gloves. He had a sword on his back as well as a deagle on his hip. 

"Tomorrow is going to be fun











The figure licked his lips as he dissappeared in a black shadow.

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