Chapter 13: Fireworks 4 (Itsuki)

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(Y/N) was currently running through the crowd, Looking for any sign of his Red-Headed friend. "Damn It!" He screamed frustrated, causing him to get funny looks from families at the festival with their kids. As he continued running he bumped into someone who seemed to be American, with short ginger hair and freckles. 

"Sorry bout that!" (Y/N) bowed as he noticed what appeared to be his twin beside him. They hesitated for a moment before the girl forced him to bow as she did as well. "No we're sorry about this, Zack-Attack here can't seem to get his mind away from the food." "THAT'S IT!"

"Say, were you all at the food stall's just now?" He asked the siblings who nodded their heads, signalling that they were. "Would you have happened to see a beautiful girl with scarlet red hair and two golden star hair-pens anywhere?"

"N-No I can't say I have. Do you need help looking for her?" The girl asked to which (Y/N) nodded. "I made a promise to her and her sisters that I would reunite them after they got seperated. But they seemed to have gotten seperated." 

The two looked at eachother and smiled. "We can help you!" The boy exclaimed. "I'm Zack by the way!"

"And I'm Ivy!"

"I'm (Y/N), nice too meet you

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"I'm (Y/N), nice too meet you. Oh! Here-" (Y/N) went to grab a photo of him and Itsuki from the arcade earlier but heard a voice calling from the crowd. 

"Zack! Ivy! Where'd you guys go?"

The two looked a little fearful as they glanced back at eachother then got an idea. "Carm! Over here!" Zack shouted as he waved his hand in the air. Soon enough a girl who appeared to be Argentinian with dark reddish-brown hair in a messy bun and a red jacket. (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a familiar pressence from her.

 (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a familiar pressence from her

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"Black Sheep?"


The two looked at each other and blinked a few times before he was hugged by his old friend. She backed away as another familiar face appeared from behind the girl. This man being an older japanese man with a buzzed haircut and aviators, with a black polo shirt. 

Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x Male Reader x Itsuki Nakano)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant