Chapter 10: Fireworks 1

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Nino Pov

That bastard Uesugi was forcing us to do our homework before the fireworks festival. As if I wasn't already annoyed from Itsuki and (Y/N) being all buddy buddy now I have to do this. Luckily we were almost done. I glanced up from my work and noticed (Y/N) was out on the balcony, on the phone. I couldn't tell but it seemed he was clutching his chest. 

"Is he okay?" I thought, I couldn't help stay mad at him. His demeanor and personality, you just couldn't stay mad at. So calm and collected but also fun loving and joyful. We soon all finished up our work as I went to go check on him while Itsuki changed into her Kimono. 

"T-Thanks ag-gain Rook." He proceeded to finish his phone call as I walked up too him. He was breathing heavy. 

"Hey, you okay (N/N)?" I asked? It was odd seeing his so vulnerable. He seemed shocked by me presence but didn't take his hand off his chest. Slowly he fixed his posture and proceeded to walk over to me. "Y-Yeah I'm fine." He had a weak smile, I could tell it was fake. 

"What's actually going on?" 

"Let's j-just say f-festivals aren't really. . .  t-the most f-favorable memory of m-mine." He was stuttoring. He was scared. I took his free hand and looked him in the eyes. I pet his head as his breathing slowed back to normal. He seemed to understand I wanted him to focus on my hand. 


"Yeah. Much better. Thanks Butterfly." I blushed madly at the complement. "Idiot."

He chuckled as we went back inside, Itsuki having a smug look on her face as she was looking at us. Actually. . .  they all did.

"What's with that face!" I said angerly. What I didn't notice was (Y/N) walk to the elevator and make his way down. 

(Y/N) PoV

I walked into an apartment on the 15th floor of the Pentagon Apartments. It wasn't very impressive and was spotless. It was the apartment of my best buddy Jin Choi. He was a korean pretty boy who trained with us back in the temple, he was Tim's Partner. 

"(Y/N), good to see you. Rook's changing right now." He said walking up to me as I fist bumped him. He was known to be a decently popular idol here in Japan due to his looks and singing voice. But he rarely performed, due to our little arrangement between Him, Myself, Rook, and our friend Tayls who was away in America tell the third year. 

"Still have my spare clothes? I don't wanna go out dressed like this." I asked to which he nodded and handed me a box filled with my clothes from last time I stayed here. It was a blue parka with a fuzzy hood and a plain white T-shirt. I changed my shoes out for blue hightop sneakers as I made my way to the garage to put my clothes away. As I entered the lobby from my car I noticed the quints leaving the elevator.

"There you are (Y/N). Wait.... when did you change?" Fuutaro asked. I chuckled as I rubbed my neck. "I have a good friend who lives in this building. Actually they are accompanying us, hope that's okay." I said as if on que the elevator dinged and out came Tim and Jin. 

"Hey Miku-'s? The fuck?" Tim asked, He had on a pink buttoned shirt untucked that said badman on the back with jeans and boots on. Jin wore a red turtle pink turtleneck and a black blazer overtop of it. 

Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x Male Reader x Itsuki Nakano)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum