Evan (CC) Afton X Fem. Y/n

By Its_Me_Micheal

13.4K 210 1.4K

(I give up on the cover design -_-) chapters come in late, please tell me ideas bc my brain shit More

⚠️ ⚠️ WARNINGS⚠️ ⚠️
⚜Prolong⚜ (i think?-)
❣💟Y/n's Information 💟❣
[C1] Long Time no See
[C2] Nightmare
[C3] Mixed Signals?
[C4] School is Hell!
[C4 part 2?] Alternate ending
[C5] Truth is Out! -☁️/🍋?-
[C6] More then Friends -🍋-
[C6] Lockers -🍋-
[C7] Forgot
Happy New Years!!!!
Q and A
[C9] Bonding & Answers
Q&A part 2
[C10] Morning
[C11] Day Off Pt1 -🍋?-
[C12] Day Off Pt-2 -🍋-
[C13] Panic Set in Stone
A/n idk
[C14] Girl Time
[C15] Just more Mysteries
[C16] Replay
[C17] Welcome Back
200 Special
[C18] Decent Morning
[C19] Liz Time
[C20] Questioning
[C21] Phone Call
[C22] Socializing
[C23] Arcade

[C8] Saved..

297 2 83
By Its_Me_Micheal

I apologize for the late post :( my phone had. . . problems- aka water damage, so i need to get a new one since the charge port doesnt work with my charger but my dads- ughhh so yeah i deeply apologize and the fact i just copy all this from my docs from my (school) computer and paste it here on my phone and edit it with any bolding and italicing, but enjoy again i deeply apologize for it being late!

-Small recap real quick-

I watched as my angel boy walked out, I smiled and got cozy in bed, thank you, I thought as I drift to sleep, just immediately jolted awake hearing the window glass break. I looked up and saw a familiar face.. And a not so good one. I was about to shout for someone or run out, but he got on top of me quickly and held a cloth to my mouth and nose. The smell of chemicals filled my nose. I tried to fight back the feeling of lightheadedness and get him off but he was too strong for me. No, I was getting weaker, what chemicals is this?..

My body started going limp as my mind went blank, consciousness slipping in and out, every time I blinked I was in a different spot, from behind held down on the bed, from being carried out, a truck, then darkness. Finally fully losing consciousness.

[A while later+Evan's POV]

"Find anyone?" Michael asked, i shook my head, sitting on the couch next to him, Elizabeth held up a plate of cut up fruit and vegetables, i denied the food, sinking into the couch, "Also ask Y/n what movie she was watching earlier, it sounded interesting" i looked at Liz curiously, "Y/n wasn't watching a movie when i left", "After you left maybe" i thought for a moment, yeah maybe. I shrugged and got up and headed up to my room.

I looked around the room, and someone broke in... I walked over to the bed, seeing a note slightly hidden under the blankets, I took it and read it. 'Don't try looking for my bird' was all it said, I gripped the paper note in my hands, throwing it somewhere in the room, "My bird?.. No, no, I'll find her.. I'll find her"

[Y/n's POV]

My senses started to re awaken as I noticed I was now conscious, I looked up seeing the man again, "Awake finally, my bird?" he said, that ugly smirk perched on his face, i was about to say something before i noticed there was a gag in my mouth, he laughed, "Little bird, your not going to escape like that" he said, "Not that you ever will, not again" i glared at him, hating every word he said.

"Your never going to be saved, Y/n~" the way he said my name made me more scared, he walked closer to me, his hand tracing my neck to my neck then my shoulder, i shivered at the disgusting touch, "Don't fight back, i'll make sure you will be enjoying this again soon~"



Please, save me..



I watched as the man walked over to a table across the room, grabbing a syringe, oh great another needle. I need to stay strong, Evan… someone will find me. “This may make you feel a little- woozy he said as he walked over, sticking the needle in my arm, injecting the liquid in me. I hissed at the pain, he sure isn’t good with needles. He smirked as he finished and pulled the needle out, observing me, my body started to feel weaker after a few moments, not good.

The man walked out of the room soon after, I took this chance to look around my surroundings, nothing useful, besides the tinted small window. A basement window! I tried to move but a sudden surge a pain filled my body making me clench my jaw against the gag in my mouth, what the fuck kind of drug did he put in me?!

My breathing started to become quick and heavy, shit Y/n stop hyperventilating and calm down! Find a way to escape, make a plan. I forced my brain to think, looking around the room more. A table half filled with torture tools while the other half with sex toys- Y/n calm down! Don't over think, you're going to get out. I sighed, a plain wooden chair, the small single tinted window, the corner- to the stairway? Nothing useful! Damn it!...

[Evan’s POV]

I compressed my anger and tried to stay calm after seeing the note, I headed out again to the backyard seeing a clear trail of boot prints. I followed the trail over the fence and to a backroad, “Steps end here.. But not the wheel tracks” a thought came to me, what- no- who took her? ‘Little bird’ my ass, she is mine… i shifted into a shadow to allow me to move quicker and to not be spotted, following the tire tracks swiftly.

After a few minutes, the tracks became harder and harder to keep sight of as it moved to concrete and I was only able to follow the barely visible dirt tracks. Soon I came to a small neighborhood, now to find out which house she was taken into, I thought to myself as I went to each house, keeping in the shadows, I looked through each window of each house. Nothing. I can't find any evidence of Y/n being in any of these houses.

As I checked the last house, I saw a man walk out of the door and passed me in the shadows. My eyes widened as I caught the scent of Y/n on him, so I quickly turned back and moved into the house quickly before the door shut. I scanned around the house, nothing out of the normal ordinary. Definitely a very lonely man, empty in fact, no books, no pictures, just plain boring shit, “He must be really old” I blankly said out loud.

[some more time later]

I groaned, maybe he just had her scent because she was still in the car! But I smell her near! I slammed my fist against the wall out of frustration, “One more scan around the house then I'll leave” I sighed out until I heard footsteps at the door, quickly shifting to a shadow and hid under a couch to blend in. “Ugh, after a long day I can finally see my little birdlittle bird..? Yeah I'm definitely at the right place then, but where is she?

The man walked to the kitchen and opened the closet door, I moved closer seeing he lifted the carpet which had a hatch door underneath!? What?! I kept as calm as I could while he opened the door which had stairways going down, of course it is a hidden basement, he's a creep. I followed him down and the first thing I saw was a table with.. Torture tools and sex toys… “I'm back birdy” the man said, I looked over seeing Y/n cuffed to the wall… my blood boiled seeing her like this, i grabbed one of the torture tools from the table, scalpel.. Not the best, but doesn't mean it won't work.

This point I wasn't invisible anymore, but since the man's back was turned to me, he didn't notice but Y/n did.

[Y/n's POV +a while ago]

I keep hearing footsteps upstairs and it's making me anxious, I don't know if it's him, or someone else.. Or Evan. But despite who it might be I still need to try to escape myself, but the damn drug is making me so light headed it's hard to get a solid thought, moving is out of the question since my body is now just sensitive as fuck now.

That's why he left, to wait until the drug was in full gear, shit. The footsteps upstairs suddenly stopped and someone else walked in, the floorboards are so thin I can hear it, two people I'm guessing?

The steps came closer and after a few seconds I heard a door creek open by the stairs and steps go down, “I'm back birdy” the man said. Fear instantly struck throughout my whole body, no one is coming to save me, I can't move, he's going to torture me, what if he kills me?!

But then I noticed a second being behind him, grabbing something from the table of bs, is he with him?- my eyes widen when the second person lifted his arm, stabbing him, he let out a loud yell, stepping towards me. The other guy stepped closer too, Evan. “I dont know who you fucking think you are, taking Y/n from me, i dont even want to think what the hell you were even going to do to her” he growled, grabbing the collar of his shirts, holding the blade to his throat.

“Wh-who the hell are you?” the man asked him, “Evan Afton” he answered, a creepy ass grin forming on his face, he's enjoying that is he?! I tried to move again but again pain hit me more than it should, thanks to the drug! Fuck. “Calm down Y/n, I'll get you free, just relax okay?” Evan said calmly. I looked at him and gave a small nod. The man groaned, “She isn't yours and every Afton is dead and I know that for a fact!” Evan chuckled, stabbing him in the gut, I shut my eyes, I don't want to see blood..

But even if I did shut my eyes, it didn't block out the sound of the blade repeatedly stabbing into the man, blood curdling screams echoed in the room. I could feel tears fall down my face and warm small liquid splashes on me, it makes me want to puke, I know its blood… After what felt like forever, the screams finally stopped but not the stabbing, the sound made my blood cold.

Evan sighed, metal clinging down on the floor, i flitched feeling a hand on my face, “Hey, hey it's okay, I'm here, it's just me” I opened my eyes to see Evan was right in front of me. I felt more tears run down my face, he took the gag out of my mouth and freed me from the wall, but before i could even stand straight i fell down, “Oh careful” he said, helping me up, i winced in pain as he held me in a tight grip, either the drug is making this a dozen times worse than it actually is or he is actually gripping my arm and waist so hard its like hes trying to break my body!

“Are.. you okay? He didn't do anything to you did he?” I shook my head a little and leaned against him, I looked over his shoulder, gasping. It was like a scene from a horror movie, blood, everywhere, he was just laying there lifeless in his own blood pool… He covered my face, “Don't look.. I'm sorry for what i did, i was pissed off seeing you like that” he quietly said, holding me close, i cried, everything that just happened terrified the hell out of me.

I'm so glad he came before anything else happened… I don't want to relive what happened last time..


[Evan’s POV]

I sighed, she passed out. “I'll be back later” i said to the man, teleporting back to my room, i laid her on the bed and looked at her sleeping face, “Im sorry Y/n, i couldn't protect you..” i broke my fucking promise, i didnt watch her, i didnt protect her like i promised.. I clutched my fist, knocking from the door broke me out of my thoughts, walked over and opened the door seeing Michael, “What”, “I just came to check on you- why are you covered in blood?” I rolled my eyes, trying to suppress my anger.

“I dont want to talk about it right now” he nodded, “Is Y/n okay?”, “Why the fuck do you even care!?” his eyes widened, putting his hands up, “Hey calm down, i'm just worried, especially Elizabeth” i looked at him confused. He sighed, putting his hands in his pocket, “Liz kept checking your room because she was looking for you and Y/n, i didn't think much of it until it was 4 hours that you two were not spotted” he explained, “We searched everywhere you or her could be but no luck”

I sighed, looking down, “Sorry for snapping at you.. and .. thanks for- being worried” I mumbled. “Want to talk about it downstairs?” he asked, pointing to the stairway with his thumb, I shook my head, I don't want to leave Y/n alone in a room again… “Want to talk about it in your room?” I nodded and stepped aside as he walked in, sitting on the edge of the bed. I shut the door and walked over, sitting between him and a sleeping Y/n, “From what i know, someone either broke in, someone broke your window and Y/n disappeared and you too after you just got back”

I sighed and explained to Michael everything that happened, from tracking the trail of marks to the house, searching the house, when the man came back, the basement, the table, and what I did… and Y/n’s condition at the moment. He listened to every word I said, understanding my sudden snapping earlier.

“That all does make sense now” he mumbled in thought, “Is the man dead?”, “Not yet, I'm going to go back there later.. I don't know, I don't want to leave her alone again” he put his hand on my shoulder, “Liz and I can watch over her while you go do what you need to do” I smiled at him and hugged him. “Thanks Mike”, “No problem, she's basically a part of the family at this point” he said

“And no one messes with family” I looked over at Y/n that was still sleeping, then back at Michael, “Can you watch over her now?-” I asked, “Yeah, I'll watch her till you get back” he patted my back and walked over to the bed. I stepped to the door and looked back, “I'll be back in a hour, or less”, “Take as long at you need bro”

I nodded and walked out, teleporting back to the shit hole basement. Sure I stabbed the fuck out of him with the smallest blade to exist and he's being an over exaggerating bitch, but that's just a last life lesson. He better remember it in his afterlife. “Hey old man, i know you're alive” i said, kicking his body over, he groaned and opened his eyes, eyes that disgust me. I kneeled down, “Hm, how should i end your miserable life? Slowly and painfully kill you or a quick and painless death?”

Even though I gave these two options, I won't describe what kind of way I will proceed, “S-Second-.. One..-” he gasps out, quick and painless, as i said, springlocks. He already lost a lot of blood and is hanging by a thread, springlocks will surely make it as quick as dad’s death since he was alive fine. I stood up and summoned an old springlock suit, the prototype Henry and dad made, very unstable mechanics making the spring locks just as easy to activate.

I watched the man look at the suit shocked, he must really know his Afton information, he should be scared. “C-an i ch-choose the other o-option?” i ignored his pathetic request and put him into the suit, not even after a second the locks activated, he yelled with what little breath he had left, some of the blood splashing onto me as the sharp metal and plastic pierced into his skin.

Blood oozed out of his body, a puddle of it surrounded him to my shoes, it wasn't long later till his screams and begs muted, no more movement came from him so i teleported the suit back to where it was before, along with the body just in case he becomes like father. But more in pain. I smirked to myself and teleported a few gasoline jugs in front of me and some matches in my hand that I put in my pocket, grabbed one of the gasoline and opened the cap and poured it all over the basement, doing the same to the rest of the house.

Nothing there was worth taking. After I finished covering everything in the gasoline to a trail all the way to the truck outside, I took out a few matches and lit it, tossing them into the gasoline. I watched everything burn, maybe I should have brought Michael to come watch the fire too, he loves fire. Well, I guess he is watching Y/n keeping her safe. Y/n. she makes me feel so much, she makes me do things i wouldnt do for anyone, i would have just killed a random man, not torturing the fucking hell out of them.

Well he did deserve it. He was a rapist and a kidnapper.. I sighed and teleported back to the house, “Woah what happened to you?”, “Shut your clown ass up” I snarled, “Well jeez, talk about period” i looked at my twin with anger, “Shut. Up.” Elizabeth rolled her eyes. I walked to the bathroom and looked behind the mirror (you know those mirrors with compartments behind them?-) grabbing the aspirin.

“Shit it's almost gone” I mumbled, dropping the last 2 pills and swallowing them dry. I don't feel like getting a cup of water. I leaned against the counter, waiting for the pills to kick in. This headache is worse than my other ones, maybe because I used my teleportation too much, yeah maybe that. I shifted to my original form, my death form as we call it, “I looked like shit” I chuckled to myself.

I sighed and took off my old shirt and tossed it to the ground. I grabbed a rag and soaked it with water, cleaning off blood from my shoulders to my face. It's been a while since I last cleaned the blood, I thought as I rinsed the rag in the sink, watching the blood mixed with water go down the drain, “Shit, I forgot to find the nightmares a victim for this week” I left the rag in the sink to soak up, shifting back to my more normal form.

I walked to my room seeing Michael still by Y/n  reading a book, nerd. “How is Y/n doing?” I asked, “She's still asleep, though she did wake up not too long ago and I gave her some medicine and went back to sleep” he explained. He got up and then left the room, I stepped to the edge of the bed next to Y/n, watching her sleep peacefully. “Your really something, my love”

[Later+Y/n’s POV]

I was gaining consciousness, noticing the soft feeling on me, i opened my eyes seeing it was Evan’s wing. Smiling i turned over seeing he's fast asleep, whatever pills Terran- Michael gave me sure worked since im not in so much pain, thankfully. He has changed a lot, matured to be in fact, hes not an asshole all the time anymore and he even helped me, me and Evan. Wait- does Michael even regret it? . . . no he must regret it, did Evan forgive him though? How did that apology even go?!

“Y/n-” i looked over at Evan, i must have been in my thoughts for too long i didn't reilize i got out of bed- “Are you okay?” he asked, “Im okay, just thinking” i chuckled out, going back into bed with him, “Yeah i heard”, “You can read minds-?!” he laughed, “No no no, you were just thinking out loud” he explained. “How much?” i asked, he pulled me on his lap, “Mm all of it” he mumbled.

. . . “Going to leave me unanswered?” he nodded, “Not yet” i sighed, a bit upset, ill ask Michael later then instead. The room fell scilent, kinda uncomfterble to be honest, “How are you feeling?” Evan asked, breaking the scilence, “Better, the pills Michael gave me helped and i took my medication”, “And thats for?” i chuckled, “Imma leave you also unanswered” i responded with a proud grin on my face. He looked at me with a serious experesion, “Im just curious and its a bit important”, “So is my questions”

He sighed and laid back on the bed, pulling me down with him, his arm placed around my waist, “Stubborn”, “Says you” he chuckled and kissed me, “Love you”, “Retry” he looked at me confused, “Retry” i repeat, booping his nose, I love you” he rephrased, i smiled and kissed him, “I love you too”

-tO bE cOnTiNuEd-

This is actually a nice cliffhanger actually- like not a mid scene cliffhanger like last changer, hope y'all enjoyed it :) I sure did, tho I had to do a lot of editing during the torturing scene because originally the man was supposed to be torn limb from limb but I chose the spring lock death, throws in a Afton flare ;)

Till next time on- nah jk, qna is still open, there's no limits and any character is available to choose! I'm working on qna part 2 right now, that's all all, bye bye!

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