The Canary's Birdcage (Dangan...

By VanillaVanguard

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(Previously titled 'Never Be Back Where We Began') Already interested in Hope's Peak Academy, or more specifi... More

Info and Intro
P-1 Wake-up Call
P-2 The New Way
1-1 Check Your Surroundings
1-2 Broken Stories
1-3 From The Outside
1-4 The First To Fall
1-5 The First to Counter
1-6 A Gift to Mankind Itself
2-1 The New World
2-2 Intentions
2-3 Secrets, Secrets
2-4 Delete System 32
2-5 Genocide
2-6 Insecurities
3-1 Bittersweet
3-2 Rivals in Love? I Guess?
3-3 Roundabout Chase
3-4 Roundabout Investigation
3-5 Dice Vs Feathers
3-6 Going Up Salem
4-1 Trust
4-2 He's Breaking
4-3 Divided
4-4 The Spy's Expired
4-5 Carousel of Blame
4-6 Too Strong
5-1 Beginning of the End
5-2 Pushing Up Daisies
5-3 On Air
5-4 Guess Who
6-1 From the Ashes... or Trash
6-2 Investigation Finale
6-3 Ultimate Despair
6-4 Ultimate Hope
E- Opening the Birdcage
Ending Thoughts

5-5 Traps and Lies

116 3 4
By VanillaVanguard

"Oh-!" Hina suddenly remembered somenthing

"See? Pretty good idea, right?"

"No, not that! I just remembered something super serious!"

"Well, don't just stand there. Out with it." Byakuya ordered


[Persona 4]

"You know that knife we found all black and burnt?"

"The one we found stuck in the body before it exploded, right?" Hiro asked for clarification "According to the Monokuma File, the knife went all the way through, from front to back. So? What about it?"

"I'm pretty sure I'd seen that knife somewhere before... That's what I thought when I first saw it. I just remembered!"

"I-It's...the knife we g-gave to Makoto!?" Toko also remembered

Makoto just sighed

"You don't seem surprised. You must have noticed earlier..." Byakuya deduced


"Then why did you hide that fact?"

"It's not that I hid it. It's just..."

"Suspicious... Very suspicious indeed! The knife we found stuck in the body came from Makoto! Now I'm totally convinced he did it! Twelve thousand percent convinced!" Hiro exclaimed

"Just because I had the knife once that automatically makes me the killer?" Makoto argued

"Well, getting stabbed is what killed her right? So there's no question! You took that knife of yours and killed her with it!"

"Wait, hold on. The stab wound isn't what killed Mukuro. That should be clear from the description of the cover-up we just heard!"

"Lies! We never talked about what killed her!"

"No, don't you remember? The killer covered the dead body with the tarp, and then put the bloody coat on it, right? In other words, the victim never wore that bloodstained coat until after they were dead."

"Okay, fine! So what!?"

"So, when we discovered the body... the knife had been thrust through the coat along with the body. Meaning, if she wasn't stabbed until the coat was put on, and she was already dead at that point obviously the stab wound isn't what killed her!"

"M-Maybe you stabbed her twice! Once to kill her, and once to cover it up!"

"The Monokuma File clearly states that there was only one stab wound."

"Oh yeah, it sure did! I totally forgot about that!"

"Then the knife..." Hina trailed off

"...was just another piece of camouflage set up by the true killer." Makoto finished "They probably stabbed her to draw attention away from what actually killed her. Exploding the body afterward was probably meant to do the same thing. The explosion severely damaged the body, making it impossible to know what really killed her. It was all the killer's attempt to destroy all evidence of their crime!"

"So they wanted us to notice the stab wound, and then detonated the body afterward... They meant for us to latch onto the knife as the cause of death, then destroy any evidence proving otherwise." Byakuya said

"Oh, hey, I have a question!" Hina called for attention "It kinda goes back to the beginning, but... What's the deal with that explosion, anyway? Why'd the body just blow up all of a sudden like that?"

"If you bothered to put that lump of grey matter between your ears to use, you'd know the answer..."

"Well if you're so smart, just tell me!"

"I'll tell ya! I bet some unknown quantum particle caused an atomic-level spontaneous combustion!" Hiro... 'deduced'

"Do you know what any of those words mean?" Quill sighed

"Go ahead, Makoto. Tell her, or we won't make any headway on this." Byakuya passed it off

"After the explosion, we found a tiny fragment of something on the ground near the body, right? That fragment reveals the cause of the explosion." Makoto said

"Huh? You know, I feel like I've seen something like it before..." Hina thought

"That's only natural. Because, of course we saw the same thing when we dismantled Monokuma. It's part of a bomb."

"Oh! Then the explosion was cuz of the Monokuma bomb!"

"Anyway, the culprit's motive is becoming more and more obvious by the minute." Byakuya claimed "They wanted the knife wound to look like the fatal injury so that we'd suspect Makoto. And the only ones who would benefit from that... are the only other possible suspects. Quill and Kyoko."

"Hold on a second, Byakuya..." Makoto cut in

"...What's the problem?"

"Well I just feel like...we need to think this through. We still don't know what actually killed the victim."

"That's true!" Hina agreed "It's definitely bugging me. What really killed her...?"

"...Fine, I have no problem with that. Let us continue the debate. It won't change the facts of the case, regardless." Byakuya said "Then shall we continue the debate? The victim's fatal injury has yet to be determined, correct?"

"The explosion didn't kill her for sure, I guess..." Hina added

"Well, yeah." Hiro agreed "She was already totally dead when that happened."

"And it wasn't b-because of the knife, right? Th-Then there's only one other thing..." Toko said

"Oh yeah, um...according to the Monokuma File... That's gotta be it! There was evidence that showed she was hit on the back of her head!"

"And more than that, the victim had suffered countless wounds across her entire body." Byakuya added

"Mukuro died because of the blow to the back of the head she suffered!" Makoto asserted

"What about the wounds all over the rest of her body? They didn't have anything to do with it?" Hiro asked

"The Monokuma File makes it clear that those weren't fresh wounds."

"Oh yeah, good point. If they were old, I guess they don't really matter."

"Okay, then we're safe in assuming the blow to the back of her head is what killed her." Byakuya said

"But then...what was the murder weapon?" Hina asked

"The M-Monokuma File says she was hit with a b-blunt object, about as think as a m-metal pipe..." Toko metioned

"...Oh! I bet it was the pickaxe!" Hiro exclaimed

"H-How is that even possible!? If you hit someone w-with that, it'd cave their s-skull in completely!"

"Well...maybe they held it the other way, and hit her with the handle!"

"No w-way. The balance would be all off. Y-You wouldn't be able to swing it with a-any kind of power... I w-wouldn't mind testing it on y-you if you want...!"

"N-No thanks... I bet you'd just hit me with the metal end and call it an accident..."

"I'd love to s-scoop out that nasty brain of yours, throw it on the g-ground, and spit on it!"

"Hahahaha! I feel the same way! Looks like we're on the same page this time!"

"Seriously...?" Hina sighed

"We want to figure out what killed her, right? I just so happens we already know." Byakuya got the conversation back on track

"W-We already know!? I knew we could count on you, M-Master!" Toko drooled

"So what was it?" Hiro asked

"Go ahead and tell them, Makoto. Surely you've deduced the real murder weapon?" Byakuya passed it off again

"Mukuro was hit in the back of the head with something, and that's what killed her." Makoto answered "And that something was...the titanium arrow we found in the locker in the dojo."

"An arrow... That's what the culprit attacked Mukuro with?" Hiro gasped

"Indeed, there's no doubt about it." Byakuya confirmed

"Are you sure? That sounds...kinda weird." Hina questioned

"H-Hey! How dare you back-talk Master!? You have n-no right...!" Toko shouted

"I'm not back-talking anything! I'm just saying what I think!"

"The titanium arrow... It was in the dojo locker, right? I have no doubt, that was the murder weapon." Byakuya repeated

"Are you sure...?"

"You don't sound convinced. What's the problem?" Hiro asked

"Well, cuz in the Monokuma said the weapon must've been about as think as a metal pipe, right? It seems like an arrow would just be too thin."

"You're right. Just the one arrow would've been too weak. That's why the killer used another weapon." Makoto said

"Another weapon...?"

"Inside the dojo locker, we also found a balled-up wad of duct tape. The killer probably used this duct tape to bind multiple arrows together. Bundling them together using the duct tape would easily create a single weapon as thick as a pipe. And that's exactly what the killer did!"

"It's similar to Aesop's fable about the bundle of sticks... One stick is weak, but put them together, and they become strong. It's meant to teach cooperation." Toko said

"Damn, that's harsh..." Hiro grimaced

"How is it harsh? Were you even listening?"

"Anyway, that explains the murder weapon. As for who the culprit is that stashed the weapon in the dojo locker... It was you, Kyoko!" Byakuya accused

"...I've never been to the dojo." Kyoko boldface lied

"Oh no, you absolutely have."

"How can you say that with such confidence? Quill was a suspect too, right?" Hina questioned

"Because we have proof, of course. Don't we, Makoto?" Byakuya turned to him

"O-Oh, um..." Makoto stuttered

"Hm? What's the matter? Surely you don't intend to protect a murderer... You know what will happen if you do, don't you? If you cover for the culprit, there's only one thing that can lead to... The death of us all. Remember?"

"O-Of course I remember...!"

"Then show us! Show everyone the evidence that proves Kyoko went to the dojo!"

"The one thing that proves Kyoko was in the dojo is right here. The key to the dojo locker."

"And how does that prove anything?" Kyoko questioned him

"Because...I found it in your room."

"It my room?"

"Don't bother trying to play dumb." Byakuya glared at her "That key is just the final piece of the puzzle. Your non-existent alibi, your clear motive, your attempts to frame Makoto for the crime... This all proves that you are the true culprit. You can't explain this away, so just give up."

"...Hold on a second." Makoto interrupted

"Not this again. You really are dead-set on defending her, aren't you?"

"'s not that I want to defend her. It's just... There's one more thing I need to ask her. Kyoko, I want you to tell me something. Last were in my room, weren't you? Why? What were you doing there? That's what I need to know."

"...I was just...protecting you." she answered


"That's enough. The time for idle chatter is over. A verdict is close at hand..." Byakuya said

"As I said if you end one of us here the rest of you will remain trapped here." Quill warned

"I knew you were stubborn, but this is just getting ridiculous. You're not even the one being accused"

"You of all people should know she couldn't have done it"

"I...should know? Those words you just spoke... What do you mean?"

"I mean exactly what I said. It's impossible for her to be the culprit, as you should know"

"Byakuya, what are you hiding!?" Hiro asked him

"Master would n-never hide something from me!" Toko claimed

"There's proof that she isn't the culprit... Is that what you're saying?" Byakuya asked angrily

Quill sighed "The proof was in the dojo locker and said locker's key was found in her room, yes? You have her room key."

"I see. So that's what you meant... And if I had the key to her room..."

"She had no access to her room and no way to put the key in her room"

"It...would appear not."

Makoto started sweating. His eyes darting across the room. He knew Kyoko had the Monokuma key and access to her room and he knew Quill lied. He knew they were both lying, but he trusted them. Is Kyoko the killer? What did she mean when she called this a trap? What did Quill mean when he said secrets would remain locked or that he'd soon die then the rest of them. But what if they are just betraying him? What do they know? What are they still hiding? He's the only one who knows they're lying, he's the only one who could expose it. What was he supposed to do?

"Well? Does no one have a rebuttal? Have you decided to accept this assertion as fact?"

Makoto made his decision. He decided to trust them and overlook the lie. There's no way Kyoko would kill someone, right? Quill wouldn't defend her and sacrifice his own life for seemingly no reason, right? It must be a trap

"I see. So you still refuse to accept it. I suppose we have to admit that Kyoko didn't put the locker key in her room, that it was someone else."

"But...who else could it have been?" Hina asked

"I mean, Byakuya had her room key, right?" Hiro mentioned

"Y-You! What are you t-trying to imply!?" Toko glared at him

"But of course I have an alibi. From nighttime on, I was with you guys the entire time... I couldn't possibly have killed anyone, or put the key in Kyoko's room." Byakuya defended himself

"Well someone had to put the key in there..." Hiro said

"There's only one other possibility I can think of... Someone could have had the key on them, then once they arrived at the scene, pretended to 'find' it there."

"What...?" Makoto recoiled

"I-It had to be Makoto...right?" Hina gasped

"...I don't see any other option." Byakuya confirmed

"W-Wait a second! You've got it all wrong! Let's think about it one more time! There's got to be a hidden side to this case!" Makoto panicked

"Huh? A hidden side...?" Hiro asked

"First of all, there's something off about this entire trial! You all see it, don't you? Mukuro, who we didn't even know existed, suddenly shows up dead, and then we're thrown into a trial...! And Kyoko even said, it's a trap the mastermind set for us! So that's why...this has to be-!"

"Okaaay! Time's up!" Monokuma cut him off


"Time's up! Class trial's all over! Everyone can stop talking now!"

"What? Time's up?"

"There's never been a time limit before" Quill said "Other trials have been much longer-"

"It's because you were late!" Monokuma cut in "So we had to push back the start time! So then, it's time for voting time, okay? Everyone, please vote using the lever in front of you!"

"Voting time...?" Makoto's voice grew weaker

"Now, who will be chosen as the blackened? Will you make the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong one?"

"Hey, hold on!"

"What's it gonna be? What's it gonna beeee!?"




⋟Class Trial⋑



"What...? You think I'm the killer...?" Makoto looked between all of them in disbelief

"Sorry, man..." Hiro apologized

"Yeah, s-sorry..." then Hina

"It's all your f-fault...!" Toko stuttered

"'re wrong...! You've got it all wrong! I didn't do it!" Makoto claimed

"Good job, everyone!" Monokuma exclaimed

"G-Good job...?"

"Yeah. They got it right!"

"N-No, I know that's not true... None of this makes any sense... This whole trial doesn't make any sense!"

"It makes perfect seeeeEEEENNNSSSSSEEE!!! It's the same as always! It's just like all the other class trials! And I'm gonna end it the same way! It's time for your heartpounding, positively thrilling punishment!

"W-Wait! Why do I-!?" he turned to Kyoko and Quill, neither of which wouldn't meet his eyes

"I don't expect you to forgive me. I know this is all my fault..." Kyoko said


Quill opened his mouth to say something but didn't manage to, so he just turned away


"Let's give it everything we've got! It's...PUNISHMENT TIIIME!" Monokuma shouted


"Huh? Huuuuh!? What's this? What's going on!?" Monokuma shouted

"Hey, was that...!?" Hina reacted

"Ah! Yeah, it had to be!" then Hiro

"Alter Ego...!" and Byakuya

"mhmhmhmhmhahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Quill started laughing triumphantly

"Wh- What are you laughing at Birdbrain?!" Monokuma glared at him

"You really went up against a canary and a detective, let alone ultimates, and thought you were going to win?" he laughed again as he turned and walked towards the elevator. He raised his hand as a half-hearted wave "That's game, you lose. This will all be over before tomorrow night." and he once again rode the elevator up by himself

"Hmph! Why is he talking like he's already won!? I barely felt a thing! It was a pinch, an itch! The stupid virus is gone now, got it!? And so is Makoto... Maybe I didn't get to smash him flat, but you're never gonna see him again! To waste away in a garbage-strewn pit... In a way, that's an even BETTER special punishment! Puhu... Puhuhu...! But it's still not enough... I'm still not satisfied! I'm still gonna bring despair to the rest of you-bring despair to the entire world...! Puhuhu... Puhuhu... Puhuhu... Puhuhu... Puhuhu... Puhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu...!" Monokuma's laughter rang through the trial room as he disappeared

"Is he...gone?" Hiro asked

"Hey, Kyoko. What's the meaning of all this? Just what the hell is going on?" Byakuya grumbled

"It's okay. We're not the ones being trapped this time." Kyoko told him

"Huh...?" Hina questioned

"Now it's the mastermind that's ensnared..."

"What are you talking about...?" Byakuya questioned her

"You'll understand soon enough. Very soon indeed..."



The Canary's Birdcage

Vanilla Valentine - Vanilla Vanguard


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