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By percabethinggg

23K 422 788

Leah gets cast as Annabeth for the Percy Jackson series. She meets her love interest , Walker Scobell. They b... More

โฅ Meet The Cast


2.7K 42 125
By percabethinggg

I woke up to a voice singing bet on it by Zac Efron. I opened up my eyes and saw Walker singing . My head was laid on his chest .. it felt comfortable and I could hear his heartbeat perfectly? I slowly looked up at him in shock. oh no I must have been sleeping

"Oh- hey sorry for waking you " Walker looked down at me on his chest

"No - it's okay . I'm sorry for uh .. sleeping on you " I said awkwardly as I sat up. Everyone else was gone . It was just me and him here. Oh no I hope he didn't feel
Awkward with me sleeping on him like that.

" no don't apologize. It's okay. I was just letting you sleep . I didn't mind it at all "Walker quickly reassured me.

" are you sure ?" I asked

"You're good . Its all good " he smiled

I don't know I still feel like I made it so awkward like why was I laying on him . ugh why did you have to be so tired , Leah! And why did I like it.. leave before you ruin the friendship

" umm , I should go . I'm sorry " I said as I stood up

" no , no Leah it's okay . You can stay . It doesn't have to be a thing you know .. that you fell asleep on me " he searched my eyes .

Oh gosh by saying that he just made it a thing! Seaweed brain.

" oh boy " I laughed . I don't know am I making this more awkward than it needs to be?

"I'm serious Leah, it's alright . It wasn't weird . You can stay . Besides my parents and siblings won't be back for another hour . We can hang out and finish the movie . You're not gonna make me sing alone are you ?" He smiled as he patted the seat next to him.

" okay , I guess not" I smiled as I sat down next to him. Let's just pretend that never  happened and move forward.

"So , you said siblings , plural . I only met one , you have more ?" I asked trying to change the subject but also out of curiosity. I only met Leena

"Oh yea , I have a little brother . His name is Tanner. He's now reading the books because I got cast . He's so excited. He didn't come to dinner that night because he was out with my dad. His name is Pete. How bout you ?Do you have any other siblings besides Floyd ?" Walker asked

"Awww , Tanner sounds adorable and nope Floyd is my only sibling. I always wanted a sister but I guess my cousins are like my sisters. Addalyn was... thank you so much again for the bear . I love it so much . How were you able to get it personalized with the name so quick though ? I had just talked about Addalyn the night before and then you show up with a personalized bear in the morning . Like be so foreal , How ?" I laughed

"Well, basically I went to the gift shop in the lobby at 10 pm that night  and they said it would take them a week to personalize it with the name . So what did I do ? I said I'll give you 100 bucks and they said it'll be done in 2 hours. So I waited til midnight and the bear was done and personalized . Which I'm so glad it didn't take a week . I really wanted you to have it for Valentine's Day since you know she passed on Valentine's Day and you were so upset about it " he frowned as concern filled his eyes

" awww. you are so sweet , thank you so much . You gave them  a 100 dollars just so that they could do it? " I laughed

"Of course , I would have done anything. If they said no to 100 I would have said how bout 200? Or if not I'll write a bad review . Again . " he laughed

"Walker - you can't just go writing bad reviews . You just wanna be out here wrecking businesses . What would you even write about the gift shop ?" I asked like really what would he even say.

"Well Jeff was begging for his business to be wrecked , talking to you like that . And I'd write that the gift shop is very insensitive and cruel because they didn't wanna personalize a teddy bear for my friend's cousin who passed away . Like how dare they ?" He rolled his eyes

" you're unbelievable " I laughed , this man is too funny and sweet. I can't believe he actually paid 100 just so they could get it done and 2 hours and he had wait and stay up til midnight .

Walker and I continued watching High school musical two and singing along with eachother while stuffing our faces with our fav snacks. His mid Oreos and my top tier sour patch kids !

We heard footsteps and voices approaching the door. That must be his family . I've only met 2 of them . Not gonna lie I'm nervous to and I hope they don't think it's weird that we're in the hotel room alone.

" you'll get to meet Tanner and my dad " Walker smiled at me .

"Yea kinda nervous " I laughed . It's 11 pm and I'm in their hotel room alone with their son . What if they think that's weird . Not a great first impression.

"It's fine , it'll go well . They'll like you . You'll see " he reassured me.

The door opened and Heather walked in with some shopping bags , Leena, Pete , and Tanner trailing behind her .

"Leah ? Hey " Heather smiled at me as she set her bags on the floor

"Leah !" Leena smiled as she walked over to the couch and pulled me into a hug.

"Hiii everyone " I smiled as I stood up and hugged her back.

"Who's Leah ?" I heard a little boy ask as he walked up to the couch

"Tanner , this is Leah. My friend. She plays Annabeth " Walker smiled as he explained to his brother

" so this is the Leah I been hearing lots about . I'm Pete it's nice to meet you Leah " Pete walked up and shook my hand with a smile

Hearing lots about ? Walker was probably talking about how I got the part and who I am

"It's great to meet you too Mr. Scobell " I smiled at him

" so you are Annabeth?" A huge grin spread across Tanner's face

"Yes I am" I laughed at his expression

"So you're gonna be kissing my brother ?" Tanner giggled

"Tanner !" Walker said in shock , warning him to shut up

" I mean at some point you'll be kissing right . I know you would L- " Leena began to say

" Leena , shut up please " Walker cut her off as a faint blush filled his cheeks

I'm so glad that I'm not white so you can barely see how flushed and red my face feels right now. I don't even know what to say.

First there was an awkward moment where I was sleeping on Walker's chest . Now this. And what was Leena about to say ? I know you would l- like that ?

Why would she say that ? Nah it can't be that she probably meant I know you would lie . Because she was like at some point you'll be kissing right . I know you would lie about it because the way he said Tanner when he brought it up.

Then he might have been blushing because he was so embarrassed. Yeah , he doesn't like me . We're just friends.

"Sorry , Leah . My brother just got to the part of the series where Percy and Annabeth become a thing " Walker tried to explain

"Yeah , it's okay . He's adorable " I laughed

" oh and sorry I'm here . We were just watching the highschool musical movies . The rest of the cast was here too . We've been watching for 4 hours" I explained to them .

" I love those movies . Dang , I wish I was here " Leena sighed

"Yeah it would have been fun with you " I frowned

" Don't apologize honey . We're glad you were here to keep Walker company . The movies sound fun " Heather smiled

" yeah and don't worry bout it . You're welcome here anytime " Pete nodded

Aww they're so nice

"Thank you and thanks so much for having me. I'm pretty tired so I think I'm gonna head to my room and get to bed " I smiled

"Alright good night , Honey . If you need a ride to set tomorrow, I'll be happy to take you " Heather grinned

"Thank you so much . I think I'll take the ride . My brother always sleeps in" I shook my head

" I'll walk you to your room " Walker smiled

"Thank you" I said to him . Heather raised him right for real

"Goodnight everyone " I said as Walker and I headed out of the door.

" Sorry about my siblings . They're so embarrassing " he rolled his eyes as we stepped into the elevator .

" No, it's okay . Tanner is adorable and Leena is so funny " I smiled

It was a bit awkward talking about the kissing and everything but let's pretend it wasn't because we don't have to talk about that . He doesn't like me and we're just friends

" More like annoying . Anyways, you excited for set tomorrow?" He asked

"Yesss . Im excited to sword fight again and see Aryan walk like a goat" I laughed

"Oh my gosh yes ! We need go to watch that and record it " Walker chuckled

" you think they'll let us record ?" I rose my eyebrows

" who says they gotta know . I can be sneaky " he shrugged his shoulders as we stepped out of the elevator

"Oh - I thought you were gonna say If they didn't let you then you'd write a bad review " I laughed

"Ummm - not if I wanna get fired and lose my job. Do you want me to be recast ?"he gasped

"Noooo , I don't . You're scarily the perfect Percy and I wouldn't want anyone else to do this with " I smiled

" yeah , I guess I wouldn't mind spending a couple years with you. You're pretty cool" He shrugged his shoulders as we were walking to my door

"You wouldn't mind ? And I'm just pretty cool ?" I asked all sassily

"I'm kidding . You're more than cool , you're pretty amazing . You're fun and I'd love to spend these  next few years with you . I wouldn't want anyone else to do this with either. You're scarily a perfect Annabeth too " he softly smiled

We were outside of my hotel room now. Today has been so much fun and it was nice hanging with Walker alone tonight . We hadn't done that since the time we hung out alone at the mall. It was fun besides all the awkward parts..

"Thank you , that's what I thought " I smiled up at him

" you're welcome and have a goodnight . Sleep well okay ? I'll see you in the morning " he pulled me into a hug . His arms were wrapped around my waist and mine could only reach his upper back

"Oh I definitely will sleep well with my Addalyn teddy bear now . Thank you so much " I squeezed him tight . I still can't believe he got that for me .

" you're welcome , I'm happy you love it . You deserve it . Don't be sad about her anymore alright " he squeezed me and tightly swayed me from side to side .

"Oh gosh - can't breathe " I let out and he kept swaying me .

"Sorry " he laughed as he let me go .

" don't be , I love your hugs . You honestly give the best hugs ever " I softly smiled

"You do too . I love your hugs " he searched my eyes as a wide grin grew on his face . He needs to stop looking into my soul like that . And smiling like that . Why is it cute , no . We're friends . He needs to stop looking at me with those eyes

" thank you for walking me . Have a good night " I snapped out of it

"Of course . See you in the morning " he smiled

I unlocked the door and walked into my room. Floyd was sitting on the couch.

"Hey sissy. Where you been ?" Floyd asked

" I was just in Walker's room. The whole cast was . We were having a highschool musical marathon . It was fun . We were singing our hearts out ." I laughed

"Walkers room huh? That's fun. And If you must ask my date went well " he smirked

"Ooooh, do tell. Spill , who is she ?" I asked as I went over to sit next to him on the couch .

"So her name is Elena . I met her at the mall couple days ago. We been texting since then . Asked her on this date . Took her out to breakfast then we went to the movies . After that we went to the mall . We got to get to know eachother alot more spending the whole day together. I really like her and I told her and she said she feels the same . We got another date tomorrow and I think on the third date I'll ask her to be my girlfriend " Floyd smiled

"Boy - you move way too fast for me . You haven't even beeen here a week and you out here rizzing up girls while I'm at work . On another note , I'm happy for you . I do support this . I want you to be happy so go wild . You have my blessing " I smiled at him

"Thank you , I'm glad I have your blessing " Floyd laughed

"Also - you say I'm out here rizzing up girls . But what bout you ? I see that pink teddy bear on your bed . I ain't blind . You rizzing up your costar Walker while you at work or something? He give that to you . Is that his way of asking you to be his valentine ? "Floyd smirked as he eyed my teddy bear

"Noooo- I mean yes Walker did give that to me . But it's not what you think, it's not like that at all. It's just , last night I was talking about how I was sad that it was gonna be Valentine's Day because of how I miss Addalyn . Then he got me a pink bear with her name on the paw . It was because of Addalyn and he wanted to make me feel better . He didn't ask me to be his valentine . He doesn't like me . We're friends " I explained to Floyd .

"Okay , sure . Friends. Right . Because a friend would do all that " He nodded

"Yes , yes a friend would . A great and kind friend would . I don't know what type of friends you got that wouldn't do that for you. They must be bad friends " I furrowed my eyebrows

" and I don't know what kind of friend you got that would do all that for you . Must be some kind of a friend . But nobody wants to talk about that " Floyd smirked

" well because . Because there is nothing to talk about . Walker is just a really thoughtful and sweet friend. That's all it is Floyd . It doesn't have to be a thing " I shook my head

Gosh that reminds me of when Walker said that after I slept on his chest . Damn it . That was awkward . So was when they were talking about kissing scenes . I don't know today was something.

I don't know is there something between us ? We literally just met 2 months ago . There's nothing between us . We're just friends . I know he doesn't like me that way . Do I like him that way ? I mean he does have nice eyes and a nice smile . He's funny , he's got a good personality. But that doesn't mean that I like him . It doesn't . We're friends

I just liked sleeping on his chest because it was comfy . And it felt awkward so that must mean I don't like him like that . Yeah.

" okay , Leah . Whatever you say " Floyd laughed
Walker's POV

I was laying on my bed when my sister walked in.

"So , how was watching movies with Leah for Valentine's Day ?" She smirked

"It was not just Leah . It was the whole cast. They just left before you guys got here . It wasn't like that " I shook my head

"I saw the way you were blushing when Tanner and I brought up the kissing scenes stuff. And you made me shut up before I could say that you would like it. Does my little bro have a crush " she teased as she squished my cheek

" nooooo Leena. It's not like that . We're close friends . That's all . She doesn't like me like that and nothings going on" I took her hand off my cheek

I don't like her like that do I ? I mean I did like when she was sleeping on my chest . It wasn't weird for me . She does have a nice smile and nice brown eyes . She's pretty. She's a pretty girl. She's funny , she has an amazing personality. I care about her . But that doesn't mean I like her . We're just friends. Yeah.

"Alright Walkie , whatever you say " she ruffled my hair before walking out.

It was a fun Valentine's Day. I'm glad that Leah loved her teddy bear . I hated seeing her so sad and I just knew I wanted to get that for her.
It's now the next morning and I just finished getting ready for the day. I'm wearing leggings and my camp half blood t shirt. The one that has my name in the back ! Mr. Rick was so nice for that.

I slept well last night with my Addalyn teddy bear . I love it so much. Floyd is still sleeping. But Heather is gonna give us a ride again. I guess she'll be driving the 3 of us to set everyday ?

I walked out of the hotel room and headed into the elevator. I walked into the lobby to see Heather , Walker , and Aryan

" good morning " I said to them as I reached to the couch

"Good morning " Walker smiled as he pulled me into a hug. I will never get tired of his hugs . I immediately hugged him back.

"Good morning " Aryan hugged me

"Good morning , Aryanna "I hugged him

"Give it a rest " Aryan laughed

"Never " I smiled

"Good morning honey " Heather hugged me

"Good morning Ms. Heather " I hugged her

"Just call me Heather. It's alright " she laughed

We walked out of the hotel and towards the parking lot. We got into the car and as usual Walker sat in the middle of Aryan and I.

"You excited for your goat training Aryan ?" Walker asked as he tried to hold back a laugh

"Yes I am actually. It's going to be interesting. How one could learn to walk like a goat " Aryan laughed

"That's going to be fun to watch " I laughed

" not fair that you guys get some specialized training  . Goat lessons and diving/ swimming lessons . I should get a specialized training in archery or something " I frowned

"Maybe soon. You can always come and watch us though . So it's kinda like you're doing training too" Walker laughed

"Yea would you like to learn to walk like a goat too Leah ?" Aryan laughed

"First I wanna laugh at you , make fun of you , watch in amusement and then maybe I'll join you " I smiled

"Yeah. Sounds about right . I think I'll do that too" Walker nodded.

"Wow , How sweet of you guys " Aryan sarcastically rolled his eyes .

We arrived to set and went through security and into the conference room to meet Mr. Rick. We walked and greeted Mr. Rick , Dior , and Charlie.

" Good morning you guys. Starting from today things will be a bit different. You'll start off the day getting breakfast at crafty. There's now tables we put by crafty so that you guys can sit there. Then Aryan you'll go into your training with walking like a goat. You guys are welcome to be there and watch him . But Charlie and Dior you two will be doing school. Then you all will be doing combat and stunt training . Then acting coaching . Then you all get lunch break. Then Walker , Leah , and Aryan you will be doing school . Lastly , Walker today you'll start your diving training . It'll be 3 days a week Mondays , Wednesdays, and Thursdays" Rick explained

Wow , well that was lots of information to take in. These 2 months will be busy for sure. In a good way though.

" sounds good " Charlie smiled

"Yes , thank you Mr.Rick for all the training and everything you're providing us " I smiled

"You're all very welcome . Thank you for being apart of this project. I'll take you guys to crafty so you can get breakfast " Mr Rick grinned

Yes , I'm so hungry. I hope that the food is good. We all followed Mr. Rick to crafty. There were a bunch of tables set up and 3 tables of crafty on the side . Wow , that's lots of food.

We went to the tables , scanning over all the foods. I grabbed a plate and spotted French toast . Yummm it looks so good. I got strawberries and put them on top . I served myself scrambled eggs and lastly bacon.

Walker and all of them were stilling rounding the tables seeing what they wanted. I grabbed a water bottle and went to sit at one of the tables. A few minutes later Walker came and sat next to me.

" I hope this is as good as it looks " Walker stared down at his food

" I'm sure that chocolate chip pancakes can't taste so bad " I laughed

" you'd be surprised I been on some short film sets where the food at crafty was actual trash " he pursed his lips

" well , those were short films . We're kinda on a boujeee set / show now so the food has to match that. I'd say my French toast matches that. It's really good " I grinned as I took another bite of it.

"I'll be the judge of that " said Walker as he picked up his pancake with his hand and took a bite of it ...

"Walker -" I said in shock . He's using his hands ?

"Oh my gosh- this so good and so soft " he gawked in awe as he put the pancake to his face .

" Walker !" I furrowed my eyebrows . What is this man doing .

"Why are you putting that on your face ? Are you guys seeing this ?" I asked in disbelief as the cast started approaching the table

" he's a weirdo , what can we expect ?" Aryan shook his head

" I am not weird . The pancake was just so soft how can I not ?" Walker explained all nonchalantly

"Yea weird. You're a weirdo " I laughed

"Thank you well you're a weirdo too . Not liking Oreos ? Really ?" Walker scoffed

"And we're still on the Oreos " I rolled my eyes

"We'll never be off it as long as we're friends . There's no Walker without Oreos . This could be a deal breaker " he shrugged his shoulders

"And as long as I live , I'll stand by sour patch kids " I put a hand on my heart

" I second that . Sour patch kids are top tier" Dior put a hand on her heart

" thank you !" I yelled

" unbelievable . These are my costars ? " Walker asked in shock

"Oreo haters " Aryan rolled his eyes

"No sense of taste these two . Oreos are amazing " Charlie said

The 3 of them looked at us in disappointment

" I said what I said " I looked them up and down and continued to eat my French toast

"And we stand by what we said " Dior sat back in her seat as she took a sip of her water . We are so unbothered as we should be.
We finished our food . Charlie and Dior have to go to the school room now . Aryan is going to goat training . Mr. Rick said that we can join so best believe we're going with him.

" This is gonna be so entertaining to watch " I gushed

"Wait, let's not forget our snacks " said Walker as he handed some sour patch kids from crafty. He grabbed his Oreos

" glad you guys are gonna have fun " Aryan sarcastically said as trailed behind him . He was training in another room.

We walked in and saw a tall man standing and waiting there.

"Hello, welcome. Congratulations to all of you . Aryan it's good to meet you . I'm going to train you on all things goats " the man smiled

"Thank you. I'm excited . I know nothing about goats " Aryan awkwardly smiled

Walker and I walked over to the other side of the room and took a seat at the table .

"First things first . Let me teach you how to walk like a goat " said the man .

He started walking on his tippy toes.

"You wanna walk on your tippy toes and have a little bounce in your step . You wanna try ?" he asked Aryan

"This is gonna be interesting " I whispered to Walker as I opened up my sour patch kids

"Let me record . Imma get my phone out " Walker laughed as he took his phone and started to record Aryan.

Aryan started to walk on his tippy toes and started trying to bounce as he was walking. He looked he had something up his butt. Walker and I started to silently laugh . Now this is amusing

" well , okay. We'll work on that " the man said as he analyzed Aryan's walk .

"Dang . He said he sucks " I laughed as I looked at Walker

" youuu suckkkk" Walker jokingly yelled out

"You wanna give it a try ?" Aryan yelled back all sassily

"Why yes I would " Walker stood up

" go ahead , come on . You too Leah " The man gestured

Surely we'll all suck but hey it's funny. Walker and I walked up to them.

"Alright , now let me show all of you again and you guys follow along with me " the man as he began to walk on his tippy toes

The 3 of us got on tippy toes and started to walk . Attempting to add a bounce in our steps. There's a mirror in front of us and we all burst out laughing at the sight . All of us walking like goats or at least attempting to . Never thought I'd do this in my life .. Walker picked up his leg and side kicked Aryan in the butt.

"Oh you wanna go ?" Aryan challenged

"Come at me bro " Walker puffed out his chest .

Aryan sped walk on his tippy toes toward him . Walker picked up his leg and arms like a bird . He pretended to kick Aryan in the face . It was the crane kick from karate kid.

"Owwwww" Aryan turned his face the other way at the fake hit . These losers.
Now we're at combat and stunt training . Charlie and Dior are with us. We all groaned as our trainers led us in our stretching . The boys looked like they were struggling . But Dior and I are pretty  flexible.

Now we have to run laps . This has gotta be the worst part . 5 laps everyday like excuse me ? We ran laps around the gym and when our trainers weren't looking we'd all purposely bump into eachother. Dior and I challenged them to a race at the last lap.

I was ahead of Walker until he pushed me to the side and ran ahead of me . He was second place to Charlie .

"You cheater !" I pushed Walker back as soon as I got to the other side

"Huh? What are you talking about " he asked pretending to not know  .

"Huhhhh ?  What are you talking about " I mocked him as I rolled my eyes

We all grabbed our swords and proceeded with practicing our sword work. The trainers started teaching us defense skills and how to block for the rest of the time . This is actually so cool.

Next up was acting coaching with Andrew. Andrew told us that he wanted us to continue to read our binders . Since we are just prepping for these 2 months . He also gave us copies of the whole Percy Jackson book series.

We've all read them . But it would be fun to re-read them together.
"Have fun in the school room kiddos " Charlie waved us goodbye . Dior and Charlie walked us to the school room after we finished with acting coaching .

"Never " Walker smiled as we waved them goodbye. I mean I think it might be fun because we're doing school together .

We walked in and saw 3 women there waiting for us .

"Hi , my name is Melissa " a blonde lady spoke up

"I'm Amanda " Another lady smiled

" I'm Ariel " The last women said

"Congrats to all of you for this project . We're so glad to be your on set teachers. You will have one of us as your teacher and you guys will have different tables to sit at with your teachers . We want to make sure you don't distract each other " Melissa explained

Well , there goes the fun. We're not going to be doing school together . Just in the same room... I could see that the 3 of us were a bit disappointed. But it's okay I guess.

"Thank you . It's nice  to meet you " I said to the ladies .

"Yes , thank you for being our teachers " Walker smiled

"You're all welcome. Leah , you'll be studying with me . Walker you'll be with Amanda . Aryan you'll be with Ariel " Melissa smiled

I followed Melissa to a table . There she had notebooks , pen , pencils and text books. She handed me two notebooks and a pen

"Today we'll be focusing on two subjects. English and Science  " Melissa explained . I love English but I hate science. Ugh.

She got out the English text book along with her own notes and began the English lesson. I started writing down notes as she was speaking.

School went on for about 2 hours . An hour each subject . It was boring as expected but it would have been more fun if Walker , Aryan , and I got to sit together and do school together .

But the teachers are pretty smart for not doing that because I know that we wouldn't focus . We'd be fooling around too much.

"Never thought I'd say this but I missed you guys " I said as we walked out of the school room

"Aww did you ?" Walker gushed

"Yes I did " I laughed

"Of course she missed me " Aryan faked a girly giggle in a high pitch voice

"Aryanna makes a come back !" Walker and I gasped

"She can't help it sometimes " Aryan laughed

I did miss them.  Our day is over now but not for Walker . He has diving training today at a facility here in Canada . It's not on set.

Aryan and I are gonna go with him since we're leaving with his mom anyways. Charlie and Dior headed out since they were done with their day after acting coaching . They didn't have school with us . They had school in the morning.
"How was your day on set guys ?" Heather asked as we got into the car

"It was fun. We learned defense skills in combat training " Walker smiled

"Yeah and we also got to laugh at Aryan learning to walk like a goat " I laughed

"Then I got to watch them suck at it too . Normal things " Aryan laughed

"We have a video if you wanna see Aryan walking like a goat , mom " Walker chuckled

"Ummm - I don't think she wants to see that " Aryan shook his head

"I think she does " I smiled

"I do. Send it to me later " Heather laughed

"Oh my gosh , send me it too" I smiled

"Oh , I will " Walker smirked

"Oh , I hate you " Aryan responded back

"Aww , Hate you too bro " Walker blew him a kiss.

Aryanna came out and sent him a kiss back. She's so flirty I swear.

We got to the diving and swim facility. The front desk sent us to the pool area. It was completely empty . No one was swimming there . There was a life guard and a man standing there.

"Hello , my name is James . This is Liam , he is the life guard. I'm the diving trainer . I understand I'll be training you , Walker ?" James asked

"Yes , I'm Walker . This is Leah, Aryan, and my mom . Leah and Aryan are part of the Percy Jackson show . They're just here to watch " Walker smiled

"Alright , nice to meet you all. And you're welcome to swim around and join us any time " James smiled at us

"Thank you " we smiled back . It would have been fun to go swimming . But I didn't know that we could join. Next time.

" when you're ready , you can come in and meet me in the water " James said to Walker.

Walker took off his shirt and pants. He was already wearing a bathing suit underneath all that . He started walking towards the pool

"I'm ready " Walker smiled

" oh , you are ?" I laughed as I ran towards him and pushed him into the water . Everyone started laughing as he fell in .

"Leah !" He exclaimed as he came up from the water

" what ? He said meet him in the pool when you were ready. I was just giving you a head start " I crossed my arms

"Wow , you're so funny " Walker faked a laugh .

"Love ya . You're welcome " I gave him a thumbs up

"Love you too " he laughed

Aryan, Heather , and I went and sat on the bleachers.

James was teaching Walker how to dive. He also made him swim laps. Then we saw him teach Walker how to hold his breath underwater. Wow he really is in training to become Percy Jackson.

The training went on for an hour. Walker went and immediately showered since he had the locker room and showers all to himself.

Walker came out and he was wearing grey sweats , a black t shirt , and his hair was wet . It made his hair look darker and his eyes stand out even more than they already do . He's so attractive - Why am I thinking like this ? I thought to myself as I tried not to stare at him .

Okay yeah, he is attractive. He's cute But that doesn't mean I like him. I have an attractive, cute friend.

"Hey " Walker smiled at me as he purposely shook his wet hair in my face . The water droplets hitting my face

"Stop " I laughed as I pushed him.

" be happy I didn't push you in the water . Next time I will grab you and throw you in there " he threatened .

"Like you could " I scoffed

" He could . You're tiny " Aryan laughed

"I am not " I argued back

" see you guys next week " James called out to us .

" see you " we all said as walked out of the facility. We got into the car . We're all so tired right now. It's been a long day . Especially for Walker .

"Chick - Fil-A ?" Heather asked

"Uhhh yessss " I beamed

"Yes please " Walker and Aryan smiled

Heather drove us to Chick Fil A . Walker, Aryan , and I ordered chicken nuggets and fries. Walker and I got our sweet tea. Aryan got coke . What an outcast . No I'm joking . We love Aryanna. Heather got a chicken sandwich with fries.

We sat down in chick-fil- A and ate together. Heather is so nice for taking us here .

" Did your mom come to Canada with you Leah ?" Heather asked

"Oh , no . My mom couldn't . She has work back in Michigan . My older brother is the one that came with me . He has a remote job . So he can work anywhere , thankfully " I smiled

"Aww , that's nice of your brother to come with you. You must miss your mom right ?" She sighed

"Yea I do miss my mom . She said she'll be making sure to visit whenever she can though " I smiled

"That's great . I'd love to meet her . What's her name ?" She asked

"Leah . Her name is Leah " I laughed

"Awww so she passed on the name to you . That's cute " she laughed

" If you ever need lady advice or any of my help . You can always come to me okay ? I can be like your set mom " Heather smiled

"Awww , thank you so much . That's so sweet . I'll definitely be going to you " I grinned . She's so sweet.

We continued eating our food. Walker showed his mom the video of Aryan walking like a goat and we all started to laugh.

We finished our food and went back into the car . We were so tired that we were falling asleep on the way back to the hotel . I made sure to lean my head on the window so that I didn't make it awkward and lay on Walker again.

"We're here you guys " Heather woke us up.

We all groaned and stepped out of the car. We started walking to the hotel . We entered the lobby. It was already 8pm by now . Not so late but we been out the whole day.

"You guys heading to bed ?"Walker asked

"Yes , I'm so tired " I expressed as I rubbed my eye.

"Me too " Aryan yawned

" I'm gonna head to sleep too. Love you guys " Walker's sleepy voice said as he went to hug me first . He held me tight.

"Love you too " I hugged him back . Wow , even when he's sleepy he gives such good hugs .

" see you guys tomorrow " Aryan joined the hug , putting his arms around us.

"You guys are too cute " Heather smiled at us

"Why thank you " we all said

"Good night Mrs. Scobell " I hugged her

"Leah , I told you call me Heather . Good night " she laughed as she hugged me back.

" good night " Aryan hugged her

We went into the elevator and parted ways to our rooms. I walked into my room and Floyd was there watching tv.

"Hey. You look tired " Floyd laughed .

"I am . I fell asleep on the way here . It was a long day but a fun day . What did you do today ?" I smiled

" I'm sure it was. I went out with Elena again . We went to top golf. It's been going so well with her . I asked her it for next weekend. I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend that day . What do you think ?" Floyd smiled

" I think that I'm glad that you're happy and yes ask her out because it seems like she definitely likes you " I nodded

"Thank you baby sis . You'll meet her soon if she says yes . I think you'll like her and she'll love you. I talked about you already " he laughed

"Awww you did ? Stop . I feel so special " I flipped my hair.

I walked over to my drawers and picked out sweatpants and t shirt to sleep. First I went to shower and changed into my pajamas. My body definitely already feels sore from all the training.
Each day went like this for the next 2 months . It's been 2 months and we just been on set everyday. Training and doing school. We've all gotten better at sword fighting. We finished reading our characters binders for acting coaching . We've learned so much about our characters.

Walker , Aryan , Charlie , Dior and I have re- read the books together. We had a reading marathon every night til we finished the Percy Jackson series . Walker kept bragging that it was his 8th time reading it.

It's definitely made all of us feel more ready to take on these iconic roles. Walker can actually hold his breath for over a minute now since doing his diving training these 2 months . It's crazy.

On the weekends when we didn't have to go set . The cast would go and hang out. We'd all spend the day together. It's brought us a lot closer as friends

Charlie and Dior are like our big brother and sister now. I love them so much. Walker , Aryan , and I have always been close already but even closer now. I consider them my bestfriends . I don't think there's been more than a day that we been apart.

Walker and I have still remained best friends . Floyd has always insisted that there's something more . But I know that Walker doesn't like me like that . Yes he is cute but that doesn't mean  I like him. We're just besties . I love him so soooo much. So grateful to have met him and everyone else of course too

Floyd started dating Elena last month . I met her and she's so nice . They're very cute together. My mom has come and visited us a couple of times. Walkers mom  , aryans mom , and my mom got along so well together. They'd be hanging out on weekends doing their own thing . While  the cast was hanging out on weekends

Right now Walker , Charlie , Dior , and I are on set in the conference room. We're finally doing the table read where we read through the first few episodes . Before we officially start filming tomorrow! I'm so excited for this . We've been waiting to read the scripts ! They're only giving us half the episodes though . But hey we'll take it .

We began the read through and at multiple times our jaw dropped because of some of the things that happened ! This is so good my eyes widened

We stopped at episode 4 where Percy falls from the arch. We all knew he would survive so we didn't mind that we didn't get the rest of the episodes . But still I wanted to read more ! It's so amazing just wow . The writers did great adapting it to tv .

I can't wait to start filming tomorrow!

Walker , Aryan, Charlie , Dior and I are in the hotel game room now .

" you guys that script was so good !" Dior exclaimed still thinking about it

"Right they did such a great job ! I loved it " I smiled

" I know are you guys excited that we actually start filming tomorrow? " Charlie smiled

" uh yesss !" Dior yelled

" Finally ! I  been waiting for this " I beamed

"Right I'm so excited! " Walker smiled

" me too ! It's gonna be so fun " Aryan yelled

I seriously can't wait . We sat down on the couch in the game room and began reading our scripts for the first episode . Only Walker and Aryan are in this one sadly but we still get to be there to see it be flimed.

I went over episode 2 because that's the episode I start in. It's so funny how Annabeth is so unbothered by Percy asking if she's stalking me. She's like yes and what about it ? I love her

Gosh I can't wait ! But I'm also so nervous . The filming journey begins !!!

Authors note: I'm sorry if this chapter was so boring y'all . I feel like it was so boring and bad 😭 but anyways filming begins ! I feel like we're gonna be re- living the showing bc I'm  gonna be going through them filming each episode . All behind the scenes 😭 I miss it so much ahh . leave a vote and your thoughts  down below ! Thanks so much for reading !🩵- Ashley

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