🇬🇧 Once Upon a Time #Heroph...

By VaneAfter2022

3.5K 318 58

How did the love story between the two co-stars begin? Well, you just have to read about it and find out. Jo... More

Once Upon a Time - Josephine
Prologue - Hero
Prologue - Josephine
Chapter 1 - The start -
Chapter 3 - Josephine
Chapter 4 -Breakfast together
Chapter 5 - The park
Chapter 6 - ice cream
Chapter 7 - I'm not competitive!
Chapter 8 - Let's rehearse together
Chapter 9 - Let's start!
Chapter 10 - Mercy?
Chapter 11 - Photoshoot
Chapter 12 - It's natural!
Chapter 13 - Lunch
Chapter 14 - A real date!
Chapter 15 - The lake
Chapter 16 - Just collegues
Chapter 17 - My Hero ❤️
Chapter 18 - Montage Scene
Chapter 19 - Like a hurricane
Chapter 20 - Ciak, action!
Chapter 21 - Would you?
Chapter 22 - Touch me
Chapter 23 - Ops...
Chapter 24 - The storm

Chapter 2 - Hero

112 13 0
By VaneAfter2022


July 2018

Atlanta definitely doesn't fit with my idea of summer.
I like the heat, it's undeniable given how many sunny days (few) there are normally in London. The sun is almost a mirage behind the clouds for much of the year. And I have to admit that I often go to Spain with my friends during the holidays, but Atlanta in July is in a league of its own.
There's this suffocating air that enters your lungs with every breath since the morning. Hot and wet. Hell of a match!
It's been two days since I arrived in the city, with a very short stop in Los Angeles, and I already feel like I'm practically melting inside.
My morning run has become my daily oxygen hour, even if I have to go out earlier than usual to avoid getting too hot.
A shower is just what we needed after running around here.
I'm not an athlete but I like to keep fit, especially since I work with my image. Sometimes it's a pain, other times it doesn't bother me at all, it depends on the moment. I like to always be on the move, trying new sports, different activities, even if my absolute favorite thing is football!

Go West Ham!!!

I smile thinking about the last time I was at the stadium. I was with Felix, of course, a few months ago.
The adrenaline that flows through your veins as you cheer for the team that makes your heart beat faster is something unique.

I quickly dry my hair with a towel in the bathroom.
The reflection in the mirror shows me two beautiful dark circles under my eyes. Perfect.
This fucking jetlag.
Or it's also the fault of the thoughts that have been crowding my mind for a few days.
I snort thinking about all the times Jamie tells me to bring some face masks with me when I'm out and about. It sounds stupid to me to even think about it.
I never remember it, it seems like a useless waste of space in the suitcase and this is the consequence.
The truth is that it would have been enough to sleep a little more tonight and my appearance would probably have improved significantly too.

I quickly grab one of my black t-shirts hanging in the closet and a pair of dark jeans. I had carefully folded everything in my suitcase before leaving, but now all my clothes are so wrinkled they look like they've been in a steamroller.
I snort and try to remove some wrinkles with my hands. Uselessly.
Distracted by the constant thought that has been accompanying me for a few days, I put on my shoes and grab my cell phone, left turned off on the bedside table since last night.
It's already a lot if I forgot it in a visible place, usually I lose it everywhere.
I once found him in Diesel's doghouse and it makes me smile to think of him sleeping on top of my phone screen.
I don't like being always connected, even if sometimes I get lost on social media and disconnect my brain for a moment.
You just need to have a balance, as in all things.

One last look around the room: I should have taken everything, I hope.
I plan to go to the restaurant where the whole crew is waiting for us, on foot this evening. Anna sent me the exact location and said she'll wait for us there.
Yes exactly. I spoke in the plural: They are all waiting for us there.
Well, because today the girl who will be with me on this adventure arrives and...
I quickly look at the watch on my wrist!
I have to hurry if I want to welcome her in the lobby when she arrives.
The thought of seeing her in person makes me a little nervous. I saw some photos, not many actually, just before I boarded the plane for Atlanta.
I think they were part of a photo shoot. On her Instagram there are various photos but not of herself. Strange, I thought I'd find the usual photo book that every girl I know has on social media. This definitely surprised me! Jennifer, the producer, wanted to send me some photos of Josephine just before boarding from London but I had already done a search on Google. As soon as she told me the name of the girl who would replace Julia in the role of Tessa, I didn't waste any time. I was too curious.

I can't say I was relieved to know that Julia would no longer be my co-star but in a way it was exactly like that. I didn't feel much connection with her, even though she was a really nice and kind girl. I don't know, it felt like something was missing.
Now I have no idea what this new girl is like. We have never met and we have never even spoken! It was such a sudden decision that it borders on madness in some ways! We hope it was the right choice!

It must be said that Anna is certainly very enthusiastic about the choice they made. Indeed, it is more correct to say that she is enthusiastic about the choice she made! Just as she confessed to me that she left the room where the auditions were taking place, after having attended mine, believing that the part of Hardin could only be mine. I admit that all this gives me enormous pleasure. It terrifies me on the one hand because it's a huge responsibility, but I like it at the same time.
In any case, yesterday she did nothing but talk to me about Josephine and how perfect she was for the part of Tessa.
She called her 'her Tessa' in the flesh.
Absurd, right?
I really hope that's the case.

'You'll love her,' she told me at one point.
I smile a little when I think about it.
Falling in love is something really exaggerated, especially now that I'm young and just starting my career. There's no talking about it at all!
I shake my head, still smiling as I leave the room and head towards the elevator.
I check the time again and hope that she hasn't arrived early, otherwise I wouldn't know how to contact her to tell her to come to dinner with me.

The elevator doors open onto the hall. There are various people who linger at the reception, others who arrive or leave with their suitcases in tow.
I quickly look around me but I don't see any blonde girls with long hair.
Well, better this way. I have time to think about what to say to her. Not that this makes me nervous, but in a way this is an important meeting. We will work together, closely, for two months.
And saying 'close contact' doesn't give a good idea.
I read the script very well, several times. There are kisses, several kisses.
Sex scenes and otherwise intimate scenes here and there during the film. I've never done anything like this, other than a few fake kisses in the few roles I've had so far. Nothing to do with any of this.
I don't know how much experience she has honestly, we'll see how it goes as time goes by.

Jenny, the director, told me that we will have a week to try to create a relationship between us, get in tune.
This worries me a bit but we'll see what happens, I'm optimistic.

Maybe she's a snooty bitch who won't want to get into a relationship with me, but I really hope that's not the case. It would be a disaster waiting to happen!

The entrance doors open, letting in a petite girl dressed entirely in black, a bit like me. I smile at the idea that we are practically dressed the same.
Long blonde hair fall softly on her shoulders. The face is framed by a pair of dark sunglasses and a hat, also black, on the head.
She carries with her two huge suitcases plus a smaller one slung over her shoulder.
She takes off her glasses after a few steps, places them in the neckline of her t-shirt, looking around.


I would say that the photos I saw don't do her justice, even though they were really beautiful.
Reality beats those photos a million to zero.

I'm serious.
I... Well...
I swallow and take a deep breath.
It's my time.
I need to introduce myself before she thinks I'm crazy staring at her.

I see her look at the hotel lobby with incredulous eyes and then focus on me as I approach her.
We stay like this for a few seconds, just looking at each other, facing each other.

I can't help but notice her eyes.
They are spectacular!
Blue? No, blue with some gray nuances.
Her lips curve upwards and I reflexively smile at her.
It seems to me that suddenly no one else besides us is in the hotel.
I can't take my eyes off her and I find myself ranting and I don't even know what.
Whatever I said, it made her smile!
Her voice is warm and has something that warms the blood in my veins.
And this accent?
It's great to hear her talk.
I must have missed the fact that she's not American.
No, it's definitely not American.
Australian maybe?

I make a few jokes to ease the tension but I can't stop smiling and the more she smiles, the more I want to make her laugh.
She looks at me attentively and has a spectacular light in her eyes.
I have never found myself in a similar situation.
I'm usually very easygoing, especially when it comes to girls.
I'm also used to dealing with lots of people on a daily basis, both for work and at home, where my group of friends is truly huge.
But she... She leaves me breathless.
I had never felt like this.
She puts a lock of hair behind her ears and lowers her gaze for a moment.
I swallow.
I only now notice that she seems tired, very tired. Lost in who knows what thoughts.
She looks at me trying to compose herself. She's even more beautiful like this.
I ask her what she's thinking and she stammers something confused, making me laugh.
I get lost looking at her again.
She seems nice.
Beautiful and cute?
Nah, that can't be true!

She looks around and takes her bags to go to the reception.
Suitcases! Right! How stupid!
I smile and offer to help carry them to the room.
She suddenly seems nervous.
She became slightly red on her cheeks.

We enter the elevator together, she stands at the back and the mirror behind her reflects my entire image.
I have a blank look and a smile on my lips that I didn't even think I had.
We are both silent.

Her smile is a copy of mine and this makes me keep smiling.
I can't tell if she's shy or just tired from jetlag, as she keeps repeating while waving her hands and rambling about something.
I can't stay focused.
She's messing with my brain.
Even when she talks she's cute.
She gesticulates and makes funny expressions as she tells me about the journey she took to get here.
I guessed right, she's Australian.
Many hours of flight to get here.
Hell, I was complaining about the flight from London to Los Angeles!
She's from Perth. The city where 'there is absolutely nothing', her exact words.
I've never been there but now I'm curious to go.
Who knows for what reason.

We say goodbye at the door with the promise to see each other later.
I remain in the corridor for a moment, with her door closed in front of me.
It's as if I voluntarily threw myself into a tornado and now I feel disorganized.
I shake my head, running a hand through my hair.
I need a moment alone to understand what just happened.
I take the opportunity to go to my room, while I wait for her to be ready to go out.
I still have a stupid smile on my face that doesn't seem to want to go away so easily.

I grab my phone as soon as I close the door behind me.
"Hey Bro!" Felix answers on the first ring "What's up?".

He's my best friend and we talk practically every day. I don't know what I would do without him!

"Good. It's hot. Very hot!" I throw myself on the bed, huffing.
I remember Josephine's golden hair and how it fluttered around her shoulders as we walked side by side in the hallway.

"Good, right? It's time you get a tan and stop being a too-cool version of Casper the Ghost!" He chuckles.

"Remind me why we're friends?" I smile.

"Because I always bring you with your ass on the ground, man!"

"Your feet should be on the ground, not your ass!" Burst out laughing.

"Okay it's the same thing!"

I shake my head.
This is probably true.
I always miss London so much when I'm away on business and I can't wait to get back to normality, as much as I love the life I live.
Having the same lifelong friends helps me stay grounded.

"How's it going at home? Any news?" I sigh throwing an arm over my eyes.
I have to think of something other than Josephine.

"You mean since you left a few days ago?" He teases me "You miss me already, huh?"

"No, not at all!" I lie shamelessly.

"Or do you miss Melanie?" He chuckles amusedly "Or maybe her name was Josie, I don't remember!"

"Stupid, neither! I'm a free spirit, you know that!"

"I know and I will laugh so hard when you'll find a girl who will seriously blow your mind!"

What nonsense.
I like girls in general but I'm not looking for a serious relationship. That's fine.
On the other hand, ever since Felix got engaged like a month ago, he feels like he has to give love advice to everyone he meets.
He's lost his mind. Decidedly.
Imagine if at 21, not even turned 21, I would start thinking about serious relationships.
No, it's not for me.
Have fun, yes, but without strings attached.
With the life I live it would be impossible.
A long distance relationship practically? Not even an idea.
And then I have neither the time nor the desire to dedicate myself to a relationship.
It would be a useless waste of energy.

"Do you have any games scheduled?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Yes, we played today at the field near our house and tomorrow night Morgan has organized a game with another team!"

"Wow! Cool! As soon as I get home, let's make up for lost time!" Sigh.

As much as I enjoy my job, it's the first time I've had to be away from home for so long. Generally I have always taken fairly short trips, a few days at most.
This time we're talking about a month and a half away from my London.
Sounds corny, I know.
I'm aware of it.

"Of course! In the meantime, think about not making too many girls fall in love on the set! What are they like, by the way? Pussies?" He chuckles.

Josephine's image appears clear to me. Her bright smile. The redness in her cheeks when she looks down because she's embarrassed.
But at the same time she has a proud and determined look when she is alone, like when she entered the hotel.
She was excited but had incredible energy.
I am literally fascinated by her personality. And I've known her for what, 5 minutes?
I'm losing my mind, there's no other explanation.
How is it possible?!?
And then we want to talk about how fucking beautiful she is?
She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!
In tracksuit, without make-up, tired from the journey.
I don't want to know how beautiful she will be when she finally recovers from jetlag!
I'll have a heart attack.
The photos I've seen, as fantastic as they are, don't do it justice! It's much prettier in person!

"Hero?" Felix points out that I didn't answer his question.

"The rest of the cast is yet to arrive..." I clear my throat "For now it's just me and Jo"

She told me to call her Jo.

"You and... Jo?" He chuckles. "You said it with too much fake nonchalance! I know you!!! She's an amazing pussy, right? I feel you're almost emotional!!! Oh God FT is getting engaged!!!"
Felix goes off on a tangent, as usual.

"I really don't get engaged to anyone!" I snort "Get it over with!"

"Describe her to me!" He orders impatiently, "You can't keep your best friend on edge like that!"

"She's a beautiful girl... Blonde, blue eyes with some gray undertones" I suddenly realize I'm giving too much detail! "She seems nice! But I literally saw her for 5 minutes Fel, I don't have much else to say!" I'm trying to catch up and hope he hasn't noticed the details I just listed!

"And have you already noticed all these things?" He chuckles.

Here you are.

In my defense, it would have been hard not to notice Josephine.
It's impossible I would say.
I would notice her even in a room with a thousand people.

"Stop being stupid!" I look at the time on my phone "I have to go now, talk to you soon!"

"Go and conquer, tiger!" He yells on the other end of the phone.
We laugh together as we end the call. How stupid he is!

I shake my head in amusement as I take my room key and put it in my jeans pocket.
It's time to go to the lobby to wait for Jo and then go to dinner with the film crew.
For now it's just the two of us as actors, we'll need this week to get to know each other better.
This seems like a great idea, especially now that I've met her.
I take a deep breath as I enter the elevator. I can still smell her scent in the air and I seriously think I have some problems today.

What's wrong with me?

She doesn't seem to have arrived yet so I sit on one of the sofas in the hall to wait for her.
My heart is beating fast in my chest and I think I've gone completely stupid.
It can happen, right?
Can you lose your mind like that, from one moment to the next?
No, right?
I try to calm my thoughts otherwise when she gets here she will find a crazy psychopath who can't help but stare at her.
The cell phone rings again.
This time it's a video call.
Felix, again?
We spoke a little while ago!

"Heyyy!!!" Morgan shouts as I accept the call. Other friends of ours also appear on the screen. They look like they're at a party but I'm not sure.

"Hey! Where are you?" I'm trying to understand something but it's difficult. There is also a lot of confusion.

"Game postponed!" Alex shouts behind Morgan and waves at me. "How are you, FT?"

"I am fine!" I smile at him as more of our friends appear on the screen too.

"We're having a drink, there's a crazy storm outside!" Alex shouts.
Any excuse is good for partying.
I shake my head in amusement.
I miss them a lot.
We saw each other little even before I left, but there will be no shortage of opportunities in the future.

"Where the fuck are you? It's all shiny from you!" Alex's big face takes up the entire screen as he tries to get a better look. I think they've all had a bit too much to drink already!
I giggle as I show him the hotel.
The chandeliers are huge and that's right, they are sparkling.

"I'm in the lobby, I'm waiting..."
I immediately regret my words.
Now they'll all give me the third degree.
I quickly recover by clearing my throat.
"I'm waiting to go to dinner!"
If they don't know I'm with a girl, they won't be able to make stupid jokes when she arrives.
And then I'm not at on a date, it's a business dinner.
She and I work together.
Strictly professional relationship.
I don't see where the problem is.
I look up.

Oh. Fuck.
Oh holy shit!

I remain dumbfounded for a moment. She is even more beautiful than when I first saw her just now. Her hair flutters around her as she comes towards me. Blonde and slightly wet.
She must have showered before going out. The hat she wore before is no longer there to frame her face.
I always carry mine with me, it's my absolute favorite thing.
Instinctively I touch the hat on my head, adjusting it better.
She is wearing a very simple black t-shirt and a pair of jeans, white sneakers.
I only realize now that I've stopped talking to my friends and I'm looking her up and down.
She does the same thing to me, looking at me carefully.
The smile on her face drives me crazy!
I sigh and continue to look at her completely lost.

My friends take care of bringing me back to reality. Their screams can be heard clearly, so much so that I have to turn down the call volume.
I quickly dismiss them, keeping my eyes on Jo.
She smiles amusedly before apologizing for interrupting me.
Imagine if she has to apologize. No way!

"Don't worry!" I wink at her.
Her cheeks are red again as she looks down and clears her throat.

"Let's go?" I gesture to her to go towards the door and we walk together.
The walk to the restaurant is pleasant. It's windy outside, as usual, and I smile when I see Jo with my hat on her head.

I knew she would need it.

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