Cup of Jo (Spinoff of Rags to...

由 -QveenMe-

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A short story about Jo finding love and starting a family he's always wanted. Spinoff of "Rags to Riches" 更多



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由 -QveenMe-

Not going to work was boring as fuck. My knee wasn't broken and was only sore, but Dev insisted that I take two weeks off to rest and let my knee heal. I've never been out of work this long. Even when I was dealing, I always had to be doing something. So sitting here on paid leave was weird, but I didn't really have a choice. I went to work and I guess he talked to Kiya because she definitely made me go right back home. I didn't fight her on it and now I'm here. At home. Alone. By myself. Bored. Hungry. Lonely.

Just annoying shit.

I'm not staying in the house. I don't care.

It's kind of late and Kreighton was out with his family doing some family business shit. It was dark out, but I didn't care. I was about to go to Walmart and walk around or something. I'm bored as hell. I haven't even been using my crutches. This brace is enough.

I checked my emails before I left though and looked through my messages to see if I heard anything back from the adoption agency. They still haven't responded after I applied for the third time. Maybe they're just not going to respond at all. They're probably thinking maybe this bitch can't read, but we said no!

I'm not going to stress over it. Maybe if Kreighton and I get there than he can adopt and I'll just be here. Maybe they just don't like me.

I locked my phone and got up walking to the back to put some sweats and a hoodie on before grabbing my keys and my wallet. I walked back to the front door and put on my slides before walking out of the door. Maybe I should stop at the shop first and grab a sandwich. Yea, I'll do that first.

I got into the elevator and sighed leaning back on the wall. I'm hungry now that I'm thinking about the food. Damn.

I chuckled to myself before stepping off of the elevator and then walking out to my car. I unlocked it and hopped in sighing at how bored I was.

To "LFC🥱🖕🏿":
When are you gonna be done😭
I'm bored as shit and ur not here
to annoy. Hurry up broooooooo

I sent the message and then sat my phone down just letting the music from the radio play instead of the music from my phone.

I put my seat belt on and then pulled off heading to the sandwich shop. I started driving while just thinking about everything that's been going on. Well, it hadn't been much really because I've been stuck in fucking bed rest even though my knee isn't broken! I can walk. I guess the doctor thinks he knows more than me or something. Just rude.

Anyway, my nephew felt so bad about my knee that he was scared to come around me now. He thought I hated him and that I would be mad so now he's scared to be around me. I know it wasn't his fault. He didn't do it on purpose. He was only trying to come skate with me again because he saw that I was skating. He just made a mistake by skating in front of me like that, but I'm not mad at him. I mean he's only 5. It wasn't on purpose.

I could never hate him or any of those kids but he felt so bad. I was getting him this weekend though so we could still have our Uncle's baby day. I just wanted to show him that I wasn't mad at him in the slightest. Because I truly wasn't.

Was that the worst pain I've ever been through in my life? Hell yea, but I wasn't mad.

I pulled into the parking lot of the shop and parked my car in the back before hopping out. I walked into the back doors and made my way inside seeing Kiya working as usual. She's a hard worker.

"Why are you here?" She asked me without looking making me laugh.

"I just came for dinner girl. Nobody wanna work with you," I told her rolling my eyes as she smiled at the customer before walking towards me making me back up. "I can't run! I can't run!"

"That's what I thought scary. What do you want to eat?" She asked me as I sat on the couch.

"You know what I want," I told her as she rolled her eyes.

"Take this and leave," she spoke handing me a bag that was already made.

"How did you know I was coming here for dinner?" I asked her.

"Because you've been in here all day I just knew you were going to come back again. Now go rest your leg. It would be back to normal faster if you actually rest," she told me as I sighed. "Like I know you miss me because I'm so perfect, but please go home and rest,"

"Perfect? Try awful," I told her as she thumped my knee making me grab it.

"Try again," she spoke before walking to the front and talking to customers like she ain't just abuse me.

Can't stand her.

I walked outside and to my car but stopped once I heard yelling and shit. I looked across the street at the corner and saw a lady yelling at a tiny little boy who was crying and reaching for her.

"I TOLD YOU TO STOP! DUMB ASS!" She yelled at him as he cried and reached for her to pick him up. He hugged her leg and she snatched him off of her and pushed him down making him cry harder.

"Aye! What the fuck you doing bitch?!" I yelled throwing my food into the car before walking closer to them.

"Mind yo fucking business!" She yelled at me. "I never even wanted to dumb ass! Always crying like a little faggot and you got my man upset! That's why I beat you ass now!"

"Mommy!" He cried as I reached them. She kicked him in his chest making me push her harshly into her car.

"Mind yo business bitch ass nigga!" She yelled at me as I looked at the baby who was lying on the ground holding his chest and crying. He already looked like he had old bruises and dried blood on him. He looked like he was fucking starving too. "I don't love you sissy ass bitch! I hope you fucking starve to death. Retard!"

"Mommy, I'm sorry!" He cried as I helped him stand up. "I won't cry. Please don't leave me!"

"Fuck you!" She yelled before getting into her car and pulling off quickly making my heart beat fast as fuck.

D-Did she just abandon him on the corner at night? Near a street?

Imagine if I wasn't out here. He tried to chase her car but she was long gone making him trip and fall and start crying harder while coughing. He looks sick, dirty, beaten, bruised, hungry...just everything you don't want to see on a baby.

"Hey, I got you," I told him picking him up and holding him close regardless of how he looked or how clean he was. This baby needed a hug and some love.

Deja vu...

"Mommy left me," he cried before coughing again and then throwing up onto my hoodie. He's crying so hard he can barely breathe. "Mommy left me!"

"I know lil man. Look, I know. I know. What's your name? Can you tell me your name?" I asked him as he nodded his head.

"Riveeeer," he cried holding onto me tightly as Kiya walked out of the back door looking at me confused.

"I heard screaming? You good?" She asked me.

"Do me a favor and make another sandwich, fries, and a bottle of water, and bring it out here, please. And some napkins. As much as you can bring," I told her as she ran back inside. Matter of fact. I'll just go in. I'm sure it's warmer in there and I can take this hoodie off.

I looked at his appearance and noticed he didn't have on any shoes, a jacket, no pants, his hair was everywhere...this just.

"Ok, you said your name is River right?" I asked him as he nodded his head still crying. His eyes are so red. "Ok, River I'm, Jo. How old are you?"

"T-Three," he told me making me shake my head. Beating on a three-year-old?! A fucking three-year-old?!

"Ok, River. I'm going to help you, ok? You hungry?" I asked him rubbing his back as he seemingly calmed down. Ok, so he likes cuddling and a back rub. Good to know that clams him down.

"Yes... Mommy took my food," he whimpered crying softly as I felt like crying my damn self.

"Ok, well don't worry about her because we are about to give you some real good food. Ok?" I told him as he nodded his head. "Hold on,"

I sat him on the couch next to me and took the hoodie that he threw up on off and went into my locker. I pulled out a hoodie I had in my locker in case I needed it and put it over him. He was so tiny though it was coercing his whole body. I pulled his sleeves up and watched as Kiya walked back about to head outside but stopped when she saw us. She opened the food for me and then handed me the napkins before looking at us and then walking back to the front.

I wiped the blood off of his face the best that I could and fed him some of the sandwich. He took a tiny bite making me frown at how he was eating.

He only ate about a quarter of the sandwich. His appetite is fucked up. They must never feed him.

"I miss mommy," he told me as I nodded my head.

"I know you do...I don't know where she is though. Do you want to try eating some more food?" I asked him as he shook his head.

"No, thank you," he whispered before crying again making me sigh and pick him up. "My body hurts,"

"Ok, I'll take you to the doctor. And I'll stay to make sure you're ok," I told him as I packed up his food and made sure to pack some cookies too. He deserves all the cookies in the world.

This was fucking crazy.
"So you found him?" Kreighton asked me as I nodded my head.

"Basically. His mom apparently was abusing him right in front of me and kicked him out of the car so of course I intervened. Then she drove off so I fed him and then brought him here. I just...he reminds me of me when I was younger and I didn't have that person to come save me until I was older and met Od. We damn near raised each other. It's just how could you do that to a 3-year-old? He's just a baby man," I told him irritated making him sigh and nod his head.

"Do you need to sit down for a minute?" He asked me as I gave him a small smile.

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine. I just want him to be ok...," I told him as I looked into the room to see him sleeping. I looked to my left and saw...Brenda? This is the main lady that I've been talking to who works with social services. She was black and always tried to help me even though her superiors didn't want me to adopt a child. She's handling this case as well? "Hey, Brenda,"

"Johson? You're the guy that found the child?" She asked me as I nodded my head.

"Yea, I am. Look...I know he's not going to be back at home with his mother and until he gets adopted he'll need a foster home right? Can I foster him? I know that I was denied again, but look, it's better than nothing right? I have a job, my own place, my own car, it's a school nearby and a daycare in my building, I have insurance and-,"

"What do you mean you were denied? When you applied for the third time I made sure I talked to Mr. Kelly about your file specifically. I told Kyle to let you know the good news. Did he never reach out to you?" She asked me as I looked at her shocked.

"No! I thought k was denied since I didn't hear anything back at all! No message, no call, no email, no letter. Nothing! I'm really approved for adoption?" I asked her as she smiled at me and nodded her head.

"Yes, you are. I made sure that I was involved this time because it made no sense for you to be rejected. I get that they typically go for homes with two parents, but other than that you had nothing wrong in your file and not to mention being in an actual home where they can get more love is better than an orphanage or group home anyway. I don't know why you were rejected, but not anymore," she told me as I felt like crying.

"C-Can I adopt River? That's his name and 3 and he's been through so much already, I ju-,"

"Slow down, Jo. We don't know if he has any other family out there that may want to adopt him and as you know they'll choose blood relatives over someone not related any day. For now though, if you're still interested in fostering him I can work on that, but there's a chance that his family may come around and then he could be taken away from you. That's something you need to mentally prepare yourself for, Jo. After a background check on them if they want him they can have them and they also have the option to not let you have any contact with him at all. You have to prepare yourself," she told me as I nodded my head.

"I know but...he deserves at least a little bit of love until his family comes for him. If they do. Just let me foster him. I promise I'll be a good fit for him. He reminds me so much of myself," I told her as she nodded her head sighing.

"I'll get your paperwork started and while you're fostering him I'll also get your adoption paperwork for him started as well, even with the adoption paperwork though there's still a chance they could come for him last minute, but after that window is up you'll be able to adopt him is all goes well. I'm going to make a few calls and get some paperwork done and I'll be back," she told me as I nodded my head.

It's finally happening. But k can't get my hopes up because he might be taken away from me. Please...

"Kreighton, I know we're working on building a relationship and shit, but I've always wanted a child and he needs a loving family and I can give him that. Od and Dev he'll be set up for life. If you no longer want to date me or if you-,"

"The only thing I'm thinking about right now is how I can start my adoption process myself because win 1000 percent behind you. I know the same as you that we could give him a loving family and you adopting a child would never make me leave me. It only makes me want you more because you're willing to change your life around to help someone in need. I love that about you. Now, let's go check on him and when she comes back I'll talk to her about starting a process myself. I'm serious about us," he told me kissing my head before walking into the room with me.

I sat down next to his hospital bed and looked at him. I just don't understand. How the fuck could she do something like that?

I watched as he opened his eyes and immediately pouted before whining and then came the tears.

"Hey, you're not alone. Don't be scared, River," I told him as he sat up and reached for me. He was sick as expected. He had pneumonia, a sprained ankle, bruised ribs, he was underweight, and that wasn't even the beginning of the trauma he had endured living with her. He had so many tests run on him...and the results were awful. He had gone through so many different types of abuse I didn't even want to think about them.

His mother and whatever nigga she was talking about were sick.

I picked him up and sat down in his bed rubbing his back watching him lay down on my chest and cry to himself.

"River, this is my friend Kreighton, but you can call him Kj. He's really nice and he's fun too," I told him as she looked at Kreighton.

"Hi...," he spoke softly as Kreighton waved at him.

"Hi, River. How are you feeling?" He asked him as he pouted.

"I don't feel good," he spoke as Kreighton nodded his head.

"Well, we're going to make sure that you feel better, River. Do you want some water?" Kreighton asked him as he nodded his head.

He's so good with kids. Love that about him.

We chilled here for a few hours before Brenda came back with the best news I've heard letting me know that since I was already approved to be a foster parent, they were going to let me take him home. He didn't have any clothes or anything so what did I do? Made a call to Od, Vicky, and Percy and asked for clothes, shoes, and toys for him.

I needed to go buy a toothbrush, and toothpaste, a car seat, bubble bath, medicine, snacks, cups, baby plate-

"Jo!" Kreighton yelled as I snapped out of it and looked over at him.

"Y-Yea?" I spoke as he chuckled.

"I said, do you want me to go pick some things up while you take him home?" He asked me as I shook my head.

"No, uh my people are bringing him some stuff. We can go tomorrow and get him whatever else he needs, but for now, I think he'll be ok after a bath, some more food, and some sleep. You don't mind if we share a room, do you? That way he can have his own space and I can turn my room into his. I know that's your room and I don't wanna put you out of your space, but we already sleep together anyway and I just figured that it would be ok if I always slept in your room, or you slept in my since my room has the bathroom and we can just move your mattress and the-,"

"Johson. Take a deep breath," he told me as I did what he asked. "We can move my mattress and stuff into your room and turn my room into his. I don't mind. I know you like your room more but prefer my bed and we can move it, baby. It's fine. Just calm down for me. I'll meet you at home ok?" He asked me as I nodded my head. 

"I'm sorry for rambling. I'm so nervous," I told him as he chuckled.

"I know, baby but you got this. We got this. You're not alone. Just take him home and I'll follow right behind you. Did you eat?" He asked me as I shook my head.

"No, I was going to but then this happened so I didn't. I got a sandwich for me and him though. I'll go back and order you one I just didn't know if you had eaten with your family, but I guess I should have called and checked," I told him as he shook his head.

"Nah, you're fine. I did eat. My mom cooked and I packed a plate for you, so don't worry about it. Let's just go home ok?" He told me as I nodded my head.

What an eventful ass day.
I threw on my slides and got up to go check on River. He was asleep in my bed since we didn't switch them yet. It was the next morning and the gang had already stopped by and gave me a bunch of stuff for him. Love my family.

I walked into his room with his medicine and looked at him sitting up on the bed with the biggest pout. He needed a haircut badly.

"Hey, River. You ok?" I asked him as he reached for me. I picked him up and felt how cold his body was making me grab one of my softer blankets and put it around him. "Are you hungry?"

"Yes..., am I in trouble?" He asked me a si shook my head.

"No of course not! When you're living with me you can eat as much as you want and whenever you want. All you have to do is say 'Jo, I'm hungry' or 'Kj, I'm hungry' and we'll get you a snack some food or something. Ok? What do you normally eat for breakfast?" I asked him.

"What's breakfast?" He asked me as I  looked at him.

"You've never had breakfast? No pancakes or waffles or cereal? What did you normally eat at home?" I asked him.

"Lunchables," he told me softly as I sighed. I hope his mother dies.

"Ok, well I'm about to make you breakfast ok? Breakfast is the first thing you eat in the morning. Then it's lunch and that's later in the day. Then at night, you eat dinner. Since it's early I'll make you what?" I spoke as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Breakfast," he told me as I smiled.

"Good job. I'll make you pancakes, sausage, and eggs just to start. Do you like juice?" I asked him.

"Apple juice," he told me as I nodded my head and sat him down on the couch.

"You be watching cartoons and stuff?" I asked him as he nodded his head.

"Yes. I like Super-Why," he told me as I nodded my head.

"That's a fire show so I get it. Lemme put it on for you. Oh, and I know you may not want to, but let's take some medicine," I told him as he nodded my head.

"Ok," he told me as I looked at him. He's so sweet and well-spoken. I wonder how when his parents seem to be full of shit. Maybe it's from watching PBS. I sat him on the couch and put on Super-Why.

I walked back into my kitchen and watched as Kreighton came out of the back making River hide under his blanket and peek at him. Kreighton chuckled and walked over to him saying him making him come from under the blanket and wave at him. I started making breakfast and let them talk to each other while watching TV.

Once breakfast was ready I made three plates and at them down at the table along with some juice for each of us and told them breakfast was ready. I sat down and watched as Kreighton carried him over and sat him down at the table.

"Go, ahead and try it," I told him as he looked at it.

"Are you sure?" He asked me as I nodded my head.

"Of course I'm sure. It'll be good I promise," I told him I made his pancakes smaller than ours because k could see he didn't have a good appetite. He took a small bite before looking at me. "Is it good?"

"Yes," he told me as I smiled at him.

"Now try it with a little syrup," I told him. He tried a piece and then nodded his head again.

"I like it. What's this and this?" He asked me.

"That's the sausage and that part is the eggs. I promise it's good," I told him as he nodded his head and tried both.

"It's good," he told me as he continued eating.

He has so much to discover.


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