Life with the Avengers

By highandhappy

43 3 0

When Amber, the new psychiatrist enters the compound, she meets an old friend. Natasha's past stares at her a... More

Chapter 1 : my arrival
Chapter 2 : injuries
Chapter 3 : drinks and a lot of dancing
Chapter 4 : nightmares
Chapter 5 : flashbacks and massages
Chapter 6 : tension is in the air
Chapter 7 : it takes two to tango
Chapter 9 : I get those goosebumps every time
Chapter 10 : date night

Chapter 8 : what have I gotten myself into?

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By highandhappy

I feel so lost ever since everyone is gone. I guess I have been feeling far from home since I got here but I never had the chance to really think about it because of the constant distraction. The sun wakes me up as it shines right through my eyelids. ''Uhmm,'' I groaned. You see, I was admiring the stars yesterday and I forgot to shut my blinds. I get up and immediately look at my phone, a bad habit I caught a few months ago.

Unknown number

Meet me in the garage at ten O'clock.

I get up and decide to go for a run before my very mysterious meeting. I put on my favorite playlist and I get lost in my thoughts. It used to feel so good to spend time alone. But now even when I'm alone, I'm not truly alone. My mind is occupied by my complicated relationships, my fear of failing at my training and my utter need of contact with the normal world. I just need to chill, but I don't know how.

I look around me, the forest completely filling me up with a fresh breeze. I observe how the wind dances through the leaves and suddenly, my face meets the ground. ''Ouch,'' I said out loud. I look at the big tree root as if it was its fault. I feel a bit dizzy, I think I hit my head pretty hard. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

''Hello,'' I say with a raspy voice. ''Amber?!? Are you okay?'' I guess you can't get away with embarrassing moments like this when you're being tracked. ''Bruce, yes I am fine.'' I get up and I rub my forehead. ''What happened? Your pressure dropped to the floor,'' he asks. ''Who are you talking to?'' I hear the Captain's voice in the background. He tells him that he's speaking to me. ''Amber?!? What happened?'' Wanda asks loudly. ''Well, if you'll let me speak with her we would know,'' he sighs and I let out a chuckle. ''I just fell down while running, I swear I'm fine.''

''Did you just faint?'' I know he just wants to make sure I'm okay but don't they have more important things to do. ''Who fainted?'' Nat asks in the background. ''Will you please all just keep quiet?'' Bruce is starting to get irritated. ''Look, I promise I'm okay. You know me, I'm just clumsy.'' I hang up before anyone can say anything else and I run back to the compound. I decide to take off my tracker before hopping in the shower and I get ready for my meeting.


Be more careful. I don't want anything to happen to you when I'm away.


I'll try!


You better do more than try.

I smile as I read those words on my phone. I take my phone between my hands and an idea pops into my head.


Or what?

I see the three dots appearing and then disappearing. I look at the time and I realize that I have to go downstairs.

"Hi, Doctor Laurens!'' I turn around to look at this lovely face. I run towards her and I pull her into an unending hug. ''Maria, I missed you.'' She pushes me out of the hug to take a better look at my face. ''I missed you too.'' We talked a bit about what was new in our lives. We have been friends for over two years now and I haven't seen her in months. ''So, you're not here just because you missed me right?'' Her clean and classy outfit told me that she was also here for work. ''I actually have to borrow you for a mission.'' She explains that I have to go retrieve an important object from a big company, I have to be discreet and use my powers only if needed. ''And you can't tell anyone about this.''

''Okay, sure. But when is it? Because if I'm not back before the Avengers are, they're gonna ask questions.'' She gives me a reassuring face and tells me that it's only gonna take two days maximum. ''So, I leave tonight? With my car? Where to?'' She gives me a quick punch and laughs. ''Don't worry, I was just about to share the details.'' I roll my eyes jokingly. ''So, you have to meet me at the airport tomorrow around 8:00 am. I have a room for you so you can drive tonight.'' I look at her attentively. ''The other details will follow in the next hours. I nod and we part ways, I wanted to go get ready for this spontaneous trip.

I look at my phone to check my messages.


Miss me already?


Yes. How is the mission?


I miss sleeping next to you. The mission is going well, what are you up to these days?

Except falling flat on your face.


I miss it too, even if you snore.

I'm glad you're okay.

I'm not doing much, I might go out of town for a couple of days.


I don't snore.

Where are you going? And with who?


If you say so.

Just visiting some friends in the country.


Make sure you're being safe.

I want you in my bed when I get back.


Of course, I'm always careful.


If you say so.

When I get out of the shower I look at my emails for information about my trip. I decide to take out my device, even if it's to protect me, I think It's better this way. I then pack my bags and head to the airport's hotel. As soon as my back touches the mattress, I fall asleep.


"Amb", I hear mumbles in my brain as my heart beats strongly in my chest. "Amber," I hear again but this time I have a pretty good idea whose voice it is. I try to focus on what I'm doing. My tight clothes are very uncomfortable but they're the key to my cover. I enter the elevator and I press on the third floor button.

I know exactly what I'm looking for even if I don't know the exact purpose of it. It's a triangle shaped device that is supposed to be in a secret locker behind the desk of the CEO of this tech company. I knock on the door of his office. "You may enter," a deep voice echoes in my ears. "Hi Mr. Kennedy." I say as I enter the room. "What can I do for you?" He asks. I undo the first button of my blouse to distract him from my left hand. I channel my powers to put him under my control.

"I was wondering what this big locker behind you contained?" He smiles charmingly while he is focused on my breasts. I love doing undercover work, I used to be so good at this. "Let me show you then, young lady." He turns around and enters his password. I walk towards him silently and I knock him out. I had to lure him away from the panic button under the desk. I retrieve the object and I leave his office immediately.

My pulse is pumping through my whole body. "I miss you," I hear in my head. Why are these women always distracting me? I get out of the elevator but I bump into someone. "Sorry," I say as I keep my head low and walk towards the exit. "Amber?" The man walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. I grab his hand but before I decide to smack him on the ground, his voice resonates into my head. I know him, so I look up.

"Loki?" I say quietly as I guide him outside with me. "What are you doing here?" He asks, surprised. I look into his eyes without saying anything. I feel his pulse, he's very anxious too. "You're here on a mission too?" I ask and he pulls me away from the building. "You can't be here alone," he says as he grabs my wrist. "It's very dangerous," he adds. ''I know how to do my job, thank you very much.'' I take back my hand, a bit offended. ''You have no idea whose building this is and I'm pretty sure the Avengers didn't send you here. S.H.I.E.L.D is really reckless to send you here alone. You haven't used your powers have you?'' I start to walk away from here, a bit frustrated by him underestimating me.

''Amber!'' He yells as he follows me into the forest. I turn around and I extend my hand. A bright blue ball of energy invades his personal space, making him stop his movements. I didn't even know I could do that. ''Let me explain,'' he yells as I start to walk away. I try to deal with my anger, an emotion I can't really control when it appears. ''Okay, you have one minute!'' I walk towards him and I release my hold on him. ''Okay! I've been working with an organization that controls the multiverse. Well, it doesn't really control it but it makes sure that nobody jumps from one to another.''

''And this building is owned by an organization named Gravitas.'' We walk together as I calm down and try to understand everything he's telling me. ''How can someone jump from one universe to the other?'' I ask. ''It's not really another universe. It's the same universe but with a different reality. It's really complicated to explain and we don't have much time. They can track your powers or anyone's really.'' He takes me in his arms and claps his fingers.

''Where are we?'' I look around, we're in a big empty house. ''We're somewhere safe, I promise.'' He tells me that the thing I stole can actually make you jump into a different dimension. The company that possessed it, Gravitas, sent people in other timelines to spy on more advanced technology but none of the people returned. ''So, what does S.H.I.E.L.D want it for? And who the fuck do you work for?'' I take a seat on the couch, feeling a bit overwhelmed all of a sudden. ''I don't work for them, I'm actually serving some time.'' He hands me a glass of water. ''Serving time? For what?"

''I know this is really confusing and I wish we had enough time to discuss this. What you need to know is that I accidentally jumped while using my powers and I'm the only one that managed to come back here. While I was away, I also accidently disrupted a couple of things so I had to work for the protector of timelines.'' I take a big sip of water, I feel a big weight on my chest. ''Amber, you cannot tell anyone. Do you understand me?'' I nod as he makes sure I'm okay before continuing. ''S.H.I.E.L.D thinks this is a time traveling stone. It cannot be in anyone's hands, it's way too dangerous for the course of our reality. I have to destroy it.'' I take a deep breath and focus only on the imminent danger.

''I can help you if you want.'' I know everyone finds Loki untrustworthy but I know he has good intentions, he's just a little bit impulsive sometimes. ''About that, your powers are stronger than before. Wanda must be training you hard,'' he smiles a bit to try and diffuse the thick atmosphere. ''Yeah,'' I smile. ''Okay, so we need to figure out a plan to destroy it and we also have to move because Gravitas and S.H.I.E.L.D must be looking for you by now.'' We pack some things and we leave for the cold mountains of Norway.

What have I gotten myself into?

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