Animagus or Monster

By lionwolf445a

1.1K 40 3

Drarry book, no smut (This is only cuz I'm a helpless loner who can't get a relationship) This is at the star... More

After Answers
The Dangers of Shopping
House of Horrors
The Dark of Both Sides
Creature In You
Untitled Part 13

Child of Death

56 3 0
By lionwolf445a

Lucius let out a shocked huff of indignation, before shooting out the first spell. A binding spell. I lifted a huge brown wing to block the oncoming spell. In a swift move of the wing, I bounced the spell directly back at the Death Eater. The spell hit him dead on, black chains wrapping around his body. Leading him to a death fall straight to the salty ocean below. 

Unluckily for him, he was caught by a Leviosa from one of the other Death Eater and a counter curse from another. You could practically sense the anger radiating off the white haired wizard. An explosion of death magic came from my right, opposite Echo, who I could sense. Why though? Nevermind. 

The death magic shot out to the Lucius and sent him back, the death magic held an aura of darkness and fear. Lucius's eyes flew wide and the shadowy aura seeped into his skin, it changed him, twisting his form. From those shadows a Wendigo was born, the body deformed and cloaked in black shadows, long clawed arms and tall body. Covered in fur, long wolf tail, and where the head should be was a gleaming bone deer head with bloody eyes staring out. It bared its fangs in an imitation of a smile. 

The Death Eater's jumped away from the creature, who used the disappearing smoke trail to lunge at them. It managed to snag one of them with its claws, the mask fell off to reveal, Pettigrew in all his horror. The magic left his soul and the both plummeted to the ocean below, splashing into the spray and being devoured by the roiling depths.

Where the death magic came from was a young boy, about my age with pale skin and snow white hair, his once stormy colored eyes, a burning onyx black. He glared victoriously at where his father once was before he plummeted to the ground, before passing out. 

'Grab him,' My creature yelled, dropping the dragon form I raced over to Draco, catching his as he fell. My creature, who had yet to tell me his name, snarled under his breath about certain people being stupid with their power so soon after getting it. I ignored the angry hybrid. 

I sent a quick glare at the other Death Eaters who were still very stunned by the death of two of their ranks, and a very trusted one at that. By the time they came to their senses, I had Draco out of the way, near the center of the rooftop. Where the rest of the young ones were. 

A deep snarl came from my twin, a warning to back off, this was our protected place. I changed into a Soraking to match my brother, Cyran taking up is place beside us. The older skinwalkers matched our forms and the younger ones taking on large forms, if they have them, and the young skinwalkers and Horrors protecting the little kids. 

The Death Eaters paled at the sight of about thirty huge and angry Soraking teenagers and their Royal facing off against them. Despite that they launched a volley of spells our direction, I raised my wings to protect the young ones and the rest followed suit, the spells bouncing off and dissipating. 

In a moment of combined focus, huge water weeds shot up from the ocean, grabbing the group of twenty Death Eaters, lower and upper circle members. Ten of them managed to escape the curling sea vines, before any of them could free the other members from the restrains. They were plunged, screaming, into the depths that their other two members had previously been devoured by. None of them escaped. 

The ten left, in a moment of desperation, apperated away from the creatures that opposed them. 

Returning to hybrid and human forms we gathered around. Two scent that I had ignored before came at me in full force; one smelt of spicy herbs, deserts and sunrays. The other smelled of darkness, crows and moss. I followed the scents carefully, the second one came from where the young ones were and the first one in the crowd. 

I followed the darker scent to where the younger ones were, Draco was just regaining consciousness. I looked at him curiously, head tilted, and he stared back, The scent came from him. Leading me to him, the smell was intoxicating. 

I crouched beside him, a low rumble starting up in my throat, a protectiveness appeared over my mate. Mate, that was what he was. I helped him up and brought him close, Draco slung an arm over my shoulder and leaned on me. 

"We still have to find our other mate, Hades," He rumbled with a smirk. His voice was music to my ears, like an ominous melody. 

We walked through the crowd, chasing the spicy scent of out other third. We stopped once we reached a familiar skinwalker, Echo. Echo whipped around, sensing us and the sudden strongness of scents. 

Echo rushed over to both of us, forming a hug around the three of us. Happy purring came from me and Echo, who had finally came into his full skinwalker inheritance. 

'Sorry to interrupt Hades,' Storm mind whispered and the other two perked up, noticing the sudden distraction. 'We have to be ready for what comes next.' 

I nodded softly, not wanting to leave the warmth and protectiveness of my mates. We parted slightly, but they both stayed close, not wanting to leave after just finding each other. I went over to the door way off the roof, Echo on my left and Draco on my right. 

"Skinwalkers, welcome to my House of Horrors, previously Azkaban prison." I addressed the crowd. "Any of the current residents will not harm you in any way and you are welcome to stay on the upper floors of the House." I paused, "You can all head inside to rest and make sure that no one has any injuries." 

I opened the door and went into on of the sitting rooms, I sat down on one of the cushions with Echo and Draco sitting right beside myself, leaning on my shoulders. 

Storm, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Cyran, and the twins entered the room to find the three of us sitting together. 

Storm opened his mouth to speak, but I beat him to it, "Yes I know the war is far from over and just beginning," I growled grumpily, "And we should be doing things to put a stop to it, but do we have to right now?" 

"I agree," Draco spoke up from my right, Echo nodding along. 

Strom sighed like an over tired mother hen, "No we don't," Laughter came from the twins who Strom snarled at and back off. 

Sirius and Remus soon disappeared after making sure I was ok and giving me back Aka and Onyx. And everyone else drifted off somewhere. 

"Hadesss, don't do that again," Aka hissed out in relived distress. 

"I agree with Aka, Hades," Onyx growled. "We can help you!

"You shouldn't put yourself in so much danger, Hades," Draco said, looking concerned. 

Echo decided this was a great time to talk about the Dursleys, "There was bars on his window when they brought him from his house," Echo growled angrily, and Draco gasped. 

"Hey!" I yelped, "How did you know that? You weren't even there." 

"I think there is a murder that needs to be done," Draco snarled. 

"I already murdered them all," I growled, and both of them sighed in disappointment. 

Draco got a happy look on his face, "Death!" He yelled, and both of us look at him in confusion. 

"What can I do for you, Draco?" A voice came from out of a deep shadow in the room. A man with skin as light as snow and black curls as dark as an abyss appeared from the shadows. He wore a long, flowy black cloak with a deep hood, his one black eye and one red eye glowing with bloodlust and darkness. He smelled of bitter death and the hauntingly sweet smell of decay. 

Both Echo and I stared in shock as Draco had a casual conversation with Death himself. 

"I need you to make sure that three people are given a very harsh punishment," Draco snarled out in anger. 

Death nodded in excitement, "What are their names?" He questioned. 

"Vernon, Petunia and Dudley Dursley," Draco spat like they were the most foul words to leave his mouth. 

"I will personally make sure they  get what they deserve," Death grinned, his teeth sharp blades. With that he melted back into the shadows, still grinning like a madman. 

Draco smiled happily and looked over to us who were still in shock at the fact that Death was just in the room. 

"What was that?" Echo yelped. 

I looked at the pale boy in question, "Why does Death answer to you?" 

He hummed, "I am a chosen Child of Death and with that gives a person a certain power over Death, but we can only have sway over the already dead." He explained. 

The last rays of sunlight hit the room as we made a fort of pillows and blankets that spans most of the room, cushions were piled up around the room and blankets were pinned to the room with magic. As the last rays of sun left the normally stormy prison, we cuddled in our fort and fell asleep. Just enjoying each other's company. 

*Important* Let me know what other ships I should put in, I'm open to most and I'm not sure which ones I should put in. 

Peace Out! ;3

- Azri

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