dead roses Twd

By l3vi00

16.9K 241 57

two siblings trying to survive (merles kids) More

cover your eyes
left behind
daryls return
merle or guns
surprise attack
death arives
the door
warm water
little girl
wishing well
together me and you
car and guns
back and then
new dead
gone day
guns and Bums


1.1K 19 2
By l3vi00

hours later, Merle and Archie were on the roof, overlooking the city. They had arrived in the city, with Jacqui Morales, Glen, Andrea, and T-dog downstairs, while Merle was up on the roof, with his shotgun, looking down, ready to shoot any walkers that might be nearby.

Merle spots a walker and without hesitation shoots it. He's a skilled sniper and he makes it look easy, his aim is true and the walker is gone in a flash. The sound of the gun echoed  through the city.

"Stop shooting them," Archie said,

"What else am I gonna do?" Merle asked

"This is why no one likes you," Archie replied,

"They don't like you either," Merle said, chuckling.

"Shut up," Archie said angrily.

Merle shoots another walker
“There gonna yell at you” Archie said

“So I don't give a shit” Merle said

Merle kept shooting at several of the Walkers on the street below with a sniper rifle, killing some of them.

Merle began shooting again. The doors open and the group runs out. Morales yells "Hey, Dixon, are you crazy!?"

Merle continues to laugh as he shoots. Andrea says, "Oh jeez"

"Hey! You be more polite to a man with a gun! Huh? Ah!" Merle jumps off the ledge,

"Only common sense" he yells, his voice echoing throughout the city.

"Here we go again," Archie says as he slides off the edge.

"Man, you wasting bullets we ain't even got!" T-Dog yells

Merle continues to laugh, "And you're bringing even more of them down on our ass! Man, just chill.”

Merle scoffs at the comment, "Hey! Bad enough I've got this taco-bender on my ass all day. Now I'm gonna take orders from you? I don't think so, bro. That'll be the day."

T-Dog responds, "That'll be the day? You got something you want to tell me?"

Morales tries to defuse the situation. "Hey, T-Dog man, just leave it. It ain't worth it. Now Merle, just relax, okay? We've got enough trouble." He takes a step back,
"You want to know the day?" Merle asks
"Yeah," T-Dog says

"Dad, don't," Archie says, knowing it won't end well

"I'll tell you the day, Mr. 'Yo.' It's the day I take orders from a -” Merle starts to say, before Archie sighs and looks down, not wanting to hear the racist comment coming next.

"Mother...-" T-Dog begins to say before he swings at Merle, missing by a hair.

Archie yells, "Hay! Dad stop it,"

He stares in horror as Merle and T-Dog start to fight.

Morales yells, "Hey, come on, Merle. That's enough!"

Andrea yells, "Come on. Dixon!"

"Whoa, cut it out, man!" Morales yells, trying to break up the fight as they keep punching and kicking each other.

"Stop it! Dixon, get off him! Dixon, you're gonna hurt him," Andrea yells

"Merle, cut it out!" Morales yells, desperately trying to stop the fight.

Merle is now beating T-Dog to a pulp and holds a pistol to his head.

"No, no, no, please. Please," Andrea pleads, tears welling up in her eyes.

Everyone is frozen in place, waiting to see what Merle will do next.

“Yeah! All right! We're gonna have ourselves a little powwow, huh? Talk about who's in charge. Ivote me. Anybody else? Huh? Democracy time, y'all. Show of hands, huh? All in favor? Huh? Come on. Let's see 'em. Oh, come on. All in favor? Yeah. That's good. Now that means I'm the boss, right? Yeah. Anybody else? Hmm? Anybody?” Merle said

“Yeah.” Rick says

Rick runs in, hitting Merle over the head with a pipe. He handcuffs Merle to a pipe and Rick stands there, protecting T-Dog and Andrea.

"Who the hell are you, man?" Merle tries to ask as he's handcuffed.

Archie yells, "Dad!" He's in shock at what just happened, seeing his own father being handcuffed.

"Officer friendly," Rick replies, looking down at Merle, "Things are different now. There are no more 'n-words' or dumb-as-shit, inbred white-trash fools. Only dark meat and white meat. There's us and the dead. We survive this by pulling together, not apart."
"Screw you, man," Merle says, not seeming to care about Rick's words.

"Hey, help me! You're my son, ain't ya?" Merle yells, desperate for Archie's help.

"Uncuff my dad..." Archie holds a gun to his head, but the new guy isn't afraid. The new guy grabs Archie's gun and pulls him forward, making him fall. Rick pushes the gun away and cuffs Archie to the same metal pipe as Merle.

"I see it runs in the family," Rick says, looking at the two of them handcuffed together.

"You dumbass, you should've shot him," Merle yells at Archie, angry that his son didn't take the shot.

"Fuck off," Archie replies, still in shock.

"Ought to be polite to a man with a gun," Rick says as he cocks his gun.

"Only common sense," he adds, his voice serious.

"You wouldn't. You're a cop," Merle replies, clearly not believing that Rick would actually shoot him.
"What are you gonna do? Arrest me?" Merle says, seemingly unafraid.

Archie stays quiet, unsure of what to do.

Merle laughs, obviously finding the situation humorous.

Rick starts going through Merle's pockets and pulls out a bag of drugs, which he throws off the ledge.

"Hey! What are you doing? Man, that was my stuff!" Merle yells, now worried that Rick has thrown away his drugs.

"If I get loose, you'd better pray... Yeah, you hear me, you pig? You hear me?!" Merle continues, his voice getting louder and more frantic.

"Yeah, your voice carries..." Rick says, not seeming to care what Merle says.

"Do you hear me, you filthy pig?!" Merle continues to yell, seemingly getting more and more angry.

"Shut up, dad," Archie says, not wanting the situation to get more out of control than it already is.

"How's that signal?" Morales asks T-Dog.

"Like Dixon's brain... Weak," T-Dog responds, still looking frustrated.

"Hay" Archie yells to get everyone's attention.

"Keep trying," Morales tells him, trying to stay positive.

"Why? There's nothing they can do. Not a damn thing," Andrea says, sounding defeated.

"Got some people outside the city is all. There's no refugee center. That's a pipe dream," Morales replies, still trying to keep the hope alive.

"Then, she's right, we're on our own. It's up to us to find a way out," Rick replies, feeling the weight of the situation.

"Good luck with that. These streets ain't safe in this part of town from what I hear. Ain't that right, sugar tits” Merle says

Archie cuts his father off, "Dad, just stop it."

"Don't tell me what to do," Merle snaps back, not wanting to be silenced.

"At least one of the Dixons has some sort of sense." T-Dog chimes in, still trying to calm the situation.

"The streets ain't safe. Now there's an understatement," Morales agrees.

"What about under the streets? The sewers?" Rick suggests, already brainstorming ideas.

"Oh man. Hey, Glenn, check the alley. Do you see any manhole covers?" Morales asks, trying to find a way out of their current situation.
"No, must be all out on the street where the geeks are." Glen says, still searching for any way out.

"Maybe not. Old building like this built in the '20s... Big structures often had drainage tunnels into the sewers in case of flooding down in the subbasements," Jacqui says, looking for any possible escape route.

"How do you know that?" Glen asks, surprised by her knowledge.

"It's my job... was. I worked in the city zoning office," Jacqui replies, providing a surprising explanation for her knowledge.

The group leaves, leaving Merle and Archie alone.

"You're an asshole," Archie says, clearly still upset with the situation.

"Yeah, well, same as you. You got some real Dixon in ya," Merle replies,

"Is this why mom left?" Archie asks,

"Haha, you think you're so fucking funny. You're not," Merle snaps, getting more aggressive.

"Maybe if you weren't such a bitch, we wouldn't be here," Archie says, getting more frustrated.

"If you would have shot the man, we wouldn't be here!!" Merle yells back,

"Don't act like you weren't gonna rob them and leave with Daryl," Archie says,

"Yeah, I was gonna bring you," Merle says
"Sure, you were," Archie says sarcastically, rolling his eyes

“Your a piece of shit” Archie says

Suddenly, Andrea, Jacqui, and Morales run to the roof, looking panicked.

"Hay, what's happening, man?" Merle asks,

They ignore Merle, and Morales tells T-Dog to try the CB.

"Hay, come on, talk to me, y'all," Merle says, trying to get their attention.

"No one is gonna shut up," Archie says quietly, so Merle doesn't hear.

"Base camp, this is t-dog. Anybody here me?" T-Dog says into the radio.

"Can anybody out there hear me?" T-Dog says again.

Morales uses Archie's binoculars to look at the ground.

"My binoculars!" Archie yells,

"There!" Morales exclaims, pointing to something.

"What the hell are ya all doing!?" Archie yells, frustrated that he's handcuffed to a piece of metal next to his dad and can't see. Suddenly, there's thunder rumbling in the distance.
"Shit," Archie says, looking up.

"That asshole is out on the street with the handcuffs keys!?" Merle asks, clearly frustrated

T-Dog puts the radio down and holds up the keys, showing it off to Merle. Archie sighs, while Merle looks mad but doesn't say anything.

"Hello, hello? The reception's bad in this end. Repeat, repeat," the radio says. It sounded like Dale or Shane, but Archie couldn't tell.

"Shane, is that you?" T-Dog asks into the radio.

"We're in deep shit! We're trapped in the department store," T-Dog says into the radio again. "There are geeks all over the place. Hundreds of them! We're surrounded," T-Dog says into the radio.

Suddenly, there was only static. Morales continued to watch Glenn and Rick through the binoculars as the rain started to fall.

"Oh man," Morales said, putting the binoculars down for a second before picking them back up.

"There leaving!" Andrea yells, while Merle asks, "What, what?!?"

"No, no, come back!" Andrea says, desperately

Suddenly Andrea Jacqui Morales and t dog grab there stuff and start running down the stairs

"Wait, they're coming back!" Andrea yells, seeing the group return.

"Hey, come on, let's go!" Morales yells, trying to make a quick getaway.

"Hey, you can't leave me here! I'm not fooling, man!" Merle yells as Morales makes a break for it.

"Morales!" Merle yells, while Archie tries to pull his hand out of the handcuffs, but it was impossible.

"Hey man, don't do this!" Archie screams, watching Morales leave him behind with his father.

T-dog stays, but he watches as everyone else runs down the stairs, escaping.

"Don't leave me here, you guys!" Merle yells again, desperate.

"Morales, you can't leave me like this!" Merle yells, as T-dog begins to walk towards him.

"Hey, t-dog, no, man. You can't leave me! You can't leave me here, not like this!" Merle yells, his fear clear in his voice.

"Please, t-dog!" Archie says,

"You can't man, it's not human! Come on, don't do this," Merle pleads, t o
dog starts speed walkng towards merle but he trips over a tool bag
"Come on, yeah, yeah! Come on, that's it. Come on, baby, yeah. Come on!" Merle says, trying to encourage T-dog to hurry up. But as T-dog gets closer, he slips and drops the key down a pipe.

"No!" Archie yells,

"Son of a bitch, you did that on purpose!" Merle yells to T-dog, frustrated and scared at the prospect of being left behind.

"I didn't mean to!" T-dog yells, but Merle doesn't believe him.

"You lie, you did it on purpose!" Merle yells back, while T-dog protests it was an accident.

"Don't leave me!" Merle yells, as T-dog runs to the door, while Archie and Merle try to break the handcuffs.

"I'm sorry!" T-dog says, but it's too late. He runs through the door
"No, come back!" Archie yells, watching T-dog disappear

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