We are not meant to be

By malecfangirlbane

1.8K 122 21

In a perfect world, an alpha/alpha relationship would not raise any eyebrows, but the world is imperfect, and... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Part 8

250 16 3
By malecfangirlbane

"By the angel!" Izzy's eyes widened in astonishment as she looked around Magnus's apartment. He was renowned for his parties, but this was truly exceptional. She felt as if she had been transported back to the 1920s. Even the lighting in the room was a warm, golden hue that added an extra touch of elegance to the decorations.

The entire space was decorated with enchanting lighting that cascaded from the ceiling to the floor. Feathery centrepieces, a champagne tower, and white and gold decorations were meticulously arranged throughout the loft. The lively Charleston Swing Classics from the 1920s played in the background, creating an ambience that surpassed any party the Shadowhunters had ever attended.

"If it isn't my most favourite nephlims, come in." Magnus noticed the group of Shadowhunters observing the loft with slightly open mouths as he walked by the main door to greet one of his companions whom he had not seen in several decades.

"Magnus!" Izzy and Clary greeted him simultaneously.

"This is wonderful! I feel as if I just time travelled. " Clary said with a smile as she looked around.

"I am pleased that it meets your approval. Also, look at both of you. You are both dressed to impress. You look magnificent," Magnus complimented them, admiring the effort Izzy and Clary had put into their costumes. Clary, in her white and gold dress, and Izzy, in her black and gold dress, looked divine.

"And you look as dashing as ever." Izzy smiled politely.

"Well, thank you, my dear. So, the bar is to your left and I hope you have a wonderful time."

"Thank you, Magnus." Izzy and Clary walked past Magnus with a big smile on their faces. They were still in awe about how gorgeous the place looked.

"Magnus." Jace smiled as he walked past.

"Um.. this is from us." Simon stopped in front of Magnus with a large hamper.

"Well, thank you, Sheldon. I truly appreciate some good artisan cheese, and I see you have found my most favourite brand." Magnus said as he took the hamper from Simon's arms.

Simon smiled widely at the praise from his downworlder sponsor.

"Oh, Alec mentioned you might like it." Simon looked at Magnus and then turned back to point at Alec with his head. The sudden mention of his name clearly threw Alec off balance a bit as he looked between Magnus and Simon with his wide, bambi eyes.

"I appreciate your efforts." Magnus turned back to Simon and smiled politely.

"I hope you enjoy the party." Magnus said as he flicked his fingers and made the hamper disappear into thin air.

"Thank you, Magnus." Simon quickly walked past, leaving Magnus and Alec alone.

It had been a few days since they had seen each other. It was not unusual for them to go a few days without seeing each other, considering their responsibilities as the head of the New York Institute and the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Despite the evening they had shared, they had no reason to meet unless it was for official business.

Therefore, Magnus was genuinely surprised when he received a message from Alec that morning asking if it was still acceptable for him to come to the party. Since Magnus did not expect Alec to attend, he was puzzled that Alec was concerned about whether or not Magnus would be comfortable having him in his loft.

'I meant it when I extended my invitation to you as well. You are more than welcome at the party.' Magnus replied to Alec's message.

Now that Alec stood before him, attired in a black three-piece suit, a crisp white shirt, and a black bow tie, his hair neatly combed to the side, he presented a truly captivating sight. Naturally, his scent continued to earn a joyous response from Magnus's alpha. Magnus's Alpha was never going to learn? Was he?

However, Magnus found comfort in the realization that his presence had a similar effect on Alec, evident from the subtle shift in his scent. While Alec wore scent blockers as he is an unmated alpha, Magnus's heightened sensitivity to his pheromones allowed him to smell him nonetheless.

"Mr. Lightwood," Magnus greeted, causing Alec to visibly flinch.

"Magnus," Alec responded, extending the wine bottle he held in lieu of words. Magnus glanced at Alec's hands and quickly looked at Alec.

"Is this?" Magnus hesitated, unsure of how to complete the sentence. He recognized that wine bottle instantly. Despite being a warlock unburdened by financial situations, he possessed only one such bottle in his impressive wine collection.

"This is..." Magnus trailed off, looking up.

"Thank you for inviting us over," Alec said, gently pushing the bottle towards Magnus.

"I can't accept this. This is way too expensive to be a simple gift. Also, this is not what I meant actions speak louder than words." Magnus simply didn't know why would Alec bring a wine bottle that cost over a thousand dollars.

"This is from all of us." Alec's hands were starting to ache slightly.

"Is it?"

"It is not, but this bottle does not hold any special meanings. This is just a small token of appreciation for everything you have done for us.." Alec gulped.

"For me." He stated. Magnus observed Alec's face for some more time. Magnus could smell that Alec's alpha was anxious and was feeling dejected while his own alpha was whining to Magnus, asking not to hurt Alec.

"Very well." Magnus said out loud as he closed his eyes and sighed.

"Thank you very much for your generous gift, Mr.Lightwood, but I hope this will be the last time you bring something this expensive and call it a small token of appreciation. Am I clear?" Magnus's voice was firm and authoritative.

"Yes." Alec tried his best to hide the smile that crept up on his face by bitting the corner of his bottom lip, but the blush on his face betrayed him.
Magnus couldn't help but find that incredibly adorable. The man might have been cold and distant for years, but still, Magnus has been crushing over this man for years, after all.
"Well, why don't we have a drink then?" Magnus politely invited Alec to come into the apartment.

"Yes, that sounds good." Alec was about to enter the loft when a calming scent of an omega caught both men's attention, causing them to look at the arriving guest.

"Mateo, welcome!" Magnus smiled warmly. Alec glanced between Magnus and Mateo but still stepped aside, leaving enough space for Mateo and Magnus. Alec couldn't help but notice Mateo as he smiled broadly at Magnus. There was no denying that Mateo was a very attractive man. His sun-kissed skin and dark brown hair undoubtedly checked all of Magnus's preferences. Even his scent was soothing and slightly similar to Magnus's, which Alec had to admit. And that look on Mateo's face-Alec recognized it, for it was the same look he had secretly given Magnus with those same eyes. Those were the eyes of yearning, longing, and desire.

"Magnus, you look absolutely dashing!" Mateo exclaimed as he went for a hug, which Magnus happily reciprocated.

"Thank you very much, and the same goes for you, Mateo." Magnus replied graciously.

Alec's alpha winced as he thought how handsome of a couple Magnus and Mateo makes. The bitter shift in his scent from the slight jealous that roared up in his heart probably warned Magnus as Magnus suddenly looked at Alec. As Magnus's eyes scanned Alec's face, he tried his best to smile despite what he was feeling.

"Hello, I am Mateo Diaz. And you are?" Mateo finally noticed Alec. Even if the presence of a shadowhunter at a downworlder party clearly made Mateo confused, he still extended his hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you, Mateo. I am Alec Lightwood, the head of the New York Institute."

The time was approaching two in the morning, and the majority of the guests had already departed, bidding their farewells. It appeared that everyone had a delightful time, and the evening unfolded as smoothly as Magnus had hoped. It was a modest gathering with individuals whom Magnus genuinely cared for and desired to be in their company. It was great to witness Clary, Izzy, Simon, Jace, and Alec interacting harmoniously with the downworlders. Magnus checked up on them periodically, only to discover that Alec's gaze followed him as intently as his own eyes looked for Alec's presence. Whenever this occurred, Alec would offer a shy smile before averting his gaze.

As much as Alec's changes made Magnus feel emotions that he had not felt in a long time, Magnus was apprehensive. Yes, Alec stated that he had finally decided to follow his primal instinct, but what about all the factors that had prevented him from doing so over the years? How would all those issues simply disappear? The sudden and extreme change was somewhat challenging for Magnus to adapt to. He was cautiously waiting for Alec to reveal his true intentions. Was Alec concerned about losing his pet Warlock? Was Alec worried that Magnus would not comply with the Clave as much as he does now if he lost interest in Alec?

Magnus sighed and finished the last bit of the drink in his glass.

"Magnus?" Mateo's voice prompted Magnus to look to his right.

"Hello," Magnus responded with a smile.

"This was quite a remarkable party. Again, thank you for inviting me." Mateo smiled.

"The pleasure is all mine. I hope you had a wonderful time."

"Absolutely." Mateo and Magnus were engaged in a conversation when the Shadowhunters approached them.

"Hello, Magnus. We should probably take our leave now." Izzy said with a smile as she stood in front of Magnus and Mateo.

"I see that duty calls," Magnus replied with a smile.

"Unfortunately," Simon grumbled. As Simon continued to express his discontent, Clary's gaze shifted between Magnus and Mateo.

"I believe we haven't had the chance to meet," Clary finally addressed Mateo.

"Indeed, I am Mateo Diaz."

"Hello, I am Clary Fairchild." Clary shook hands with Mateo, her eyes still darting between Magnus and Mateo.

"Well, it was truly delightful to meet you, but I should probably bid you farewell as well. Magnus, shall I see you next week?"

"Until then," Magnus smiled and watched as Mateo departed from the group.

Once Mateo was far away from the group, Clary looked at Magnus.

"Is he the one?" Clary asked.

"What one?" Magnus asked, confused.

"Is he your mate?" Clary's question made Alec inhale sharply.

"What? No!" Magnus was baffled. Then everything just made sense. Clary made the same remark on the first day Magnus met Mateo. Magnus blinked a few times as he averted his gaze from the group. Was Mateo truly his mate? But then? What about Alec? Didn't both of their Alphas accept each other as mates? Also, shouldn't Magnus be drawn to Mateo's scent if he truly was his mate? As far as he could recall, the only scent Magnus was inexplicably drawn to was Alec's scent.

"No..." Magnus continued.

"He is not." Magnus's eyes involuntarily met Alec's eyes. He was startled to find that instead of Alec's usual hazel eyes, pitch-black eyes were staring at him.

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