
By lovinraura_

42.8K 3.4K 3.4K

A man in power. A woman that craves it. - Success Laura Marano was certain she was destined to reach it, onc... More

Chapter 0 -
01 | Change
02 | Mr. Lynch
03 | Pretentious Prick
04 | New Strategy
05 | Fire And Ice
06 | Wicked Game
07 | The Cutie
08 | Earn It
09 | Trust
10 | Office Gossip
11 | Phone Number
12 | Questions
13 | Stolen Cigarette
14 | Cut The Tension
15 | Guilty
16 | Lollipop
17 | Wife
18 | Flirt
19 | Gift
20 | Counting
21 | Bloody Lips
22 | Cold Shoulder
23 | A Lynch
24 | Gloves
25 | The Welcoming
26 | Kiss, Don't Tell
27 | In A Different Way
28 | A Mean One
29 | Clothes Off
30 | Ice Skin
31 | I'm Not Nice
32 | The Breakdown
33 | Louie's Disaster
34 | Exposed Secrets
35 | Aftermath
36 | Between us
37 | Mystery Girl
38 | Hawk
39 | Apart of me
40 | Trouble
41 | My World
42 | Sour Thoughts
43 | Lost In Love
44 | Locket
45 | Stained
46 | Nightmare Of A Dream
47 | His Smile
48 | My Love Or My Life
50 | Epilogue
51 | Epilogue
New Announcement

49 | I Need You

476 46 36
By lovinraura_

Laura's Pov

"Oh don't do this again baby" I furrowed my eyebrows, shaking my head "I've had a day."

For a second there, I freaked out. What do you do when you're proven wrong?

Well, you start acting dumb, and hope that the men, also have low intelligence.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Devon narrowed his eyes at me.


"You can't do that to me when I came here to see you" I poured at him, interrupting what I assumed would be the security guy telling me to screw off once again.

"You didn't come here for me. You came here for Lynch" he spit out "You take me for an idiot Laura?"


"I thought you didn't know her" the security guy stared back at Devon.

I gave him a dramatic sigh "He's always been like this. So damn jealous. Well I'll tell you one thing Devon- I'm serious this time. Let me in and I'll show you a good time."

It was making me physically ill to speak to him this way, but it was the only way I knew he'd crack. He'd always been desperate for sex.

"You're lying." he stated, narrowing his eyebrows.

The guard keeps checking everyone else in as he waits, and I smile at Devon.

"I've missed you. I want to be with you again. Ross was my ticket." I winked at him.

My smile was fake. So absolutely fake.

But he couldn't tell. He never did.

"Expensive ticket." he muttered, looking at me up and down.

I saw him lick his lips, before looking back up at me "You sure you want in Laurie? It's scary in there."

"I like that." I smiled at him.

"You've changed" he nodded, smirking at me "For the fucking better. Buck- let her in."

So, the security, whose name I now knew, let me in, only for his arm to wrap around me the second I did.

I'd won, but at what cost?


Once we were inside, I started looking around- trying to spot those blonde locks. There was still no sign of him.

"There isn't as many people as I thought." I laughed uncomfortably, noticing just a few people walking around.

"They're all in the back for the match." he smirked, before pushing himself on me, trapping me between him and a table "But we're not gonna watch that, are we?"

God, why was he so fucking stupid. I can't believe I dated him... I must've been so blind.

"Nope." I pressed my lips, and he attempted to kiss me, but I turned my head.

"You know.. it's really no fun without some alcohol." I spoke up, making him raise his eyebrows "Let's celebrate our reunion."

"Fine." he spoke up, backing up and finally leaving me some breathing space.

"I'll get you a beer from the bar. Stay here." he winked, walking away.

I hate beer - I thought, rolling my eyes.

Either way, the second he walked off and I made sure he had his back to me.. I ran off as well.

I needed to find the back.

The bar was weirdly huge, with different rooms and two floors. I didn't have time to check each one.

So I just noticed which direction people were walking, coming across a few disgusting things on the way, like people having full on sex in the open rooms, drugs on every table and a ton of alcohol, and so much smoke.

This place was making me ill. I felt dizzy from enhaling the smoke, and being pregnant truly didn't help.

But my mind was set on something else now. Finding Ross.

Finally, I noticed the room... well, it looked more like a basement. A huge one, filled with people screaming and cheering.

My heart beat louder as I approached, when I heard "Laura! You fucking bitch!" behind me.

My eyes widen, and immediately, I went inside, trying to hide myself in the crowd but also trying not to push, as I didn't feel I needed to aggrivate another violent person in this hell house.

I managed to hide away, when I noticed what the crowd was actually cheering on.

There was a wrestling ring..


I pushed myself further and further into the crowd, and when I managed to get to the front, my eyes widened.

There was Ross, only wearing a ripped white tank top, and black pants, punching the shit out of Tatum's face.

His muscles glimmed in sweat, and there was a cut to his nose, blood coming out of the side of his mouth.

"Ross!" I yelled his name, as tears streamed down my face.

He turned to look at me almost immediately, and I noticed the horrified look on his face when he noticed me.

That one second of eye contact, earned him a blow to his jaw.

I screamed at the sight, covering my mouth right after.

The crowd was riled, yelling their names uncontrollably. They were cheering. Fucking cheering.

There was something so vile, so animalistic, at finding joy in watching men practically kill each other.

I couldn't help but cry at the thought that I'd come all the way here.. yet was useless of saving him from that match.

I couldn't even say a word, or Ross would get immediately knocked out, and I'd be my fault.

All I could do was.. watch and cry.

As Tatum kicked his body on the ground, Ross suddenly grabbed one of his legs, making him fall instead and punched his chest roughly.

There was nothing behind those eyes. He looked miserable, and I felt sick.

"I knew you were here only for Lynch." Devon's venomy voice whispered in my ear.

I didn't get to turn around, as his hand was wrapped around my neck.

Before he could trap my hands too, I picked up the pepper spray out of my belt, spraying it in his eyes.

"Fuck!" he yelled, rubbing his eyes as he fell backwards.

I pointed the knife at him "Fuck off Devon, or Ross' next fight will be with your dead body."

He tried to look at me like I was crazy, but couldn't stop rubbing his eyes instead"He's turned you into a fucking psycho!"

To my luck, he ran off after, probably to find water.

My eyes turned back to the ring - I no longer cared about myself, or carried any fear. I'd been concerned with the violence portrayed in front of me,  anxiously hoping it would somehow stop.

Every time Ross took a hit, it felt like a knife in my own chest. Tears were streaming down my eyes, making my vision blurry. I couldn't look at him like this.

How.. how the fuck did all of this happen?

I couldn't help but cover my eyes from a part of it, because if I didn't stop watching, I'd pass out right there.

Then, I felt two hands on my shoulders.

I turned around immediately, pulling up the knife from my belt.

Mercury stared back at me.. wide eyed.

My defenses relaxed, but I remained surprised at her presence. Where had she come from?

"Mer?" I questioned, before I noticed Camille and Sebastian at her side.. all together.

"What are you doing here?! How?!" I questioned.

"We could ask the same question!" Camille yelled over the crowd, concerned "God I'm so glad you're okay."

She hugged me, as did Mer and Sebastian.

That hug ended immediately, as I heard Ross groan in pain.

"Ross!" Immediately I turned around, and he coughed up blood, as Tatum kicked him in the stomach.

"Stop! Stop!" I yelled. I couldn't fucking take it anymore. Mer joined my yelling, obviously concerned as well.

In the mids of pain, Ross managed to grab onto the rope of the boxing ring to try and help himself up but Tatum threw himself on top of Ross, not letting that happen.

Ross groaned, now taking punches on the face, as I cried. My heart was in shreds.

"Ross! Get up!" I yelled "Please. You can do it. Come on. I need you!"

I started to get closer to the ropes, but Sebastian pulled me away immediately.

"Stop!" I sobbed.

"I'm sorry." he spoke up.

Camille teared up, holding onto my hand firmly, as Mer came to hug me.

They were trying to be supportive, but keeping me away was driving me crazy.

Seeing him bloodied up, took all of the strength within me. It was like I was seeing him get closer to the end of his life.. and I couldn't do a thing to stop it.

I felt helpless.

"I need you!" I yelled again. I couldn't stop crying.

They rolled around once more on the ground, where Ross pinned Tatum down, using his elbow to hit his chest repeatedly.

Tatum almost overtook him again, but it was like he'd regained strength after all of that, so it didn't work.

He kept punching and kicking until he got off the ground, leaning down to only wrap his hands around his throat, as he started chocking.

Once he stopped moving so much, Ross kicked and punched him again, until... he lied flat.

My mouth opened in shock, as the crowd errupted in cheers.

Ross stood over his body, head looking down, fists bloodied up, shirtless and covered in bruises, when a man came up on the ring with a mike on his hand.

"The Red Circle Association announced winner as Ross Lynch single handedly ends Dead Eyes! Let me hear it for our new fucking ringleader, the god within men, Ross Lynch!"

The crowd practically goes wild over Ross, and as he looks up, the only thing I notice, were the tears streaming down his face, followed by loud sirens in the distance.

"Fucking finally!" Mer yells out, still crying.

People immediately start fleeing the scene, as Ross falls down, right next to Tatum.

My eyes widen, as I get in the ring, running to him, taking his injured face into my lap, and hugging him, crying.

"You're okay. You're okay. Stay with me honey" is all I can master up to whisper, but his eyes remain closed.

One of my hands is on his chest, still feeling his heartbeat.. simply making sure it was still there, as my friends and his sister surround us.

Mer got on the ground with me to check him, hoping he's not actively loosing blood anywhere.

Either way, the medical help comes up almost immediately, pushing us away, as they carry Ross and Tatum, both in different ambulances.

Mer gets on the ambulance, pulling me with her "I'm his sister! She's his wife."

I nod, hugging Camille and Sebastian, before joining Mer.

Suddenly, I'm sitting in an ambulance, simply holding his hand, in silence and tears.

The night had gotten even more blurry, and I felt absolutely obliterated and defeated.... hoping he'd make it.

"It'll be okay. It's over." Mer whispered.

I couldn't speak so I just held her hand..  keeping my head down.

Ross's Pov

Beep beep beep

What the hell was that noise? It was irritating and loud, joined by chatter and various different small noises.

I struggled to open my eyes. My body felt like a heavy cinder block. I couldn't move an inch.

Once I managed to do so, I stared up at the ceiling, then noticed there was a window at my side.

My eyes narrowed, unfamiliar with the place.

Then, I looked down at my bandaged chest, noticing a delicate hand laying on top of it.

She'd fallen asleep at my side, and fucking hell did I miss her.

The second I realized she was there, I relaxed in my bed. I suddenly had this will to raise my hand, touch hers, and make myself known.

It took a lot in me to do so. The process was painful, but.. once my hand layed on top of hers, it felt worth it.

I squeezed her hand, noticing her eyes flutter open slowly. I noticed in her face, she looked like she'd been crying.

Once she noticed me looking down at her, her eyes widened "Ross?"

I smiled at her, and she immediately jumped to her feet, covering her smile with her hands.

"You're awake!" she narrowed her eyebrows, bending down to give me a light hug. She must've had an idea of how horrible my body felt.

I moved my head instead, kissing her cheek, and she took my face in her hands, finally giving me the kiss I'd desperately wanted.

I wasn't sure what had happened or what I was doing in a hospital room, but I knew one thing..

My heart ached for her touch.

She moved her lips against mine, before pulling away, looking emotional, and yet as beautiful as ever.

"I missed you tesoro." I spoke up, but it came out lower than I intended it to.

"I missed you too baby." she pouted, kissing my cheek "These have been the hardest two days of my life."

Confused, I stared at her.

Two days?

Then, I noticed a door open "Mer! He's awake! Please tell the doctor's."

"What?!" she gasped "I'll let them know!"

"That my sister?" I murmured.

"Yes." she smiled down at me, caressing my face. I felt.. almost a type of relief, every time she did.

"They're on their way." the door opened again.

"My baby is awake?"

That had to be mom.

Once they practically ran to the bed I felt like I'd been imprisoned on, my mom hugged me immediately.

"Hi" I spoke up, coughing right after.

My mouth felt horrible.

"Oh honey how we missed you." mom kissed my cheek, as my sister looked down at me with a wide smile.

"Never been so glad you're awake." she whispered.

I mastered up a small smile.

"Here." Laura spoke up, offering me a cup of water.

I nodded.

She could read my mind so clearly.

She put the straw in my mouth, so I could drink. The water felt refreshing, and so absolutely cold. I'd been dying for it.

"Yes. He awoke?" someone questioned.

"Yes a few minutes ago." Laura spoke up.

I noticed my mom and sister move away, as, who I assumed was the doctor, stared down at me.

"How do you feel son?"

He was kind of an old looking guy, holding a chart with what I could assume was my medical information on it.

"Confused." I narrowed my eyebrows "How'd I end up in the hospital?"

"Temporary memory loss." he muttered, writing down.

My eyebrows narrowed.

"How about physically?" he questioned again.

"Uh.. heavy." I spoke up "I can't move. My entire body feels like a rock."

"Might as well be with all those injuries you succumbed." he spoke up, nodding, before scribbling down something again.

Then, he put the chart down, and started checking the IV pole next to the bed.

"Okay Mr. Lynch- I was made known of the fight. Your injuries include of bruises to the upper body as well as back and face. We had to disinfect and bandage every problematic area. The gash in your right leg will need to be supervised to avoid any infections in your stay. Your abdominal area suffered the worst of it."

Holy shit.

"There had been a lot of damage to your spleen. If the spleen is torn by blunt force trauma it can lead to rapid and life-threatening internal bleeding which is what happened. We had to get you in for surgery in order to save your life."

My eyes widened at that.

"You might feel some discomfort on the upper left side of the abdomen for a while now after surgery. Recovery time will be about two to three weeks, but you can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. I would suggest not going to work up to four to six weeks and get a lot of rest. No lifting heavy weights, and that is all for now." he finished, nodding, before turning to my mom.

"He'll be fine from now on- just needs a lot of time to heal. I'm available if you need anything."

"Thank you." my mom nodded, before he walked out.

"Fucking hell." I sighted, lifting my arm up to my forehead... even then, it burned in pain.

"Don't worry honey. You'll be fine in no time... we'll have to have a serious conversation once we're home, but for now, we're just glad you're okay." my mom sighted, patting my shoulder.

I looked up at her, before staring down at my sister, who was nodding along with a small smile.

And Laura.. she was on my other side, sitting on a chair, resting her head on her hand, as she looked down.

She seemed absolutely.. drained, hollow.

It pained me even more to see her like this, so upset.


She wiped away a tear quickly with her palm, before looking up at me.

"Are you okay?" I worried.

"We'll give you some time to talk." Mer spoke up softly, patting my leg before walking out with mom.

Once they were out, we stayed in silence for a minute.

Then, she spoke up.

"I was scared."

Her voice shook when she spoke, and I could see more tears threatening to fall.

"Come here. " I whispered.

She lifted herself up, before coming up to my bed.

Again, I placed her hand in mine, squeezing it "Why did you follow me darling?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" she sobbed, wiping away more of her tears. Her face now flushed, as she shook her head.

"I didn't want you there" I admitted "Somehow, you still found me."

"I'm sorry." she whispered, looking down "It was wrong and dumb. I was just.. so worried. I wanted to save you."

With that, she broke down in tears.

I rubbed her back as she leaned on me, before kissing her cheek "Did any of them harm you?"

She lifted herself, shaking her head "I was lucky, but you.. "

"This had to happen Laura, but you didn't have to see any of it. I almost lost it when I saw you there..." I shook my head, looking up at her "I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to you or our baby."

"I know-" she sniffled, looking away "My head was just so... scrambled. I was only thinking of you and.. and... not getting to see you ever again."

"I'm here now." I looked up at her, squeezing her hand "I'm right here."

"You won." she snorted, tears still running down her face.

"Did Tatum make it?" I suddenly remembered knocking him down on that ring.

"He's.. in a coma." she whispered "I don't know if that counts.. making it."

My eyebrows narrowed, realizing the fight maybe wasn't over yet "Alive but dead."

She nodded, squeezing her eyes shut, before rubbing her face "That was the most awful day of my life."

"I'm so sorry honey." I narrowed my eyes, holding back any tears that might threaten to come out.

"Mer called the ambulance." she whispered "They got in easily because Sebastian apparently knew the security guard. If I'd known, I wouldn't have .."

"What?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Have had to use Devon to get in." she whispered.

The mention of his name alone irritated him "What the hell did he do to you?"

"Nothing...I.. fought him off." she pressed her lips "He was mad but I used pepper spray."

"My brave girl." I whispered "I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do to that asshole when I get out of here."

"Nothing." she mumbled, shaking her head "Please.. I don't want to see anymore fights."

My heart dropped. I wasn't concentrating on the right thing here.

It was her. How she felt. Nothing else mattered.

"I was terrified when I realized you weren't coming back.. The amount of violence.. absolute animalistic violence.. fuck Ross, that was horrific to see. Not only to see you getting harmed, but harming someone else with no mercy" she squeezed her eyes shut "I can't get it out of my head. I can't believe that's part of you."

I stayed silent for a second, before speaking up "I didn't want you to see me like that Laura. I've never wanted to... but I do want you to know one thing.."

She pressed her lips, as I looked up at her, as a tear slipped my eye "That's not part of me baby.. that was me trying to survive. I didn't want to kill him. I never did."

"Then why are you still in this stupid fucking business?" she hissed in between tears "Do you know what they called you? The new fucking ringleader. God within men."

"I'm nothing more than human." I stared up at her "None of it was my choice. This is all I've known, so I took part in it.. but not for the reasons you may think."

Now confused, she looked down at me, whispering "What does that mean, Ross?"

I dragged her hand on top of my beating heart "That this might be over soon.. I hope it does, because I can't afford losing you."

Her lips parted slightly, as in surprise.

I dragged her hand with mine, placing it over my heart "You were wrong to follow me, but fucking hell you and our baby is reason I'm alive today. I saw your face and heard your voice. I concentrated on nothing else. My body didn't give in, and it's because for once.. I wanted to fucking live."

She sobbed again, closing her eyes. Her wet eyelashes looking pretty as ever.

"You're the reason behind my every heart beat. If I'd never met you I would've been done in that ring."

"Don't.. say that.." her voice shuddered "God honey, the urgency of your surgery and the fact that you never woke up for the two days after... I was scared. We all were. We cried together many times."

"I'm so sorry my love. I'm so sorry you had to go through that... all of you."

She sat down on the side of the bed, laying her head on my chest as she cried.

"I almost lost you so many times. Please.. don't leave me. "

I placed my hand on her head, combing her hair with my fingers.

"I'm not going anywhere tesoro. Now now, not ever. "


Hello loves,

This is one of the chapters I'd been wanting to write for a long time. We'd been building up to this and well.. there's one more surprise.

That being said, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one.. might be the last.

I'm not so certain on it yet, but if I can fit everything in one chapter it'll definitely be the last 💔

Always a little surreal and insane, but I think I'm finally ready to let it go. I hope you loved this book as much as I did.

Thank you so so much for reading. Your comments and votes mean everything :) I love you.

Join me for the epilogue!


60 votes and 58 comments required for next chapter!

follow my book's Instagram page for more updates!

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