Flower Husbands and Desert Du...

Galing kay microwave_shark

5.5K 98 667

This book is all about flower husbands and Desert duo one shots! I'll take suggestions :D I'll take ship sug... Higit pa

🏜 Heroes and Villains
Kingdoms part 1
Kingdoms part 2
Kingdoms part 3
Second best
Send Me No Flowers Part 1
Send Me No Flowers Part 2
Dear Soulmate
You Won Scar...
Execution Part 1
Execution Part 2
The Flower Shop Part 1
The Flower Shop Part 2
Eyes Part 1
Eyes part 2


250 3 26
Galing kay microwave_shark

Art is from isjasz on tumblr :D

This chapter is inspired by the song Recently by Liana Flores 



Hand in hand
The flowers understand
That we're fine, you and I
Hands are tied
I don't mind
I'll make you be okay
But recently, everyone says they are seeing less of me
I could do better if I had energy
Be like I used to be
And frequently, I picture myself walking straight into the sea
Laughing as the waves come rolling to my knees
What a place to be
Side by side
You keep me safe from their static getting through
Please be fine
It's too late now
To go leave
You behind
But recently, everyone says they are seeing less of me
I could do better if I had energy
Be like I used to be
And frequently, I picture myself walking straight into the sea
Laughing as the waves come rolling to my knees
What a place to be
And it's a lovely day for
Pretend I didn't see the red flags that said don't go
Cause if the storm out there's beginning
I'll find it for myself
And not cause someone told me so
But recently, everyone says they are seeing less of me
I could do better if I had energy
Be like I used to be
And frequently, I picture myself walking straight into the sea
Laughing as the waves come rolling to my knees
What a place to be

Grian stared into the lake as the sun was setting, feeling a sense of peace and tranquillity as he sat there and held his fishing rod. He watched the tiny ripples in the water caused by the bobber plopping into the lake, enjoying the gentle ripples and the light reflection from the sinking sun. As the final rays of sunlight disappeared over the horizon, the lake around Grian became completely quiet and still. The only sound that could be heard was the soft breeze rustling the leaves and the gentle ripples of the water from the bobber floating on the surface. 

As Grian started to head back to his house, he noticed that the water started to move in an unnatural way. It was like something large and unseen was swimming around in the water and causing ripples and waves. Grian quickly ran back to the dock and peered into the dark water, trying to see what was in there but without the sun it was hard to make anything out. 

As Grian squinted his eyes he saw a figure emerge from the water. He recognized it immediately, and his eyes widened in surprise. "Scar?!' he yelled, and Scar answered him back, his voice filled with happiness. "Grian!" Scar said, and Grian couldn't help but blush when he saw Scar's muscular body with scars. Grian felt embarrassed and looked away quickly as if he was trying to hide his blush. "What are you doing?!" Grian asked, trying not to stare at Scar's body too much even though he was finding it difficult to do so. "And where's your shirt?!" Grian said, now finding himself being incredibly flustered and unable to control it. Grian was even more perplexed after hearing Scar's explanation for his sudden appearance in the lake. He couldn't believe that a sheep of all things knocked him into the water and that he can't swim. "So you just were drifting in the water, all alone, for who knows how long?" Grian asked, his voice filled with concern and disbelief. "Well that basically sums it up," Scar said with a small grin. "But it wasn't all bad. It's actually quite peaceful. And hey, I met you!" Scar said as he gave a small nod to Grian, as if he was trying to say it wasn't that bad of an experience. Scar that's kinda gay

As Grian suggested that Scar stay at his house for the night, Scar's eyes suddenly lit up and he had a huge grin on his face. "Oh Grian! Thank you! Thank you!" he said, and started trying to move over to him while still being in the water. Grian couldn't help but laugh softly at this as he looked away and continued to blush. "Let's get you out of the water, and then we can go to my house," Grian said, trying to keep his voice from betraying his nervousness. With a final look at Scar, Grian walked over to him, and using all his strength, was able to pull Scar out of the water and onto firm grounds. "There you go," Grian said, slightly surprised that he had the strength to get Scar out of the water by himself. 

As the two finally reached Grian's house, Scar was still shivering from the cold of the water and dripping wet. Grian kindly asked him to wait outside for a bit while he went inside to get him a towel. As Scar stood in front of the little cottage, he couldn't help but admire its beauty. It was a small house, but it was filled with details and decorations that showed how much thought and care Grian had put into it. 

After a few minutes, Grian came back outside with a towel and handed it to Scar. Scar immediately wrapped it around himself and sighed in relief as the towel soaked up the water from his body. "Thank you," Scar said, his voice was shaky because he was still shivering. Grian smiled as he told Scar where to go to take a shower and change out of his wet clothes. He handed him the clothes and their hands accidentally touched, making Grian blush and look away quickly. 

As the door to the bathroom closed behind Scar, Grian sat back down on his couch and started to think. What was happening here, why was he suddenly feeling this way about Scar? It wasn't like him to get so flustered and uncomfortable over someone like Scar, why was he suddenly doing so now? Grian kept sitting there on his couch, thinking about their relationship. They had been friends for years, why was he suddenly feeling this way about Scar? What had changed? He couldn't find an answer for that, everything between the two of them had always been platonic and nothing more, until now. 

As Scar came out of the bathroom, Grian instantly noticed that the pants fit him perfectly, but the shirt was slightly tight around the muscles of his chest. Gian couldn't help but notice that despite the fact that the shirt was tight on Scar, he still looked very attractive and handsome. As the friend dried his hair and looked at Grian, Grian saw that Scar was smiling slightly and looking at him with that same playful grin he always had. "Thank you again Grian for letting me stay." Scar said, breaking the silence and his playful grin was as endearing as ever. "Y-youre welcome Scar," Grian muttered back , his voice a bit strained as he said the words. He was still feeling very conflicted about this sudden change in their relationship, and he still couldn't explain what was happening to him. 

Grian realized he had been staring at Scar for a long time and looked away, feeling a bit embarrassed. He knew he should probably get ready for bed, but he couldn't take his mind off of Scar, he kept on thinking about him. "It's pretty late now, I should be heading to bed now. Night Scar," Grian said and walked past him and down the hallway towards his own room. Grian went into his own room and closed the door behind him. He walked straight to his bed and sat down, thinking about what had happened between him and Scar. He was sure that their friendship would never be the same after this night, but he couldn't help but feel excited by it. As he lay in the dark thinking about what had happened, he couldn't help but imagine what would happen if he decided to go further than just friendship. 

Grian forgot that Scar was staying over at his house and when he walked into the living room, he was surprised to see Scar sitting there, awake and cooking breakfast. Grian noticed that Scar had made pancakes and they looked really tasty. "Oh, hey Scar. I didn't know you were awake yet. I see you've already started cooking breakfast." Scar turned around and smiled at Grian who was smiling as well. "Oh hey Gri! I just wanted to return the favor, since you let me stay over last night. That's all" Scar said in a playful tone. "You didn't have to do that... Thank you," Grian said in a genuine tone of gratitude. "No problem" Scar said as and took a seat at the dining area, offering a plate of pancakes to Grian as well. Grian sat down at the dining area and enjoyed some of the delicious pancakes that Scar had made. He couldn't help but notice that even though the two of them were trying their hardest to act like nothing had changed between them, it was still weird and awkward. Grian wasn't sure how to act around Scar now that he had realised that he had feelings for him. He felt a little bit guilty for even feeling that way towards a close friend but he also felt kind of excited to see where it would lead. 

Grian was cleaning up the plates and dishes after they both finished eating when Scar asked what his plans were for the day. "Honestly just fishing maybe talk with Gem and Pearl buts thats about it," Grian said as he walked over to the sink and started washing the dishes. Grian was washing the dishes when Scar suddenly walked over to him and took the sponge from him. "Let me do that for you," he said, his voice full of concern and care for Grian. Grian couldn't help but giggle at this, it felt kinda cute and affectionate. "I can do it Scar," he said, smiling at him and trying to get the sponge back. Grian laughed as Scar held the sponge up high, out of his reach, and he tried to jump to get it. Both of them were laughing and giggling as they went back and forth, it was a cute and comical scene. "Give me the sponge back!" Grian said, trying to sound stern but failing miserably as he laughed, unable to keep the smile off of his face. "Haha, no way! I'm going to do the dishes for you today," Scar said while he chuckled and still holding the sponge out of Grian's reach. "No let me do the dishes! You just sit back and relax," Grian said while continuing to laugh and trying to get the sponge from Scar's hand. 

As they were both giggling and jumping around, Grian suddenly tripped and fell onto Scar, laying on top of him in a kind of crawling position. Scar realised that Grian had tripped and that made him laugh even harder, his laughter was contagious and Grian found himself laughing loudly as well. "Well well, look who's on top now..." Scar said, teasing the now grinning Grian. WOAH THERE SCAR?! Grian was still laughing loudly, his cheeks were red because he was blushing like crazy. Grian was enjoying this moment way more than he would like to admit he was. "Sh-shut up..." Grian mumbled with a hint of embarrassment mixed in there, his cheeks were all bright red due to the blushing. He got off of Scar quickly, but not before Scar had time to laugh and tease him some more. "Hey, where's the sponge?" Scar asked, his tone playful and joking. Grian smirked and held the sponge in front of Scar, not letting him have it quite yet. "What! How?" Scar asked surprised, wondering how Grian had managed to get the sponge from him so quickly. Grian couldn't help but laugh, loving the confused look on Scar's face. "Magic Scar," he answered with a smirk, as if he had performed a trick or a spell. 

A little over an hour later, Scar had to leave and head home. "Good bye Gri! Thanks for letting me stay over!" Scar said as he waved to Grian then walked down the cherry blossom mountain. Grian watched him go, feeling a bit sad that Scar had to go already, but he was still feeling pretty happy and excited because of what had happened between them. 

Grian went back inside his house to grab his fishing pole and then headed back down the mountain to sit by his dock and fish again. He had made up his mind that he was going to focus on his meding book, thinking that was more important than anything else at the moment. As he sat down on his dock and started fishing, he felt a bit relieved that he would have some time to himself after the sudden change in his relationship with Scar. 

Hours passed and Grian still hadn't gotten the mending book, and it was starting to take its toll on his mental state. Every single time he pulled the rod back and it was just a fish, part of his mind would start to think terrible thoughts about the past and his insecurities. It was like a constant mental torture that was slowly chipping away at him. This mental torture continued as the hours passed, and Grian's inner monologue became more and more negative and destructive, making him feel worse and worse. The lack of mending book had really started to take its toll on him. His self-confidence and self-esteem started to go down the drain the longer he was fishing without catching the book. As the sun started to set, Grian got up and went back home, not even staying around to watch the sunset. He felt so defeated and frustrated that he couldn't even bring himself to stay and enjoy the beauty of the sunset. He went home feeling defeated and miserable. 

The days passed and still no mending book was caught. People would come in and check to see how he was doing and even go fishing with him, and Grian did his best to put up a fake smile, but as soon as they left, the reality of the situation set in and Grian would try his hardest not to cry. He felt so defeated and useless, and his self-confidence was getting lower and lower the longer he couldn't get the book. This went on for so many days, and Grian's mental state got worse and worse. His fake smile was barely there anymore, and he just felt dead inside. He would fish for hours on end without taking any breaks. During these times, his inner thoughts would constantly bring up all his insecurities and past traumas, making him feel more and more worthless with every single word. It was like a vicious circle that he couldn't get out of no matter how hard he tried. 

One day, Grian felt so sick and tired of the situation that he didn't even leave his room. He just sat there and let his thoughts consume him, feeling miserable and hopeless. Scar had been watching him fishing almost every day and always wanted to talk to him, but he was too busy. Today Scar was finally free, and he decided to go see Grian.

 Scar walked over to the dock where Grian was always at, but when he didn't see him there, he started to get worried. He walked around the area and looked around, trying to see if Grian was anywhere. He kept on worrying and getting more concerned about Grian's well-being, until he finally decided to try and see if Grian was inside his house. 

Scar knocked on Grian's front door and waited, but got no answer. He called out for Grian and was met with silence. "Gri? You in there?" Scar asked, and when he got no response again, he started to get worried. He put his hand on the doorknob and twisted it, holding his breath and praying that it would be unlocked. As Scar twisted the doorknob and pushed on the door, nothing happened; it was locked. His mind started racing and going all over the place. What if Grian was dead? What if he was hurt? Scar couldn't take the worry anymore and started to look around everywhere for a way inside. That's when he spotted an open window, and he tried his best not to miss that opportunity. 

Grian was lying in bed, feeling sick and exhausted. He had been like this for days now, and the mending book situation was really starting to get to him. He heard some noises outside his room and got out of bed to see what it was all about. When he saw Scar, he was startled at first, but then he saw his arm and got really worried. "Sc-scar? Your arm! Are you okay?" Grian said, now rushing over to his wounded arm. "I'm fine. It's just a slight cut. It's fine." Scar said, trying to make light of the situation; he didn't want to seem worried or weak in front of Grian, even though he was feeling pretty shaky from the blood loss. Grian rushed to his side and looked at Scar's arm. "No, your arm is definitely not fine. Let me see it." 

Grian got a towel and dampened it and placed it on Scar's arm to stop the bleeding. The wound was definitely more serious than Scar wanted to admit and it was causing him quite a bit of pain, but he was trying his best not to show it to protect Grian. He hissed at the pain but did his best not to make it obvious how much it hurt so that he wouldn't worry Grian. Grian did not like that Scar was trying to hide his pain from him, and he could tell that it was hurting him more than he wanted to admit. He took the towel off of the wound and looked at Scar directly. "Scar, stop trying to act like you're not in pain, it's obvious." Grian said softly, looking into Scar's eyes, noticing how exhausted he looked and how much his eyes were glassy like he didn't get much sleep these past few days. "I'm fine, really. It's not that bad," Scar said as he forced himself to continue maintaining a brave smile for Grian's sake, but it was obvious that he was suffering from both the wound and the lack of sleep. Grian did not like seeing Scar like this, he was really worried about him. "Stop acting brave and let me take care of this wound properly. You need to rest and heal," Grian said firmly. 

Scar wasn't used to being looked after and taken care of, he always put his friends first and took care of them instead. But when Grian suggested that Scar needed to rest and heal, he didn't like that idea of his one bit. Grian would be the one being taken care of, not Scar. "What about you mister? You need to rest! Not me!" Scar said, but he was starting to feel his strength waning. "No Scar, let me take care of your arm before you pass out or faint on me," Grian said sternly. Scar did not want Grian to take care of him, but he was getting weak from the blood loss and his body was barely functioning. He was fighting the urge to just faint, but he kept his composure as best as he could. "Gri! Please... please just let me do it," Scar begged, but Grian had already gone to get something to stop the bleeding and wasn't planning on stopping. 

Grian had come back with some bandages and wrapped Scar's arm up with them. "Ok Scar, you can sleep in my room to rest, okay"? Scar had no choice but to agree to this, he was feeling weak and could no longer fight back with Grian. He felt himself getting really tired due to the lack of sleep, the weak feeling due to the blood loss, and the stress of the whole situation. 

After Grian had wrapped Scar's arm in bandages, he was about to leave to let him rest, but Scar grabbed his arm and held onto it firmly. "Please..." he said, his voice was shaky and soft, his grip tight. Grian stopped and looked at Scar, the look of desperation in his eyes breaking Grian's heart. He couldn't just leave him like this, not after seeing how much he had been struggling. He had only been pretending he was being selfless this whole time, he couldn't leave his friend now. "Please... don't make me leave." Scar said, his voice breaking with every word and his grasp around Grian's arm tightening. Grian sat down next to Scar and smiled softly as he looked at him, relieved that Scar wanted Grian to stay and take care of him. Then, without any warning, Scar pulled Grian down onto the bed next to him, and couldn't help but laugh softly as he looked at his friend. Grian couldn't help but laugh a little as well, feeling relieved and relieved that Scar wasn't pretending anymore so Grian could just take care of him like he had always wanted. 

Scar pulled Grian into his arms and wrapped his arms tightly around him, and Grian felt safe in Scar's strong grasp. Grian's cheeks flushed red in surprise as he felt the warmth and security of Scar's arms surrounding him. He felt all his worries and stress melt away as he closed his eyes and cuddled up to Scar. All he could feel was the warmth and softness of his friend, and he felt like everything was gonna be okay. Grian didn't want to let go of Scar. He liked the feeling of being cuddled up to him and he didn't want it to stop. Grian could feel the warmth of Scar's body, the softness of his shirt, and the strength of his arms. He felt completely safe and protected, and he didn't want this feeling to end. He felt like he could fall asleep right in Scar's arms and it would be the most peaceful sleep he had ever had in a long time. 

Scar woke up to find Grian still cuddling him, his heart fluttering. He loved Grian, it had been like that for so long, and their friendship was constantly evolving and constantly getting better by the day. It was the most pure and blissful feeling, feeling Grian's body against his own, and knowing that he had finally broken through the walls of defences Scar had put up over the years. There was no longer any doubt in his heart; he loved Grian, and he was no longer willing to hide that love away. Grian was still sleeping peacefully, his body lying so close to Scar's, their limbs almost intertwined. Scar didn't know if he should wake Grian up or just let him sleep a bit longer. Regardless, he could not hide his joy from how he finally was able to finally be with Grian in their realest form. He loved how close they were together, being in the same bed together with no restrictions or walls separating them. 

After a few minutes, Grian woke up. He slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes from the early morning and looking around the room, until his eyes fell on Scar and he couldn't help but smile from just seeing him and feeling happy that they were sharing the same bed. Then, he noticed how Scar was just staring at him with those sweet eyes, his face filled with a quiet love and adoration, and Grian didn't feel the need to say anything at all. It was just pure peace and joy in having Scar by his side. 

As Grian was sitting up, Scar sat up beside him and asked "Morning Gri. How are you feeling?" Grian looked over at Scar with a warm smile and his heart fluttered. He felt good, he felt great actually, better then he had felt in a long time. And it was all thanks to having Scar next to him and knowing that they were finally being fully authentic with each other. "I'm feeling great," Grian said his smile widening as he looked at Scar. "I feel better than I have in a long time, actually. And it's all because of you, Scar." Scar blushed slightly, but was more than happy to hear his friend say that because it showed that all of his hard work in getting Grian to let down his walls and allow Scar in was paying off. 

Grian also stood up and stretched his arms a little bit, feeling better today than he had in awhile because of how much sleep he had gotten last night. Then, he listened to Scar's suggestion to go to the beach today. "The beach? Yeah, I think the sun and the fresh air would do me some good. Let me just get changed really quick," Grian said, smiling warmly at Scar as he started to leave the room to get changed into something more beach appropriate. As Grian was getting changed into his beach clothes, he was feeling super excited and happy. He couldn't wait to go to the beach and enjoy the sun and get all of the sand between his toes, and spend time with Scar out near the water. He wasn't even thinking about his mending book anymore, his worries about the situation were all gone. The only thing he could think about now was finally getting to be with Scar out in the fresh air and letting loose a little bit. 

After about an hour, Grian and Scar had finally arrived at the beach. Grian couldn't wait any longer to get his feet wet so he ran right to the water, the waves washing up against his feet. As he felt the water, he felt such a strong sense of happiness, like the world was suddenly a brighter place and everything was perfect. The sound of the waves and feel of the sand between his toes was so peaceful it was hard to describe. Scar was sitting down further away from the water, looking like he was thinking about something. Grian had a little fun with the waves and splashing around in the water, enjoying the sensations and feeling all of the stress and worries just washed away with the waves. Scar was watching him with a happy smile on his face, glad to see his friend so at peace and enjoying the moment. 

As Grian was having his little fun in the water, he turned around and caught sight of Scar sitting a little further away from the water. He felt a little playful and had a fun idea come to his mind. He made his way over to him and gathered up some water in his hands, and then, after getting nice and close, he poured the water over Scar's head and body. 

Grian could not stop laughing as he splashed water on Scar, feeling like a little kid himself with all this laughter and happiness. He turned and ran away from Scar, looking back over his shoulder and giggling as Scar ran after him. "Come back here mister!" Scar yelled. Grian just laughed even harder, enjoying the chase and not wanting this moment to end, feeling like a kid again. "I don't wanna!" Grian yelled back, giggling even harder and running even faster away from Scar. He enjoyed running through the sand and making Scar chase after him, it was hilarious! He could not stop running and laughing, feeling so light and at ease. 

As Scar finally caught up to Grian he wrapped his arms around him and tightened his grip. Grian stopped running and turning around to face Scar as well. They were both out of breath and panting hard from all the running and giggling, but Scar's eyes were filled with love and adoration as he looked at Grian's grinning face. "You're not going anywhere," Scar said through breaths, his voice filled with laughter and a touch of affection. Grian just giggled and grinned bigger at this, he couldn't help but feel happy and at ease in Scar's arms. He felt so safe and protected, like nothing could ever hurt him again. He was with Scar now, and that was all that mattered. "I guess I'm not. I guess you won," Grian said with a small laugh. It had been so much fun being chased and having Scar catch up to him after everything and get him to his arms. Grian felt that warm feeling of being safe again as he was in Scar's embrace. He didn't want to let go of that feeling, he wanted to stay in Scar's arms as long as possible. As they stood there holding each other, Scar then whispered, "So the beach was a good idea, right?" 

"I'd say so. The beach was a great idea," Grian whispered back, his voice soft and tender with a trace of laughter. They stood there holding each other for a while longer, just enjoying the warmth of each other's bodies and feeling safe in the other's embrace. They both felt so close, so connected. Scar wasn't sure how long he could go without kissing Grian in these moments, but he also didn't want to rush things and spoil this moment they were having right now, so he kept silent and let them enjoy the feeling. 

I hope you enjoyed this :D 

I kinda just had this idea while watching grian's pov while writing WHILE my sister was blasting music from her phone... 

So this story was just kind of rushed cause while writing I forgot valentines was a thing so that's why some things were a bit rushed and weird....


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