Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x...

By Guardian4674

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(Y/N) was a Young, Joyful boy who was best-friends with 5 identical sisters. Until an accident changes him fo... More

Chapter 1: Lost Feelings
Chapter 2: Lost Feelings 2
Chapter 3: Lost Feelings 3
Chapter 4: Fresh Beginnings!
Chapter 5: Morning Tests
Chapter 6: Check-Mate!
Chapter 7: Shokugeki!
Chapter 9: A Visit?
Chapter 10: Fireworks 1
Chapter 11: Fireworks 2 (Miku)
Chapter 12: Fireworks 3 (Ichika)
Chapter 13: Fireworks 4 (Itsuki)
Chapter 14: Solving a Mystery!
Chapter 15: Ultimatum / Counter!
Chapter 16: Karaoke!
Chapter 17: Mid-Terms!
Chapter 18: Encounter!
Chapter 19: Secrets in the Snow!
Chapter 20: Lost in Power 1
Chapter 21: Lost in Power 2
Chapter 22: Lost in Power 3
Chapter 23: I Choose.... [Finale!]

Chapter 8: Recollection!

293 8 0
By Guardian4674

Nino PoV

What just happened? I was stunned from the rollercoaster of event's that had just occured. Once my mind settled I looked down and noticed (Y/N) was laying ontop of me, his head was burried in my chest. 

"PERVERT! GET OFF M-Huh?" I was extremely pissed, but I noticed.... he didn't react at all. I lifted his head and noticed his eyes were blank. I felt around his back and my dry hand became wet. I pulled it into view and noticed it was slightly red. It was blood.

"Nino! What's going on!" I heard Itsuki say as I watched her hurry down the stairs. I looked at me and was extremely concerned. "NINO WHAT HAPPENED!" She rushed to help get him off me as I explained what had happened.

"I was drying my hair when (Y/N) came in to get something he forgot. I asked him to get my contacts and when he wasn't reaching to the right shelf I used him to lean higher and grab them. But I hit some books and he protected me from them, I guess one knocked him Unconsious."

"T-That's a lot to process. Right now he's bleeding. Go get dressed, I'm calling for help."

I nodded as I ran to get changed. I just got into my gym clothes to not make waste time and hurried back down. Ichika and Miku were here and they were treating his wound. I looked at my savior and noticed a horrible scar on his back, bleeding through the bandage. 

Holding back my scream I rushed down to help them. I held onto his hand as he laid there unresponsive. 

Y/N Pov (Flashback)

It was my 14th birthday and I was in the courtyard of an ancient looking temple. We were training, Beside me was my bestfriends Tim and Jin, as well as my partner, Vega. We were continuously punching a wooden dummy, with only bandages to hold our hands together. Our nuckles bloody and bruised. 

"So (Y/N), ready for our first assignment tomorrow?" I heard Vega ask, he had grey hair and piercing red eyes. His pupils were the blackest of black. 

"Yeah." I replied, me and Vega were like Brothers. We sparred together and we had been partners since we both arrived at the temple 5 years ago, we were both 9 year's old at the time, while my baby sister was 8. This temple was known for creating warriors, and due to modern times. They modernized their training, including marksmenship. They were going to train both me and Kaiya but I refused to co-operate unless she was left out of it and got to live normally at the temple. They relucantly agreed as I began my training. I was proficient with a sword thanks to our father, at least, that's what Kaiya had informed me of. I was a natural shot, being able to hit a target 200 meters away with a sidearm. 

Vega, being basically my twin. Was proficient with a sword and pistol as well, so we trained on fighting wielding both sword and pistol simultaneously. 

Finally, it came time for our first assignment. It was to assassinate a corrupt politician at his family home. Me and Vega suited up to head out on aircraft, we both wore long black coats with our swords on our backs and side arm on the thigh, Me being a left-handed shot and he a right-hand. We had arrived at the villa as it was currently 2am, the politician living in Spain, we were a long way from the temple in China. 

"Remember Vega, conceal your aura, only raise it when we need to boost our physical abilities."

"Yeah Yeah, whatever. Let's just get this bloodbath started shall we!"

I sighed as she were hovering over-top of the jump point. We both supressed our aura enough to not alert anyone as we freefalled into the property. Our gear having built in gliders we floated to the roof and landed without a sound. We equipped our side-arms, me wielding a Magnum 12round Revolver and my blade being a Chinese ShortSword

Vega wielded a Gladius, the Roman style sword, as well as a Deagle. Our side arm's were custom built to be naturally silenced, by using Aura. 

We walked to the chimney as we dropped a telescope camera to check if the coast was clear. No one was in the room so we cut a small hole in the glass on the room and we dropped in, landing without a sound thank's to our aura control. We looked at eachother and nodded, he went left as I went right. We knew his home location but not the room he was in. I searched each room, using Aura detection to see who was in a room or not. You may be thinking, why not use it instead of the telescope. That's because of the handicap with aura, it can only judge if someone is there, the telescope could have told us if it's a threat or if there were traps. I made my way to what seemed to be a bedroom, I sensed a life signature inside and as I eased open the door, I saw it there, our target. Prime Minister Mateo Perez, his wife was luckily not in the room. I slowly walked forward, using my aura to not make a sound as I raised my blade over his head.






and cut it clean off. 

The job was done as I made my way back to the mainroom, Vega was nowhere to be found. I checked is com's to find his location. 

"Vega, where are you. Job's done, we gotta go!"

"Be there soon."

I waited and within the minute, he walked in, stained in blood. 


"Well I was looking for the target, and I noticed his wife and child, I wasn't noticed but. . . .

I butchured them and had myself a snack."

The moment he finished his sentence I had the urge to vomit and attack him. I held it back, I always felt he wasn't normal but THIS! This was too far. We were silent on the way back, he slept like a log but I couldn't get the thought out of my head. 

Nino PoV

I watched as (Y/N) was sleeping on a futon near the coffee table, he had become stable thanks to help from Father's instructions on the phone. We made sure to leave out the sketchy parts such as me being practically naked and him falling onto me. I had his hand in mine, he had been unconscious for about an hour now. 

"Poor thing... I hope you wake up soon." I was worried for him. He told me about his scar being sensitive but this was different, It seemed like it was more mental than anything as the scar barely bled. Whatever happened to him that caused this scar, was traumatic enough to warrant a reaction form it being struck. 

"(N/N).... what the hell is going on?"

(Y/N) PoV

It was my 8th birthday, The first one without my parent's. We had no home as they were our only family, and the foster homes tried to split us apart so we were constantly running. We were in the city of Shanghai, I picked up some chinese but it wasn't much. Enough to ask for "Help" "Yes" "No" and a basic introduction. As well as saying "I don't speak Chinese", We were hugging in an alley way behind a shop. The owner noticed us when taking a smoke break, she was a kind old lady and she gave us both a porkbun, without charge. We bowed to her and ate it, For the first time in a year I saw the life return to my sister's eyes. Even if it was just barely, It was enough to make this a good birthday. 

"Excuse me young man. Are you perhaps lost? Where's your parent's?" I looked up shocked, I couldn't make out his face but they spoke perfect Japanese. "They, died."

He seemed to have a kind smile. "Let me take you two in, I'll make you unstoppable!" 

I slowly reached for his hand as I felt a change in my body, and fainted.

Time-Rewind? (Skipping backwards)

I was at home, my mother was cooking a special dinner and my father had returned from the office for a few weeks. It was my 5th birthday yesterday and I was playing with my baby sister. 

"(Y/N) dear, I heard a knock on the door. Can you get it please?"

"Okay!" I ran to the door and jumped to grab the handle. When I opened it I was immediatly confused. 


I was staring at 5 identical girls around my age. They all giggled as what I assumed was their mother bent down to my height and pat my head, she felt so warm. 

"Hi You must be (Y/N), I'm a friend of your mom's. Do you mind If I come in."

"S-Sure. She's cooking dinner right now."

I lead them into the kitchen as she greeted my mom. I turned to the sisters as I introduced myself.

"Hi! I'm (Y/N) (L/N)!" I said giving them a goofy smile. They giggled and introduced themselves from right to left.

"I'm Ichika!"

"I'm Nino."

"I'm Miku."

"My names Yotsuba!"

"and I'm Itsuki!"

"And were the Nakano sisters!" They seemed to have rehearsed this as it made Kaiya giggle, I watched as three of them went to her as I talked to Nino and Itsuki.

"So you all are actual quintuplets! That's so COOL!"

"We think so too." Nino said confidently. Itsuki seemed to giggle but I didn't know why. The three of us instantly felt a small connection. I was facinated by these two, they were almost all alike, even how they operate mentally, but I could pick up small mannerisms. And their Aura was unique. Due to my white pupils I was born with the unique ability to see people's aura, or their spirit itself. 

"You two are really cool ya know that!" I smiled at them as I watched their faces go red. I heard my mom, dad, and their mom giggling in the back ground. 


I was underneath a tree on the beach relaxing as the Nakano sisters were playing, eventually Itsuki and Nino came up to me but for some reason I couldn't hear them. I had just turned 7 and they had a small gift for me. I looked inside and it was a golden amulet made out of jade.

(The stone is made out of Jade but it is Golden in Color. It doesn't actually exist tho so gotta imagine it.)

I smiled as Itsuki put it on my neck. I reached into my backpack I had as a pillow and pulled out two present's. I gave one to Nino and the other Itsuki as they opened it and they had stars in their eyes and butterflies in their stomachs. 

Nino put on two butterfly ribbons, they seemed a bit big but she would grow into them. 

Itsuki had two star shaped hairpin's that I attached to her hair. 

I was soon tackled into a hug as everything started to go black.

(Present) Nino PoV

I hadn't moved from his side, it had been 2 hours now and he still hadn't woken. Ichika said if it gets to three we are taking him to the hospital. Itsuki had come down and was across from me, holding his other hand. 

"Nino.... do you think he will ever.... remember the promise we made that day?"

"I doubt it, his amnesia seems to be pretty bad."

"Y-Yeah, I hope he does eventually."

"Me too, Itsuki. Me Too."

As we were talking, I felt a hand on my cheek as I saw one on Itsuki's as well. We looked down to see (Y/N)'s eyes slightly open as he had a smile on his face. 

"I-I gave you these?"

His hand moved to our accessories as we both started to tear up. We lunged at him into a hug and heard him wince. I felt bad but I couldn't help but cry.

"(Y/N). D-Do you remember?" I heard my baby sister ask. I peared my head up as well.

"Not entirely, when I was unconscious I had these dreams. They were past memories that I already knew, as they happened after I lost my memories. But two I didn't recognize, It was when I met you five before. When we were only 5 years old. and the other..." 

I felt his hand caress my hair where the ribbon's were tied. 

"...was when I gave you these. But I couldn't hear anything in that one. It's like I was reliving it on mute." He said, his face was frustrated as he held onto his necklace and smiled softly. After we made sure he was okay, he said his goodbye's and went home as it was getting late. 


"I know, I know. . . 

Maybe he will remember."

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