Like A Villain - I Love Noah...

De KimmyMotionless

15.4K 407 186

If we're drowning in toxicity, will love be enough? Mais

1. Like a Villain
2. Break Break Break My Heart
3. Love's The Death Of Peace of Mind
4. I Miss The Way You Say My Name
5. Running In Circles
6.I Love You To Death But I'm Drowning
8. Bad Decisions
9. Violence Against Nature
10. I'm Not Scared of Dying
11. The Way You Bend, The Way You Break
12. Weakness
13. So Give Me Something Beautiful
14. I Can Wait For You At The Bottom
15. Heaven Knows I Aint Getting Over You
16. We Can't Restart
17. The Way You Taste
18. One Taste of The Life, Now I Crave It
19. Dont Let Me Go
20. So Tell Me Can You Keep a Secret?
21. Bring Out The Worst In Me
22. Or Will You Drown Me Out?
23. But You're Starting To Slip
24. I'm Not Okay
25. But I Can Try My Best To Just Pretend
26. Stay 'til Morning
27. I'm Crawling To Sleep
28. And I Fell
29. I Made Another Mistake
30. Put A Little More Sword In Your Heart
31. Dig Another Grave
32. You'd Never Know
33. It's Eating Away At Me
34. Or Will You Turn Up The Heat?
35. God, Please Forgive Those Who Doubt Me
36. Will You Return Cold?
37. Did You Think I Couldn't Break These Chains?
38. You're Too Good To Be True
39. To Tell Your Tales & Fables
40. I Don't Wanna Know All Your Secrets Cause I'll Tell
41. A New Clean Slate Without The Dents
42. I Wanna Feel Love Again
43. Memories of my Face
44. You're Too Good To Be True
45. For Better Or For Worse
46. Blood Signed
47. If I Could Wake Up
48. Drowning In A Dream That I Cant Escape
49. Its Too Late To Turn Back Now
50. If It Doesn't Take Me First
51. I Went Too Far
52. Why's This Always Gotta Happen To Me
53. To Keep The Walls From Caving In
54. Hold Me Til We're Frozen
55. I Know That I Cant Resist
56. You've Been Running From Me
57. You Never Really Know Yourself
58. You Never Loved The Thought Of Us
59. You Don't Want Me The Way I Want You
60. I Know That I Can't Resist
61. I Picked You Up When You Fell
62. You Know I Just Cant Stop
63. But It Seems Like Enough For Us
64. You Walked Too Close To The Rails
65. I've Spent Ages Losing Sleep

7. What Are We Calling It?

246 4 0
De KimmyMotionless

Bad Omens played non stop over the last few days but Noah barely rested. Every night after their set, he insisted that we go out partying even though I constantly kept trying to talk him into getting some rest. The last two nights I refused to go out with them. Noah running off of no sleep already caused him to be grouchy, but the alcohol made him even harder to handle. For the first time in their career, their last few sets weren't  that great, and it was alarming considering Noah always took pride in their music. I felt like I was watching him push himself too far and there was absolutely nothing I , or the band, could do to stop it.

The guys had a couple days "off" from playing, but they would still have a ton of interviews to get through today. We were lucky enough to finally stay at a hotel and nothing beat sleeping in an actual bed.

I woke up tangled in the bed sheets remembering the night before.  Noah and I had spent most of the night "making up." Another temporary fix and us still ignoring  our problems.

"There she is." Noah spoke coming through the door with two cups of coffee. He leaned over to kiss me before handing me a cup then sitting on the bed beside me.

I sat up keeping the sheets wrapped around my naked body and I pressed my bare back against the cold headboard sipping on the hot beverage. I couldn't help but to hum a little, delicious and perfectly made.

I looked over at Noah and he was looking back at me with a small smile on his lips.

"You're so beautiful." He declared admiring me.

I felt my cheeks get hot and the butterflies dwelling in my stomach came out to play.

He chuckled and leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"You coming with us to the interviews today?"

"I don't think so babe..." I took another sip of my coffee.

"No?" Noah furrowed his eyebrows with confusion.

"Well...sometimes I just feel I'm being annoying or a burden to you and the guys so I figured I would just give you all some space." I felt weird sometimes that the guys never brought their girls on tour and sometimes I felt like I was invading being the only girl there.

"'re never annoying. I....we...want you there." He leaned down and rested his hand on my leg and caressed me gently.

"Okay...if you insist." I sighed a little.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, just tired after last night." I smiled slightly and he grinned back at me cutely yet apologetically. I couldn't help but to chuckle a bit and then I looked into his eyes.

"Babe...what about you... have you been sleeping lately?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

His eyes looked heavy and dark and he had puffiness under his eyes.
He leaned over and kissed my lips.

"You don't need to worry about me." He smiled but I knew it wasn't genuine.

"Come on..." he tapped my knee. "As much as I love you like this, you should probably get dressed so we can go get some breakfast."

"Mhmmm." I muttered and I kissed his lips back then slipped out of bed taking the sheets with me.

When we met up with the guys for breakfast, Noah was more quiet than usual and seemed as if he was zoning out. He seemed really into his phone, picking it up constantly and texting away.

"Who ya talking to?" I asked curiously in no particular tone wondering who was so important that he couldn't engage with anyone at the table this morning.

"No one." He put his phone down on the table top face down. I just looked at him feeling like he was being a little suspicious. We all had breakfast and everyone joked around a bit, but I couldn't help but be distracted by Noah still typing away every few minutes.

Eventually it came time for our car to come and take us to the place the guys would be interviewed at. Noah seemed disconnected, and once we arrived to the place, Bad Omens had a meeting with their manager and record label. I sat next to Noah and put my hand on his knee under the table, part of me craving some kind of attention from him. I didn't like how weird he was being today and it was making my mind go wild. Was he talking to some girl?

The band and the crew went over a few things over the next few days on tour and eventually the interviewers started coming in one after another. They mostly wanted to speak with the frontman, with Folio occasionally joining in.

After a few questions, another interviewer walked in, but this time, she was around our age and easy on the eyes. Her fiery, red hair long and wavy and her long fake eyelashes fluttering when she blinked. After showing her lanyard to security at the door, she walked in smiling brightly and introducing herself to the band. The googly eyes from them were apparent and I instantly felt jealous seeing Noah's eyes scanning over her from head to toe. I'm right fucking here....

I crossed my arms and leaned back against the wall continuing to go unnoticed as my cheeks turned red with jealousy. A lot of the interviewers questions were the same and I had zoned out, but this time I decided to take an interest in what she asked. I just stood next to Jolly listening intently noticing Noah hadn't even looked at me for a hot minute.

"And how does it feel to be a sex symbol?"

Noah just kind of chuckled unsure of how to answer that. Even though his ego had grown so much lately, and not for the better, he still tried to appear humble as if he didn't know that all the girls wanted to sleep with him.

"A lot of your female fans want to know if you are single?"

"What the fuck kind of question is that?" I whispered to Jolly getting annoyed.

Jolly nudged me and leaned down, "You know they're always going to ask stupid shit like that. Don't let it get to you. "

I know Noah could feel my eyes burning a hole into the back of his head because it took him way too long to answer, and when he did, he gave a very vague response.

I felt like someone just punched me right in my chest. He can't just say, "I'm taken"?

Jolly looked uneasy after Noah's comment but he just patted me on the back resssuringly. I faked a small smile for him even though I felt so hurt.

"One more thing! Before we go, can you describe your perfect woman?"

"Er....I..." Noah kinda stuttered not sure of how to answer that. I felt like I honestly couldn't take anymore so I went to the bathroom just needing a break.

When I had returned shortly,
I went and sat down on one of the couches next to Folio still upset but I was a great actress, or so I thought.

"Are you guys okay?" Folio whispered.

"Ask him." I nodded in Noah's direction then scrolled on my phone not wanting to talk about it anymore.

Ryan had texted me asking what I thought of their set the other day  so I chatted with him just wanting to keep myself entertained so the time would pass quicker.

At one point, while they were waiting for the next interviewer to come in, Noah came up behind me and rubbed my shoulders a little and leaned down kissing the top of my head.

I'm not stupid....

I know it was his way of slyly trying to see who I was talking to, and I continued to text Ryan not hiding anything.

A man walked in this time introducing himself to the band and Noah just kind of muttered in  frustration as he walked off to go get a beer before they started. As childish as it was, I felt like I stuck it to him a little after hurting my feelings earlier...and I liked seeing him get jealous back.

Noah was being short with the innocent interviewer and not elaborating on any of his answers making it difficult to continue. It made everyone uncomfortable. I felt by the way he kept looking at me like I was in trouble and it made my anxiety heighten.

"Guys...I'm going to head out...I'll see you for dinner." I said out loud to whoever was listening and I stood up and left the room after grabbing my purse . I knew I shouldn't have come. I started down the hallway and didn't make it far until I heard Noah yell "Evie!"

I stopped in my tracks and turned to see him jogging in my direction. I looked at him slightly confused as he had a stoic expression and I couldn't read him.

He didn't say anything until he got closer to me and kept his voice low, grabbing my arm firmly.

"Where are you going?"

"Back to the hotel..."

The silence between us was deafening, only to be broken by Folio coming out after us.

"Noah, the next one starts in ten."

"I'll be back." He gripped me and walked with me outside to the smoking area not wanting to make a scene inside in front of everyone. Folio knew something was off and kinda watched us walk off hoping Noah wouldn't cause anything today.

Once we were outside, Noah finally spoke.

" this what we're doing now?" He nodded toward my cellphone in my hand.

"Messaging Ryan when you're mad at me?" He spat.

I frowned at him then scoffed.

"Excuse me? I can't text my friend just to talk? You basically already isolated me from everyone else and  now you're going to try and ruin my only friendship I have outside of your stupid band?"

I loved Nick, Jolly, Folio like they were my brothers and didn't mean it, but I was just so fed up after everything today.

Noah glared at me.

"You're so fucking petty. And if you cared about my feelings at ALL you would lose his fucking number." He growled. I jumped a bit when he raised his voice just relieved no one was around at the moment.

"What exactly am I to you Noah?!" I insisted. My eyes watering out of hurt and frustration.


"You FUCKING heard me!" I shoved him a little even though he towered over me and it never did much. Laying my hands on him was inexcusable but I couldn't control myself.

"Come on Eve! We've been together for four fucking years! You know these stupid interviews don't mean anything!"

"Well then why don't you fucking tell that to your groupies next time one of them tries to throw themselves at you?!" My tears spilled over still feeling so meaningless after he completely dismissed my existence during his interview earlier.

Noah shook his head and crossed his arms.

"I'm still waiting." He looked down at me trying to flip the switch on me again.

"For what?!"

"Delete his fucking number Eve!"

"You're impossible! FUCK!" I screamed and turned around storming off just wanting to get away from him. He reached out and grabbed my arm tightly.

"Let GO of me!" I screamed and shoved him away. His grip got tighter.

Folio came rushing out as he kept watch on us. Noah had been having beer after beer since 11 am and he could feel it in the air all morning that something might happen.

"Noah chill the fuck out!"

Some people walking by were starting to stare.
Noah's eyes had such a darkness to them and he was enraged. Before Folio got to pull him back, Noah snatched my phone out of my hand and threw it hard against the brick building, smashing the screen into pieces.

Emotions were high, and before I could think I just reacted and went to slap him. Noah stopped me but put his hands around my neck and squeezed to get me away from him and Folio jumped in between us forcing Noah to let go of me.

"What the FUCK ARE YOU THINKING?!" Folio screamed at him and I was breathing heavily and sobbing. Everything just happened so fast and escalated before I or Noah could stop ourselves.

"Let's fucking go. Y'all are done!" He put his arm around me and walked me into the building to a different room wanting to call me an Uber back to the hotel since I didn't have a phone now.

Folio sat me down and opened his phone to get one for me not saying anything. Usually at this time he would be telling me Noah was sorry and didn't mean it, but even Folio was tired of repeating himself with no changes in the results.

"I think I need to go home."

"I'm getting you back to the hotel right now."

"I mean back to Virginia..."

Folio looked at me spooked like he had seen a ghost.

"Eve....come o-"

"Save it." I rubbed my eyes and sniffled just feeling so defeated.

"I don't want to do this anymore Folio. I don't. I don't deserve this and neither does he. If he wants to be single, let him be."

"He's a stubborn fucking idiot, Eve, but everybody knows how he really feels about you. Just sleep on it. You guys will be good by tomorrow."

I bit my lip hating how I didn't have anyone's support and I despised that over this last year, this developed into our new norm. The guys were always going with what Noah wanted and his happiness was priority. My own mental health didn't mean shit.

"It's abuse on both ends Folio. And you know it."

He sighed just looking at me not being able to deny it. It was unhealthy. For everyone.

"I think if I just give him some space maybe he can figure out what he truly wants. It clearly doesn't make it better if I stay doesn't matter." I started to cry all over again replaying what just happened downstairs in my head

He just looked at me sincerely, out of suggestions. Folio had been our friend for a long time and knew me and Noah were both hard-headed.

"Please, Eve." He rested his hand on my shoulder and his eyes were sincere.

"I'll give you my room key so you don't even have to deal with him right now. Go back to the room, order some room service on me and just try and relax for now. Don't make any rash decisions okay?"

I just sniffled looking back at him and eventually nodded. Folio walked me down to the Uber and I went back to the hotel to his room as instructed just trying to figure out where I wanted to go from here.

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