Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x...

By Guardian4674

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(Y/N) was a Young, Joyful boy who was best-friends with 5 identical sisters. Until an accident changes him fo... More

Chapter 1: Lost Feelings
Chapter 2: Lost Feelings 2
Chapter 3: Lost Feelings 3
Chapter 4: Fresh Beginnings!
Chapter 6: Check-Mate!
Chapter 7: Shokugeki!
Chapter 8: Recollection!
Chapter 9: A Visit?
Chapter 10: Fireworks 1
Chapter 11: Fireworks 2 (Miku)
Chapter 12: Fireworks 3 (Ichika)
Chapter 13: Fireworks 4 (Itsuki)
Chapter 14: Solving a Mystery!
Chapter 15: Ultimatum / Counter!
Chapter 16: Karaoke!
Chapter 17: Mid-Terms!
Chapter 18: Encounter!
Chapter 19: Secrets in the Snow!
Chapter 20: Lost in Power 1
Chapter 21: Lost in Power 2
Chapter 22: Lost in Power 3
Chapter 23: I Choose.... [Finale!]

Chapter 5: Morning Tests

566 16 4
By Guardian4674

(Y/N) PoV 

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAWN" I didn't get much sleep after that vision I had, and for good reason. I have come to understand that it had to be something from my past, something I forgot. But what could it have been? 

It was Saturday morning and I had a study session with the Quint's and that Uesugi guy later this afternoon. To say I was looking forward to it.





Would be a complete lie. However, Marou didn't give me much choice. He told me instead of payment, he would tell me about my mother who he was childhood friends with. Funny right, 2 generations of childhood friends.

"Morning bro, what's for breakfast?"

I turned to see my loving sister in a pink rabbit onsie with her hood down, she was clearly still tired due to her rubbing her eyes and her slouched posture. She sat at the kitchen counter as I placed a frappe I home brewed for her, it was Peppermint flavored as It was by far her favorite. I can't blame her, outside of vanilla, Peppermint is the best frappe flavor. 

"Souffle Omelette." I told her as I placed the completed dish infront of her and sat beside her with my vanilla coffee and omelette. We both said our thanks and dug into the deliciousness of the breakfast concocted before us.

As we continued eating, I watched her take a drink of her coffee and all the grogginess seemed to just.... vanish. She was overly excited about it. 

"So Kaiya, any plans today?" I asked, she looked at me. Mid way through stuffing her face. She finished chewing and swallowed and looked back at me.

"Not really, I'll probably just do chores, train, and then relax. I'm all caught up on course work." She said casually as she took a massive bite of the omelette. (Y/N) chuckled seeing his sister inhale his food, made him happy. 

"I have a tutor session with the quint's today. To make up for yesterday that is."

"Will He be there?" 

" He is their hired tutor as well, tho I don't have to go as often and can leave whenever due to the arrangement with their father." 

She sighed as we both finished our meal. I checked the time and it read 12:45pm, the study session wasn't until 4:30pm so I had time to train. I smirked as I got ready and went to the gym, leaving Kaiya with the dishes. When one cooks, the other cleans. That's how it's always been.

I made my way into our dojo on the bottom level. Since the house was on private property that covered the whole mountain, I had it dug and it overlooked the pond we have with massive glass windows. I went to grab a Kendo sword but stopped and looked at a wooden dummy, the ones used for Wing Chun. 

"I haven't freshened up my Wing-Chun in a while, seems like a good way to start the morning.

3rd PoV: Quint Apartment: 4:50PM 

"Where is he..." A frustrated Uesugi grubbled underneath his teeth. He was waiting impatiently for his partner as he stood infront of all five quints who sat on the couch across from him. 

"Is (Y/N) not coming today?" Itsuki asked, slightly annoyed as it was why She was down there in the firstplace. She wanted to talk more about what he had told her the night before, about his position at CosmaTech. 

"Apparently No-" "SORRY I'M LATE!" Uesugi was cut off as a familiar multi-colored haired boy barged into the room. He held a bike helmet in his hand, had his earpiece on, and was wearing a blue jacket with a grey tshirt underneat with blue boots, and black jeans. His golden jade pendant around his neck. 

"Took you long enough, now we can begin." Uesugi said, somewhat relieved by the fact (Y/N) had appeared. "Next time, please try to actually be here when it starts." (Y/N) deadpanned as he flipped his partner off. He sat his helmet on the kitchen table and placed his bag down. The girls seemed more relaxed now that the protagonist had arrived. Nino even put her phone down. 

"So Uesugi, what's the plan for today." (Y/N) asked seemingly still annoyed. "Well. uh....."

"No, do you NOT KNOW MY NAME!"


"It's (Y/N) (L/N). Number one in the school?"

"Wait , YOU are (Y/N)? B-But you look like a delinquent."

"Watch. your. tone. Boy. I can have your pay reduced to five times LESS than the current rate."

He gulpled, Uesugi didn't want to believe him, but the sheer aura emitting from (Y/N) was enough to get him to shut up and focus. 

"We already told this creep (Y/N), but we don't need a know it all to be our tutor." Nino sarcastically replied. (Y/N) had a smug look on his face as he looked at Nino. "Oh yeah?"

"Prove it!" The two said in unison, catching them both off guard. Uesugi slammed a stack of papers on the table. "You just have to take this test, if you pass. We-"

"HE! Will not step foot here again, I on the other hand. Will keep tutoring you no matter what." 

(Y/N) set the record straight that no matter what, he was tutoring them, he needed answers and this seemed like the right way to get it. 

"Are you serious?" Yotsuba seemed a little worried about this, (Y/N) noticed, he saw a small spark in her eyes, aimed towards Uesugi. He decided to think on it later. "What test?" A groggy Ichika said, raising from her sister's lap. "Welcome back to the land of the Living Ichika." (Y/N) remarked.

"I don't even care so why would I take your dumb test?" Nino said but it wasn't a shock.

"Alright fine, I'll do it!" Itsuki said with a determination in her voice. She popped open her glasses case and put on her maroon framed glasses. Which granted a blush from (Y/N). 

"Y-ya know.... I have needed a new assistant lately. Candace ain't doing SHIT!" He thought. He shook that thought out of his head but Mai had locked that memory into a folder for him. "We just need a passing grade right. Can't be too hard." Itsuki said, snapping (Y/N) back to reality. 

(AN: oop there goes gravity)

 "Aww Yeah! Let's do this!" Yotsuba was very enthusiastic about it, tho it was her natural state of being. "Sounds pretty easy." Ichika was the next to chime in. "Define passing grade."

"I'd say we put it at 40. That should cover a bit of everything on this test. If you can score 40 then he will leave you alone."

"Why won't you leave (Y/N), I told you we don't need a tutor." Nino chimed in, seemingly annoyed.

"I guess now's a good time as any. Your father isn't actually paying me ya know. I am here for my own reasons. Your father as information I need and I won't get it unless I agreed to tutor you." 

The quints seemed to understand what he ment, leaving Uesugi confused. Itsuki wasn't fazed by the money part after what Kaiya mentioned last night, but she now knew his motivation and was seemingly at... ease?

"Fine then, I'll show you not to underestimate us!" The quint's were ready for war. But little did they know, It was a bloodbath. 

While the quints were testing. (Y/N) took this time to talk to Uesugi on the balcony while watching the quint's through the glass. 

"You wanted to talk (L/-"

"Call me (Y/N), please. Were partners so we need to be on a good understanding. So I'll share a secret with you and you share a secret with me. You get to pick yours based on what I tell you, sound good?"

"I guess... but how will you know I wont just lie?"

"I can tell your honest and have a good work ethic. So... you in?"

He seemed to contemplate the offer, on one hand they just knew each other, the other hand it could build mutual trust. Ultimatly settling on going along with the plan, (Y/N) smiled.

"Alright, well my secret is my real Identity. I AM (Y/N) (L/N) But I am also the owner of CosmaTech Industries. I have 4 PhD's, 3 Masters, 2 Bachelors, and 1 Associates degree and I currently attend highschool for no reason except I thought it would be fun." 

Uesugi just stared in shock. "WAIT WHAT THE FUCK!?! No wonder since you transferred you had nothing but 500's on any test we took!"

"Y-Yeah..." He sheepishly rubbed his neck, (Y/N) was kind of embarrassed but he felt calmer. 

"Guess I should go then. Five years ago, I met this girl in Kyoto. Back then I was known to be quite a delinquent. But after I met her, everything changed and when my mother passed away, I through myself into studying 24/7 to get my family out of debt."

"W-Woah. I'm sorry to hear about your mother. If you all need anything, here."

(Y/N) handed him his contact info on a business card. He thank him as (Y/N) spoke up once more.

"Curious, why spill the personal info, that kyoto secret seemed big enough so why tell me all that?" 

"I-I'm not sure, you just have this, inviting and trusting feeling to you. Like you genuinely care for others, no matter who they are."

(Y/N) was taken back by this. Was he confessing his feelings? Surely not.

"L-Listen dude I don't swing that way..." (Y/N) broke into a nervous chuckle. 

"What NO! I ment you just seem like a genuinely good guy."

"Few, that was going to make this hella awkward from now on. So..."

(Y/N) out stretched his hand as he smirked with a determination.


Uesugi smiled back as he took his hand and shook it.

"Partners! and call me Fuutaro."

"Got it, Fuutaro."

Just as they finished their talk, (Y/N) saw them waving them inside as they were all finished. Uesugi began to grade their papers. The quints and (Y/N) talked as Uesugi grew to have a uneasy and mortified look on his face. (Y/N) getting the gist of what happened, sighed in dissappointment.

"You all scored 100 points!" Uesugi faked his enthusiasm. (Y/N) seemed distressed as he could only guess.

"I'm assuming that's if you combine them?"

"This isn't good."


After Nino shouted for them to high-tail it back to their rooms. The two watched as the 4 slammed their doors, Itsuki having walked up to (Y/N) and Uesugi. 

"(Y/N), can I talk with you? Privately."

"Huh, sure?" (Y/N) was genuinely confused as Itsuki grabbed his wrist and walked him up to her room, closing the door. 

"Guess I'll go home then? It's upsetting these 5 are potential flunkers, but It gives me more a reason to try harder!" Uesugi said, leaving the building.

Itsuki PoV

I told (Y/N) to sit on the bed as I sat next to him. I had noticed from the beginning he seemed troubled and I think Nino could tell as well. While we all played as kids and were friends. Me and Nino were the only ones who REALLY  knew him. We were almost conjoined to his hip when he would play with us. 

"So Itsuki, what's up?" He asked, I took a deep breath as I looked him straight in the eyes. I didn't say anything as I was watching his body language, when I noticed his left ear twitch slightly it confirmed my suspicion. 

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" I let the mother in me kick in. 

"N-Nothings wrong, see." He wore a bright smile, it could fool anyone but not me. He did the same thing when we were kids, he hid behind a mask. 

"Stop lying, you did this when we were kids! You hid behind a fake smile. A MASK!" I was concerned for him. I'll admit I'm not the best when it comes to love stuff, especially not after mom died. But I know what I felt back then, it wasn't just a small crush. Even now, it hadn't faded. That's probably why I hugged him when we reunited, but having him not remember, It pained me. 

"F-Fine.... I..... had this dream." (Y/N) was stuttering, he seemed so confident recently. But I put my hand on his, he was starting to shake. 

He then told me about his dream last night, the fire, the bodies. The face he seemed so scared of. 

"I-Itsuki.... For the first time, I don't know what to do. That dream I-It messed with me, it was all so... familiar. Like I had actually been there. I've come to understand it was me in that dream as I was watching it. That young boy, was me the day I forgot everything, because of this."

I watched as he removed his jacket and raised the back of his shirt to show a massive scar on his upper back. I couldn't help but gasp. I slowly moved my hand as he stopped it. 

"Itsuki, please don't. This scar, it's extremely sensitive. The slightest touch could sent me into a sensory overload, I could end up seizing." 

I moved my hand away, he turned to face me, I dont know why. But I just felt the urge to hug him once more. I lunged myself into him, gently hugging him as he returned it, I couldn't see, but I felt my shoulder get slightly wet just then.

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