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By Leyah_eroticstories

930K 22.9K 10.8K

โTalk to me while I eat you out, honey baby.โž Her fingers tightens around my hair as she shoves me deeper bet... More

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[BOOK TWO] sequel๐Ÿ’ฅ

Ch. ยณโฐ

17.4K 417 176
By Leyah_eroticstories

{Recap from Honeysia's P.O.V}

"Now let's go, you've wasted too much of our time." He grabbed me and pulled me to him.

I started laughing, "He's gonna come for me you know? Then he's gonna skin you both alive and I won't stop him."

He puts a handcuff around my hands and says, "Yeah right."


Not the time, Honey.

{End of recap}

Aleksander P.O.V

I gripped her ass in my hands, squeezing it, "Goddamn baby, soft as fuck."

Honey was about to remove herself from my lap but I held her down. If she ever gets up, I'm sure they'll see my dick standing at attention— not that I care, I would fuck her right here and give no fucks.

But now is clearly not the time.

"Are you done fucking her with your eyes?" Rome asks as he taps my shoulders.

Could you really blame me? My wife is a fucking work of art. She is currently wearing a dress that stucked to her body like a fitted glove.

She is incredible.

"Actually no." I groan, "Why the hell did you interrupt me? I was just about to cum." I exaggerate and they gasps.

I wasn't lying though, I felt like I was about to cum just from looking at her, but it stopped when Rome opened his disgusting mouth.

She's that fucking ravishing.

Rome burst out laughing while Honey hid her head into my neck shyly and I knew she was blushing.

Rome rolled his eyes at me, "I don't have enough strength for your madness right now. We have far too many important things to deal with."

I groan, putting Honey on the seat as I stand up, looking at the two idiots tied up on the chair in front of us. They really thought they could take my wife out of our fucking house and all will be well?

Fucking imbeciles.

Before they could even get to the door with her, I was already home, bursting into the house like a mad fucking man.

Well I am one.

I know I promised her I wouldn't drive fast, but after that call, I overtake every damn car that was on the road without a care that I almost met in an accident.

"Okay." I said to the two idiots. "Listen up Dick one and Dick two—"

I heard Honey choking and I quickly went over ti her, gently slapping her back for her. "What's wrong?"

She rolled her eyes, "You don't take anything serious Sander, they almost kidnapped me."

I smiled, "But they didn't and that's all because of you. You showed them you weren't a helpless damsel in distress and I'm such a proud fucking teacher." I peck her lips. "My little warrior, you don't need me— you don't need anyone and that makes me happy."

Her eyes watered and I wiped the tear before they fell. "I did well, didn't I?" I nod and she continues. "I had a good teacher."

I frown and scoff, "Just good? I'm quite offended."

I'm a good teacher? Hell fucking no, I'm an amazing teacher.

My eyes lit up as I think of something. "Oh my world, honey baby do you know what this actually means?"

She hums, "What now?"

"You're fucking your teacher, bad girl." I smirk.

She giggles, "And you're fucking your student, that sounds like a serious case." She paused, "Jail time bud." She taps my shoulder.

I squinted my eyes at her with a glare.

She just ruined our little moment.


Rome groans interrupting us, "Are you both done? We are here trying to investigate and you both are acting like a bunch of fools."

I nod, "Thanks Romeo."

He glares at me.

I went back to the two men as I sent punches to each of them until I could see the blood oozing out from their faces and I felt satisfied.

"I won't tell you shit." Dick one says wiggling against the rope.

"Oh? But you will." I grin.

"We won't, so save your torture for someone else." Dick two says next.

I forgot the bitch Dick two was still bleeding even though I tied it up to keep him alive for the questioning moment.

He can die when I'm done.

I sigh, walking away as I went to the room and pull out a bundle of cash before going back to them. I threw the cash on their laps and smirk. "4000 in cash if you tell us who ordered you to kidnap my wife."

"What are you doing?" Honey whispered to me quietly.

"Watch and learn my darling, money is the root of all evil." I chuckle. "So what do you guys say?" I turn back to them as they stared at the money.

"Do you really think we care about your wealth, no need to flaunt it around us because we don't want it." Dick two answers as dick one nods in agreement, even though their eyes was sparkling as they eyed the money.

How weird, that's didn't work.

Let's try again, shall we?

"Alek, I don't think—" Rome started saying but I put my hand up stopping him.

"Shhh, give me a second."

There's no way they're rejecting this much money. Men like these ones will kill for money and that's exactly why they were here a couple minutes ago.

Here wasting my time when I could've been fucking Honey or have my delicious dessert.

"I'll double it to 8000 if you talk." I flaunt more money at them then folded arms, waiting for their answer.

Dick one grins, "Flaunt that shit fucker, because we have a deal."


"Hm, who asked you to kidnap my wife?" I ask in a stern tone.

They hesitated, but spoke up as soon as I was about to take back the money. "Your coke head bitch of a mother."

That doesn't make sense because she has nothing to pay them with.

I laugh, "I love your answer, we could've been bestfriends if the situation was different."

"Hey! I'm your only bestfriend." Rome glared and I shrug.

He knew deep down nobody could replace him as my bestfriend though.

"And how did she pay you guys? That bitch is broke as shit." I stated as I squeezed Honey's ass and she glares at me.

What? It was there right in front of me and my fingers were tingling to get a touch.

I held my hand up in surrender as I tried to stay focus.

"She told us the girl will be worth alot of money if we kidnapped her, because you would pay alot to get her back."

That's true.

Atleast she's not too dumb.

"My wife is worth way more than my own life." I walked closer to them, "And when someone tries to fuck with her, I somehow tends to lose my sanity."

They gulped as I looked at them with dark eyes.

"Look man, we didn't even hurt her or anything—"

"Lies! The bastard punched me two times." Honey cried out and dick one looks at her wide eyes.

"No I—" I sent a punch to his face shutting him up with another one.

"Sander, I think he punched me five times, not two and he broke my jaw. It hurts so much baby." Honey chirps in again with a pout and I swear I saw a small smirk before it disappears from her face.

Yeah, maybe I'm just seeing things now.

Wait, did she call me baby?

Oh shit.

"Did you just called me baby?" I ask her.

Rome slapped the back of my head, "Focus." He says and I sighed.

Dick one jaw drops as he shook his head, "She's lying, I didn't punch her that much." Dick one rushed out saying as Honey stick her tongue out to him and he stick back his tongue out at her.

What the fuck? What kind of idiot did my mother send to do her job?

I sent one powerful kick to his jaw and I know I heard something cracked as he screamed in pain.

"That's for putting your dirty hands on my girl." I stated as I see tears in his eyes. "Now tell me where I can find that devil of a mother? She's causing way too much trouble for me and I don't like it."

"I don't know, she normally meets up with us in different places."

For some reason I feel like I can trust Dick one more than Dick two, so I untied the cloth from around his wound and let him stay there slowly bleeding out.

"No, I'm gonna bleed out." He cried out as blood oozes put of him.

"Good, you're no use to me anymore." I said to him and turn to Dick one. "You're gonna help me catch my bitch of a mother, hm?"

He nods quickly, "Y-Yeah man."

"You fucking Traitor, he's gonna make me die. You can't help him." Dick two whispered out to his ex partner.

Dick one shrugs, "My life comes first dude, if I have to help him to stay alive then I will."

He's a smart one.

Before I know it, Honey sent a slap to Dick one face. "That's for punching me bitch."

He grunts and glares at Honey, but my girl didn't back down and glares back at him.

That's my girl.

I need to think and clear my mind for some minutes.

We left them tied up in the garage as we made our way back into the house.

They can't escape so I know it's okay leaving them alone for now. The other one will be dead by the time I go back anyways.

Serves him right.

"Come here baby." I stated as I pulled Honey towards me, lifting her up as she wraps her legs around me.

This is what I do to clear my mind.

We started making out in the kitchen and I groan feeling turned on immediately.

"Yeah okay, I'm invisible. Don't mind me at all." Rome says rolling his eyes as he walked away from us.

I shrug and went back to making out with my wife. My hands slips under her dress as I gripped her ass that I'm in love with so much.

"You're so beautiful, my love." I said truthfully.

She smiles, "You too."

I frown, "I would rather you say handsome instead."

She laughs and I'm in awe of her, all of her.

After about an hour or so, we went back down to the garage where the two idiots have been tied up on a chair.

I sighed looking at all the blood and mess that they made in my garage.

"So here's what we're gonna do now." I said as I looked at the Dick two's dead body. He's already bled out and died, I almost laugh when I saw him but I held it in.

Good for him.

"What do you want me to do?" Dick one asks.

"You're gonna get in touch with my bitch mother and tell her you got Honey, then wherever she tells you to meet up you'll go." I informed him, "And then you'll kidnap her instead and bring her right to me. If you're successful, I'll pay you millions instead of that 8000."

This is so much fun.

He sighs, "Okay, I can do that but you'll have to untie me first."

I untied him and watch cautiously as he stand up and retrieve his phone. I watched as he texted her and showed me.

A couple minutes later she texted him an address to meet up with her.

"She says to meet her at 11:00 tonight."

I looked at the time to see that it's only 9:52 p.m right now, so we have about an hour left before I get to torture her bitch ass.

"Your mother is an idiot." Dick one stated as he stared at me and then the text. "No offense."

I grin, "Exactly Dick one!" I declared. "Someone finally understands my situation."

He frowns, "My name is Benjamin."

"Benny!" Honey claps and I almost forgot she was also here with us.

He glares at her, "I wasn't even talking to you."

She glares back, "Watch it Benny boy."

"You bitch." He snapped.

Honey raised a brow at him, "Yes asshole?"

He turns to me. "How do you deal with her? I wanna strangle her already and it hasn't been a full day yet." He asks me quietly.

"Hey, I'm right here you know!" Honey says as she frowns.

I shrug, "It's simple really, I just become her bitch." I admitted as I texted Rome the address since he had to leave to take care of something.

"Her what?" He asks with a laugh.

I glared at him and he shuts up immediately, looking else where.

"Let's make one thing clear Dick one Benja. You fuck me over and I'll find you then skin you alive." I threatened him, even though I feel like I could trust him.

Don't ask me why.

He groans, "It's Benjamin for fucks sake, not Benny or Benja or Dick one."

I shrug, "It's the same thing, stop being so dramatic."

"Yes Benny boy, stop acting like a drama queen." Honey jumps in and I chuckle, while he gave her a middle finger.

Mother dearest, I'm coming for you and once I get my hands on you, you're gonna wish you had aborted me.

I can't wait.

Let the fun begin.

I chuckle darkly with a smirk.

I'm backkkk bitches...❗️😫

I was suppose to update tomorrow and not today, but I felt like writing a chapter today so I said, why tf not!💀😏

Actually, I was writing it last night but feel asleep before I could finished... I was too tired to continue.😂

Anywayssss, enjoy!😘

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I love taking care of elderly people.... which is why I became a Caregiver.❣️🥂


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