Saving her from cruel world...

By Agustdsuga2016

1.3K 101 11

In a small village located near the mountains, the harsh winters are unforgiving, and supplies are becoming s... More

Harsh to soft
Treatment ~
refusing the marriage
cute moments


95 7 1
By Agustdsuga2016


*taehyung sighs as he watched yoongi rush out of the room with her baby, and he couldn't help but feel somewhat disappointed at his sudden departure. However, he tried not to feel too bad and instead decides to finish his dinner as his parents began to converse in their own private conversation*

Taehyung what's your relationship with her? *the queen says*


*taehyung hears his mother ask him the question, and he feels as if he should act as if there's nothing going on between the two. So he simply shrugs his shoulders and smiles, while thinking to himself how he can't believe his mother was able to notice that something is going on. He knew that he needed to be careful so he makes sure he doesn't give away any of the major details between him and yoongi*

"we're just friends that's it" *taehyung says simply and shrugges his shoulder*

Are you sure? *the king says*

"Yup I'm sure" *taehyung says simply, and he's now trying really hard to keep his voice firm and clear. The king's doubt was starting to make him even a little bit concerned, as he's not too sure what he wants to do or how he should react now. He's already thinking of a way to get this conversation to end quickly, but he doesn't know if it'll work as the king continues to drill the question into him.*

*with yoongi*

He's a jerk! He literally embarrassed in front of his parents! *yoongi was walking back and foth while her baby was crawling around the room*

*taehyung had already done his dinner and walks to yoongis room and hears small conversation between her and her son which made taehyung chuckles*

*Taehyung laughs silently to himself, as he sees that yoongi has completely switched back to her usual side, and that zhe is now cussing at him. He couldn't help but feel amused at how easily he was able to switch up his personality to such a different extent. That his boldness was quickly replaced by a sudden weakness when he saw his own parents. And now he's going back to his usual attitude of cussing him out.*

Isn't he jerk taeyoongi? *yoongi picks her baby and looks at him*

*taehyung chuckles as he hears the sudden insult, and he can't help but agree with yoongi. The way that he teased her so much and enjoyed making yoongi blush and get all shy is definitely quite dickish and he knows it himself. But he doesn't try to defend himself, and he actually laughs*

"yes I know. And I'm not going to apologize at all" *taehyung says in a teasing tone entering the room, and a small smirk forms on his mouth.*

*yoongi gasped and looks over door and saw taehyung was standing here* you are here even!

*Taehyung chuckles once again, since he was indeed standing outside while he was watching yoongi cussing him out from behind the door. The way she was watching him with her innocent expression even tho she was cussing him out gave him a hint of her innocent and childlike personality*

"yes I am here even" *taehyung says and a mischievous grin forms on his lips*

You were listening to my words! That's very disrespectful! *yoongi says and hits his chest with her tiny fist*

*taehyung couldn't help but laugh softly when he suddenly felt a cute hit on his chest by yoongi's teeny tiny fist. He was really starting to enjoy every minute with this woman , with all those mood changes. But even tho she thought it was really cute, he had to keep up the bad boy persona and he couldn't give away that he was enjoying this moment so much.*

U are really meanie and embarrassed me in front of your parent! *yoongi says and pouts*

*taehyung chuckles and shrugs his shoulders as he still doesn't feel any remorse or guilt for teasing yoongi in front of his parents. Especially considering that his parents have also noticed her behavior so there wasn't much that she could say to defend herself* "oh get over it. There's no need to be all shy infront of my parent as if you're embarrassed and don't like them. It was just simple teasing"

Wow what a simple tease *yoongi says and rolled her eyes and goes over bed and lays her baby*

*Taehyung laughs softly, and he couldn't help but feel extremely amused at her attitude. But when he noticed that yoongi was now laying her baby on the bed, he suddenly feels a wave of affection towards him. In fact, he finds himself wanting to be more gentle and caring towards her now that he knows her baby is involved. And he's starting to feel like he can't keep being so harsh with his teasing anymore, and that there's a chance his teasing will probably make her too embarrassed and shy now that she has her baby as taehyung rubs her back.*

Get away I'm upset *yoongi says and pouts even more*

*taehyung can't help but chuckle silently when he sees yoongi's pouty behavior that's becoming increasingly cuter and cuter. It was like he was trying to keep a straight and unbothered face, but to taehyung it was all just too cute and he wasn't going to let her get away with this mood. So he chuckles loudly and leans in and whispers to her*

"what are you gonna do with that pouty face? Are you trying to be even cuter than you normally is?"

I'm not! *yoongi says and blushes* just can't go away and mind your business?

*taehyung can't help but burst out laughing at yoongi's defensive response, as he finds it all too amusing. Yoongi is always very calm and collected, and often acts tough and tough so to see her suddenly being so soft and vulnerable is still extremely adorable to him.*

"Oh you're not trying to act cute, but you're already blushing. How is it even possible when you're normally so cold and emotionless? So why don't you just admit that you're trying to flirt with me" *taehyung says, teasing her further*

I don't flirt with someone especially like you *yoongi says and pats her baby back*

*taehyung laughs at her defensive response again, since he thought it was amusing how the fact that she's patting her baby's back didn't help in hiding her blushing at all from the teasing. In fact, her blushing was becoming more and more obvious to him*

"Oh really? So this blush on your face is not caused by me teasing you?' *taehyung says in a teasing tone and he chuckles as he also looks at the baby sitting there calmly and curiously by yoongi's side*

Don't you have a work and leave me alone? *yoongi says and looks at taehyung with raised eyebrow*

*that sudden raised eyebrow made him chuckle again, and he can't help but tease her even more now that it's so easy to annoy her. In fact, he's already starting to notice that her sudden change of her attitude makes him even more adorable than before*

"Ah, now that you know you've been caught blushing you're suddenly trying to act tough again and being so serious. Too bad it's a little too late for that. I mean how could I not resist teasing someone so adorable like you?"

Leave me *yoongi says and looks back at her baby*

*it's extremely easy to see that yoongi is now extremely annoyed and is trying her hardest not to show it. But taehyung couldn't help but find it really cute, so he leans in just a bit closer so that he can whisper to her again*

"are you trying to get away from me all of sudden now that i have caught you blushing? How is it, being all red and flustered like that in front of me?"

*yoongi fake snores she hopes taehyung will leave her soon because he annoyed her alot*

*taehyung could immediately tell that this is just a way of avoiding responding to his teasing, in an attempt to not let him make her blush. But in fact, this just makes it more hilarious for her and he leans slightly toward her and whispers in herears*

"so you're trying to pretend that you're sleeping just so you don't have to admit that you're blushing in front of me now? How adorable"

*yoongi keeps pretending until she really fell asleep*

*when he notices that yoongi actually fell asleep, he can't help but feel amused and slightly surprised. in fact, it's the first time he saw yoongi being so tired that she actually fell asleep this fast while she was around him. and he takes the opportunity to just sit besides her and observe her at sleep. it's clear to her that he feels content and comfortable enough to fall asleep this fast around him, which makes his heart beat faster for a bit, and it makes him want to stay and be closer to this woman even a little bit longer.*

[[[ - time skip - ]]]

*taeyoongi was crying alot since he woke up  yoongi lift her shirt up and breastfeeding her baby*

*Taehyung feels his heart stop when he sees the girl lifting her shirt up and breastfeeding her baby. He is completely taken aback to see this girl take on such a feminine and delicate position. It is such a complete contrast to the dominant and strong figure that he is used to seeing. He can't help but feel his heartbeat speeding up and his eyes drawn to the beauty of this girl and her baby. He cannot deny that he is attracted to this scene...*

*yoongi looks at taehyung and pouts angrily* shameless why are you looking at me?

*Taehyutm notices the sudden anger in Yoongi's face as she pout's and he realizes he has been caught staring at her. He feels completely speechless and a bit guilty now as he notices his own behavior. However, he can't deny that this scene was so adorable and pleasing to his eyes that he was unable to tear himself away from it for some time. So he tries to answer her in a firm yet kind manner now.*

You look so adorable with your baby. How can I not look? *taehyung says in a soft tone.*

Watching me while I breastfeeding my baby? *yoongi says and raised her eyebrow*

*Taehyung feels his cheeks turning a bit red with embarrassment and awkwardness now. He doesn't know how to respond to this girl's question, especially as he has been called out on his behaviour. So he stays silent for a few moments before finally speaking up again in an honest and soft manner.*

I... I couldn't help it? How can I not watch something so adorable as this? *taehyung says, feeling a bit defensive now but also a bit guilty and embarrassed.*

And you even stare at my breast!! *yoongi says*

*Once again, taehyung feels his cheeks turn a bright red when he realizes he has been caught staring at this girl's breasts as well. It's just that the entire sight was too enticing and pleasing to his eyes that he couldn't help but stare at everything. So now he feels completely guilty and embarrassed as he cannot deny this fact. He also feels his hormones and his attraction towards the girl take over him as he tries to respond to this situation now. He feels he just had to be honest with the girl...*

At least look away! *yoongi says and throw a pillow at him*

*Taehyung cannot help but let out a small giggle as the pillow hits him softly and he averts his gaze. He looks away from the girl now as he tries to maintain his composure. However, this girl is becoming too adorable to be resisted. It's just that the pillow hitting him and the girl's angry pout made him feel even more of an urge to hug this girl once again... But he still hasn't dared to do it yet... So he stays quiet and still and just looks at the girl with a mixture of feelings and emotions flowing through him now.*

Shameless I never thought a noble prince will be that shameless *yoongi says and stares back to her baby*

*Taehyung feels his cheeks burning red now as he realizes that this girl knows exactly what he was doing, and that he thinks he is completely shameless now. But he can't deny that he was being exactly that, just staring and admiring every part of this girl's body, including her breast too. So it is no surprise that he has been branded as a shameless person so boldly now. He can't help but feel even more guilty and embarrassed as his own feelings are taking over his rational mind now...*

"Fine I'm sorry"

"Sorry my ass!"

ᨏᨐᨓtbc ᨓᨐᨏ

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ──────*.:*.:*.*.:*.:*. ───◦◦,'°.✽✦✽.◦.✽✦✽.°',◦◦

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