Priscilla ..? Fred Weasley

By cIearwaters

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What A Royal Pain / Princess Priscilla
𝓐ct I: Cilla's Guide to Survive
DAILY PROPHET: Hogwarts: School For Princesses?
𝓲. Totally Bogus
𝓲𝓲. How Much Huff Could a Hufflepuff Puff
𝓲𝓲𝓲. Double, Double Toil and Trouble
𝓲𝓿. More Than a Woman
𝓿. Badgers Bite Back
𝓿𝓲𝓲. Puff Puff Pass

𝓿𝓲. The Princess, the Champion... Oh, and Fred

185 21 44
By cIearwaters

𝒔𝒊𝒙   The Princess, the Campion... Oh, and Fred

      "EXCLUSIVE: Love Unleashed at Hogwarts! Cedric Diggory and Priscilla de La Nogerede: More than Just Allies?

      Sources have revealed that school's golden boy, Cedric Diggory, is not only dodging Hungarian Horntails but also caught in the spellbinding allure of none other than Hufflepuff's enigmatic princess, Priscilla de La Nogerede, a transfer student from Beauxbatons. Amidst the debates and chaos, our dashing champion found himself captivated by Priscilla's unwavering determination. The Hufflepuff royal, known for her poised exterior, apparently has Cedric under her spell. A shared tour of the castle set the stage for this enchanting tale, revealing Priscilla's hidden glamour beyond the castle walls.

      Cedric, ever the gentleman, openly expressed admiration for Priscilla's principles and her strength in facing opposition. But, it doesn't stop there– their interactions have escalated from casual encounters to secret glances and moments of shared laughter. Who knew the Triwizard Tournament had such potential for romance?

      Insiders say that as the challenges unfold, Cedric and Priscilla are navigating not only the maze of tasks but also the maze of emotions. Love, it seems, is the true magic at play here. Could their connection be the Hogwarts love story we've all been waiting for?

      With the first task looming, our lovebirds seek solace in each other's company, proving that the Triwizard Tournament isn't just about surviving– it's also about surviving the twists and turns of love. Keep those peepers peeled for more scintillating updates on Hogwarts' most unexpected romance. More on page 28."

Dorian finished reading the article aloud, pausing for a moment to let the anticipation settle among his friends.

Snickers and glances bounced between students, eagerly awaiting the reactions of the unwitting stars of the sudden magical romance.

      Priscilla and Cedric exchanged stunned looks, caught off guard by the exaggerated tale spun by Rita Skeeter. The unexpected pairing and the romantic aura thrust upon them seemed like a jinx they hadn't seen coming.

      Cedric, usually composed, raised an eyebrow in disbelief, while Priscilla couldn't suppress rolling her eyes in annoyance. The Hufflepuff princess, now accustomed to the lies of the Daily Prophet, wanted to ring that bitch Rita Skeeter by the neck. She would never even think about kissing let alone have any feelings of romance towards Cedric. She's heard of guys being too hot that they're ugly and Cedric was certainly one of those guys.

      In the thick of the reactions and speculations, Nick took the paper out of Dorian's hands, "Seems like you two have become Hogwarts' most talked about couple overnight. Wonder what page 28 says." The common room erupted into a mix of laughter, gasps, and excited chatter as students processed the unexpected turn of events. Priscilla and Cedric, still recovering from the surprise, exchanged a knowing glance that hinted at the genuine connection of friendship beneath the sensationalism.

      "What a load of rubbish." Priscilla said, grabbing her rucksack off of the back of her chair.

      Cedric nodded his head, "Can't believe you guys read the Prophet. My mum says it's the ministry's way to push their own agenda." He said to them recalling his mother's rants over this past summer and the summer before then. Bonnabel Diggory was a half-blood witch with a strong sense of justice and a tendency to question authority. She firmly believed in standing up against corruption and often expressed her skepticism about the Ministry's influence on the masses— ( She was a huge hippie in the 70's, Cedric just assumed that was why she didn't like lies in the media and adored having flowers in her hair ).

      Priscilla, with an amused smile, added, "Well, I suppose they got creative this time. Who knew I had a 'hidden glamour' beyond castle walls?" She gestured dramatically, gaining a laugh from Penny.

The older boy chimed in, "A guy and a girl can be just friends, I don't know why people have to spin it into something different. We know what's real and what isn't." He winked at Priscilla.

The Hufflepuff princess nodded in agreement, appreciating his calm demeanor. "Exactly." With that, she led the way out of the common room with Cedric hot on her heels, leaving the gossip-filled atmosphere behind.

As the two walked through the castle, Priscilla couldn't help but reflect on the irony of Rita Skeeter's portrayal. The friendship she shared with Cedric was more simple than any concocted love story. In reality, she felt sort of responsible for getting him into the tournament. Granted she wasn't the one to put his name into the goblet, she was one of the main people that encouraged it. And if it had been the other way around she would've expected him to feel the same way she did.

      She led him past the Great Hall.

      Cedric stopped in the middle of the hallway, "Are we skipping breakfast?" He asked.

      Priscilla sighed. She really didn't want to go into the hall. "We don't have to..."

      Priscilla hesitated at the entrance to the Great Hall, a flicker of reluctance crossing her features. She had grown weary of the prying eyes and speculative whispers that accompanied her every move since arriving at Hogwarts. The latest exaggerated love story in the Daily Prophet only intensified the unwanted attention. With a discreet glance at Cedric, she felt a desire to shield their friendship from the gossip that awaited within. The thought of becoming the subject of hushed conversations and curious stares didn't appeal to her, but Cedric gently tugged her down to the end of the table, where not too many kids were sitting.

A few Ravenclaws pointed at them before letting out a chorus of giggles, while an Asian girl with rather bad bangs glared at them.

      Cedric looked down in embarrassment before pulling Priscilla by the sleeve to leave. "Yeah, you were right. Maybe it's best to skip breakfast today." She had a mouth full of crumpets and was able to snatch a few pieces of bacon from a first year's plate.

"Ow, ow, ow." She choked out.

He let go of her robes, "You're so dramatic."


      Cedric glanced at Priscilla, his expression more serious now. "I'm really sorry about all this. I didn't expect the tournament to turn into... well, this." He just wanted to make a new friend, not have a girlfriend he didn't even know about.

      Priscilla managed a small smile, appreciating Cedric's attempt to lighten the mood. As they walked away from the Great Hall, the whispers and stares of curious students gradually faded.

      Priscilla sighed, her annoyance softening into understanding. "It's not your fault, Cedric. It is r the first time my names been misconstrued in the newspaper. We can't control what the Daily Prophet writes. Let's just focus on getting you through the tournament, and hopefully, this frenzy will die down."

      Cedric nodded his head in agreement, appreciating Priscilla's pragmatic approach. They continued their stroll through the castle, finding solace in the familiar hallways that held no judgment or sensationalism.

      Priscilla skipped down a few steps of the stairs, "Have they told you what the first task is yet?" She asked helping Cedric move up some of the steps that were starting to move.


She thought it was stupid that they wouldn't even at least give them a hint as to what the champions would be going against. "Do you know if you're gonna have to duel?" Priscilla really hoped the tournament would be entertaining enough without sacrificing the safety of those involved. The weight of the upcoming Triwizard Tournament pressed on her mind, and a sense of unease settled in her chest. The idea of kids only a few years older than her facing threatening situations was a disconcerting thought that lingered in the corners of her consciousness. She clasped her hands together— a silent plea to any higher power that could be listening.

"No clue," Cedric smiled stupidly.

She looked up at him, "Do you know anything?"

He laughed, "No, not really."

      Harry Potter exited the Great Hall a few steps behind them. He really needed to talk to Cedric about the upcoming task. Cedric, engrossed in conversation with Priscilla, failed to notice Harry pointing his wand at his bag, "Diffindo!" The sound of tearing fabric echoed through the corridor, drawing attention from nearby students. Cedric turned to find the contents of his bag spilling out, scattering notes, shattered bottles of ink, and books.

      "Merlin's beard," He muttered, crouching down to gather the scattered items.

      Priscilla stifled a laugh, trying to assist in salvaging the mess, "God, today is not your day." She kicked away a few glass shards with her feet that were safely covered up by Mary Jane wedges, "This is why I use glitter pens."

      Cedric picked up a few of his books, "Think I could borrow one for today? I don't have any more ink bottles."

      She tossed him a pink pen with a fluffy ball on the end. "Thanks, Cilla!"

Harry walked over to the two Hufflepuffs. Cedric smiled at him, "Hi, my bag just split... brand new and all." He mumbled out in annoyance.

      Harry didn't care about Cedric and his fashion malfunction. "Cedric," Harry spoke, "The first task is dragons."

      "What?" Cedric looked at him incredulously. His eyes widened at Harry's revelation about dragons.

      Priscilla wanted to have a few words with the person whose bright idea it was to have kids fight dragons.

      She shared a concerned look with Cedric before turning their attention back to Harry.

      "Dragons? This has to be a joke, right?" Priscilla asked, her brows furrowing in disbelief.

      Harry nodded solemnly. "No joke. They're the first task. You see, they've got four, one for each of us, and we've got to get past them."

      Panic began to claw at the edges of the Cedric's composure, threatening to consume him. The once confident and composed champion now felt a surge of fear. The images of fire-breathing dragons and the potential dangers raced through his mind, creating a chaotic whirlwind of anxiety. At that moment, it was nearly impossible for Cedric not to question his readiness for such a perilous ordeal, and the pressure to succeed in the tournament intensified.

      "Are you sure?" He asked the boy.

      Harry nodded. "But I'm not the only one who knows. Fleur and Krum will know by now... Maxime and Karkaroff both saw the dragons too."

      So, not only were there dragons for the first task but also there was cheating involved. Priscilla, her brows furrowed in frustration, couldn't shake the feeling of discontent that lingered within her. The idea of pitting young witches and wizards against fire-breathing dragons seemed not only reckless but downright irresponsible. As her thoughts swirled with apprehension, she couldn't help but express her discontent.

      "This tournament is a farce, a dangerous one at that. It's beyond belief that they'd put you guys through this kind of peril. What purpose does it serve? To entertain the masses?" Her voice held a hint of anger, fueled not only by the impending danger but also by the knowledge that someone had cheated to ensure her participation. The very essence of fair play seemed lost in the convoluted machinations of the Triwizard Tournament, and Priscilla was determined to express her opposition to its dubious nature. "I thought it was going to be like a fun after school club thing. Not something that could end with peril." Priscilla said to them.

      Cedric looked away from her and stood up. His torn bag hanging off of his shoulder, cradling a bundle of inky quills, parchment, and books. As he gazed at Harry, a perplexed and somewhat suspicious expression etched across his features. "Why are you telling me?" He asked.

      Harry looked at him with surprise before answering, "It's just fair, isn't it?" He told them. "We all know now. We're on an even footing, aren't we?"

"I mean, he's got a point..." Priscilla admired Harry's reasoning, she liked his fairness.

A flash of red and yellow robes appeared by Priscilla's side. Fred swung an arm around her neck, "Sorry, lads, I promised Cilla I'd take her to Muggle Studies." He turned to give Harry a polite nod, "Later, Harry." He ignored Cedric and pulled Priscilla away from the champions. While passing the boy Fred bumped into him harshly knocking his shoulder with Cedric's.

Priscilla craned her neck to the side to look back at her friend, "I'll catch up with you later, Ced!"

      Fred dropped his arm off of her shoulder. Fred tried to fight off the pang of jealousy that gnawed at him as he observed Priscilla and Cedric. Their friendship had become the talk of Hogwarts, and Fred found himself grappling with an unsettling mix of emotions. The laughter they shared, the knowing glances exchanged— it all seemed like a world he couldn't penetrate. That morning when he read the article he had accidentally seized a copy of the Daily Prophet and crumpled the paper in his hand before fiercely hurling it into the common room's chimney— ( He now owed Lee two Sickles for the damages he caused ).

Priscilla gave Fred a confused look, "Everything okay?" She asked him. She really hoped that he didn't read the newspaper yet.

      "Yeah, didn't mean to steal you from your knight in shining armor." He grumbled.

      Oh, ew! She was truly going to throw up. Priscilla furrowed her brows, catching the undertones in Fred's words. She knew Fred well enough to sense when something was amiss. "Fred, it's not like that. Cedric and I are just friends. Besides, you know how these articles exaggerate everything."

      Fred sighed, a mix of frustration and concern on his face. "It's not about what the Prophet says. It's about what everyone else thinks. You two are the talk of the school now."

      Priscilla rolled her eyes, a hint of annoyance surfacing. "Well, people can talk all they want. Doesn't mean it's true. I'm just trying to help him out."

      Fred nodded, but the strain in his shoulders didn't quite ease. "Just be careful, alright? Rumors can be like... Well, like the Blast-Ended Skrewts. Unpredictable and potentially explosive."

      Priscilla chuckled, appreciating Fred's attempt to lighten the mood. "I'll keep that in mind. Now, are you taking me to Muggle Studies, or are you going to stay here and brood?"

      Fred grinned, the familiar impish look returning to his eyes. "Well, brooding is tempting, but I guess I can take you to class if I have to."

      Priscilla sat sandwiched between Penny and Fred, with her face painted black and yellow. It was a little out of the ordinary to see so many Hufflepuffs sitting next to Gryffindors, especially now that they both had two different champions in the tournament.

      The princess shuffled around in her seat uncomfortably and cracked her knuckles. The tension between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor houses was palpable even among the anticipation for the champions to face the dangerous creatures. The humming of conversations echoed through the crowd, creating an atmosphere charged with both excitement and apprehension. Clad in black and yellow, she couldn't escape the scrutiny of her fellow Hufflepuffs, some wearing expressions of excitement while others seemed to cast judgment. The Gryffindors, too, exchanged furtive glances, their opinions covered behind the veil of house rivalry. As the champions prepared to confront the formidable dragons, Priscilla felt a subtle undercurrent of unease, realizing that the unity of the school was being tested by more than just the Triwizard Tournament.

Fred placed his hand on top of hers, "They'll be okay. Don't worry Dumbledore will stop it if it gets too dangerous." He tried to console her. Priscilla took his hand in hers and cracked his knuckles. "Ow, what the hell!" He took his hand away from her.

      She gave him a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry, I'm scared."

      "Don't be. You're not the one facing the dragons." 

      There was a loud roar of applause as the students and teachers as Cedric emerged from the tent looking rather green. His disheveled appearance spoke volumes about the challenges he faced within, and Priscilla couldn't help but feel a surge of empathy for the boy.

      Fred squeezed Priscilla's arm, his gaze never leaving Cedric's figure. "He's stupid but not stupid enough to get maimed." His attempt at reassurance carried a touch of sincerity, but the feeling of unease still lingered in Priscilla's stomach.

      The Swedish Short-Snout let out a threatening roar before letting out a breath of fire. Priscilla's eyes widened in a mix of awe and concern. The intensity of the task became glaringly evident, and her hand tightened around Fred's as they watched Cedric navigate the fiery challenge. The heat of the moment seemed to sear through the crowd, mirroring the scorching flames that danced within the dragon's breath.

Fred pointed at Cedric's body, attempting to ease her anxiety. "See? He's doing fine."

As he said that the dragon then burned the side of Cedric's face.

Priscilla gasped, her fingers tightening around Fred's hand. The sight of Cedric in pain sent a sharp pang through her, and she couldn't help but hold her breath as the events unfolded. The screams and shouts from the crowd seemed distant as concern for her friend took center in the arena. "That moron... he's gonna get himself killed," she muttered, her eyes fixed on the ongoing struggle between Cedric and the dragon.

Fred winced, realizing the severity of the situation. "Well, they can't just intervene for just a burn, can they? It's part of the tournament."

      She shot him a stern look, her concern deepening into frustration. "This is absurd. They're not animals to be put on display for entertainment. There has to be a line, Fred."

The ginger nodded solemnly, his gaze shifting between the arena and Priscilla's troubled expression. Did he like Cedric? No, but he didn't want him to die— ( Especially not by the claws of the dragon, if he did then the dragon would most likely have to be put down and that wasn't really fair for the creature who was just doing what it was supposed to ). As the Triwizard Tournament continued to unfold, the precarious balance between spectacle and safety hung in the air, leaving the students grappling with the unsettling reality of the harsh challenges that the champions were forced to confront.

Cedric finally was able to distract the dragon and successfully got the egg from it. The applause and cheers echoed through the arena, a testament to the resilience of the champions and the collective spirit of Hogwarts.

      "Very good indeed!" Ludo Bagman shouted over the cheering into the microphone. "And now the marks from the judges!"

      Priscilla looked at the scores on the judge's panel. "Thirty-eight points? He nearly got his whole face burned off and they give him that score? This blows!" She huffed out.

      Fred didn't say anything but smirked.

      A whistle blew and Ludo spoke once again, "One down, three to go! Miss Delacour, if you please!"

Fleur, dressed in a silvery-blue shirt and matching skirt that shimmered under the sunlight, emerged from the tent with an air of nervousness. Her silken hair, a cascade of waves, framed a face set in absolute fear. The Welsh Green dragon loomed before her, a monstrous embodiment of scales and sinew, its eyes aflame with primal fury. Fleur moved with a balletic elegance, a stark contrast to the looming threat. As the dragon unleashed torrents of fire, Fleur's movements were a mesmerizing dance of evasion, a choreography of survival. The suspense in the arena heightened, a testament to the audacity and skill of the Beauxbatons champion. The gasps of the crowd mingled with the deafening roars, creating a symphony of awe.

Priscilla crossed her fingers and hoped that Fleur wouldn't get seriously maimed or injured.

Around ten minutes passed before she successfully got the egg away from the dragon by enchanting it to sleep. The judges gave her a score of thirty-seven.

      Next came Viktor Krum who stupidly used the Conjunctivitis Curse to blind the dragon.

      "Come on dragon! Bite him!" Fred hollered out.

      Krum easily scooped up the golden egg and exited the arena confidently.

      Now it was Harry's turn to go up against the Hungarian Horntail.

      Priscilla's grip on Fred's hand tightened, her eyes fixed on the poor boy. Fred muttered, "This is going to be so wicked." His attempt to inject humor into the situation did little to alleviate the underlying unease. Priscilla gave him a meek smile, torn between worry for Harry and the realization that the tournament had escalated into a perilous display.

      Harry raised his wand, "Accio Firebolt!" He shouted. His broom swiftly appeared next to him. Harry mounted the Firebolt with a swift motion, the broomstick responding to his call. The audience watched in anticipation as the Gryffindor champion faced the ferocious Hungarian Horntail. Priscilla bit her thumbnail as Harry maneuvered skillfully through the air. The speed and precision with which he navigated around the fiery breath and menacing claws showcased his quick reflexes. Even in the face of danger, there was a certain grace to his movements that held the crowd in suspense.

"Great Scott, he can fly!" Yelled out Ludo. "Are you watching this, Mr. Krum?"

Priscilla rolled her eyes, she was so over that Quidditch player.

Harry plummeted downwards as the Horntail opened its mouth, he barely missed the flames, but its tail came whipping upwards. He tried to swerve out of its way but one of the long spikes grazed his shoulder, ripping his robes to shreds.

"Well done dragon!" The twins cheered on the creature.

If she wasn't so scared for Harry's life she would've laughed at them.

And then the dragon spread out its black, leathery wings menacingly. Harry dived down once more. And before the dragon could register that he had disappeared, he was already speeding toward the ground as fast as he could go, toward the collection of eggs that were now unprotected. He took his hands off his Firebolt, with ease he had successfully seized the golden egg.

      "Look at that?" Ludo announced to the audience. "Will you look at that! Our youngest champion is the quickest to get his egg! Well, this is going to shorten the odds on Mr. Potter!"

Priscilla let out a polite cheer, she was just happy that none of the teenagers had died. Which was sort of setting the bar kind of low...

      But it was still a win in her book!

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