𝓲𝓲. How Much Huff Could a Hufflepuff Puff

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𝒕𝒘𝒐   How Much Huff Could a Hufflepuff Puff

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𝒕𝒘𝒐   How Much Huff Could a Hufflepuff Puff

      Never in a million years did Priscilla think that she would be getting a tour of Hogwarts with the rest of the first years— ( Hello! She's fifteen for god's sake ). Priscilla grew annoyed as the enthusiastic first-years marveled at the moving staircases and the moving portraits. She slowly trailed behind, her expression a mix of boredom and annoyance, as the tour guide, Professor McGonagall rambled on about the rich history of the castle.

      Total snooze fest!

      The group eventually reached the Great Hall, where the Sorting Hat waited on the stool. Priscilla felt a sense of déjà vu, remembering her first sorting ceremony at Beauxbatons. However, she hoped that they wouldn't have to shoot an arrow across the room to find out what house she would belong to—( Was there even a house at Hogwarts that mirrored Pappilonlisse? ), it didn't matter anyway, whatever house she got in she'd be fine. It's not like everyone would hate her; she's just a princess.

      Envious glances and hushed whispers from the younger students added to her discomfort. It appeared that everyone and their mother had indeed read the article.

      Priscilla sighed, her perfect posture slightly slumping as she wished for the ground to swallow her whole, sparing her from the attention she didn't desire.

      She tried her best to shake off the embarrassment of not only towering— No! Towering wasn't even the right word to, she looked like a half giant next to the eleven-year-olds, but also the feeling of nervousness as she saw her new... acquaintances at the table with a red banner hanging above it. Fred and George shot her a wink before the sorting hat started to sing.

      "A thousand years or more ago,

When I was newly sewn?

There lived four wizards of renown—"

Priscilla ..?   Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now