The Ultimate Interdimensional...

By Fireking492

190 27 86

Pmurt Nedib is dead. We survived the Infinityverse. But our troubles are far from over. Yappa Yappa has retur... More

A Knight's Blood
Return of Number 96
Escape from the Infinite Labyrinth
Plot Twists & Geass
Shifting Tides: Death of Charles
Zero Requiem Take Two
Villains Invade Disney World
The Stakes Keep Getting Higher
Interdimensional Positive Energy Overload
Entering The Dreamverse
Becoming Real
The Multiverse's Destruction
"Happy" Birthday
Making A Fake Kira
Setting A Trap
Thanatos and Hypnos
Sword Duel! Swiftdrawer Vs Hades
Chaos In Gotham City
Hopeless & Crushed
Villain Arc/Battle of Watchtower
Rise of the Imaginary Numbers
Chasing Sailor Galaxia
We Fight Back.
Domino City Yami No Game
Zorc, Trueman, and Mayhem
Reality Warping Limit Break
BRAINS Vs. Zarc: Long First Turn
Break Summoning
Serious Dimension Hopping

Battle in Sanctuary: Saga's Vengeance

11 1 4
By Fireking492

Ultimate Interdimensional War

Chapter 16: Battle in Sanctuary: Saga's Vengeance

Date: February 20th, 2024

Just after finishing up my journey to understand my elemental affinity of the wind better, I am informed of a huge emergency. Blaze runs into the library and yells: "Swiftdrawer! Come with me! We have a problem!" "What is it, Blaze? *puts new personal journal away along with a pen* It must be something really bad if you came running here." I follow Blaze. They lead me to the primary meeting room in our base. There, Dominic spots me: "Good. Now there's only a few more needing to come here. It would be best if the video footage from various universes of the situation was shown. Now that we can record moments from across the multiverse much more easily with new techniques and technologies, it would be a nap causation not to use some of the footage they have caught so far." I take a seat in one of the chairs in the room as the pre existing video screen is expanded greatly to cover the entire wall of one side of the room. A few minutes pass until the others in the base enter the room and sit down. Dominic doesn't yawn. Instead, he shouts: "Let's get the videos started!" He presses a button to show the relevant footage to the current situation. First, the Creative Realm is shown. Abstractoa is creating various artworks while also observing the multiverse. But then, something appears and somehow manages to easily restrain and capture them. I yell: "The hell is happening?!" The video shifts to show King Kai gardening. "Hmm hmm.. This plant looks fine. I I shouldn't give it more water for now." A creature of Barian origin appears to take him away.

On Beerus's Planet, Goku and Vegeta are training with Whis. Beerus is napping and because he is, something else easily takes him without anyone noticing. When Whis notices, he is captured effortlessly and Goku and Vegeta can't do anything about it. In Sanctuary, Athena is observing her warriors training with each other. Seiya is currently sparring with Aiolis. Shiryu is being instructed by Dohko. Without warning, a sea creature attacks Athena and drags her into a portal. Even Odin from the Asgard connected to the world of Midgard goes missing. We only see him as a silhouette that is teleported away by a being who must be aligned with some version of Hades. In Universe 7, Shenron is summoned only for a masked figure to appear and trap him inside a card. We watch as every god aligned with BRAINS gets kidnapped. Even the Egyptian Gods through their cards. We are shocked. I speak up: "This is.. their latest attempt to greatly weaken us and reduce our chances of winning the entire war. By taking all of the gods away, we won't be saved should all of our options fail in battle. And without Shenron or the other wish dragons, we can't really use any wishes to help us out. This feels more like an attempt to demoralize us than anything." Barla nods: "This is one hell of a problem. But they thought wrong if they believed this would demoralize us."

Mel adds: "It's clear our enemies want a divine advantage. With no gods around to oppose him, Don Thousand could very well destroy us all without us being able to really stop him from doing so. His power is immeasurable. Even Numeron Dragon as well as the Crimson Dragon have been taken." Our marks start hurting. Bray sighs: "It seems we are all needed somewhere else." Pirate Blaster scratches his head: "Arr, I get the strangest feeling. Call it former treasure hunter's intuition but.. We are needed in the same universe!" I nod: "I think I feel that very same feeling. There's only one place I can think of where we're needed. Seiya's universe." Dominic yawns: "I just confirmed that theory. Look on the screen." We see Sanctuary under attack by many enemies. Without another word, we all prepare to leave before teleporting right there and drinking sleep replacement potions just in case this ends up taking forever. We have arrived to the stairs leading to the first house: Aries House. We can see Mu struggling against an onslaught of many foes of Barian form mostly. And there are 3 ominous presences we can sense. We literally run up those steps, knocking off any foe in our way to join Mu in the fight. "Haaaaaa! Air Slice Slash!" My attack doesn't do anything. "What the?! My attack didn't work? Huh. I actually feel a small amount of strain from pulling off that attack. Does that mean we have to go all out just to defeat these low level enemies?"

Mu replies: "I have been fighting them for some time but so far, I have only been able to dispatch a few of them." Bray casts a devastating spell but to no avail. "I see. We must go all out indeed. So be it. We must hurry, however. It appears that not many other BRAINS members have come to this universe to help." That's when we all get a telepathic message from Saiki sent transdimensionally with some help: "Attention all fellow BRAINS members. Every single universe that had at least one god taken away from it is under attack." Madeline exclaims: "WE HAVE NO TIME FOR THIS! IM NOT GOING TO HOLD ANYTHING BACK!" She enters her berserk mode and begins to crush our foes with both offensive and magical attacks. Carlos is being sneaky and clever is always. I'm now swinging my sword with my full strength. The walls of Aries House shake violently from us going all out. Mu shouts: "Be careful! This is the Aries House, mine to protect. With how intense we must fight, it won't be long until it crumbles and traps us underneath the resulting rubble. We must be careful. I must use my techniques to bring down more of our foes. I had no intention of resorting to them this soon but there's no other choice. Starlight Extinction!" Many enemies are sent flying. Because of my high level of hand-eye coordination that only improves every single time I use my sword, I am able to look around as we fight and plan on going all out when and if the building collapses. I see Dominic getting overwhelmed. I run over to his location while carving a deadly arc in the enemy forces as I go over to my dear friend. I back him up: "Great Infernal Tornado Slash!" My attack gives him some breathing room.

"Swiftdrawer, you really helped me out just now. ..What a nap causation. I'm going to have to return the favor already." Before I could even finish my thought about wondering what he meant by that, he uses his abilities to fling me out of the way of a deadly energy blast. I nod to him. He nods back. We decide to fight together for the time being. It's better to fight together than alone at least for most life forms. I typically fly solo but that doesn't mean I can't thrive in a small group. "Dominic, do you know who did that? I couldn't really see what the energy blast looked like." "It was red and black. I have now detected more ominous presences than the 3 I know you also felt a couple minutes ago." "Red and black? How much red vs black?" "Mostly red." "Turles. It must be Turles." Turles tries to attack us from behind but we easily dodge it. He looks like a gray clad, less muscular, and shorter version of Goku. The villain laughs: "So you managed to dodge my attacks? Not bad for warriors who aren't even Saiyans." I demand: "What do you want from us?" "Oh, not much. I just want to test out this new delicious fruit from a brand new Tree of Might. It turns out that Beerus's Planet provided quite nice nutrients for the Tree of Might." Dominic yawns: "You're a nap causation. It's disappointing that someone like you needs to use the energy taken from a planet to get stronger." "I don't really care about other planets. To me, being the strongest is all that matters and I will crush anyone who dares to challenge me."

I smirk: "You're going to find we don't fight like Goku does." He laughs again: "I'm well aware of that. A overglorified swordsman and a yawn prone battle scientist. Fighting you two is going to be very entertaining. Once I'm through with you, I might just kill all of these low tier soldiers Don Thousand sent. Compared to me, they're as useful as discarded human made garbage." With that said, he starts trying to punch both of us at really high speeds. Dominic easily dodges through a technique called Matter Displacement and I just tank and sometimes dodge. Turles grins: "Wow, you two are stronger than I thought. How exciting! I'm going to enjoy wiping the both of you out in the end!" I yell: "Dominic! Keep him busy. I got a surprise for him. It's going to take some time to prepare. If you need me to stall for you too later, I will happily do so." "Of course. That won't be any reason for me to say my nap causation line. Turles, I'm your target now. Watch this. Supernova!" Dominic springs his powerful attack so suddenly that it knocks Turles back and actually somewhat surprises him. Meanwhile, I get into the pose needed for Kamehameha but with a slight difference. My hands are positioned as normal except my sword is in my right hand. While working my ordinary job in my other body, I figured out how to visualize the necessary energy flow needed for Kamehameha Slash to perfect it. As Dominic keeps Turles busy by throwing at him all kinds of attacks he's never seen before, I charge up the Ki into my sword.

The Ki first gathers between my hands as usual but then, it transfers to my sword. Dominic is sent flying back after Turles says: "I now get how you fight. Prepare to be crushed!" Damn it. I just need a little more time. Dominic gets back up and literally warps reality around Turles with his hands. The villain exclaims: "What are you doing?!" "You need to stay put. You're a nap causation to the core." "When I get free of what you have done to me, I will be sure to kill you and then kill your overglorified swordsman friend too!" Now I'm ready. Dominic gives a rare smirk before I unleash my attack. The scientist returns the time-space around Turles to normal before unleashing a barrage of attacks to distract him even further. As that happens, I raise my sword over my shoulder, and swing it in a wide slash motion with as much force as I could muster: "KA ME HA ME HA SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!" Turles turns in time to see my attack but he is too slow to avoid it. It cuts him and hurts him pretty badly. But then, he regenerates: "Not bad but I can do better.." Neither of us really react. Very few things actually surprise us anymore. "What? You aren't shocked? You're boring me." But then, he charges up energy balls in both of his hands and throws them at the two of us. Dominic and I are sent all the way to the other side of Aries House. "Damn it.. He's far too strong for us, Dominic." "What a nap causation. We have to defeat him so we can then help our comrades especially if things remain the way they are right now. Look around us, they're being swarmed by our other foes. If we can't beat him with strength or techniques.." I finish: "We have to outsmart him."

Nodding to each other once again, we get ready to outthink our foe. We will defeat him or be destroyed trying to. That's how it's going to be for us. We have no other options at the moment. I place my sword back into its scabbard and pull out one of my daggers and my BRAIN Blaster just in case. I also activate Artist's Eye. Meanwhile, Dominic activates his duel disk and says: "I activate the field spell Innovation Convention!" The scene around us changes to a high tech convention of sorts with all kinds of exhibits with technological marvels features in them. Turles, having caught up to us looks around: "What is this place?! How did we get here?!" I use Artist's Eye to impale him with black metal rods. Dominic destroys the air around Turles and forms a mini version of his Supernova attack to slowly eat away at our foe. Additionally, I conjure chains to bind Turles to the ground. He glares at us: "What have you done to me?!" I simply reply: "We're outsmarting you." "It's useless! I can easily break free of what you've done to me! You two are so entertaining! You really think you have even the slightest chance of defeating me? Don't be foolish." Dominic performs hand signs: "Then I must seal you away with ninjitsu." "What?!" I then conjure a copy of the Z Sword before being forced to shut my left eye. While Dominic completes the seal he was forming, I put away my dagger in favor of the Z Sword. I speak calmly: "We have you. And with this sword, you will be sealed away. Since the sword won't last forever, I wonder what will happen when it ceases to exist.. Maybe you'll just escape. Maybe you'll be erased.."

I ignore whatever he says next as I try my hardest to use it to seal him away. He manages to somehow break free of what we had bound him with but I managed to succeed with the Z Sword copy just in time. With him sealed away, I run to the edge of Aries House and toss the sword as far away from us as possible. With that done, the two of us rejoin the main battle happening in the building we're fighting under. I sigh: "It's a good thing I studied the Z Sword extensively a while back. Otherwise, there's no way that would have worked. I'm going to need some eye drops to be able to open my left eye back up. But for now, I have to fight with only my right eye open." It's also a good thing I've spent some time sword training with only my right eye open over the past months. Mu spots us rejoining the fray: "I'm glad to see that you're both still standing." He then creates his barrier around the Aries House to keep any further enemies from coming in. For several minutes, all we do is fight at our best to take down more enemies. There's so many of them that we couldn't just defeat them. We had to kill or send them all away as well. So that's what we did. My left eye being so worn slowed me down but I still managed. It didn't take as long as I thought to recover so that was a welcome surprise. But then, Turles destroys Mu's barrier, causing the enemies to flood back in. And he targets Dominic and I again: "It seems your little plan was useless against me! Now that I've had more fruits from the Tree of Might, I'm unstoppable!" He starts moving at incredibly high speeds neither of us are able to dodge. My eye was just starting to feel better.

Not even my armor was enough to nullify the damage I started feeling. Dominic was in the same situation. We were being completely suppressed as our foe's aura and killing intent skyrocketed. I cough heavily: "Damn it. His attacks hurt a lot now. Even with our respective armors being upgraded greatly not too long ago.." Turles laughs: "See?! I am the strongest of all! The Tree of Might will keep making me stronger and stronger! You'll see it even as you both die right here and very soon!" A deep voice interrupts: "I don't think so. We will take it from here now that we are no longer occupied with our own fights." The entire Aries House is surrounded by shadows. I know the shadows. We have been transported to the Shadow Realm. All fighting ceases in reaction to the shadows. A familiar face steps forward. Pharaoh Atemu. Joining him are: Yugi, Jonouchi, Honda, Anzu, Mokuba, Kaiba, Marik, Bakura, Shadi, Pegasus J Crawford, Shumon, Karim, Aknadin(his good side), and Ishizu. Turles chuckles: "More warriors who aren't Saiyans to fight, huh? Very well. Come and attack me! I am the strongest thanks to the Tree of Might, you don't stand a chance against me!" Some shadows turn a fruit he's holding to mush. He just laughs it off: "I have plenty more where that came from." Atemu speaks again: "You do not realize the situation you're now in, Turles." He silently commands the shadows to restrain our other foes. They do so with ease.

All 7 Millennium Items glow. Turles widens his eyes briefly only to laugh again: "What an amusing turn of events." Mu, now free to move without being attacked steps forward: "Turles, you are now in a realm where your Tree of Might not your Ki do not matter. I was here once before. I watched as the shadows punished a subordinate of Hades who had escaped being killed." "Hahahaha!" He doesn't buy it. Kaiba smirks: "Foolish villain, he should be taking the Shadow Realm more seriously." Turles replies: "Ah so this is the infamous Shadow Realm that Don Thousand was referring to. But it doesn't matter. It is no match for my power or the Trees of Might!" I speak up: "I wouldn't be so sure of that if I were you. As a former user of shadow magic, I know exactly what the power of the Shadow Realm is like." He just laughs at me. Ishizu shakes her head: "You do not understand just how much danger you're in, Turles." Atemu adds: "It is time for a Yami No Game. Game start." Some things appear around us. Turles grins in excitement and amusement. "You're challenging me to a game? How futile. Saiyans crush those who challenge them to games. You will most certainly lose in no time at all. Which one of you will I be facing in this pathetic game of yours?" Yugi steps forward: "You will be facing me." "You will be the one to face me? I can tell you're a human. And you're tiny even for a weak human being!" Pegasus wags his finger in warning: "Now now, don't underestimate Yugi-boy!"

Yugi adds: "Are you familiar with Duel Monsters, Turles?" "As an ally of Don Thousand, who could I not be?! Is the game going to be Duel Monsters?" "Yes." "I can't wait to crush you at your own favorite game, Yugi Moto!" Soon, the game begins. Throughout the duel, Turles is overwhelmed by Yugi's skills and quickly loses more and more life points despite the fact he's more than smart enough to give many duelists a hard time in duels involving him. I watch silently as the 2 duel it out. But then, Turles in a desperate bid to win by any means necessary blasts Yugi with his own Ki attacks. "Hahahaha! I'm done playing by your pointless rules. I will win this game no matter what it takes. I will destroy you, Yugi Moto!" Atemu shakes his head. The villain's Ki attacks are stopped by the shadows. Yugi then speaks up: "In this duel, you have shown your entire character. Each card you played was a representation of part of yourself. By trying to kill me in a Yami no Game match of Duel Monsters, you have proven yourself to the shadows guilty of what you have done up to now. This game was a test and now, the Millennium Trial will begin with all living wielders past and present of the Millennium Items witness to find more evidence against you." Atemu continues: "We shall summon those you have done wrong in the past." The items glow again. Goku, Vegeta, Hearts, and more appear. Myself and Dominic alongside all of them are amongst those who are prompted to give statements about what Turles has done. When it's all over, Atemu speaks: "Turles, now that the guilty verdict has been strengthened, you will face a Penalty Game."

Ishizu adds: "Now it is time to choose the Penalty Game that will be inflicted. I believe it would be best if Goku and Vegeta are the ones to choose it." In the end, Turles gets ripped apart by the shadows because even Goku didn't want to show him mercy. Turles must have really caused a lot of problems recently. The Shadow Realm fades away. Atemu and the others join us in the resumed battle. Because of them, it isn't long before Aries House is cleared of enemies. Mu shouts: "Enemies await in the other houses as well as the Pope's chambers!" We teleport to the 2nd house where Taurus Aldebaran is fighting more enemies along with Seiya and the others. In the distance, the Fire Clock can be seen with 11 of its 12 flames still lit. Shun is the first to see us: "Everyone! Look! Help has arrived!" Marik's Revival Jam jumps forward and swallows several foes whole. Aldebaran nods stoically at us. I draw my sword again and rush into the fray of the battle. "Damn! These enemies are even tougher. Come on, we gotta get through them!" But then, something kills all of our foes in seconds without being seen. Many of us are shocked about the suddenness. Who did that? We had no idea. That's when a gold armor clad figure with white hair appears and laughs: "You weaklings. You couldn't even kill a single one of them. They were supposed to be on my side but I grew impatient with their ineffectiveness." Mu shouts: "Saga!" Saga turns and grins maliciously: "Oh, it's great to see you, Mu! Now I can relish in killing you along with everyone else here! At long last, revenge and Athena's power will be mine!"

Seiya exclaims: "Not again!" Atemu speaks: "It appears Saga's darkness has returned to take back control over him." Saga laughs: "You think it's that simple?! Think again!" He opens a portal to another dimension, revealing the corpses of Kanon and his good half. Additionally, his golden armor becomes purple and black, turning into a surplice in the process. "I'm very grateful to Lord Hades for bringing me back. I never thought I would get to have my chance to take my revenge against you, Seiya! If it weren't for you and your friends, I would have crushed Athena, Hades, and Poseidon! With them out of the way, I would have ruled the Earth, the sea, and Hell! But it looks like I get another chance to fulfill my ambitions and all of you stand in my way. Die!" He uses the same technique he just used to try to kill all of us. But most of us avoid or tank the attacks. The rest are healed by summoned monsters and spells such as Red Medicine, Blue Medicine, Mystical Elf, Nutrient Z, and the good effect of Poison Of The Old Man. Saga staggers: "What?! Impossible! How are all of you still alive?!" Kaiba smirks: "You underestimate our abilities." I add: "You should have done your homework on us." Saga glares at all of us: "Fine! I'll just have to try harder to kill all of you! Galaxian Explosion!" His attack does a lot of damage. It hurts me a lot despite the fact my armor is still mostly in top shape. "Crap. That hit so hard." I managed to firmly stand in place as he was making the motions to unleash his cosmo through Galaxian Explosion. That kept me from being knocked back.

Mahad the Dark Magician speaks: "You will not find us so easy to kill." Anzu adds: "From what I heard, Turles created a lot of trouble for Swiftdrawer and Dominic. Since you are facing all of us, you aren't able to damage any of us as much as Turles was able to just them." Saga growls: "Damn you all! Even without the help of the gods, you prove to be great nuisances! I will show all of you real power!" Before he can attack again, Aldebaran takes a few steps for once towards Saga and unleashes his signature attack: "Great Horn!" Saga easily takes the hit and chuckles: "Aldebaran, you should know by now that nothing you do is effective against me in a battle. You're as foolish as the rest of them. If you don't want to be killed, you better show me all you have! That's right, abandon your cowardly stance and fight me with your full strength! I'll even let you hit me as many times as you want to in a one on one fight with me! I won't try to dodge or block any of your attacks!" Aldebaran doesn't take the bait. He only stands still with his arms crossed and his expression calm. Saga laughs again: "Very well! I will make you fight me seriously! Say goodbye to your friends and comrades! Another Dimension!" He tries to send all of us away to an alternate dimension where we would be forced to drift through space for eternity. But it doesn't exactly work. Dominic uses his energy to create a wormhole that pulls in the opposite direction of it. Kaiba activates Interdimensional Matter Transporter. Mu uses Starlight Extinction. Goku and Vegeta power up to the max.

The rest of us power up to our maximums as well. Saga groans only to laugh again: "So you can power up this much?! It doesn't matter to me. After all, you will still be cast into another dimension from which there's no escape!" His laughter stops once he sees none of us being sent away with Aldebaran just staring at him. "What?! No! How are you all still standing?! Another Dimension should have easily sent all of you away! It can't be! Your moves from before couldn't have negated the power of my portal to that other dimension!" Ikki smirks: "Big mistake underestimating us. Phoenix Specter Punch!" His surprise attack catches Saga off guard, causing it to hit him. He is forced into a mental illusion of sorts where his own fears and weaknesses are turned against him through one of his own memories. After a couple of minutes, he regains consciousness. While he was out, we did everything we could to pound him to the floor of the Taurus House. Wiping off dust and dirt, he stands back up as a dark aura surrounds him while laughing: "Phoenix Ikki, your Phoenix Specter Punch is far more powerful than it once was. But it still pales in comparison to my technique. It still remains a mere imitation of mine by comparison. Did you really believe your technique would be enough to stop me?! Think again!" Ikki smirks again: "I was only buying time." Suddenly, Saga doubles over in pain: "How is this possible?! Where did all of this pain come from?! Answer me, you useless Bronze Saint and traitor of Sanctuary! You turned against me all that time ago and I want you to suffer for it!"

Vegeta smirks too: "Even you should be able to figure it out. We attacked you while you were out." Saga laughs at him: "It's a shame you're on their side. Otherwise, I would very much enjoy having you around. Your attitude is so entertaining. You attacking me while I was out?! I would have done the same thing if our roles were reversed in that situation!" The pain suddenly worsens for him: "What is this? How did it-" He coughs up blood out of nowhere. Alucard appears out of Saga's shadow while laughing: "You know, foolish human trying to play god. You made it very easy for me to enter your shadow and attack you while you weren't even looking. A dear friend of mine betrayed me some time ago. It's only now that I've taken his ability to create and use lethal strings to harm my enemies as my own." Saga only laughs again: "A vampire, huh?! You silly little BRAINS Collective members never cease to entertain me for being so pathetic!" Without warning, something sends him flying to the other side of the Taurus House. Meanwhile, another flame goes out on the Fire Clock. I see the sky darkened faster and earlier than normal but don't think of it much. Sakura appears and speaks: "I hope we're not too late." Saga gets up and teleports back over to us. "Why can't you fools just give up?! With you under my rule, I will make you far more powerful than ever before!" Sakura cracks her knuckles: "Everyone, I'll keep Saga busy. Go ahead to the next house: Gemini." We are start walking there right away. Saga yells: "Hey! Don't you dare leave me behind like this! I will kill you all and finally get my revenge!" Sakura is sent flying towards us. I stop walking and turn around in time to see her immediately recover.

"Sakura, you and Aldebaran alone sadly won't be enough to stop Saga. You're strong, intelligent, and kind. I respect you a lot. If you and him were enough to beat Saga, I would comfortably leave it up to just the two of you just as the others have. However, that isn't the case. As a knight, I feel compelled to help you out. Saga is so incredibly powerful now. It's going to take more than a few of us to defeat him. Once we do, we'll definitely have to catch up with the others as soon as we can." She sighs: "For a moment there, I forgot how powerful Saga is." "I don't blame you. We all make mistakes. I don't need to advise you as you are more than capable enough to not need the input of other people for any reason at all. You know exactly what you're doing and you have learned well from Tsunade." Saga comes towards us only to be intercepted by Liten who has just arrived with some of the other members of the original Assault Team who cleared Aincrad in SAO. Saga frowns: "How many of you will appear to stand in my way?! No matter! Those fools running ahead.. I'm looking forward to hearing what my trap in the Gemini House does to them.." Goblin Slayer speaks as he also just arrived with his party: "You're not a goblin but you would be one if you weren't born a human with a cosmo that allowed you to don the Gemini Cloth. Don't worry about our comrades, we're your opponents now."

Saga looks around at the number of us there are now who are ready to fight him. "Where did all of you come from?! I thought we successfully managed to stop anymore of you from coming here with all the other universes that are also under attack!" Ishizu who also ended up staying behind to face Saga too replies: "The power of the shadows were underestimated. Therefore, many of your fellow villains and others allied with Don Thousand fell in my universe. After that, a successful sabotage of your side's invasion of the Pendulum Dimension thwarted that entire invasion." Saga laughs: "I see. So that's what happened. It's too bad for you that that won't do you any good for defeating me. I will kill all of you here along with every last one of your comrades who dares come to this universe to get in the way of my plans! When I obtain Athena's power, I will be able to betray Hades, kill his revived original body, and kill Poseidon too! I'm only working alongside those two as well as Don Thousand for now. When the time is right, I'll destroy their forces myself! I must say Ozotto's powers will make gaining more power that much easier for me." I reply: "You killed that planet eating menace Ozotto?!" "Hahahahaha! He wanted to kill all of the gods of his multiverse! But I was the one who kidnapped the Grand Zenos. Thanks to Don Thousand, the Zenos have been stripped of their power. That's how I was able to capture them! Ozotto tried to get in my way. So I killed him!" "So that's why you're so much stronger than you used to be. It isn't just because Hades revived you."

Sinon looks deadly serious: "Even though you have the powers of an energy absorbing glutton majin, we will still bring you down one way or another." "Hahahaha! You're the infamous Sinon?! You look much weaker than I thought you would be! You'll be much easier to kill than that majin. When I killed him, I used a new power I have to steal his powers. Allow me to demonstrate what I can do now with this! Go, Barian Battlemorph!" He transforms into a humanoid Barian creature with 2 faces. One of the faces is completely still and dormant. The other is active and pure evil. He laughs: "I must admit, Don Thousand's gifts to his subordinates are most impressive! And to think, he really believes that I will faithfully serve him as well as Hades! Wrong! Now that I have all of this power, I can pick one of you and kill you instantly by devouring you!" I cringe at the thought of that, having seen the 3D animation of Ozotto eating others in Super Dragon Ball Heroes Meteor Mission. But before he ends up trying to kill the high elf in Goblin Slayer's party, Perfect Cell appears. He exclaims: "Hey! Don't you go around copying my act! I'm the one who absorbs people!" I'm not sure which variant of Cell I'm looking at. The villain or the villain who became a good guy for the most part because Kermit kept getting him into hilarious situations. Saga laughs at him: "Ah yes! You're Perfect Cell, the so called perfect life form! Now that you're here, I will instead devour you first!"

Tron laughs: "I don't think so! I overlay my 2 Heraldric Beasts to build the overlay network! I Xyz summon! Show yourself, Genome-Heritage! And now, I use your ability! By using one overlay unit, I can have you steal Saga's abilities!" Number 8's tentacle like things come out of their body and attach themselves to Saga who is unable to do anything about it because Kermit appeared and locked him in a chokehold out of nowhere. He may have broken free of that but by the time he did, it was already too late. Number 8 starts absorbing Saga's powers which enter as bits of red through those tentacles. Saga screams as all of his powers are taken from him. Once they've been taken, Number 8 retracts the tentacles before trying and failing to eat Saga. Cell also fails. Saga laughs: "Fools! It won't be long until all of my abilities are back! Enjoy my weakness as long as it lasts! My surplice remains as strong as it was before!" Sakura speaks: "I wonder about that! *runs towards him, ready to attack* CHAAAAAAAAAA!" The rest of us go at him too. "Galick Gun!" "Kamehameha!" "Great Infernal Tornado Slash!" "Great Horn!" "Almighty Push!" "Striking Shadow Snake!" Saga screams again as he realizes that he has completely underestimated us. The blunt of the attacks hits him. His surplice takes some damage but protects him very well. However, Saga is still sent flying. He crashes almost into one of the Taurus House's pillars. After that, he starts coughing a lot and eventually releases Majin Ozotto from his body. That's also when Number 8's ability ran out, returning the powers it took.

Ozotto has 3 red eyes, skin of black, pink, and blue, and an appearance that resembles Frieza and Cell to some degrees. He laughs: "I'm free! Now, I will eat you all. I know everything that has happened since I was absorbed. And now that I'm free, I will eat you. I eat everything." Peridot runs towards him: "I won't let you, you clod!" She tries to stop him from eating one of us to no avail. Saga clenches his teeth in anger: "No! You're all ruining my plans! You keep failing to defeat me and let you just caused Ozotto to be released from me! I will get all of you for this once Ozotto becomes a part of me again or dies!" I just say: "Damn it. Now we have double trouble. They may hate each other but this is still really bad." Ozotto speaks again: "Since all of you helped unintentionally free me, I won't start by eating any of you. I'll eat this weak human first. And with his abilities mine, I will be that much more powerful." Saga glares at him: "I'm not weak! I'm the Pope of Sanctuary! I killed Shion again to make that so! And as the Pope, I have the power to kill you as I see fit!" "Your words mean nothing. I will eat you and then, you will be gone. Forever. I already have the powers of many other individuals including a certain majin who can regenerate." "BRAINS Collective, I'll kill all of you later! For now, I will be willing to work with you to destroy this majin! Ozotto! You will die or become a part of me once again but this time, permanently!" Vegeta groans: "Damn Ozotto! Before coming here, we had just fought him and then retreated not that long ago!"

I reply: "That's very interesting. Crap, that means Ozotto will have to be sent back to the way he was in your timeline once we deal with him here." And so, we all start fighting Ozotto with an angry and reluctant dark Saga fighting alongside us. "Die! Galaxian Explosion!" "Continuous Great Infernal Tornado Slash: 50!" "CHAAAAAAAAAAAA!" "Starburst Stream!" "Photon Stream Of Destruction!" You get the picture. We all try to attack him at once. But nothing we do works. Saga screams: "Why is nothing working against this creature?! OZOTTO! I WILL KILL YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE HERE BEFORE I GET MY REVENGE ON SEIYA!" Ozotto just laughs and proceeds to eat him. Once he's gone, Ozotto says: "I told him I would eat him. Now, I will eat all of you. Your attacks are futile against me. The more I eat, the stronger I become." Before he can do that, something suddenly causes him to be crushed to the ground. A kind of gravitational force with rainbow cubes in the air above it. There's only one individual I know who can do that: Hearts. Hearts grins: "So, even you can't withstand my power now that I've become one with the Universe Seed once again." Ozotto glares at Hearts who only smiles wider. But then, the majin breaks free with easy and grins: "I was only testing you! You can't defeat me. I will eat you too." A familiar voice laughs: "No no, I can't allow that to happen." Fuu appears, shorter than usual and with 2 bird wings. With ease, he knocks Ozotto to the ground.

He then laughs again: "What do you think? I've merged with DogiDogi once again and retrieved the Dark Factor's full power from a timeline in which Mechikabura was never sealed away. But don't worry, fellow BRAINS members. I'm still on your side as long as you allow me to conduct my experiments. After the failure of creating a universe, I have lost interest in using others without caring about them in the slightest in order to achieve results for my experiments." He then gets in a fist fist with Ozotto only to draw his sword all of the sudden and use it to overpower Ozotto. Fuu laughs again: "You know, this time, I'm even more powerful than I was when ultimately destroyed and defeated. All the experiments and training I've done with help from BRAINS has really made me even stronger than I've ever been before." As if that weren't enough, Saga busts out of Ozotto's body, revealing that he was part of the reason why Fuu was easily beating Ozotto. Saga laughs: "Nothing can contain me now that I've come this far! I even don the helmet of Pope Ares! Hahahahaha!" Fuu adjusts his glasses: "How interesting." Ozotto prepares to get back at both of them for what they've done to him. However, things don't actually work out that way for him. That's when Peridot shouts: "Ha! You fell for it! While you were distracted, I put poison in your system, you clod! Take that! I made the poison myself!" Fuu hums: "So that also explains why I was so easily able to hurt you, Ozotto. So very intriguing."

Ozotto like Saga earlier doubles over in pain. Fuu opens a rift in space-time and forces Ozotto through it: "Begone, we have no more need of you, Ozotto." The last thing we hear of Ozotto for a while is his shouts and screams. Saga laughs: "So you can also send your enemies to other dimensions? You look familiar. You must be Fuu! I was warned about him and I look forward to killing you too!" Saga is about to attack only for him to get hit by a tiara. "Who dares?!" Sailor Moon appears: "I dare! I am the pretty guardian who fights for love and for justice. I am Sailor Moon! And now, in the name of the Moon, I'll punish you!" Peridot yells: "That's our cue for most of us to move on! Time to go! Bye, Saga clod!" And with that, Peridot, Kirito, Liten, and most of the others run on ahead towards the Gemini House. Meanwhile, only a few of us remain. That includes me because I want to make sure Saga is defeated before moving on. All this time, Aldebaran hasn't moved from his position. Saga sees this: "Aldebaran! Do you not take me as a serious threat to your insignificant life?! You should have just followed me blindly even after Seiya and his friends bested you!" Sailor Moon interrupts: "Hey! I'm your opponent!" "Silence, you foolish girl!" The other Sailor Guardians appear to back her up. Sailor Mercury speaks: "Did you just insult Sailor Moon? You don't want to do that." Sailor Moon nods: "I'll make sure you're brought to justice for what you've done!" I add: "I'm not even going to try to hurt you, Saga. Your defeat is coming soon. I just know it. Your darkness stands no chance without a connection and harmony with light."

He doesn't say anything. He just expresses his anger in other ways such as trying to destroy everyone still left in Taurus House only to find his attack doing no damage. Between my armor, Aldebaran's defense, and the combined power of the Sailor Guardians, he is unable to do any damage. Aldebaran speaks: "Saga, you have unknowingly been greatly weakened more and more as time has passed. I have been sensing a weakening of your cosmo this entire time." "What?!" I speak up: "Its true. Even after Number 8's ability expired, you were weaker than you were. It's like that was what caused you to be weakened the most besides Ozotto eating you. You were able to escape but he still absorbed some of you. In fact, I'm impressed you managed to escape from him as you should have been fully absorbed by the majin." "How did I not see my own cosmo weaken?! This can't be!" Sailor Moon prepares to strike him with her power as do the other Sailor Guardians. I change my mind about not attacking: "You know what?! I'll join in. I've had a lot of time to let my muscles rest with everything that's been going on. I may be dead but I'm still very much able to deal some hurt on at least some enemies sometimes. My recent journey to resonate with the wind better has helped grow my strength significantly. My Continuous Great Infernal Tornado Slash: 50 should have completely worn me out but it didn't. It's like my will in subtle ways can affect the air around me now. So take this. Continuous Great Infernal Tornado Slash: 70! HAAAAAAAAA!" My attack deals some damage to Saga and opens him up to attacks from the others.

"Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!" "Dead Scream." "Jupiter Wide Point Pressure!" "Venus Love and Beauty Shot!" "Mars Burning Mandala!" "World Shaking!" "Deep Sea Submerge!" Twilight and her friends are still here as well. "And now, allow the Elements of Harmony to do what they do best!" "Honesty!" "Loyalty!" "Generosity!" "Kindness!" "Laughter!" "Magic!" Aldebaran actually moves and starts running towards Saga with his cosmo awakened to the 7th Sense and glowing at max power as his cloth becomes a God Cloth: "Great Horn!" The combination is too much for the weakened Saga. "I can't lose.. ESPECIALLY NOT LIKE THIS! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I WILL RETURN AND I WILL GET MY REVENGE ON EVERY SINGLE BEING WHO HAS EVER STOOD IN MY WAY!" Even his surplice is vaporized. With him gone, Aldebaran speaks: "The current situation is far too grave for me to be able to continue guarding the Taurus House. We will go to the Gemini House together now. It appears the enemy isn't sending anymore forces here. I do not like abandoning Taurus House but I see no other choice." We all teleport to the Gemini House only to find the whole place in one hell of an illusion. Aldebaran sighs: "Even without Saga, the infamous illusion that makes escape from Gemini House almost impossible continues to exist; misleading our comrades and any enemies inside as well over and over again." I nod: "I'm well aware of it. It's not easy to deal with since it messes with the senses."

Rainbow Dash replies: "Why don't we just dispel the illusion? Twilight, can't you do that?" "No, I can't. The illusion doesn't use magic. It uses cosmo." "Then how in the hay are we supposed to get rid of it?" Applejack speaks: "I don't think we can, y'all. Unless.. You reckon it will begin breaking apart if we do something to Gemini House itself?" Twilight thinks for a moment: "The illusion uses cosmo which is a form of energy.. Energy like magic, Ki, chakra, and cosmo can be contained within a specific area. Destroying Gemini House is out of the question. ..I'm stumped." I speak up: "What if we're approaching it the wrong way? We need to make sure our comrades get out of there. Breaking the illusion is the most obvious way to do that but it isn't the only way.. We can't go in there without getting lost ourselves though.." Sailor Mercury also thinks for a moment: "I'm thinking of what we Sailor Guardians are able to do.. I think I got something that's worth trying out. Usagi, why don't you try purifying the illusion much like how you would purify someone who was corrupted in our world?" "It's worth a try! I'll try it out! Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!" Her attack is awe inspiring as it ripples throughout the area instead of hitting a single living target. To our surprise, it actually works although Sailor Moon had to use all of her power to pull it off. She was rendered exhausted after doing it. But thanks to her, our comrades trapped inside are able to take advantage of the resulting chaos to defeat the enemies who were trapped with them. Some of them run out to see us.

Fu sighs: "Even I was unable to get past that illusion. How troublesome. *sees Sailor Moon* Oh so it was her who broke the illusion. I see. I have just the thing to help her recover." He hands a senzu bean to Usagi. It takes her some effort but she is able to use it to regain her lost energy and return to her energetic self. She thanks Fu. I look at the Fire Clock. Another flame goes out. "Crap, I don't know if anything bad will happen when the flames finish going out one by one but I'm not willing to find out. We have to keep moving as soon as we can. The next house is Cancer. If things keep continuing as they-" I'm interrupted by 2 voices expressing confusion. Orochimaru chuckles: "Ah, they're finally awake. I must say, I get better at using my improved Reanimation Jutsu every single day." Saga(good half) and Kanon walk over to us, now resurrected back to life. They are quickly filled in on everything before we all teleport to the Cancer House so as to not waste any time. There, Deathmask is fighting many enemies alone. "Why don't all of you just die? I'll send you all to Hell! Take this! Praesepe Underworld Waves!" With his technique using souls, he starts trying to send our foes to Hell. He laughs madly while doing so. Mu speaks: "Even Deathmask is unable to hold his own against our foes by himself beyond simply staying alive and unhurt. This is concerning to me." Sailor Moon yells: "We just have to help him no matter how evil he used to be!" Atemu nods: "The evil inside him has lessened greatly. Between his actions in Asgard to help stop Loki and joining the BRAINS Collective, his darkness has become much more tame."

I add: "That being said, he's roughly around the same kind of personality Yappa Yappa has now. They still enjoy killing but not as brutally or senselessly or maliciously as before. Anyway, let's not just stand here talking. Let's help him." As we step inside, we get swarmed by more foes. It isn't just Barians. There's also some of Hades's Evil Stars, Poseidon's servants, and individuals who still follow Saga's evil half for some reason. I don't say anything. I just fight the nearest enemy to me. It takes me 2 minutes just to defeat one of them despite my best efforts. It's a good thing that drinking withering potions apparently allows me to ease my muscles to the point they feel completely refreshed after a nice long break. Otherwise, I would still be dealing with serious exhaustion right now. Before I go for another foe or express my frustrations with how long it is taking to defeat just a couple of our foes, someone literally busts through the ceiling of Cancer House. Someone who resembles Superman a lot but is not actually him. He punches through members of both sides recklessly and indiscriminately. He stops when he reaches the center of the house: "Hello there! I'm the Incredibly Amazing Man and I have chosen your planet to protect! Once I get my shop going, the first 100 customers will be able to get their merchandise signed by me for free!" I sigh: "Not him. He's the worst hero ever." Rainbow Dash hears me: "Yeah, I don't like him. *attacks several foes from the air* He sounds like me when I was younger. Long before I joined the Wonderbolts."

One of the Evil Stars laughs at the Incredibly Amazing Man: "Foolish mortal! You're so eccentric that not even Lord Hades would want you in hell!" "Thank you for the compliment! Please buy my shirts as soon as they're available!" We all just kind of start ignoring him. Neither side wants anything to do with him. Those who were hurt by him don't even want to get back at him. Talk about mutual dislike. We all just keep fighting each other. I take down enemy after enemy. It's too packed in here to use my daggers to reduce our foes to a glob you don't want to even let your clothes touch. After some time, the IAM gets tired of all of us ignoring him: "YOU! Why don't you like me?! I must be popular! I must be famous! I must! I must!" No one responds. "Plan B it is then! I declare that I, the Incredibly Amazing Man will help Hades and Poseidon free this world from the influence of the BRAINS Collective and decide later which of the two I want to support as they fight each other for the Earth!" The Evil Star from before laughs again: "You really think we'd believe you?! You must be a truly foolish mortal! Hahahaha!" IAM grins: "Don't worry, you're about to be proven wrong and there's no shame in that!" Without warning, the eccentric hero prone to destroying things to save the day and to gain fame and fortune flies towards Twilight and her friends. He punches all of them and sends them back quite some distance while also recklessly destroying everything around him in the process. The same Evil Star shouts: "How interesting! If you want us to accept you, be more careful with your movements!"

Fuu and Hearts end up standing in his way before blasting him. I also go after him: "Hey! No one hurts my comrades on my watch! Especially when I can do something about it! You are no hero, you're a villain with the persona of a hero! That's not the same thing as being like Superman!" "What do you know about being a hero?! I know who you are, Swiftdrawer! You were briefly nicknamed the Whirlwind of Death some time ago! Does that name sound heroic to you?!" "Your argument would be sound if you weren't choosing to side with the people you are siding with. Not only that but I know for certain I have a better track record than you do." Fuu, Hearts, and the ponies end up standing with me against IAM while also fighting harder against the foes who surround us. I pull out my BRAIN Blaster and use it to just vaporize enemy after enemy. We have no time for mercy sadly. IAM chuckles: "You villains are so amusing!" Rainbow Dash reacts: "Who are you calling villains?!" Fluttershy adds: "Do we look like villains to you?" Only myself, Fuu, and Hearts would fit the definition of looking intimidating enough to be villains. But we tire of the talk and get to fighting IAM. Seeing this, one of Poseidon's followers exclaims: "The Incredibly Amazing Man has proven himself to be a useful ally! Lord Poseidon will be pleased."

We ignore them and just focus on the fight. Pinkie Pie shouts: "I want to party, not battle. But I have no other choice right now so I will give this everything I have!" That's very well said. Rarity adds: "It's the only option but that doesn't mean we can't smile every once in a while, darling!" I completely agree with that. "Ha! Ha! You're fast. Even I'm having trouble hitting you." IAM grins: "That's what a hero does! Outplaying and outpacing the villain(s) at every turn!" Hearts chuckles: "Amusing to hear something like that from you. I'm well informed in regards to what you have done in your universe. Destroying a movie theater to save the day from a monster without caring about the destruction you cause. You're just like how I once was before Goku defeated me and destroyed the Universe Seed that was inside of me at the time but with a more hero like attitude. It's pathetic." IAM just laughs in a heroic way as he continues to evade all of our attacks. Sailor Moon exclaims: "Why aren't any of our attacks working on him?!" IAM laughs again: "You villains are almost as weak as those little heroes the Supernoobs who convinced me to move to the last planet I swore to protect. I will make sure they learn their lesson for having me go to a planet full of tiny little creatures who mobbed up on me and almost suffocated me to death!"

I sigh: "Your power level is far higher than it once was. *easily withstands his eye lasers* Just what kind of power have you gained lately?" That's when Cumber's evil Ki, Barian power, and the Dark Factor all surround him along with some other power ups as he transforms into a Barian humanoid. "I am truly the Incredibly Amazing Man! Let me show you all of my power as well as the results of being a willing punching bag for that Frieza guy!" Mercury shouts: "We can't allow him to do anymore damage! We have to stop him and quickly!" Applejack replies: "How in tarnation are we going to accomplish that?!" IAM states: "I can hear you, you know!" I smirk: "You won't be able to hear them much longer. As it stands, we are able to hold our own against you despite the fact you're even more than a match for Fuu and Hearts which speaks volumes about your current terrifyingly high power level. Honestly, the power scaling we're seeing from our foes like yourself is getting further and further out of control. I'm amazed Cancer House is still in one piece. Now then, I'm going to help blare your eardrums out. Anyone up for some Brutal Death Metal with the loudest and most gruttal vocals imaginable? I certainly am." Fuu laughs: "I suppose I could use this as a music playing experiment to see how loud we can make music together. Should be interesting."

We get some other comrades to help us out as well including Rarity and Rainbow Dash. I put away my sword and pull out my electric guitar. I begin strumming it with a focus on Death Metal intensity. IAM looks shocked as I go into doing the vocals too: "THIS WORLD, CONTAMINATED BY HATRED, GREED, AND MASS DEATH. BODIES BURNING. MINDS FALLING APART. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO HELL. ITS ALL DYING. THIS CONTAMINATED WORLD IS DETERIORATING AT AN ACCELERATING RATE. SCREAMS OF PAIN, LAUGHS OF MALICE, SUPPRESSED PLEAS FOR HELP.." We keep going for several minutes. Austin uses his musical skills to channel the soundwaves of our music solely to IAM. Despite his power, our foe is not immune to the power of the metal at all. His eardrums are practically blasted out and bleeding heavily. I smirk again as I put away my guitar and once again draw my sword: "I guess you could say a little bit of 'screamo' that is not actually screamo at all was too much for the Incredibly Amazing Man. Now then, whatever plan y'all have for bringing him down, now's the time to carry it out. His ears are literally bleeding but I wouldn't be surprised if he has a regeneration ability. So many of our foes have had that kind of thing in the past." Pinkie Pie grins mischievously: "We know exactly what to do!" She and some of the others set up a party where IAM is the "special guest".

A field spell is used to pull it off since we actually have space for a fake party in the middle of a battlefield of all places now that many of our foes have been taken care of by now. As I thought, IAM has regeneration. He starts hearing just fine as he exclaims: "What is this lovely music I'm hearing?!" Pinkie Pie and some others get disguised through illusion magic or genjitsu. IAM is led to believe that a bunch of people will be coming to celebrate literally him. However, what he didn't know of was all of the traps that were laid out to ensnare him. It doesn't take long for him to be too distracted to even realize he's pinned down by rods, bubble gum, and all kinds of other things. But then, Atemu and the other shadow users/item holders come over. Jonouchi smirks: "Now it's our turn! Time for another Millennium Trial!" A few minutes later, the shadows eat IAM alive just like they did with Saga's evil half. After the Shadow Realm fades from our location, I start feeling a strange sensation even as the fighting here in the Cancer House starts winding down. After a few seconds, I hear whispers saying: "Our user. Our user. Our user." I speak: "Hey, does anyone hear what I'm hearing?" Fuu replies: "No. How strange but also fascinating. My sense of hearing is far better than any human's: dead, alive, cyborg, or undead." Ishizu looks at me: "The shadows. They're speaking to you." "Why are they speaking to me?" "You have forgotten some important information regarding the shadows. Some of the shadows long to be with you. When you gave up your powers, you lost your connection to the shadows."

"But after experiencing the Shadow Realm twice in such a short time, it appears that the shadows who were connected to you for 3 years found you again at long last. Shadow magic isn't like any other magic. The shadows are alive. Your soul was not very damaged when you gained the power to control the shadows several years ago. However, even back then, your inner darkness was slowly developing. It was quietly damaging your soul very slightly as it started to grow more and more. That allowed the shadows entrance into you. And now, the shadows you once wielded have returned and are desperate to be connected to you once again. There's damage to your soul that has occurred over the past 6 years but not all of it has or can be fixed. The amount of damage that can't be fixed as greatly increased recently. The shadows can't wait any longer. You must stay here to reconnect. You can join the battle in the next house when you are ready to." "I see. I guess there's no other choice. I'm becoming a shadow user once again." To be continued..

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