Golden Age by black_blade

By baby4fangirl

51.8K 2.4K 134

Summary: After two hundred and forty years, Harry Potter thought that he'd seen it all, until he is transport... More

Chapter 1: Chapter One
Chapter 2: Chapter Two
Chapter 3: Chapter Three
Chapter 4: Chapter Four
Chapter 5: Chapter Five
Chapter 6: Chapter Six
Chapter 7: Chapter Seven
Chapter 8: Chapter Eight
Chapter 9: Chapter Nine
Chapter 10: Chapter Ten
Chapter 11: Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15: Chapter Fifteen
Chapter 16: Chapter Sixteen
Chapter 17: Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18: Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20: Chapter Twenty
Chapter 21: Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter 22: Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter 23: Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter 24: Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter 25: Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter 26: Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter 27: Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter 29: Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter 30: Chapter Thirty
Chapter 31: Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter 32: Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter 33: Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter 34: Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter 35: Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter 36: Epilogue
Chapter 37: Fix up

Chapter 28: Chapter Twenty-eight

1K 56 1
By baby4fangirl

I fear that I would become worse than Voldemort.

Those words ran through Severus's head as it brought up the image of Harry's eyes in his mind. He was in no doubt that that the man believed that he would succumb and become the monster that he fought. Severus didn't think that was possible as he made his way to Harry's rooms from the dungeons. Yes, Harry had killed but as far as he knew it was all in the defence of others and yet...

Severus knew that there was a darkness to Harry and he shuddered as thoughts pushed into his mind if Harry did become the next Dark Lord. He shook his head to try and dislodge those contemplations as he came to Harry's door.

I fear that I would become worse than Voldemort.

Severus opened the door then paused as he took in the low light of the candles scattered around the room and the fire burning in the hearth. He closed the door as the smell of a roast touched on his nose and he looked over to the kitchen to see something in the small oven that was there. Harry had been cooking and Severus frowned at that. He was unaware that Harry knew how to cook and what looked like the muggle way as well.

"How were the Slytherins?"

Severus started and swirled around to see Harry as he closed the archway from his office behind him. He still hadn't shaved and each day he seemed to age another year as his hair grew out. His short dark hair was starting to curl and Severus couldn't say that he didn't like the new look. It was just different.

"They were noisy," Severus remarked. "I didn't know you had planned dinner? Are you expecting someone?"

"No," Harry replied with a smile as he glided over to him. "He's already here."

"You did this for me?" Severus stuttered in surprise and Harry's smile widened.

Harry settled before him then rested his hands on Severus's hips and he could feel the warmth spread out from that contact. Those hands then slipped up and touched on his skin. Severus mirrored the other man and Harry's lips twitched in amusement. The smell of roast twisted around them as Severus's hands touched on Harry's skin. Taking in the hard muscle and wasn't sure what the other man was seeing in him.

"Yes," Harry whispered, making Severus shiver. "I went down and spoke to the House-elves and they said that you like roast lamb. They were highly offended when I started up the oven. I swear that they have an alarm on it." Severus snorted at that. "I'm sure that they will be making sure my coffee in the morning is just out of my reach."

"You know how to cook?" Severus questioned.

"Since I could reach the stove," Harry replied.

"How long do we have?"

"An hour," Harry answered and gently gilded him back.

"So, we're on a timer," Severus said and flicked Harry's belt open.

"I suppose that we are," Harry laughed and paused long enough to capture Severus's lips in a heated kiss.

Severus's thoughts derailed as Harry's fingers left trails of fire on his skin as they roamed. He gasped when Harry unbuckled his belt then slipped his hand around him. He rocked his hips forward as his own fingers tightened on Harry's waist.

"Bed," Harry whispered in his ear before kissing his neck.

Severus groaned and allowed Harry to step him back to his bedroom. He wasn't sure what had brought this on but he was going to go with it as Harry's fingers played with his balls before sliding his hand back up his cock. Then the bed hit the back of his knees and Harry gave him a push.

He landed with a squeak as he sprawled out and looked up at Harry and his breath caught in his throat. There was a glint in those green eyes as they ran over him. His hair was a mess and his belt was unbuckled which allowed his pants to ride low on his waist and show off the darkness of the hair there. Severus took all that in and the bulge at the front of his pants. He was just as interested as Severus was. Slowly Harry pulled his shirt over his head revealing more toned skin. Severus licked his lips as he took in what was on offer. His eyes lingered on the wand on his belt and that bulge. Harry undid his pants and let them drop and the fact that he wasn't wearing underwear only an afterthought.

"Are you going to undress?" Harry questioned and Severus shivered at the tone. "Or do you need a hand?"

Severus then tried to pull all his clothes off at once and Harry laughed at his attempts. He blushed deeply until Harry knelt between his legs and slipped his hands into his robes. Severus stilled as those green eyes burned him as Harry gave him a smile that had Severus wanting this to be further along than it was.

Harry just slipped his robes down before starting on his button-down shirt. He gently pushed Severus until he was on his back. He started when Harry kissed his stomach as he popped the first button. Severus rocked his hips up into Harry as the man slowly opened each button and kissed his way up his stomach and chest. Suddenly he felt something wrap around the base of his cock and he started.

"Shh," Harry murmured in his ear then kissed his neck. "Just to make it last longer."

Harry then took his ear lobe into his mouth as his hand found his cock again and all his thoughts fled. He bucked up as he tried to push his pants down and just tangled himself up.

"Oh, to be a teenager again." Harry joked and helped him out of his pants.

"We are on a timer," Severus defended then squeaked when Harry grabbed his ass.

"We are wizards," Harry whispered in his ear. "I'm sure we can change that."

Severus went to retorted but Harry licked up his neck then kissed along his collar bone to silence him. Severus went boneless as Harry made his way down to his nipples then took one in his mouth. He'd never had anyone take their time with him and Severus was sure that if that band wasn't around the base of his cock, then he would have already come. Harry licked around his other nipple as Severus's hand roamed over the other man's skin.

Harry worked further down, pausing to dip his tongue into his belly button and Severus arched his back up in pleasure. He thought that he was going to explode then Harry took the head of his cock in his mouth. He groaned loudly as Harry's hand grasped his hip to stop him bucking up. That warmth wrapped around him, bringing him closer to the edge. He then felt a finger slip into him and he started. Harry pulled back and looked up at him from between his legs.

"Just relax," Harry advised. "Unless you want to swap?"

"No," Severus gasped.

Harry gave him a grin before taking his cock back into his mouth as a slick finger moved within him. He soon forgot that as the pleasure ran through him and that warmth. The talent that Harry showed and the duel feeling. He groaned in pleasure when Harry hit a spot within him and he bucked forward.

"Sorry," Severus gasped and Harry looked up at him with a smile.

"There's still more to come," Harry advised and wiggled back up his body.

Severus brought his legs up on either side of Harry and wasn't sure what to do now. Harry just dipped down and kissed him. Severus returned the kiss as he felt Harry at his entrance but he didn't enter him. Severus grabbed his sides and pulled Harry forward and they broke the kiss. He gave Severus a grin then ran his hand down his side to his ass. Harry dipped forward and kissed him as he gently rocked forward.

Severus gasped as Harry entered him and he expected pain but Harry took it slow then a hand wrapped around his cock. He bucked up without thinking and Harry chuckled. Then that feeling around his cock was gone and he groaned as he wrapped one leg around Harry's waist. He panted harshly as Harry entered him completely and it was a wholly different feeling. Then Harry hit that spot again.

Severus came without warning as the pleasure bubbled over and he bucked up sharply and groaned. Harry pushed forward as he grabbed Severus's ass in one hand. He panted as he came down while Harry rocked his hips gently. He looked up at the man above him and Harry gave him a grin.

"Ready?" Harry panted.

Severus nodded, unsure what he meant but he trusted Harry. The man grinned and then rocked forward and Severus groaned at the feeling. He wrapped his legs around Harry as he hit that spot again. His head feel back on the bed as Harry took him. He started when Harry kissed his neck and he could feel the pleasure building once more. Harry grunted and pushed forward roughly a couple of times then stilled with a groan. His hips twitched forward a few more times before he stilled. Severus let his legs rest on either side of the man above him while Harry braced his weight on one hand then rolled to the side.

Harry sprawled out beside him as he panted and Severus took in the sight. He turned onto his side and ran a hand down Harry's muscled chest and hard stomach. He felt sticky as Harry glanced over at him with a smile on his face. He wiggled to lay on his side and Severus then felt self-conscious. He was skinny and pale. More skin and bone while Harry could be on a cover of magazine.

Harry reached out and placed a hand on his hip, his thumb gently rubbing his skin and Severus forgot all of that. There was a look in the man's eyes before him that stilled those self-doubts. Harry lifted his hand made a motion and he felt something pass over him then he didn't feel as sticky. Harry wiggled closer until there was no space between them as he rested an arm over him.

"How did we go for time?" Severus said which was the first thing that came to him and Harry chuckled.

"I wasn't counting," Harry replied. "But I'm sure that a house elf would have popped in here if I burnt the roast."

Severus snorted a laugh at that as Harry gave him a smile. He couldn't imagine himself anywhere else in that moment or in the future. It was only the smell of the roast that pulled them out of the bed and into the other room but they found themselves back in the bedroom shortly after that.


Harry woke with the feeling of someone running their fingers over the tattoos on his back. Harry glanced over his shoulder and took in the sight of Severus. His eyes were locked on him as his fingers ran over the designs.

"Morning," Harry muttered and rubbed his face and thought maybe he should shave.

If he let the hair grow any longer then it would take over. His hair was already getting a mind of its own. He should at least trim it back before the owls confused it for a nest.

"Alexander said that there is magic in these tattoos," Severus intoned, his voice smooth.

"Yes," Harry replied as he lay there.

"He said that the magic runs deep much like the Dark Mark."

Harry laughed at that and rolled over onto his back.

"That type of magic," Harry retorted. "Is not the kind that Alexander has worked with. He's too light to even think of it. Which reminds me that I'll take you and Mr Lupin to the Ministry to learn that potion."

"You're trying to change the subject," Severus pointed out.

"I haven't had coffee," Harry deadpanned.

Severus chuckled at that then gave him an even dark eyed stare.

"The Celtic design is a protection spell," Harry told him. "The dragon was an attempt to break a dark curse which as you know. It didn't work."

They fell into silence as Harry ran his thumb over the skin of Severus's hip. He had to be at the Ministry before his first class. He patted Severus's hip before pulling himself from the bed. Severus rolled onto his back and watched him as he dressed. He glanced into the mirror and took in his rough hair and rubbed his chin.

"I'll write out a note for you to give to Remus," Harry told him.

"You want me to give Lupin a note?" Severus questioned in surprise.

"Sure," Harry said as he bushed his hair into something that an owl wouldn't use. "I have to be at the Ministry in...fifteen minutes, oh, well. I might be late. That potion needs to be done before the full moon in a few days."

"Yes, sir."

Harry paused and glanced over to his bed to see Severus's watching him with dark eyes. He walked back towards the teen with a smile.

"You look good there," Harry remarked as he leaned over the bed and kissed the teen. "I'll see you later. I'll leave the note on the table on the way out."

"Okay," Severus replied then pulled him back down for another kiss.

It was a few long few minutes until Harry left Severus in the bedroom and quickly wrote out a note for Remus and left it on the table. He made quick time out of the castle and apparated to the Ministry. The entrance was busy as Harry lined up. He could have used the apparation room down in the Department but he wanted to get a feeling of the place. He noticed the difference and the fact that he gathered attention. He stepped up to the counter and placed his wand on the scale.

"How are you today, Mr Swift?" The lady behind the counter greeted.

"Very well," Harry replied as he picked up his wand and slipped it away.

"Head Auror Greengrass has left you a note here," she remarked and shifted around a few papers before holding one out to him.

"Thank you," Harry said as he took it in his hand and walked past her.

He stopped before the lift and unfolded the note as he waited for the lift to arrive. It looked like Greengrass wanted to see him. He pressed the button for the Auror department when he stepped into the lift and leaned back on the wall. The big difference to the Ministry in this time was the fact that it was just humans around him. He'd yet to see someone with creature blood and it was odd to him. He could understand it but it still seemed odd.

He walked into the busy Auror Department and the noise dimmed slightly. He kept walking towards Greengrass's office but Kingsley stopped him first.

"He's not there," Kingsley said. "But he said to keep an eye out for you."

"Why?" Harry questioned.

"We have some items from the Riddle Manor that he wanted you to look at."

"Why didn't he send them down to the Department?"

Kingsley just shrugged and led him down one of the hallways. Harry knew that it led to some containment and storage rooms.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" Kingsley broached when it was just them.

"I suppose," Harry answered.

Kingsley opened a door and held it for Harry to go in first and he stepped into the containment room. He could feel the darkness around him as Kingsley shut the door and Harry turned to him when the Auror didn't ask his question.

"You wanted to ask me something?" Harry pressed.

"Are you a parseltongue?" Kingsley asked as he shifted on his feet looking uncomfortable.

"Yes," Harry said and glanced around. "What did Greengrass want me to look at? I mean look at first?"

"These ones over here," Kingsley said and gave him an odd look.

"What?" Harry questioned, not moving.

"Can't say that many people admit to the dark talent of talking to snakes."

"It is what it is," Harry stated with a shrug and walked over to the table that Kingsley pointed out. "Not like I can trade it in for what's behind door number two."

"You have an odd sense of humour, Harry."

"It gets me through."


Severus shifted on his feet as he stood in the doorway to the Great Hall. His eyes ran along the Gryffindor table and settled on Remus Lupin as he sat between Pettigrew and Black. Potter and Lily sat on the other side of the table as Severus fiddled with the note in his hand. He was sure that Harry knew what he would face and Severus drew himself up to his full height. The hatred that he'd harboured for so long had simmered over the last year as he headed towards Remus. A hush fell over the table as he drew closer and Black glanced over and gave him a dark stare.

"What do you want?" Sirius demanded.

"I have a note from Professor Swift," Severus intoned as he held the note out to Remus. "For Lupin."

Sirius snatched it from his hand and Remus rolled his eyes at Severus.

"Thanks, Snape." Remus offered.

"Oh," Sirius cried as he read the note. "He's taking you to the Ministry!"

"What?" Remus questioned and grabbed the note from Sirius's hand.

"To learn that potion," Severus expanded. "He did write that before he had coffee, so he may have left some things out."

James chuckled at that as the note did the rounds.

"Good thing that we mostly have afternoon classes," James remarked and Lily nudged him in the side. "He's can be bad enough then."

"He said that he would speak to Alexander Potter to work out a time," Severus said and watched James for his reaction.

"Grandad," James confirmed. "He's a very skilled potion master."

"You didn't tell me that your Grandad works at the Ministry," Sirius demanded and James shrugged.

"He's a potion master," James stated, as if that explained everything. "You'll be in good hands."

Severus started when a hand slipped into his and he turned to see Narcissa beside him. Sirius nodded at his cousin and Narcissa returned it cooly.

"I think you have gotten lost, Severus." Narcissa purred.

James gave him a smirk and a wink as Narcissa gilded him away. Sirius made a whip noise behind him which had the others laughing. Severus didn't take it with as much offence as he would have this time last year. Narcissa just gave him a soft smile and didn't release his hand.


Severus waited in the Entrance Hall for Harry to arrive. Remus and his friends waited a short distance away and he noticed the glances that Lily sent him. He sighed and stepped over and James moved to the side without a word. He stood beside Lily and even if he didn't feel welcomed, he didn't feel rejected.

"How are you, Severus?" Lily asked with a smile.

"Well," Severus replied.

"When is Swift getting here?" Sirius asked. "I thought the letter said two and it's past that."

"Are you telling me that you haven't been late to your classes, Mr Black?"

The students all jumped as Swift appeared from a secret passage that they didn't know about. The archway that Swift had used silently rolled back into a blank stone wall and Sirius quickly placed his hand on the stones as he tried to glimpse where the tunnel went.

"I didn't know about that one," Sirius exclaimed. "Where does that go?"

"There are many ways in this castle that you are unaware of," Harry replied. "Now, we need to get to the Ministry."

Harry hurried off and Severus and Remus fell into step behind the short man. Harry then turned and took in the Gryffindors.

"You lot are welcome to come as well," Harry offered. "I'm sure that Alexander would like to see you James and a few extra hands could be needed in the Auror Department."

"Sure," Sirius cried and hurried forward. "Come on, James!"

James walked forward with Lily at his side. Peter hesitated before caving and nodded as he followed along. Harry gave them a nod before he set back out.

"What about the Headmaster?" Lily questioned as they walked along the pathway.

"I already spoke with him," Harry replied as Severus came to walk beside the short man.

"You had this planned," Severus accused and Harry gave him a wink.

"Lesson one," Harry remarked. "The Auror Department will never turn down help, especially, during a war."

Severus felt a shiver run down his back as he was reminded of their situation. They could almost forget that they fought against a Dark Lord while they dealt with classes and prepared for their NEWTs that were coming and quickly. They would soon be leaving school and would have to face this reality head on. But he knew that he would have Harry by his side through it all. He was in no doubt where he stood and it was a very good feeling. He only wished that his best friend was by his side. But, as he glanced around, he knew that he wasn't alone.

Harry then grabbed his hand and Severus started at the move. He noticed that the conversation around them dimmed slightly but nothing was said. Severus looked down at the shorter man but there was a smirk on his face and another set of words came back to him. Of a conversation between them from what felt like a long time ago.

You can trust me, Severus.

I trust no one.

You'll have to one day.

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