Golden Age by black_blade

By baby4fangirl

51.6K 2.4K 124

Summary: After two hundred and forty years, Harry Potter thought that he'd seen it all, until he is transport... More

Chapter 1: Chapter One
Chapter 2: Chapter Two
Chapter 3: Chapter Three
Chapter 4: Chapter Four
Chapter 5: Chapter Five
Chapter 6: Chapter Six
Chapter 7: Chapter Seven
Chapter 8: Chapter Eight
Chapter 9: Chapter Nine
Chapter 10: Chapter Ten
Chapter 11: Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15: Chapter Fifteen
Chapter 16: Chapter Sixteen
Chapter 17: Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18: Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20: Chapter Twenty
Chapter 21: Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter 22: Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter 23: Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter 24: Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter 25: Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter 26: Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter 28: Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter 29: Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter 30: Chapter Thirty
Chapter 31: Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter 32: Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter 33: Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter 34: Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter 35: Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter 36: Epilogue
Chapter 37: Fix up

Chapter 27: Chapter Twenty-Seven

1K 55 0
By baby4fangirl

"Mr Malfoy?"

Lucius paused at his name and turned to see Harold Swift walking towards him with a smile on his face. He looked older with a shadowing of hair on his face and his normally short hair on the longer side and starting to curl. His piercing green eyes were the same as they settled on him. Lucius felt a bolt go down his spine as he pulled himself up to his full height. He was a Malfoy after all.

"Mr Swift," Lucius greeted. "How can I help you?"

"Mr Swift," Swift repeated with a laugh. "I thought we were friends, Lucius."

Lucius opened his mouth then closed it unsure what he could say. He was aware that Voldemort had used his face to meet with Swift and others but not what was said or done. It could get confusing but it got him closer to power. Closer to his birth right.

"It's been busy lately," Lucius remarked and Swift gave him a smile. "I've got to be going."

"Oh, no." Swift chuckled and closed the distance between them. "Minister Albert wants to see you down in the Department of Mysteries."

"Really?" Lucius asked in surprise.

"You haven't been down into the Department before?"

"No," Lucius answered and felt excitement run through him.

"Well, my friend." Swift cried with a grin. "Today that changes, come on."

Lucius quickly fell into step with the shorter man as everything that he'd heard about him ran through his head. He knew just how dangerous and powerful that the wizard was and he would normally be drawn to such a man. If Voldemort hadn't been in his life. They made quick time down to the hallway that led to the Department. This was the point that Lucius would normally be halted. He'd tried a few times to get into the Department of Mysteries and they had all failed.

Swift just opened the door before him and walked into the hallway that had always turned Lucius away. The blonde followed after the shorter man and took in the empty and non-descript corridor. Nothing marked it as any different and yet every person knew where it led and speculated about the work that was done down here.

"Are you an Unspeakable?" Lucius blurted out and Swift glanced over at him.

"You're just asking this now?" Swift laughed.

"Is that a yes?"

Swift just gave him a wink and opened the door at the end of the corridor. It opened up into a strange room with doors scattered around the walls. Lucius walked into the room and Swift shut the door. The doors suddenly spun around them and Lucius looked around in confusion before the doors settled. Swift came to stand before him and Lucius felt a coldness run through him.

"What is this?" Lucius questioned, to cover up his nerves.

"This is the way into the Department," Swift replied, evenly. "Department of Mysteries, Prophecy room."

The doors suddenly spun and Lucius tried to keep track of them without luck. The doors settled and Swift walked over to the one across from him and opened it up. Lucius hesitated before walking forward and past Swift into a large room with endless shelves lined up. Glass balls of various colours sat on the shelves as far as Lucius could see as Swift closed the door.

"This is the Department of Mysteries?" Lucius questioned as he stepped over to one of the shelves. "Where is Minister Albert?"

"This is just one of the Departments," Swift replied. "This room could be seen as the future."

"What are you talking about?"

"Each one of these glass balls contains a prophecy," Harry explained mildly. "A glimpse into the future, you might say."

Lucius glanced over at Swift, but the man just stood there with his arms crossed, giving nothing away. Lucius turned back to the shelves and inspected one of the glass balls and could see mists swirling inside. He peered closer as something moved within the glass then a glimpse of images came into focus.

"Or the past," Swift continued. "It's pot luck really. There are people that study just what kind of information that we can gleam from these balls."

"Why are you showing me this?" Lucius questioned as he turned and stared at Swift.

"For you still have a chance to change your future," Swift answered and Lucius sneered.

"I have a clear sight of my future," Lucius snapped.

"Hmm," Swift murmured and picked up one of the glass balls and stared at it.

An uncomfortable silence fell around them and Lucius refused to break it. He could be a very stubborn man as he crossed his arms over his chest and waited Swift out. The seconds dragged into minutes before Swift placed the glass back down and turned his eyes on him. There was something disconcerting in that stare and Lucius held himself back from shifting on his feet. He was a Malfoy. A pureblood that held more money and standing then the man before him. However, there was a dangerous edge to Swift. A hidden threat of power and age for someone that was only about ten years older than him.

Swift then slowly reached into his pocket and Lucius tensed as he shifted his hand in case the man was going for his wand. Swift pulled out a strange device of glass and metal and Lucius sneered at the muggleness of it. Swift held it in his hand then pressed something.

'Nice to meet you again, Lucius.' Lucius started at hearing Swift's voice from the device.

'And you. It's good that we could meet. We didn't have long to talk last time.'

Lucius paled at the sound of his own voice and Swift looked up at him with a smug look on his face. Those green eyes pieced through him. Lucius knew that he'd been found out as plans started to run through his head and what he could say to get out of this. The look in Swift's eyes derailed every one of them.

"That is what happens when you allow someone to use your face," Swift said evenly. "You have no idea of what may be said or done."

"It's hardly my fault if someone stole some of my hair," Lucius sniffed. "I can't be held accountable for that."

"The Ministry has many shortfalls," Swift remarked with a smirk that put Lucius to shame. "The use of truth serums are but one."

Lucius felt faint at that and he knew with the way things stood with Voldemort, at this moment, that his days in the Ministry could be over. He had grand plans and the Dark Lord was supposed to advance him through the Ministry but with Avery dead and the attacks. He was nowhere close to where he needed to be and he had no idea just what Swift had recorded. Every argument that he could think of was cast to the side. He then understood why Swift had brought him to this room. Lucius had just gotten a glimpse into his own future and he didn't like it.

"They wouldn't consider using potions on a Malfoy," Lucius scoffed but Swift just laughed.

"You are in the Department of Mysteries, Mr Malfoy." Swift told him as he slipped the muggle device away. "But perhaps we can come to an agreement."

"You're going to blackmail me," Lucius snarled. "Do you know what my family could do-"

"Yes," Swift cut over him with a sharp look in his eyes and Lucius's mouth snapped closed. "I am well aware of what a Malfoy, in a rage, can do but have some decorum and think through what I could be offering you."

"I don't believe that you could offer me anything of value."

"And yet," Swift said mildly. "Voldemort has offered me a place by his side not once but twice."

Lucius felt ice run down his back at those words and the uttered name of his Lord. Swift gave him such a smirk that he could feel the hair rise on his arms. He felt like he'd been backed into a corner and he was but the mouse before the cat.

"A man that has worn your face, Mr Malfoy." Swift continued with a glint in his eyes. "With your permission. I would say that you are in a bit of hot water."

"That is just speculation," Lucius uttered, but the words fell short.

Swift just held up the muggle device again and Lucius wished he knew what other words that the Dark Lord had spoken. Anything could be on that device and he could be in better standing then he felt. However, Swift didn't seem like a man that would bluff. He was a powerful wizard with connections that could have him dragged before the Aurors. Something was holding him back and Lucius had to find that weak spot.

"What are you offering?" Lucius questioned.

"Now you are seeing the bigger picture," Swift replied with a smile. "Your vision was too narrow before."

"And just what do you believe that I have missed?"

"Everything," Swift stated and waved his hand to show him the room. "What could be your future if you didn't bow your knee at the foot of a madman?"

Lucius frowned at those words and wasn't sure what to say. Swift's lips curled further up into a smile but it didn't reach his eyes. There was a glint there that Lucius wasn't sure about. The other man seemed to be able to see this thoughts and Lucius strengthened the shields in his mind. He could feel cold sweat run down his back and he wondered in that moment just who this man was before him.

"Who are you?" Lucius uttered and Swift laughed.

"We shall see," Swift stated and Lucius shivered at that answer. "I need you to get a hold of a few items for me."

"What kinds of items?"

"Dark ones."


Harry looked at the innocent looking gold ring through the glass of the jar that it was in. He could feel the spells in the glass that contained the dark item. He flicked the jar and the ring rattled inside before it settled and he inspected the coat of arms on the signet ring in interest. It wasn't a family that he was aware of but Albert had told him the story of the ring when he's picked it up, as well as a few other items, from the Department earlier in the day. He placed the jar down and glanced over the book and quill that Lucius Malfoy had given him. The man had been happy to palm the objects off onto him which Harry had found amusing. Lucius had also informed him that he would not require them back.

He stood and carefully moved a containment box towards him on the table and picked up the jar again. He unscrewed the top and felt a slight 'pop' in the air as the seal broke. The dark magic rolled over him and he felt the temptation to place the ring on his finger before something darker blocked the feeling. In a way, the dark magic of the Deathly Hallows that had captured him had also claimed him against other dark objects. It gave him a greater protection as he tipped the jar and the ring fell into his palm.

Suddenly his door opened behind him and Harry started. He quickly spun around to see Severus there as he closed the door behind him.

"Forgot my Transfiguration book," Severus explained as he headed to his room. "I thought you were at the Ministry?"

"Just got back," Harry replied as he closed his hand on the ring.

Severus nodded and quickly entered his room then came back out with a book in his hand. The teen's eyes swept the table in interest.

"Are these for our lesson this afternoon?" Severus asked.

"Yes," Harry answered.

Severus stepped closer then without warning the taller man grabbed a knife off the table and lunged at Harry. He yelped and quickly jumped back and the knife only just missed him. There was a soft 'tink' as the ring fell to the floor. Harry jumped back again as Severus tried to impale him with the knife with a glint in his eyes. Harry blocked his arm and stepped in close as his hand wrapped around Severus's wrist and he twisted his body and pulled the taller man down to the floor. Severus hit hard with a gasp then kicked out at Harry.

Harry grunted as Severus's foot connected with his leg and he stumbled back. They paused briefly then Severus's eyes caught on the gold ring. Harry quickly pulled his wand.

"Immobulus!" Harry gasped and Severus froze with his fingers an inch away from the ring.

Harry quickly grabbed up the ring and threw it into the containment box and shut the lid. A soft click sounded and Harry turned back to Severus's frozen form and flicked his wand. The teen collapsed to the floor with a gasp with wide eyes.

"What was that!" Severus yelped.

"That was a Dark item," Harry replied as he rubbed his leg.

"Sorry," Severus offered as he lay on the floor on his back.

"No hard feelings," Harry replied with a quirk to his lips. "I forgot to lock the door."

Harry stepped over and held his hand out to Severus. The teen grabbed his hand and Harry helped pull him to his feet. Severus's eyes glanced over the table while his skin looked paper white. Neither one of them mentioned the knife on the floor.

"Just what happened?" Severus asked, looking shaken.

"Well, that's what this afternoon's lesson is about," Harry retorted and Severus glared at him. "You'll just have to wait until then."

"I just tried to kill you," Severus spat.

"And you'll find out why in your lesson later."

Severus just swore at him with such language that Harry just laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

"You better grab your book or you'll be late to your class," Harry pointed out with a smirk.


Harry glanced around the room to make sure that he had everything in place while Severus sulked from his desk. He gazed at the innocent looking book in the glass containment box on the desk before him. He had other items set out the same way on a few desks. He slowly made his way around the room and checked each one with care.

"Can you feel anything?" Harry called over to Severus.

"No," Severus answered with amusement in his voice. "I don't feel like murdering you."

"Well," Harry laughed and looked over at the teen. "That's a good sign."

They could hear the students out in the hallway as they waited. Harry waved his hand and the door sprung open. Students poked their heads around the doorframe before entering with care. Harry quirked his lips up in amusement at that reaction as he leaned back on his desk. Sirius was the first to pale and step back and Harry could understand that response. Even if the items were contained, they still have a feel around them. James and Remus turned to their friend as Sirius backed up.

"Everyone come here and stand behind the line on the floor," Harry called as he settled before them. "We have mostly been focused on combating dark arts and spells but today we are looking at items. Mr Black, have you had contact with Dark items before?"

"Yes," Sirius whispered then turned to Narcissa. "You remember Uncle Alphard?"

"He went mad," Narcissa said with a sniff.

"No," Sirius mumbled, his face pale. "Father gave him a book when he helped me."

Narcissa nodded her head in understanding, looking unsettled.

"Would you like to expand on that, Sirius?" Harry questioned in interest.

Sirius glanced over to Narcissa and the woman nodded her head.

"There are a few ways to be cast out of a family," Narcissa volunteered as Harry leaned back on a desk. "Depending on what you have done and the need for the bloodline to continue plays a part in the punishment."

"The book that my father gave Alphard was cursed," Sirius picked up. "It took a few years for the effects to show as he slowly went mad. My mother worked out what he'd done and hired a curse breaker to reclaim the book. Alphard decided to leave after that."

"That is the key to today's lesson," Harry remarked with a nod of thanks to Sirius and Narcissa. "The danger of Dark artefacts is the fact that it can take weeks or even years to notice the effects and may even take an outsider, like in Alphard's case, to realise the change. There can be a darkness to these items that soak into your core of magic. Mr Snape, would you like to explain your reaction to the ring over there?"

"No," Severus grumbled from his seat and Harry quirked a smile.

"Severus is in a bad mood for he tried to kill me," Harry remarked and the class stilled as they looked over at Severus. "I didn't take it personally."

James snorted at that and Harry gave him a wink, "what did you do?"

"Just being my charming self," Harry replied, making Severus snort this time. "Let's move over here but do not touch anything. If you release any of these items then I will leave you to the madness that they can invoke."

Harry walked over to the desk with the ring on it and waved the class closer. The ring was a simple gold signet ring with a family crest on the flattened side. The class stepped carefully and gave a good gap between them and the desk. Harry had spaced the items so that the students wouldn't accidently knock one of them over.

"The Department of Mysteries kindly loaned these items to me," Harry told them. "This ring was stolen off the finger of a dead man when a muggle dug up the wrong grave. The man that took the ring then killed his whole family in their sleep then went next door and killed his neighbours. By the time the police turned up, he was heading to the next house. The man ran towards them with a machete and was shot dead. While the ring was on the finger of the man, the curse was contained to the corpse.

"The moment that the coroner removed the ring the curse flared back up," Harry continued. "Forty-nine people died before Aurors were able to contain the item and the Department took responsibility of it. It's unknown why someone would create such an item but we speculate that he wanted to make sure that no one would raid his grave after he was dead which is what happened. Severus, do you want to explain what it felt like?"

"Like something came over me," Severus replied, from beside him. "You were holding the ring and I just wanted to take it from your hand at any cost."

"Which included grabbing a knife off my table and running at me," Harry remarked.

"What happened then?" Lily asked.

"Severus had a close encounter with the floor," Harry replied evenly and the Marauders sniggered, except Sirius. "I re-contained the ring while Severus recovered."

"It was a strange feeling," Severus added.

"If you have been placed under the Imperius curse before then it could be likened to that," Harry replied. "The reasons that someone would make such an item defies logical thought."

"How are Dark items created?" Lily asked.

"There are many ways," Harry answered. "Normally involving blood and death which we believe is the reason that most of these items demand the same from the person that they possess. Don't let yourself be fooled. A Dark artefact will wriggle its way into you and corrupt who you are. It's just a matter of how long it takes. Now, let's move on to the next item."


"Is that the way you see the Deathly Hallows?"

Harry started at Severus's voice and looked up from his paperwork with wide eyes. Severus had a smug look on his face.

"You worked it out," Harry said as he sat back in his chair.

"You think that the Dark magic in the Deathly Hallows will corrupt you?" Severus pressed.

"I have no doubt that it will," Harry replied, evenly. "I have held them since I was seventeen, Severus. That magic has wormed into my core. You have seen the way that I fight. The thought of blood and death doesn't disturb me as much as it should. It's the people in my life that keep me grounded."

Severus sided over to him and placed his hand on his head then ran his fingers through his hair. Harry closed his eyes as he took in the feeling.

"I push it to the edge of my mind and try to keep it contained," Harry admitted as Severus moved his hands to his shoulders and worked on the tight muscles. "Control it the best that I can but it won't be enough...mmm, I like that."

Severus kissed the side of his neck again and Harry tilted it to the side while Severus's skilled hands massaged his shoulders.

"Is that why you are attracted to Dark things," Severus murmured.

"What kind of things?" Harry groaned as he leaned forward while Severus worked down his back.

"Fighting the Dark Lord for one," Severus remarked, mildly.

"Was that meant to be a deep statement?" Harry remarked with a smirk. "Something along the lines of fighting the darkness outside to combat the darkness within?"

"Just an observation," Severus said as his hands wandered.

"I can only try to fight it, Severus." Harry stated as he looked down at his hands. "For if I don't then I fear that I would become worse than Voldemort."

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