Golden Age by black_blade

By baby4fangirl

51.9K 2.4K 139

Summary: After two hundred and forty years, Harry Potter thought that he'd seen it all, until he is transport... More

Chapter 1: Chapter One
Chapter 2: Chapter Two
Chapter 3: Chapter Three
Chapter 4: Chapter Four
Chapter 5: Chapter Five
Chapter 6: Chapter Six
Chapter 7: Chapter Seven
Chapter 8: Chapter Eight
Chapter 9: Chapter Nine
Chapter 10: Chapter Ten
Chapter 11: Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15: Chapter Fifteen
Chapter 16: Chapter Sixteen
Chapter 17: Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18: Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20: Chapter Twenty
Chapter 21: Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter 22: Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter 23: Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter 25: Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter 26: Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter 27: Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter 28: Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter 29: Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter 30: Chapter Thirty
Chapter 31: Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter 32: Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter 33: Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter 34: Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter 35: Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter 36: Epilogue
Chapter 37: Fix up

Chapter 24: Chapter Twenty-four

1K 54 3
By baby4fangirl

Severus started awake when he heard a glass break and a thump. He found himself out of bed before he registered that he was moving. He quickly pulled on pants and a shirt before ripping the door open then froze. Harry laid sprawled out over the floor on his side. Severus rushed forward with his heart in his throat as he landed on his knees besides the man. He grabbed Harry's shoulder and pulled and he rolled limply. His face pale and Severus noticed the broken vial and potion beside him.

Harry's clothes were covered in blood and dirt and Severus felt fear bolt through him. He could tell that Harry was struggling to breath and his mind blanked out on what he could do. Severus reached out and touched the skin of Harry's throat and could feel the heat. His thoughts stuttered at the sight of a man, that he believed couldn't be brought down, sprawled out on the floor. He had to do something but he wasn't sure what. He shook Harry's shoulder but the man was unresponsive.

"Harry," Severus uttered, his voice breaking on the word.

Severus started badly when Harry's door flew open with a crash and Albert stood there. The thin man tried to step forward but the wards flared and Albert cursed. Albus stepped forward then flicked his wand and the wards dropped. Albert, Albus and an unknown old man, with a medical bag, entered the room. Albert cursed when he saw Harry and rushed forward.

"Did he take the potion?" Albert demanded.

"I don't think so," Severus replied and Albert cursed loudly. "There's glass here."

"Alexander," Albert called over his shoulder to the unknown man. "Severus, move out of the way."

Severus jumped back as the old man eased himself down and waved his wand. Harry's shirt and jacket wiggled loose and flew up onto a back of a chair. Severus sucked in a breath when he saw the degree of the damage. He could see the deep fang marks on Harry's skin as well as cuts and ugly bruises. Albus came to stand beside him and rested a hand on his shoulder in comfort. Alexander placed his wand near one of the fang marks and cast a spell. Numbers came up in the air and Severus's eyes went right to the place that recorded age. He glanced at Albus beside him and noticed those blue eyes locked on the readings.

"He managed to take an anti-venom," Alexander reported.

"Is it enough?" Albert questioned in concern. "He's having trouble breathing."

"I'm not sure," Alexander sighed as he stared at the vitals before turning to Severus. "Do you know what potion that was that he was trying to take?"

Severus shook his head before he walked over to Harry's potion supply and picked up the open box with care. There were bloody prints on the lid and table. He walked back over and held the wooden box out to Alexander. The man took it in his hand and looked at the potions. He pulled out a dark blue vial and held it out to the potion spilled on the floor. Alexander turned it in his hand and read the side and smirked.

"This is the right one," Alexander commented and pulled out a syringe from his bag on the ground. "He must have known this could have happened."

"I'm not surprised," Albert grumbled and Severus quirked a smile.

They looked back down at Harry as Alexander filled the syringe and gently injected the potion into Harry's arm. The man didn't react but Severus noticed the vitals change in the air and Harry's breathing eased. Alexander followed that potion up with a few more from his medical bag on the floor. Severus was concerned with the amount of blood that was slowly still leaking from the gashes and onto the now ruined rug.

"Severus," Albert announced and waved his hand at the old man. "This is Alexander Potter, he's our Potion Master for the Department as well as a healer. Harry was going to introduce you both in case you wanted to continue your education in potions."

"Nice to meet you, Mr Snape." Alexander greeted as he held his hand out. "Not the way that we wanted to meet."

"Hi," Severus intoned. "Will he be okay?"

"It will depend on if he managed to get the potion in time," Alexander sighed and looked into the wooden box. "He has a very good supply here."

"What happened?" Severus asked and Albert flicked his eyes to the Headmaster.

"We'll talk of that later," Albert replied.

"You are welcome to stay at the school," Albus offered with a smile. "I can have rooms made up for you both."

"Thank you, Headmaster, but I must get back to the Ministry," Albert countered. "Greengrass is sending another squad of Aurors here sometime in the morning and I would suggest locking the castle down."

Albus nodded with serious blue eyes as Alexander pulled a large bowl out his bag and lined up a few potions beside it.

"Do you need anything?" Albus asked Alexander. "We have a nurse on staff."

"I'm sure that Severus is up to the task," Alexander replied. "If I can't handle it then I'll have him transferred to St Mungo's."

Severus paled at those words and he reached out and touched Harry's hand. His skin felt hot and there was a slight shake there. A hand landed on his shoulder and Severus looked up at the Headmaster and he quickly snatched his hand back. Albus gave him a small smile and a nod as Albert left the room quickly. Severus wasn't sure what was happening but he knew that by tomorrow it would be all over the papers.

"Take care of him," Albus said quietly. "Mr Potter, please contact me if you require anything."

"Yes, Headmaster." Alexander replied.

Albus left as Severus knelt on the ground next to the old man. Alexander turned soft eyes on him with a serious expression him his face.

"Well, boy." Alexander remarked. "We'll have a fight on our hands here but Harry is strong both in mind and magic. We'll patch him up first then give him a chance to sleep."

Severus would remember the next few hours as blood, fear and concern. What he'd seen on Harry's chest and stomach was nothing compared to his back. Nagini had torn the flesh apart and a small part of Severus, that wasn't numb in horror, was thinking that Harry's tattoos would never be the same. However, Alexander worked with skill as he slowly washed and healed each wound in turn. It was a line of potions and Severus followed every order that he was given. It amazed him that Harry had made it to the castle at all.

It was nearing dawn when Alexander slowly closed the last large wound in Harry's side. The skin joining back together so neatly that the lines of the tattoos fit back together.

"I thought that the tattoos would be ruined," Severus uttered softly, feeling exhausted.

"These are more than just tattoos," Alexander remarked as he wiped a cloth down Harry's skin. "They have a magical core that connects to Harry himself. You could cut the design away and it would soak back into his skin. Very similar to the Dark Mark on Death Eaters, in fact."

"Why would he do that?" Severus gasped.

"You would have to ask Harry," Alexander replied as he slowly ran his wand down Harry's body. "There could be many reasons that Harry would want these designs to forever be on his skin. The odd aspect is that it was done by a muggle and the spell work was done on the ink before and after the tattoo was placed on his skin. That's why the designs don't move."

Severus lapsed into silence as Alexander worked. He looked down at Harry's pale face but he was breathing easier as he laid there. The flush of redness to his cheeks had eased off as the fever had run its course. Severus placed his hand on Harry's arm as Alexander placed his wand on the ground.

"I believe that is the extent that we can do at this moment," Alexander announced. "He'll be sore when he wakes up and I'll give him a sleeping potion to send him further under."

"Have you healed everything?" Severus asked with a frown.

"Magical healing isn't enough," Alexander replied. "The damage goes deeper and will take a few days to weeks to heal completely. We can repair the skin and use potions to help the muscles and tendons along but they were still ripped and torn apart. Not to mention internal organs as well."

Severus nodded in understanding as his hand slipped down to touch on Harry's hand. He could still feel that tightness in his stomach and the fear. He felt like he'd come close to losing the man.

"I'm sure that he will be back to his normal pain in the ass self in no time," Alexander commented as he packed up his bag. "I'll leave him with a few potions for when he wakes up and he knows how to contact me."

Severus nodded, "can we move him?"

"Yes," Alexander replied and flicked his wand and Harry floated up into the air. "Get the door for me."

Severus scrambled across the room and opened the door of the bedroom. Alexander gently floated Harry over and flicked his wand and his pants wiggled loose. The pants folded themselves up on the top of Harry's cupboard, leaving him naked. Severus pulled the blankets back and Alexander gently placed him down in the bed.

"No doubt he will want a shower when he wakes up," Alexander remarked. "I'll be back in a minute."

Alexander left the room as Severus made Harry comfortable, his fingers lingering on the man's face. It was odd to see Harry in such a vulnerable state. Alexander entered the room and placed a few vials on the bedside table then glanced around the room. Severus tensed when he realised that it was clear to see that Severus lived in this room as well. Alexander focused back on him without any criticism.

"Good luck with him when he wakes up," Alexander offered before he carefully pulled the blanket back and injected one last potion into Harry's arm.

"Thank you," Severus whispered and Alexander nodded.

"Any time, Mr Snape." Alexander replied and went to leave the room.

"Mr Potter," Severus called and Alexander turned back. "Any relation to James Potter?"

"I'm his Grandfather," Alexander replied with a nod before he walked out the door.

Severus didn't relax until he heard the main door open and close and he was left alone with Harry. He looked down into his sleeping face before the fatigue that he'd been fighting pushed forward and he quickly undressed. He crawled into the bed and was quickly asleep.


Harry woke slowly with the thought that he should be doing something but he was too comfortable and heavy to care about what that was. There was a warmth wrapped around him and he could feel skin on skin of a body behind him. The need to pee woke him further as he shifted.


Harry groaned at the noise and tried to wiggle to the side of the bed but he felt too heavy to move.

"Need to pee," Harry slurred.

The bed rocked before he was looking at a naked Severus before him. Harry's eyes drifted before Severus grabbed his shoulder.

"Do I need to float you to the bathroom?" Severus asked.

Harry pushed himself up then hissed as the pain flooded in and he gasped. Severus's hold tightened on his shoulder and Harry rode out the worse of it. He blindly reached over to the bedside table and snagged up a vial that he knew would be there. He glanced at the writing on the glass before taking it and the pain drained away slowly. He looked at Severus hovering beside him in concern.

"What did you think of Alexander?" Harry asked, his voice hoarse.

"That's your first question?" Severus uttered in surprise.

Harry gave Severus a smile before he pulled himself to his feet. He felt like he'd been through three rounds with a heavy weight boxer. Severus grabbed his shoulder and helped him to the bathroom.

"You didn't answer my question," Harry prompted.

"He knew what he was doing," Severus answered as Harry used the toilet.

"He's very skilled," Harry agreed. "Can you turn the shower on?"

Severus nodded and walked over that way and Harry watched him. He stood and washed his hands as the shower started up. His eyes drifted over Severus's naked skin as he shuffled closer. He reached out and placed his hand on the teen's hip and Severus jumped.

"You need to eat more," Harry remarked.

"You're lecturing me after I found you bleeding to death on your floor last night?" Severus scoffed. "You almost died!"

Harry stilled at those words and hadn't realised how close that he'd come. He settled his other hand on Severus's hip and kissed the back of his neck. Severus carefully turned in his arms and took in him a hug. Severus held him tight and Harry winced at the pain but didn't say anything. It wasn't until he felt warm tears on his shoulder that he realised that Severus was crying.

"Hey," Harry cooed as he rubbed Severus's back. "It's okay. I'm okay."

Severus mumbled something as Harry just held the young man. He was sure that fatigue and fear had bubbled over for him. So much had happened in such a short time between the werewolf attack, the raid on Riddle Manor and finding Harry on the floor of his rooms. Even Harry hadn't had time to absorb all the facts. Harry gently pushed Severus's back and cupped the man's face. Severus tried to look away from him but Harry held him still.

"It's okay," Harry said softly. "I'm still here to terrorise students."

Severus snorted before leaning down and capturing Harry's lips in a kiss. Harry returned it before pushing the taller man back again.

"I need a shower then I'm heading back to bed," Harry announced. "How long has it been?"

"Only a few hours," Severus replied. "I thought that Alexander's potion would have worked longer. It's a couple of hours before classes start and I'm glad that I have a spare period first up."

Harry just quirked a smile at that and stepped into the shower. He was sure that Greengrass would have an Auror covering his classes. Harry showered quickly and headed back to bed. Severus curled up along his back and he was quickly asleep. He woke briefly when Severus's alarm went off then fell back to sleep once more.



Severus started and glanced around but he didn't see anyone.

"Here," James hissed as his head appeared around a tapestry and waved him over.

Severus paused and this time last year he wouldn't have dreamed of following James Potter. Times had changed as he walked towards the Gryffindor and slipped behind the hanging. There was a tunnel there as James hurried down the length of it to a room at the other end. Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin waited for them there. Severus's eyes lingered on Remus and could tell that the man looked very unwell and hadn't been in classes today. Surprisingly, the papers hadn't reported on the events of last night but the extra Aurors around the school had caused a stir.

"How's Swift?" James asked. "He didn't teach his classes today."

"He was injured," Severus said, reluctantly.

"After we saw him?" Remus pressed.

"Yes," Severus answered and crossed his arms over his chest. "He'll be okay."

"Well, he's fine then," Sirius announced. "Let's head to the kitchen."

"Sirius!" James hissed and Sirius shrugged.

"What? I'm hungry."

Severus sneered as James and Sirius glared at each other.

"We were concerned about him," Remus remarked and Severus nodded.

"And now we're going to raid the kitchen," Sirius announced and slung an arm around Peter's shoulder. "Hey, Peter?"

"Yeah," Peter uttered and Severus glared at them.

"Thanks, Snape." James offered.

Severus nodded and turned to walk away.

"Severus," Remus called and he turned back. "Let him know that if he needs any help then to let us know."

Severus nodded once more and headed back down the tunnel after having a very odd conversation with people that he'd once hated with a passion. But Harry had taught him one thing it was that people could change.


Greengrass looked down at the large snake before the fireplace in the parlour of Riddle Manor. He hadn't realised how big the animal was and was glad that Kingsley and his team had been able to back Swift up.

"What do you want to do with that thing?"

Greengrass turned his eyes on Alastor Moody as he stood there with his cane by his side. He looked older than his sixty-five years and after his most recent injury he'd been reassigned to training and tactical.

"No doubt it will end up in the Department of Mysteries," Greengrass sighed. "Out of my hair at least. Can you see any residue magic around it?"

"Lots," Moody replied as he limped forward and looked down at the snake. "Did you say that Harold Swift killed it?"

"From reports," Greengrass replied as he glanced around to make sure that they were alone. "When he ripped out the Horcrux the snake was dead."

"Hmm," Moody hummed as looked around the room.

Greengrass was sure that the other man was replaying the fight back in his head as he limped around the room. His magical eye and field training seeing more than anyone could. Greengrass was sure that the man would be able to track every move made in the room.

"Are you sure that Swift is on our side?" Moody asked and Greengrass was thrown by the question.

"Yes," Greengrass replied. "Why do you think different?"

"There is a lot of dark magic here," Moody commented as he looked down at a patch of Harry's blood.

"He does sit on that border."

Moody snorted, "more than that."

"He broke the Horcrux-"

"Did he?" Moody broke in. "From what Longbottom said; he contained the Horcrux."

"You think that it's still intact?" Greengrass asked with a frown. "You're getting paranoid."

"Constant vigilance!" Moody barked and Greengrass quirked a smile.

"I am aware that he is more than he looks," Greengrass admitted and Moody focused both of his eyes on him. "I trust him when it come to the Dark Lord. He's on our side."

"And after?" Moody pressed and Greengrass paused in thought.

"I trust him," Greengrass repeated with conviction.

"Hmm," Moody muttered and they focused back on the snake on the floor.

"I'll contact Dean and we'll get this thing transferred to the Department," Greengrass stated after a long minute of silence.

"Yes, sir." Moody grumbled. "But I would keep an eye on Swift."

Greengrass nodded as he took in Moody's words but he knew more about Harold Swift then most. But he also knew that Harry sat on that fine line between dark and light and he just hoped that one day that he didn't fall the wrong way. For if he did, then they would be hunting a man that Greengrass liked and respected.

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