Golden Age by black_blade

By baby4fangirl

52K 2.4K 140

Summary: After two hundred and forty years, Harry Potter thought that he'd seen it all, until he is transport... More

Chapter 1: Chapter One
Chapter 2: Chapter Two
Chapter 3: Chapter Three
Chapter 4: Chapter Four
Chapter 5: Chapter Five
Chapter 6: Chapter Six
Chapter 7: Chapter Seven
Chapter 8: Chapter Eight
Chapter 9: Chapter Nine
Chapter 10: Chapter Ten
Chapter 11: Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15: Chapter Fifteen
Chapter 16: Chapter Sixteen
Chapter 17: Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18: Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20: Chapter Twenty
Chapter 21: Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter 23: Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter 24: Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter 25: Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter 26: Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter 27: Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter 28: Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter 29: Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter 30: Chapter Thirty
Chapter 31: Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter 32: Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter 33: Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter 34: Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter 35: Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter 36: Epilogue
Chapter 37: Fix up

Chapter 22: Chapter Twenty-two

1K 58 4
By baby4fangirl

Remus ran but everything in him wanted to go back but Sirius and James kept him in line. He could still feel the fear in his belly and the magic clinging to his fur. It followed him all the way back to the Shrieking Shack. They piled into the room then stopped short as they took in Severus Snape standing there and looking pale.

"What are you doing here?" James demanded, once he'd transformed.

Sirius growled before he transformed and grabbed the other teen and slammed him into the wall. Remus growled in warning and Sirius stepped back.

"This is where the portkey sent me," Severus gasped.

A boom sounded on the air and they looked over to the windows. Severus paled even more with large eyes and more expression on his face then the other teens had ever seen besides rage or disgust. He was terrified. Severus went to run forward but Remus knocked into him. The tall teen went down and Remus growled in warning. If they went back there then it could mean their deaths.

"The Aurors will get to him," James commented. "We had to evade a few of them."

Severus nodded from his place on the floor but Remus could smell the fear and see the concern on his face. He then sniffed a little more and knew that Voldemort's words had been right. He could smell Harry on Severus. They looked back to the window as strange dark orange light burst outward in an explosion then the night went dark. The boom took a while to get to them and it rattled the windows when it did.

Then everything went silent.

"Was that it?" Sirius uttered.

"Do you think he killed You-Know-Who?" James whispered.

"No," Severus answered as he slowly stood. "No one can, yet."

"Why?" James asked.

"He has magic in place," Severus said reluctantly, as he wrapped his arms around himself. "That's where we were going tonight. The Aurors had a tip off and Harry was going to look into it."

They all jumped when Swift apparated into the room and looked around. He had ash and dirt on his face and Remus could smell blood on the air and on Swift's shirt. Severus then rushed forward and took the short man in a hug. Swift grunted at the impact but hugged the teen back. James and Sirius shifted on their feet at the move. Swift gently pushed Severus back and the teen blushed when he realised what he'd done.

"I need you to stay here," Harry ordered as his hand slipped down to clench on his side where blood stained his shirt with a flinch. "I'll ward this room in case some Death Eaters got loose."

"Peter is still out there," James gasped.

"I'll include him in the wards but you can't go out there until the Aurors lock it down." Harry replied. "I'll inform the Headmaster that you are here as well as Greengrass. Remus stay out of the cage but be careful. There is a tunnel to Hogsmeade from here-"

"We know it," Sirius cut in and Harry nodded.

"Use it if you need it," Harry told them then settled his eyes on Severus. "When it's safe, get back to my rooms and stay there."

"Where are you going?" Severus demanded with sharp eyes.

"We have to move on the information that we gathered," Harry replied and removed his hand from his side, blood coated his palm and fingers. "Damn."

Severus stepped forward and grabbed Harry's wrist. The Gryffindors shifted on their feet but then stilled when Severus grabbed Swift's shirt and pulled it up. Remus wined in the back of his throat at the sight of the torn flesh and blood.

"I'll have a medic look at it," Harry said gently and stepped back and Severus released him. "I have to go. Look after yourself."

Harry then apparated leaving the them alone.

"He'll be fine," James whispered and Severus nodded as silence descended once more.


Greengrass glanced around the Auror department as people geared up. His eyes darted over when Harry and Albert arrived and he took in the blood and dirt on the short man's clothes. He was just happy that he'd washed his face and hands and seen a medic. He still couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that Voldemort had attacked so close to Hogwarts. The man was becoming reckless for some reason.

Kingsley Shacklebolt came over to him and Greengrass took in the sight of the young dark skinned man. He was moving through the ranks quickly and had a sharp mind and a talent with magic.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Kingsley questioned.

"Yes," Greengrass answered. "I want you to stay with Swift until he doesn't need you anymore."

"Yes, sir."

Greengrass liked the way that Kingsley could read between the lines. He was sure that Swift wouldn't need the support but this was a good way for the man to get used to the fact that the Aurors were going to back him up. He still couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that Swift had gone up against the Dark Lord twice and walked away.

"Go join your team then," Greengrass ordered. "But stay close to Swift."

"Yes, sir."

Kingsley nodded and wandered off and Greengrass eyes caught on Swift again as he took a seat next to Albert. Normally the Department didn't work this close with the Aurors but these weren't normal times. Greengrass would take whatever support that he could. This meeting had been called at the last moment and he could see the confusion in some of the people around him. In these times, it was hard to know just whose side the Aurors were on and Voldemort had a talent of recruiting just the right people in power. Dennis Avery had been a good example of that and more care was taken with spell work to keep their plans from getting back to the Dark Lord. Greengrass could learn from his mistakes for they couldn't afford to lose the Ministry to the likes of Voldemort.


Harry's eyes flicked over the name on the grave before him while Aurors flowed around him. Kingsley came up beside him and glanced at the grave.

"Something catch your attention?" Kingsley questioned.

"Tom Riddle," Harry remarked. "I always wondered if he knew what his son would be."

"Do we ever know what our children will become?" Kingsley countered and Harry focused on him. "Or the people around us."

"Interesting point," Harry agreed and placed his fingers on the gravestone. "We could use your help in this."

"Swift," Kingsley hissed. "You can't-"

"Let me guess," Harry cut in. "Such magic is frowned upon."

"Depending on what you have in mind, yes."

"Well," Harry said as the last Auror passed them. "You might want to look away."

Kingsley breathed out a sigh but didn't follow the others and Harry crouched down beside the grave. He pulled out the Elder wand and held his other hand out. He placed the tip of the dark wand to the skin of his palm and blood bloomed.

"Blood of blood," Harry whispered. "Murdered and murder. I call to you to take your vengeance on the man that killed you, Tom Riddle."

Dark shadows swirled and a breeze brushed Harry's face as he turned his hand and let his blood drip down onto the dirt of the grave. The blood hissed as it touched the earth before a darkness twisted up into the form of a tall man. Harry flicked his hand before standing as Kingsley pulled out his wand with wide eyes. The ghost looked down his nose at Harry.

"Why?" Riddle whispered, his voice a breath on the air.

"You didn't need to rise," Harry pointed out as he slipped his wand away and wiped the blood off his hand onto his already bloody jeans. "Either help or bugger off."

Riddle sneered at him before turning and floating towards the manor on the hill. Harry and Kingsley followed after as they took in the quiet night.

"You know that the Ministry will hear of this," Kingsley hissed. "That magic is on the edge of Dark Arts."

"I'm aware of that," Harry countered. "I am the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts. Not to mention that we're going to need all the help that we can tonight."

"And then some," Kingsley sighed. "You have already faced him tonight. Why are you facing him again?"

"I thought that's what all these Aurors were here for," Harry laughed. "I'm just here for the snake."

"That had been the plan-"

"Still is."

"The snake needs to be taken down," Kingsley agreed. "Any blow against the Dark Lord is a bonus."

"Hmm," Harry hummed as the ghost stood to the side of the gates of Riddle Manor.

They looked up at the dark house. Nothing suggested that anyone lived there as they took in the boarded-up windows, the tangled weeds and plants that no longer resembled what the gardens had once looked like. It didn't portray itself as a villain's lair just a manor house in disrepair. Harry took care to look for any magic but couldn't find anything. There was no sense that the manor was occupied.

"Well, Mr Riddle." Harry announced as he turned to the ghost. "Any secret way in?"

"What do you take us for?" Riddle scoffed. "We were an upstanding family in the community-"

"Rich people with money to burn and secrets to hide," Harry retorted. "Every manor has at least one secret way in. It would be a shame on your family if you didn't."

"The shed," Riddle replied, reluctantly.

"Perfect," Harry said with a grin before focusing on Kingsley. "I'll follow Mr Riddle here while the Aurors bring up the wards and attack the front. He doesn't have any protections that I can see but I'm sure that they are there and the floo is open-"

"There wasn't anything registered at the Ministry-"

"Which means nothing," Harry cut in. "He'll have escape plans in place."

Kingsley nodded sharply and hurried off while Harry turned to the spirit. Riddle stood staring at the manor and Harry was sure that this was a surreal moment for him. The last time that he would have seen his home would have been in his last moments before death had claimed him. Allegedly at the hands of his son.

"Mr Riddle," Harry stated and ghost turned to him. "Please lead me to the shed."

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