Golden Age by black_blade

By baby4fangirl

51.5K 2.4K 124

Summary: After two hundred and forty years, Harry Potter thought that he'd seen it all, until he is transport... More

Chapter 1: Chapter One
Chapter 2: Chapter Two
Chapter 3: Chapter Three
Chapter 4: Chapter Four
Chapter 5: Chapter Five
Chapter 6: Chapter Six
Chapter 7: Chapter Seven
Chapter 8: Chapter Eight
Chapter 9: Chapter Nine
Chapter 10: Chapter Ten
Chapter 11: Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15: Chapter Fifteen
Chapter 16: Chapter Sixteen
Chapter 17: Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18: Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20: Chapter Twenty
Chapter 22: Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter 23: Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter 24: Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter 25: Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter 26: Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter 27: Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter 28: Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter 29: Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter 30: Chapter Thirty
Chapter 31: Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter 32: Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter 33: Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter 34: Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter 35: Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter 36: Epilogue
Chapter 37: Fix up

Chapter 21: Chapter Twenty-one

1K 60 2
By baby4fangirl

Remus shifted on his feet before knocking on Swift's office door. He could feel the sickness in his stomach but the fear had abated from his wolf form. After few minutes, Remus knocked again and glanced around the hallway as he waited. He was sure that Swift was in his office by the scent that he could smell but that had fooled him before. His eyes snapped back to the door when it opened then he paused as he took in the sight of Severus Snape.

"Um," Remus stuttered. "Is Professor Swift in?"

"Yes," Severus said smoothly with hard black eyes.

"I need to see him," Remus pressed as his temper flared.

"Let him in," Swift called from inside the office.

Severus pushed the door open with a sigh and turned away.

"Shut the door after you," Severus ordered.

Remus bit back on his retort as he stepped into the office to see Severus walk through an archway at the back of the office and Remus followed. He walked through the archway and it closed behind him. He'd stepped into a tasteful living room with a fireplace, lounge, a large table and another smaller table to the side of the room. A kitchen was to the side and there were three doors scattered around the room. The walls were strangely bare as Remus focused on Swift seated at the large table. He had books and papers scattered across the surface and what looked like maps and house plans. Those green eyes pieced him as Remus came to stand before the table. Severus settled back into one of the chairs beside Swift.

"Mr Lupin," Swift greeted with a smile. "How are you today?"

"Um, well." Remus muttered and his eyes darted to Severus. "It's the night of the full moon, sir."

"Ah, yes." Swift cried and jumped to his feet. "Thanks for reminding me."

Swift hurried across the room and Remus took in the fact that he looked very muggle in jeans and a shirt. After reading about the attack at Diagon Alley he expected to see Swift in a more wizard view but the muggle look didn't shift in his mind. The man grabbed a wooden box and flicked the lid open to reveal potions.

"Severus," Swift called over his shoulder. "Have I taught you this potion?"

"No," Severus answered.

"That will be our next lesson then."

"Can you teach me?" Remus butted in and Swift glanced over his shoulder.

"This a very complex potion," Swift answered as he closed the lid on the wooden box and turned back to them. "We can attempt to teach you but it may be beyond your skill level."

"I want to learn it," Remus insisted, his voice almost a growl.

"Very well," Swift agreed and walked back towards him. "I must warn you that the ingredients that go into this potion are not cheap."

"Oh," Remus muttered and looked down at the floor.

"I'm sure that we can come to some kind of agreement," Swift said as he settled at the table once more and waved his hand. "Have a seat Remus. Would you like a drink? You're looking pale."

"What kind of agreement?"

"I will have to think on that," Swift admitted as he leaned back in his chair.

"What would you ask of me?" Remus demanded and Severus snorted. "I won't agree to something when I don't know what will be asked of me."

Those green eyes pieced him and for a split second he was reminded of Lily Evans when she would get into a rage. He wasn't sure why that popped into his head as Remus stared back. The wolf giving him more strength than he felt. Swift just reached over the table and placed a vial before Remus without a question.

"What does this one cost me?" Remus questioned and Swift quirked his lips up.

"As a Slytherin, Severus." Swift remarked and turned to Severus. "What would you demand?"

"I could think of a few things," Severus intoned and Remus felt a sinking in his stomach at the words.

"I'm sure you could," Swift said. "Take it Remus and I'll see you a week before the next full moon for a lesson on how to make the potion."

"Without cost?" Remus pressed. "Or should I owl my parents?"

"Without cost," Swift answered.

Remus relaxed at those words and picked up the vial and slipped it away into a pocket of his robes. He started when a pot of tea and three cups appeared on the table.

"Would you like some tea?" Swift offered.

"Um," Remus muttered and noticed the glare that Severus sent his way. "No, thank you. I should be on my way."

"No problem," Swift replied mildly and waved his hand and the archway opened once more. "Just shut the door on your way out."


Remus stood outside the cage that was installed in the Shrieking Shack then paused with his hand on the bars. He could feel something on the air and he lifted his nose up. It was close to the full moon rising but he still had time to get into the cage but he hesitated. Something holding back that he didn't understand. He let his hand drop and walked over to the window and looked out on the grounds. He frowned when he noticed two figures heading across the lawn. He knew that shape and walk, it was Professor Swift and Severus Snape. He watched as they walked away from the gates of Hogwarts. He then felt something on the air. Swift kept walking then paused and glanced over his shoulder. It seemed that he wasn't the only one picking up something.

Remus then felt the pull of the moon but didn't enter the cage. There was something wrong that Remus couldn't put his finger on. He stumbled away from the cage and to his knees as he felt the change take hold. He gasped as the bones, muscles and tendons shifted under his skin. That uncomfortable feeling as fur sprouted along his body then he heard a howl on the air that wasn't him. The wolf in his mind sharpened in on the sound as his ears swivelled around. Without another thought, he ran. He wasn't the only werewolf out that night.


Harry paused and glanced over his shoulder at the howl on the air. They were halfway to Hogsmeade as his hand slipped down to his wand holster. Severus stopped beside him then Harry felt the sense of anti-apparation and anti-portkey wards settling into place and he cursed.

"Pull out your wand," Harry ordered as he shifted his stance. "Summon a shield and watch my back."

Severus did as he was ordered without question and pulled up a shield before him. Harry's eyes darted around before he threw up a ball of light. They were bathed in a spotlight as another howl lifted up on the air. There was no point in hiding where they were and the light gave them the advantage on the wolves.

"Werewolves," Severus whispered with large eyes and Harry could see the teen's hand shaking out of the corner of his eye.

Suddenly a large wolf appeared before them and Harry quickly grabbed Severus's wrist and pushed it down. The wolf snarled as he turned on his heels and settled before them while he looked back the way that he'd come.

"That's Remus," Harry said and released Severus's wrist. "Did you see them, Mr Lupin?"

The wolf glanced behind him before shaking his head and flicked his eyes back to the forest. There was trees and bushes on both sides of them and Harry's light spell only went so far. A rustle to their left had Harry turning that way as he gathered his magic. Werewolves were fast and brutal and he had Severus and Remus to look out for. A rat then ran out towards them and Harry almost cursed it before reminding himself when he was. He was unsure just whose side that Peter Pettigrew was on at this moment in time.

Remus yapped and the rat paused before turning and running back the way that it had come. Then a growl sounded on the air and Harry quickly shifted to place his back to Severus. Remus growled back as the fur went up on his back.

"Stay with us, Remus." Harry ordered. "They have wards in place and we need to stay together."

"Does he understand?" Severus gasped.

"He better," Harry snapped back. "They will circle around before closing in."

"What do we do?"

Harry grinned before with a flick he had a lash of fire whipping up before him. He stepped forward while he twisted his wand around and fire sprang up before him as it caught on the bushes and ran up the trees. Severus yelled out and Harry quickly turned as a brown wolf lunged forward. Remus jumped with a snarl and slammed into a beast. Harry quickly skipped before Severus and pushed the teen back.

"Watch my back," Harry ordered over the snarls. "And keep those flames going."

Three more wolves appeared as Remus yelped and tumbled back toward Harry. He flicked his wand as he sent out a stunner and the brown wolf bounced back to avoid the spell.

"Remus," Harry shouted and the wolf glanced over at him. "Get back with Severus."

Harry stepped forward and the wolves backed up as Harry brought forward the darkness within him. He knew just what it did to magical creatures as the wolves paused.

"Is this how you want to play this?" Harry demanded of the beasts. "How is this helping your cause?"

A large wolf with a dark brown and red coat stepped forward with a growl. Harry eyed him off with his wand out and the sounds of the flames behind him.

"It would help them if a powerful wizard became a werewolf."

Harry shifted his wand at the cold voice while he ran plans through his head as a tall man appeared. His brown hair was cut short as he stared at them with sharp and intense brown eyes. Voldemort didn't look like much but he had a presence around him as he stood to the left of the wolves. The man's eyes flicked over Remus and Severus before he focused on Harry.

"That is your plan?" Harry laughed. "I can see that fracturing your soul has addled your mind as well."

"And that dark magic that I feel around you is what you were born with," Voldemort jested smoothly with sarcasm. "I'm sure that the Ministry would be interested in just what one of its employees has been up to in his own time. Playing with dark magic and taking a student to your bed."

Severus sucked in a breath behind him while Remus growled.

"Interesting claims," Harry remarked mildly. "And your plan is what, exactly? Discreditation, the werewolf curse or conversation?"

"You stand there with a werewolf and a loyal Slytherin at your side," Voldemort pointed out. "And still insist-"

"Talking to a murderer that wanted to kill me-"

"That may have been premature on my part."

Harry laughed at that and Voldemort paused.

"I would hate to think that my death would have been 'premature'," Harry mocked. "At what point in time are you planning my death now?"

"You mock me?" Voldemort demanded.

"Sure," Harry said mildly. "Severus would be quick to say that I mock everyone equally. Regardless of power or stupidity."

"Such a shame," Voldemort tutted.

"That you are unsure about which category that you fall into?"

"That you are unaware of your place," Voldemort countered.

"No," Harry stated, his voice cold. "I am well aware of where I stand."

"Mr Snape," Voldemort called, as his eyes slipped from Harry to the teen. "My offer still stands."

Remus growled at that but Harry waved his free hand and the werewolf settled down.

"Don't let a half-blood stand between you and greatness," Voldemort pressed as he stared at Severus.

"I am hardly standing in his way," Harry said and stepped to the side slightly.

"Then you would let him fulfil his destiny."

Harry held his hands out to his sides and gave Voldemort a smirk. Dark shadows sprung up from the ground as Harry wove his spell. The wolves cringed back before one snarled as he lunched himself forward. Harry flicked his wand and the beast yelped as he was blasted from the air. Blood spattered the ground as the other two wolves paused at the casual violence.

"Avada Kadavra!"

Harry pulled up the ground before him in a shield but the wolves sprung around it and towards him. Harry threw up another shield then twisted around when he heard Severus shout out. A Death Eater had parted the wall of fire behind them and grabbed the boy. Remus rushed forward with a growl and snapped out towards the Death Eater and he released Severus quickly. Harry felt a coldness in his belly and hopped that Severus wouldn't get bitten as the brown wolf lunged at him. Harry flicked his wand and a dark shadow descended on the wolf in a rush. The werewolf quickly backpedalled from the shadow.


Harry was thrown back as the wall that he'd pulled up exploded and he twisted in the air as he landed in a roll. He spared a glance back to see that the Death Eater had been driven back by Remus. Severus had his wand out and was backing Remus as Harry turned back.

"Harry!" Severus yelled.

Harry cursed and rolled to the side as the ground exploded as Voldemort levelled his wand. The dark shadows flew towards the tall man and Voldemort was forced back.

"Crepitus," Harry snarled and the ground exploded before the Dark Lord.

Voldemort stumbled back and Harry followed his spell up with another. The faint sounds of popping split the air and Harry wasn't sure whose support it was as he pressed his advantage. He then yelped as a wolf came out of nowhere and he quickly concurred a wooden pole and brought it around but the wolf danced to the side.

"Avada Kadavra!"

Harry ducked to the side as the green spell sailed over his head then the wolf was on him. He quickly brought his hands up and a wooden staff appeared between them just as the beast's jaws darted forward. He could feel the saliva dripping from the wolf's mouth and Harry brought his dark magic forward. Then another wolf was barrelling into the one above him. Both beasts snarling as they tried to get the upper hand. Harry scrambled to his feet and glanced behind him.

Severus had a fire whip before him as he tried to keep two Death Eaters back. Harry cursed and felt like he was losing control of this battle. If it had just been him then he could have contained it. Severus and Remus didn't have the skills needed for this kind of battle. Harry then snarled and held his hand out and the Elder wand appeared in his palm. All the wolves froze and their heads swung around to stare at Harry.

"Enough," Harry snapped as magic crackled along his skin.

"There it is," Voldemort cried. "I knew it!"

Harry snarled and threw out a fire spell that had the wolves scattering. In the light, cast from his spell, he noticed two other animals watching from the cover of the trees. It looked like the rat had come through this time.

"Remus!" Harry shouted. "Get your friends and go!"

The wolf didn't think twice as he bolted and Harry was sure that his friends would look out for him. Voldemort let them as he calmly stepped towards him.

"Severus, get ready!" Harry commanded.

Harry then pulled up his magic and threw it out in a controlled burst. It smashed into the wards breaking them and Harry apparated. He appeared to the left of Voldemort before spinning and throwing out a cutting charm then apparating again. He appeared to Voldemort's right this time and brought up a shield to deflect the spell he'd cast and Voldemort grunted as the charm hit him in the chest and he flew back. Harry glanced over to see that Severus had used the portkey that he'd given him. Harry sighed since it was one less person that he had to worry about but it was also one less person that had his back.

More popping sounded on the air and he cursed and twisted to the side as a Death Eater threw out the killing curse. He apparated to the left then ducked as Voldemort tried his luck. Wards quickly sprung back up and Harry dashed towards the flames. He grunted as a cutting curse caught him low on his back and side but kept going. The flames parted before him then snapped back behind him. He turned and added dark flames to the ones before him.

The Elder wand hummed in his hand as he channelled the magic while he panted. He twisted and curled the flames around himself then he flicked his hand down in a cutting motion and the magic exploded out. He threw up a hand to shield his eyes and wished he could block out the screams. When he looked again the ground was charred around him and Voldemort and most of his Death Eaters were gone. His magic had taken out the wards once more and he startled when a pop sounded before him.

He brought the Elder wand up then paused as he took in the Auror.

"Whoa," the man said as he held his hands up with wide eyes.

Harry dropped his hand down and glanced around as more Aurors apparated in. He panted as he took in the damage that he'd made. There were reasons that he'd mostly worked alone. Albus then appeared with his wand in his hand then froze.

"Harry," Albus breathed.

"Still in one piece," Harry said as he quickly slipped the Elder wand away and looked around. "Can you see my wand?"

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