Golden Age by black_blade

By baby4fangirl

51.9K 2.4K 140

Summary: After two hundred and forty years, Harry Potter thought that he'd seen it all, until he is transport... More

Chapter 1: Chapter One
Chapter 2: Chapter Two
Chapter 3: Chapter Three
Chapter 4: Chapter Four
Chapter 5: Chapter Five
Chapter 6: Chapter Six
Chapter 7: Chapter Seven
Chapter 8: Chapter Eight
Chapter 9: Chapter Nine
Chapter 10: Chapter Ten
Chapter 11: Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 15: Chapter Fifteen
Chapter 16: Chapter Sixteen
Chapter 17: Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18: Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20: Chapter Twenty
Chapter 21: Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter 22: Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter 23: Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter 24: Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter 25: Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter 26: Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter 27: Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter 28: Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter 29: Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter 30: Chapter Thirty
Chapter 31: Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter 32: Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter 33: Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter 34: Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter 35: Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter 36: Epilogue
Chapter 37: Fix up

Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen

1.4K 72 2
By baby4fangirl

Harry stood in an empty room in the Department of Mysteries with Severus seated at the side of the room. Harry pulled out a small trunk and expanded it to full size. He shrugged out of his jacket and shirt until he stood in just his jeans before he knelt down before the trunk and selected a knife and set it on the ground. He placed his wand beside the knife and a few polished stones.

"Severus," Harry called and he came over to him. "We'll just place the trunk to the side of the room."

Harry stood and helped Severus carry the trunk and placed it down. Harry ignored the way that Severus's eyes would linger on his bare chest. Harry snagged up his clothes and held them out to Severus.

"Just sit back down and watch," Harry said. "I doubt it will be that interesting for you. If I pass out then get the medic outside the door."

"Do you think that you will?" Severus asked.

"Most likely," Harry replied. "This is a powerful and complex spell. I would normally work with another witch or wizard but I don't trust someone here enough."

Severus nodded but his eyes were intense. Harry turned away from that and headed back to where his wand, knife and the stones sat on the floor. He sat down and crossed his legs as he focused his mind and slipped into a trance. He'd chosen this room for a reason as he focused his mind on the spell. It was quiet and empty and deep enough in the Ministry not to be tainted by too much magic.

He picked up his wand loosely in his hand and the knife in the other. He sharpened his mind as he attuned his breathing to Severus's behind him. It was the only sound in the room as Harry started the spell. He had to cast his magic out like a net around the country and that was hard enough. He only wanted to cover the land with the spell but had to pass over water as he cast his mind out. Time meant nothing to him as everything else faded away. He knew that his breathing would continue in line with Severus's own. He was his anchor in a way.

He wove in the spells that he wanted and whispered them under his breath. The three unforgiveables rolling off his tongue as he focused on the magic. He wasn't proud to say that he could cast all three as he worked the spells into what he wanted. He took his time to get it one hundred percent right. There was no room of error.

Severus drew his eyes down the hard body of Harry before him. He could stare all he liked as his teacher worked the spell. Severus could feel himself responding to the hard muscle on display and had to reign in his thoughts. That didn't stop his eyes from roaming. Harry had a large scar down his left side that looked like he'd been dragged along the ground that ran from under his armpit and down to the line of his jeans. Severus was sure that it reached further that he couldn't see.

Harry had a Celtic tattoo on his left shoulder of interlocking lines and a large red dragon on his other shoulder. The designs were muggle but the dragon looked so real that it felt like its gold eyes were watching him. He wasn't used to seeing tattoos since they were very taboo. On Harry they looked right.

Severus stood from his chair when he noticed that Harry was whispering under his breath. He crouched down before the wizard and felt coldness run through him as he picked up that Harry was saying the unforgiveables under his breath. Severus sat down before the man while Harry held his wand in his fingertips. The stones that Harry had placed on the ground had an odd glow to them.

Severus cocked his head to the side but couldn't place the colour since it kept changing. Harry picked up the knife with his eyes closed. Severus flinched when Harry sliced into his hand and his blood bloomed. The blood dripped to the floor as Harry opened his eyes. Severus shivered at the unfocused and blank look in those normally sharp eyes. He knew that Harry wasn't seeing him or the room as he looked down. Harry gathered up the stones and piled them up. He held his hand up as his blood dripped over the stones. They flashed up gold with every drop while Severus watched him carefully.

He could see the concentration on Harry's face and the sweat as it trailed down his face and neck. His hand shook slightly as he held it over the pile. Severus could feel the magic on the air as he watched Harry closely. After a very long time, Harry placed his wand to the side and opened his hand before placing it over the stones. He whispered a spell and the air felt like it was sucked out of the room. The breath stuck in Severus's throat as the magic disappeared and the stones flashed before fading.

Harry lifted his hand up as he blinked his eyes open. Severus held out a cloth as those green eyes focused on him. Harry took it with a nod and wrapped it around his hand and Severus helped tie it for him.

"One more," Harry said, his voice soft. "Can you bag these up?"

"Yes, sir."

Severus pulled out a cloth bag and picked up each stone with care. Harry had picked up his wand again and closed his eyes as he moved on to the next spell that he had to perform. Severus placed the last stone into the bag before standing. He walked over to the trunk and placed the stones in there. He started when he heard a bang and swirled around.

Harry laid sprawled out on the floor and the breath caught in Severus's throat. He dashed across the room and fell to his knees before his teacher. He grabbed Harry's shoulder and shook him but he was out cold. Severus cursed as he took in how pale Harry looked before jumping to his feet. He rushed to the door and ripped it open. The Mediwitch looked up from her book before jumping to her feet.

"He just passed out," Severus said in a rush.

She hurried past him and into the room. She knelt down beside Harry and pulled her wand. Severus walked back as the Mediwitch ran a spell that brought up Harry's vital in the air. Even with his warning, Severus hadn't thought that Harry would really pass out. He crouched down on the other side of Harry and looked at the numbers in the air.

"Magic fatigue," the Mediwitch told him. "Blood pressure is down as well."

"I have blood replenishing potions," Severus said and walked over to the trunk and pulled the right ones out.

He walked back over and held the potions out. The Mediwitch flicked her wand and the contents of the vials disappeared since Harry couldn't take them. Severus pocketed the empty vials as he watched the numbers change on the air.

"He needs more sleep," the woman remarked as she flicked her wand then paused. "That can't be right."

"What?" Severus asked.

"His age," the Mediwitch said and flicked her wand again. "He looks like he's in his mid-thirties..."

Severus frowned and looked at the numbers, "what about it?"

"Two hundred and forty-one," the Mediwitch said and pointed to the number. "There must be something wrong with the spell or he looks very good for his age. I'm getting a few other odd readings here as well..."

Harry chose that moment to groan as he rolled onto his back completely. Severus's eyes flicked down as Harry's pants rode down low on his hips. The Mediwitch grabbed Harry's shoulder as the man blinked his eyes open.

"Just lay still," the Mediwtich advised. "You passed out."

"Great," Harry muttered and placed his arm over his eyes.

"I'll just fix this cut up as well," the woman said as she grabbed Harry's hand.

Severus helped her untie the bloody cloth. Harry just lay there while Severus's eyes wandered. He was unsure why Harry had needed to do the spell work in just his jeans, which he wasn't complaining about, but it did make him wonder. The Mediwitch didn't seem surprised by Harry's state of undress.

"Did you want to rest up at the medical bay?" The Mediwitch asked when she finished closing the cut on Harry's hand.

"No," Harry said flatly. "Just let me lay here for a while then I'm sure that Severus can help me to the apparation point."

"Very well," she said with a sniff and cancelled her spells. "I'll keep an ear out in case you pass out on the way to the apparation point."

Harry chuckled at that answer but didn't uncover his eyes.

"Thank you," Harry offered. "Severus can you get me a bottle of water from my trunk?"

The woman huffed and shared a look with Severus before leaving. Severus gathered up the bottle in question and tapped Harry's arm with it. Harry grabbed it and slowly sat up. He finished half the bottle before looking around.

"Why are you just wearing jeans?" Severus blurted out.

"Huh," Harry muttered and looked down at himself. "It's the spell work. It helps due the complex nature of the spell. I left my pants on for you."

"I wouldn't have minded," Severus said before he could stop himself.

Harry laughed and gave him a grin that had his stomach flopping.

"Can you grab my clothes?" Harry requested. "And we'll get out of here."

Severus nodded and collected the items and brought them back to Harry. The man slowly dressed and Severus took note of the way that his hands still shook. He knelt there and Severus grabbed his arm and helped Harry to his feet. The man sagged into him and Severus's took a guilty moment to wrap his arm around the shorter man. He helped him over to the seat at the side of the room next to the trunk.

Harry closed the trunk and tapped the top and it shrunk down. Severus picked the trunk up and Harry took it from his hand and placed it away in his pocket. Harry finished off the bottle before holding it out to Severus.

"Hold that would you," Harry requested.

Severus took the plastic bottle as Harry pushed himself to his feet. Severus grabbed his arm when he swayed.

"You should sit back down," Severus suggested. "Just rest for a moment."

"When we get back to the school," Harry countered.

Severus frowned but let the man go as they walked to the door to the room. Harry was unsteady on his feet but put forward a strong front as they walked out into the hallway. They made their way to the circular room without incident. They stepped into the room and Severus quickly grabbed Harry's arm as the doors spun. Harry grabbed his head as he stared down at the floor.

"Stupid room," Harry grumbled under his breath. "Aparation room."

Severus helped Harry to the door across the room and opened it up on a bare stone chamber. Harry was panting heavily and Severus could see the sweat on his skin and soaking into his shirt. He was concerned with what would happen now.

"Can you apparate?" Severus gasped as he held Harry's arm.

"We'll see," Harry muttered.

Harry then apparated them and Severus felt that uncomfortable feeling of being squeezed through a tube that was too small before they appeared before the gates of Hogwarts. Harry then fell into him and Severus yelped as he grabbed the man as he passed out. Severus swore loudly as he gently eased Harry down onto the ground. His face pale with sweat on his brow. Severus placed his hand to Harry's forehead and felt the heat. He pulled out his wand and cast the hovering charm before they headed up to the castle.

He was glad for the late hour as he made it to Harry's rooms without seeing anyone. He opened Harry's bedroom door and floated him over to the bed and cancelled the spell. He made him comfortable before running up to the hospital wing to get Madam Pomfrey.


Harry woke slowly with a pounding headache and feeling heavy. He expected that with the amount of magic that he'd thrown around. He turned in the bed then paused when he locked eyes with Severus in the seat next to him.

"Hey," Harry greeted hoarsely. "How long?"

"Three days," Severus answered.

"Good thing that Greengrass supplied a Auror for my classes this week."

"How are you feeling?"

"Hungry," Harry grumbled and Severus snorted.

Harry shifted around to sit on the side of the bed and noticed that he was just wearing his boxers. He was sure that Madam Promfrey had cast the spell to undress him. He slowly pushed himself up with Severus's eyes on him. He picked up two potions off his bedside table and knocked them back.

"Going for a shower," Harry muttered.

"Need help?" Severus called and Harry paused.

"And if I said yes," Harry remarked as he focused on Severus and the boy started.

Harry quirked a smile when Severus's eyes narrowed in suspicion. Slytherin to the core before he stood. Harry stepped out of his bedroom and to the bathroom. He pushed his boxers down while Severus hovered in the doorway. Harry just turned the shower on. He'd crossed many lines over his very long life and Severus was old enough to make his own choices.

Harry stepped under the water and let it run over his head and relax the tight muscles in his shoulders and neck. He glanced over to see Severus standing in his shirt and pants and watching him. Harry grabbed up the soap and ran it over his skin.

"What do you want, Severus?" Harry asked.

Severus just shifted on his feet before reaching up and unbuttoning his shirt. Harry reached for the shampoo and washed his hair. When he looked again, Severus stood there in just his underwear. He was pale and skinny. His hair reached his shoulders in dark strands. He still had that gangly look to him as Harry pushed the shower door open in invitation.

"Don't get me wrong," Harry said. "If I was still your teacher then you would not be standing there."

"I am an adult," Severus countered as he held the shower door but hadn't stepped forward.

"We would have still been teacher and student."

"We're not now?"

"No," Harry answered as he tilted the shower head to run the water over his back. "You are my apprentice which is a different set of rules. Magical laws are a little behind times and relationships between master and student are not uncommon. Some magic requires that close relationship."

"Like the spell at the Ministry?"

"Correct," Harry answered. "Are you getting in or not? You're letting in the cold air."

Severus hesitated before he pushed his pants down. He was hard but Harry ignored that as a teenage reaction to seeing Harry naked. Severus stepped forward and Harry leaned back on the wall of the shower to let the boy wash himself down. Severus had a streamline beauty and flawless pale skin.

"You need to eat more," Harry remarked as he placed a hand on Severus's side.

Severus flinched to the side and Harry let his hand drop. He was sure that Severus's knowledge of an intimate nature was limited. Severus then stepped forward and grabbed Harry as he ducked down and kissed him. It was all lips and clumsy hands and Harry gently cupped the back of Severus's head as he slowed it down. His other hand rested on Severus's hip. Severus went to pull back but Harry took over and pulled him back down into a kiss. He teased Severus's lips until they opened under his and he deepened the kiss.

Severus's hands roamed over his skin from his ass to his legs and chest. Like he wasn't sure where to go as Harry just rubbed his thumb over the skin of Severus's hip. When they broke the kiss, Severus looked at him with wide eyes. Before taking him in another kiss. Harry teased a groan out of the younger man then Severus's hand found his limp cock. Severus pulled back sharply and looked down.

"You don't," Severus gasped and tried to step further back but Harry had a hold of his hips.

"It's the potion, Severus," Harry explained. "I'm not taking this step lightly."

"You're interested?"

Harry pulled the man forward and slipped one of his hands around Severus's half hard cock in answer. Severus gasped as his hand slipped around Harry's ass and clenched his hand. Harry pulled him closer as Severus bucked into his hand. It didn't take much until Severus was tipping over as he came. Harry held Severus as he panted harshly in his ear before he pulled back then kissed him. Harry returned the kiss which was a little on the sloppy side but Harry didn't mind.

Harry pushed Severus back gently and washed the cum off his hand. Severus stepped further back and Harry picked up the soap and washed off again before palming the soap off to Severus. The teen was quiet and wouldn't look at him as he washed off.

"Severus?" Harry questioned as he placed a hand on the man's back.

"Sorry," Severus mumbled as he placed the soap back.

"For what?" Harry asked as he shut the water off.

"I shouldn't have pushed for that."

Harry snorted at those words and stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. He felt more human as he stood there and dried off.

"Don't lose that confidence now," Harry remarked.

"I'm not confidence in this," Severus snapped as he stepped out of the shower.

Harry dropped the towel in his hand and stalked towards Severus. He grabbed the man with one hand as the other pulled him down. He gave the young man a heated kiss and Severus quickly responded. Hands wrapped around Harry's ass and pulled him close until there was no room between them. When they pulled back, Harry looked up at Severus and quirked a smile.

"I'll have to get used to feeling very short," Harry told him before stepping back.

"Why are you doing this?" Severus gasped.

"Because I want to," Harry responded. "Now I'm going to have something to eat then heading back to bed. You're welcome to join me."

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