Golden Age by black_blade

By baby4fangirl

51.9K 2.4K 134

Summary: After two hundred and forty years, Harry Potter thought that he'd seen it all, until he is transport... More

Chapter 1: Chapter One
Chapter 2: Chapter Two
Chapter 3: Chapter Three
Chapter 4: Chapter Four
Chapter 5: Chapter Five
Chapter 6: Chapter Six
Chapter 7: Chapter Seven
Chapter 8: Chapter Eight
Chapter 9: Chapter Nine
Chapter 11: Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15: Chapter Fifteen
Chapter 16: Chapter Sixteen
Chapter 17: Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18: Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20: Chapter Twenty
Chapter 21: Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter 22: Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter 23: Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter 24: Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter 25: Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter 26: Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter 27: Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter 28: Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter 29: Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter 30: Chapter Thirty
Chapter 31: Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter 32: Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter 33: Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter 34: Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter 35: Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter 36: Epilogue
Chapter 37: Fix up

Chapter 10: Chapter Ten

1.7K 73 6
By baby4fangirl

Severus stood nervously next to Harry as they rode the lift down to the Department of Mysteries. He'd noticed the looks that Harry had received for his muggle clothing and he wondered, not for the first time, why he never wore robes. They stepped off the lift and Harry led the way down the empty hallway. Severus had never been to the Ministry of Magic before and he took in everything in interest. They came to a plain door at the end of the corridor and Harry opened it and waved him in. Severus frowned, since the circular room was just doors spread out around walls in all directions. As soon as Harry closed the door behind him the walls spun around. He couldn't even pick out the door that they'd entered through.

"This is the entrance to the Department of Mysteries," Harry answered his unspoken question. "Some idiot thought that this was a good idea and many Department Heads have been trying to fix ever since."

Harry stepped forward and opened the door ahead of them. It opened up into a large room with shelves full of unknown items. Severus peered into the room before Harry closed the door and they spun again before them.

"Each door opens up into a different section," Harry explained. "We believe that this was supposed to work as a security measure but as you can see. Anyone that doesn't know the Department will just end up lost until someone finds them. Instead, they warded the hallway that we walked down. Only approved people can get down here and it has helped with random idiots ending up in the wrong place."

"So," Severus said slowly. "How do we get to the right Department?"

"Department of Mysteries, main office."

The doors spun around then settled and Harry waved his hand to the door before them. Severus hesitated before reaching out and opening the door. He looked into a large room with desks scattered about.

"For now," Harry remarked, as he walked through the door and Severus followed him. "You only need to know how to get in here."

Harry walked down the row of desks and Severus followed after. They drew a few stares as they headed to the office at the back of the room. Harry knocked at the door and they waited.

"Come in."

Harry pushed the door open and waved for Severus to go first. He stepped into the large office and took in the man behind the desk. Minister Dean Albert looked up at them as Harry shut the door behind him. There was a scowl on his face as he looked at Harry.

"Take a seat, Severus." Harry offered. "Minister Albert, how are you today?"

"I have enough work on my plate without you making more," Albert retorted.

"I know the feeling," Harry replied mildly. "This is Severus Snape."

"I hope you know what you're getting yourself into, boy." Albert warned and Severus lifted his chin up as he stared back.

"Yes," Severus said flatly.

Albert just chuckled at his answer and pulled out a small bag from his desk drawer.

"Then try not to learn too many bad habitats from, Swift." Albert stated and dropped the bag on his desk.

"I'll be sure to catch him up quickly," Harry said as he picked up the bag and slipped it away in his jacket pocket.

"Death Eater attacked last night," Albert commented and Severus started. "Twelve muggles killed and two Aurors."

"What was the target?" Harry questioned.

"A tavern," Albert sighed as he sat back in his seat. "Greengrass informed me about an hour ago."

"Did you want me to take a look?"

"If you have the time," Albert answered. "Seemed like a straight forward attack."

"Testing the waters? Response time?"

"Possibly," Albert agreed and looked at Severus. "I hope you have a hard stomach."

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Harry remarked. "He's used to potions."

Albert laughed at that and Severus felt a little faint. They spoke about raids and death so casually.

"Is there something that the Aurors were concerned about?" Harry pressed.

"'Something dark' was what Greengrass said," Albert replied with a shrug. "With them, it could have been anything but you should be able to find out."

Albert wrote something out on a piece of paper and held it out to Harry and he took it in his hand. Albert then settled his eyes on Severus.

"Welcome to the Department of Mysteries, Mr Snape." Albert stated. "I'm sure that Harry will catch you up on everything that you need to know."

"Dumping ground of the Ministry," Harry remarked with a smirk towards Albert. "He's all caught up now."

"Get out, Swift." Albert snapped and Harry chuckled.

"Come on, Severus." Harry said mildly. "Albert can only take me in small doses."

Albert muttered something under his breath but Severus could tell there was no heat to it as they left the office. He fell into step with Harry as they walked back out of the Ministry. They headed up to London this time before Harry pulled out the note that Albert had written. Harry grabbed Severus's shoulder and apparated. Severus stumbled on his first step then looked up at the crumbling building before him. It was taped off and a bored looking man stood out the front in muggle clothes. He could tell that there were wards in place for the simple fact that the muggles weren't paying attention to them or the building.

"Luckily it was only twelve," Harry remarked as he walked towards the man as he pulled something out of his jacket. "Harold Swift, Department of Mysteries."

"Really?" The man asked in surprise.

"That's what the badge says," Harry snapped as he held up said badge. "Have the bodies been removed?"

"Not yet, sir." The man replied as he flicked his eyes to Severus. "It's nasty."

"Severus, wait here."

Severus wanted to argue but the man on the door gave him a look that held his tongue. The man was a Auror and the look said; wait out here. Severus nodded as Harry stepped under the tape and carefully walked into the crumbling building.

"Trust me," the Auror said to him. "You don't want to see what they did."

Severus nodded and took in the street while he waited.


Harry took in the damage around him and had to agree it was nasty but he'd seen worse. He could still feel the dark magic on the air and he was sure that this had just been a little bit of sport for some Death Eaters. A bit of fun that has cost fourteen people their lives. Head Auror Adrian Fowley noticed him first and headed over.

"Thanks for coming, Harry. We're still processing the scene," Fowley told him. "Happened just after midnight and they warded the area. Took us a while to get through what they'd placed. Twelve muggles dead and five more at the hospital. We lost two Aurors."

"I'm sorry for your losses," Harry responded. "They used a lot of dark magic here."

"Yes," Fowley agreed. "Anything that you can tell us will be helpful."

"Very well," Harry consented with a nod. "I'll get started. I have to be back at the school for afternoon lessons."

"You could come and work for us, Harry." Fowley tried, not for the first time.

Harry looked at the carnage around him of torn bodies and rubble. A disturbing and unsettling sight for many but for Harry it wasn't unfamiliar. This was a war heating up between Lord Voldemort and the Ministry.

"I believe that I'll stick with incompetent students instead," Harry retorted. "Just signed up an apprentice, in fact."

"Will he be able to deal with this?" Fowley questioned.

"Can your new Aurors?" Harry countered and Fowley grimaced.

"This is hard for even hardened Aurors," Fowley pointed out and they fell into silence. "I'll leave you to your work."

Harry nodded and Fowley walked back over to his team. Harry crouched down as he pulled out his wand and looked at the blood splattered ground. He pulled out a piece of parchment and placed it down. Blood soaked into the white of the paper but he ignored that since it would help with the spell that he was about to cast. He placed the tip of his wand to the paper as he gathered his magic. He whispered the spell under his breath and his magic spread out and captured all the essences of the spells that were used as well as samples of the blood spilled.

He watched in interest as the magic slowly absorbed into the paper. Curling script appeared as each spell was revealed and Harry took note of them. The standard unforgivable spells came up which wasn't surprising. Then a few others that were just as dark and expected. He looked around as the spell ran its course. He was thankful that the smell had been dampened by a charm since the sight of the bodies was bad enough.

The Death Eaters had been taking these kinds of 'pot shots' for a while now. Harry was concerned that with Easter coming up soon that Voldemort had something big planned. Harry sighed and looked back down at the paper and noticed that the spell had finished. He tapped the parchment with his wand and copied it three times. He tapped one and it disappeared as he sent it to Albert. He stood up and placed one away in his pocket.

"Adrian," Harry called and waved the parchment.

The man hurried over and took the paper from his hand with a thanks.

"Seems all stock standard," Fowley remarked as he read through the list. "How do you get it to write up the victims' names?"

"Blood," Harry said simply.

"Well, plenty of that around," Fowley muttered.

"Yes," Harry agreed. "Anything else you want?"

"No," Fowley said. "You can go deal with your students now. I'll let you know if we learn anything more."

Harry nodded and collected Severus outside and apparated them back to the school. He reached into his jacket pocket and took out the small cloth bag that Albert had given him.

"This is your badge," Harry told him as he held the bag out. "You need that on you whenever you go down the Department which at the moment should only be when I am with you. Do not lose that or you'll have to face Albert to get another one."

"Yes, sir." Severus whispered and pulled out the badge and ran his thumb over his name.

The badge flashed in his hand as it took a sample of his magic.

"That badge is keyed to your magic," Harry explained as he started walking towards the castle. "Only you can use it. You'll notice that my name is also on it, since you are my apprentice. That will only get you into the main office of the Department and any room that Albert or I allow. Do not go wandering around the Ministry or the Department. Understand?"

"Yes, sir."

They walked in comfortable silence until they stood on the top step of the castle. Harry stopped and turned to Severus and the teen looked down at him.

"I understand that this apprenticeship puts you in dangerous position," Harry mentioned. "I'm going to ask you to continue as you are, Severus."

"What do you mean?" Severus asked with a frown.

"I understand that you have connections," Harry continued. "I'm not asking you to break those ties unless you wish to."

"I...I'm not sure what you are asking," Severus stuttered.

"I'm sure that you do," Harry disagreed, "and I'm sure that you will share any information that you see fit."

Severus slowly nodded his head with sharp black eyes.

"Just a warning," Harry cautioned as he pinned Severus with a level stare. "I don't tolerate betrayal lightly."

Severus nodded sharply as he paled and Harry let his eyes linger before he turned on his heels.

"Harry," Severus called and Harry looked back. "Neither do I."

Harry nodded before he turned and walked into the castle. Leaving Severus standing on the front step of the school.


Harry's eyes skipped over the bodies laid out around him and almost felt deja vu from a few days ago. Only the setting was different. Instead of a tavern it was restaurant. He sighed as the Aurors worked around him and he was sure that the blood on the ground was still warm. He'd noticed the looks that he'd received from the men and women but he'd been at more than one Death Eater attack and he was sure that his name was out there now. He knew how much the departments gossiped. His eyes caught on Head Auror Gareth Greengrass as the man walked through the door and headed his way. If the Head of the Department was seeing the scene in person then this was getting serious and quickly.

"Harry," Greengrass greeted. "Thank you for coming so quick."

"I was at the ministry when you contacted Albert," Harry replied as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Do we know why he attacked here?"

"No," Greengrass sighed and glanced around. "At this moment in time, we are thinking that this place was picked at random, much like all the other locations so far. Did you run your spell?"

"Yeah," Harry said and held out the parchment. "Did you lose any Aurors?"

"Not this time," Greengrass answered. "We need to get on top of this."

"Pressure from above?"

"You could say that."

"Any chatter about an attack for Easter?"

"What makes you ask that?" Greengrass demanded with a sharp look.

"He has a flare for the holidays," Harry muttered.

"Albert did say that you have studied this man," Greengrass remarked. "That you would have insights that others wouldn't."

Harry nodded sharply but didn't say anything on the subject.

"For someone that has a sealed file in the Ministry," Greengrass commented but his eyes were sharp. "It makes me think that you are more than just a Professor at a school or a member of the Department."

"Sure," Harry said with a disarming smile. "And on my magic, I am not in league with Voldemort."

Greengrass grimaced at the name as his eyes darted around, but when the Dark Lord didn't appear, he relaxed.

"Are you mad," Greengrass hissed. "Do you want to bring him down on our heads?"

"I'm sure that I can handle that," Harry said with arrogant smirk.

Greengrass just hummed and looked at the parchment in his hand. Harry allowed him the time as he took in the scene. It looked like the Death Eaters had locked and warded the doors to the restaurant before starting their fun. Ten muggles dead and the moment that the Aurors had shown up they had fled. He was in no doubt that the muggles had been the target.

"Is there still a delay in the alarm spell?" Harry questioned as he stepped over to the body of a young child and crouched down.

"Yes," Greengrass sighed. "That spelled box that you helped with is still interfering with our spells. We are looking into breaking those old spells and starting over."

"That would involve calling in the goblins," Harry mentioned.

"Yes, and a big job."

Harry stood back up as his eyes ran from one body to another and the way that the Aurors worked in silence. They were shell shocked at the scene and Harry could understand.

"I could help with that," Harry offered. "It would save you from bringing in the goblins."

"We have a meeting this weekend," Greengrass told him.

"Wow," Harry exclaimed. "The Ministry working on the weekend."

"Easter is just over three weeks away," Greengrass sighed. "The Minster wants this sorted before then. Can you be there?"

"Yes," Harry agreed.

They fell into silence as stretchers rolled in to take away the victims to the local hospital. It was getting harder to keep all the deaths out of the muggle newspapers. They were going to have to do a press release soon and Harry was happy that he didn't have to do that. Harry was just concerned with what Voldemort might be planning for Easter or if they were going to be blindsided. He almost regretted not paying attention in History of Magic classes...almost.

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