Golden Age by black_blade

Par baby4fangirl

51.5K 2.4K 124

Summary: After two hundred and forty years, Harry Potter thought that he'd seen it all, until he is transport... Plus

Chapter 1: Chapter One
Chapter 2: Chapter Two
Chapter 3: Chapter Three
Chapter 4: Chapter Four
Chapter 5: Chapter Five
Chapter 6: Chapter Six
Chapter 7: Chapter Seven
Chapter 8: Chapter Eight
Chapter 10: Chapter Ten
Chapter 11: Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15: Chapter Fifteen
Chapter 16: Chapter Sixteen
Chapter 17: Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18: Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20: Chapter Twenty
Chapter 21: Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter 22: Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter 23: Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter 24: Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter 25: Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter 26: Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter 27: Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter 28: Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter 29: Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter 30: Chapter Thirty
Chapter 31: Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter 32: Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter 33: Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter 34: Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter 35: Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter 36: Epilogue
Chapter 37: Fix up

Chapter 9: Chapter Nine

1.6K 81 3
Par baby4fangirl

James and Sirius walked out of the castle early in the morning with their brooms in hand.

"Looks like someone else had the same idea," Sirius remarked and pointed out the figure.

They watched the flying person and had to admit that they had some serious skills.

"Whoa," Sirius gasped as the figure dived then barrel rolled before they could hit the ground. "Who do you think that is?"

"Not one of our team," James replied. "Or Slytherin."

"Could be Simmons from Ravenclaw?"

"Too short," James disagreed.

They walked through the stands and out onto the field then stopped dead. They knew the person as he swung around then ducked as a bludger tried to take him out. It was Harold Swift.

"Wow," Sirius exclaimed. "That is next level skill."

James nodded in agreement. They had seen Madam Hooch in the air before, and her skill had been amazing, but Swift put her to shame. Swift spotted them and dived down and James's breath caught in his throat but the man pulled up at the last moment before gliding towards them.

"Hurry up and we'll have a game," Swift called before pulling up.

James and Sirius shared a look as Swift flew straight up before pulling back slightly. The man hovered for a moment before gravity kicked in and he fell backwards. The man and broom as one as they fell back towards earth then arched around. The two Gryffindors caught a flutter of gold to their left and glanced that way.

"Come on," Sirius encouraged with a grin. "I bet that we can get the snitch before he can."

James eyes lingered on Swift as a bludger darted past them and towards their teacher. Sirius took off after the snitch while Swift ducked and weaved to the side to avoid the bludger before speeding after Sirius. James seated himself on his broom and thought that he should have taken that bet.

Sirius pulled up with Swift close on his heels as the snitch darted up and James shifted as a bludger came hurdling towards him. James sped up with the bludger behind him then ducked down and the ball sailed over his head and headed straight towards Swift. His teacher easily ducked and James cursed. He could tell that Swift had plenty of practise. Sirius turned to the left and Swift dropped as he laid along the length of his broom and James's breath caught at the speed.

Swift then pulled up at the last moment and cannon balled upwards just as Sirius came around. The Gryffindor yelped and pulled up sharply to avoid running into his teacher. Swift's hand darted out before Sirius as he past him. Swift whooped as he casually avoided the bludger with the gold snitch in his hand. James just stared then laughed as Sirius drifted towards him with a grin.

"Wow," Sirius breathed as Swift curved around and headed towards him.

"Not too bad for being hungover," Swift laughed with a grin and it was the most relaxed that the two Gryffindors had seen him.

"I know that feeling," Sirius grumbled.

Swift grinned and threw the snitch towards Sirius and the man caught it easily.

"How about another game?" Swift offered.

"Sure," Sirius agreed eagerly and released the snitch. "I'm not falling for your tricks again."

Swift just laughed and dipped backwards into a roll as he left the two students hanging there. Sirius gave James a wide grin before taking off after Swift. James slowly followed as he watched the two twisting around as they raced each other around the pitch while the bludger tried to unseat them. Swift could be so hot and cold sometimes and James wondered just where the man stood. James then flicked his eyes around as he noticed a glint of gold and took off. All other thoughts fleeing his head.


Harry looked around the neighbourhood and felt like he'd been there before. He turned to the door before him and knocked loudly. From the car in the driveway, he knew that someone was home. The flick of the curtains beside the door confirmed it. A pale woman answered the door with stringy black hair to her shoulders and worry lines on her face.

"Yes?" The woman asked as her eyes flicked over him.

"Mrs Snape?" Harry requested with a smile and the woman nodded. "My name is Harold Swift, I'm from Hogwarts school."

"What are you doing here?" Eileen demanded as her eyes flicked behind her. "My husband is home."

"Perfect," Harry said with a smile and placed his foot against the door. "I wish to speak to both of you in regards to your son."

"Severus," Eileen whispered. "Is he okay?"

"Yes, may I come in?"

Eileen glanced over her shoulder before nodding sharply and stepping to the side. Harry looked around the hallway that he'd walked into and took in the stairs before him and the living room to the left of him.

"Eileen?" A man called out. "Who's at the door?"

"Someone from Severus's school," Eileen answered, nervously.

"What's that boy done?"

A tall man appeared at the living room door and looked at Harry coldly. Harry could tell that Severus took after his father in height and build but had his mother's colourings. The man sneered at him which twisted up his handsome face. He had dark brown hair and stood, easily, over six feet with a slim build but a cold look to his dark eyes.

"I'm here to offer your son an apprenticeship," Harry retorted as he stood up to the man before him.

"In what?" Tobias demanded as he came to stand before him.

"Many subjects," Harry answered with a shrug. "Could we take this to the living room?"

"No," Tobias sneered. "We're not interested in what you're selling."

"But-" Eileen started to say then shut her mouth when Tobias glared at her.

"No, let her speak." Harry remarked and those cold eyes focused back on him. "She knows what kind of opportunity that I'm offering."

Tobias opened his mouth and Harry lifted up his hand and the man shut his mouth again. Eileen sucked in a breath at his silent use of magic.

"This is an offer that I will be making to Severus and Severus alone," Harry hissed as he glared at the man before him. "He is an adult in the magical world but still a student at Hogwarts. That is the only reason that I am here."

Tobias took a threatening step forward and Harry smirked at him. Eileen grabbed her husband's arm and tried to pull him back but the man just lashed out at her. Harry sneered at the man as Eileen fell back and hit the floor.

"Stay out of this, woman." Tobias snarled. "Severus is my son and you have no right stepping into this house and demanding anything!"

Harry took a step forward into Tobias's space as he glared up at the taller man. He could see the unease at his move as Harry's lips curled up as he glared at the man before him.

"Tobias," Eileen whispered from the floor.

"Shut it, woman." Tobias snarled.

"And here I thought that I wouldn't have to force you," Harry sighed.

"You think that you can force me," Tobias demanded and went to grab his arm.

Harry moved quicker and grabbed Tobias's wrist and twisted it sharply as he brought his knee up into the man's stomach. Tobias grunted as Harry slipped to the side and pulled the other man's arm around and kicked out at the back of the man's knee. Tobias grunted as his knees hit the ground and Harry stepped behind him as he brought the wrist that he held up behind the tall man's back. Tobias yelped in pain and Harry twisted the wrist further as he felt the bones in his arm under his fingers. Eileen jumped to her feet with a cry as she held her hand before her mouth in shock. Within seconds, Harry had the taller and bulker man on his knees and under his control.

"You see, Mr Snape." Harry said calmly as he held the man's wrist in a tight grip. "You will find that I can force you to do whatever I like. That was not my intention when I arrived at your door and yet this is how this has played out. I should be surprised but I'm not."

"We'll sign your papers," Eileen gasped. "Please don't hurt him."

Harry turned his eyes on the woman and she shrunk back from him.

"You know the one thing that I hate most?" Harry questioned her and the woman shook her head with wide eyes. "Those that abuse the power that they have over others."

"I didn't mean to use my magic," Eileen uttered with wide eyes.

"And I'm sure that you regret it every day but that is not what I am referring to," Harry stated. "Do you want Severus to pay the price for your sin?"

Harry twisted the wrist in his hand and Tobias yelled out in pain as Eileen shook her head.

"Please," Eileen pleaded.

Harry leaned down close to Tobias's ear and whispered, "the pain you inflict will be the pain that you receive."

"No!" Eileen cried out.

Power swirled around the room as the curse took effect and Harry released Tobias and quickly stepped back. The man snarled and threw himself to his feet as his face flushed with rage. Eileen jumped forward and he pushed her back and she hit the wall hard behind her. Tobias yelped and grabbed his back in pain. Harry smirked as Tobias froze as he held his back.

"What did you do?" Tobias demanded.

"It is more what you did, Mr Snape." Harry said calmly as he stared at the man evenly.

"He cursed you," Eileen sobbed.

"Then you can reverse it," Tobias snarled and turned on his wife.

"No, she can't." Harry said mildly and Tobias turned back to him. "Only the one that laid the curse can undo it."

"Then undo it," Tobias yelled as he closed in on Harry.

"Lay one hand on anyone, Mr Snape." Harry said calmly. "And you will receive the same. Use your words and you will inflict the same on yourself. In other words, your days of being an abusive parent and husband are over."

Tobias snarled and threw a punch. Harry stepped back sharply then grabbed Tobias's arm and pulled. He twisted to the side and brought the man down in a tangle of limbs. Harry sneered down at the man before him as Tobias looked up at him with fear. Harry crouched down just out of his reach. He slipped a few papers out of his jacket and a pen.

"There is so much more that I wish to do," Harry told him, casually. "But I am sitting on the edge of the laws of the Ministry as it is. You will sign these papers, Mr Snape. If you lay one hand on Severus or if I hear that something has happened to Mrs Snape here then I will return. You do not want me to return here."

Tobias nodded sharply and Harry dropped the pen on the ground before the man followed by the papers. The man glared at him the whole time as he signed his name where Harry pointed out. Harry took the papers back and flicked his hand and the pen ripped itself from Tobias's hand before he stood. Tobias pulled himself to his feet and stood there with a glare on his face as he rubbed his arm. Harry turned to Eileen and held the papers and pen out in offer. The woman quickly grabbed them in her hand and signed her name as her husband took a few steps back. Harry slipped the papers away with the pen and gave Eileen a smile.

"Nice meeting you, Mrs Snape." Harry offered and turned to Tobias and that glare. "Your son is in good hands."

"Do whatever you want with the little shit," Tobias snarled. "He's just a waste of money anyway. Use him as you see fit."

Tobias then froze as pain twisted up his face and Harry smirked. Those dark eyes focused back on him in pure hate and Harry smiled with a glint in his eyes.

"I'm sure that I will, Mr Snape." Harry replied. "He will be cared for and educated. He will become powerful and if he walks the right path. He will not come back here and kill you."

Tobias paled at his words and Harry gave him a sneer.

"But I may return," Harry stated. "You wouldn't much like that if that happens. Have a nice day, Mrs Snape."

Eileen nodded, looking as pale as her husband. Harry gave them a smile and walked out of the house. He felt lighter now as he apparated back to the gates of Hogwarts.


Severus leaned back against the wall outside of Swift's office as he waited to be let in. He wasn't sure what Harry had planned for him but he knew that he would follow it. He wasn't sure at what moment that his thinking had changed to that but it had. He'd known the man less than six months and yet felt like he'd been a part of his life a lot longer.

He looked up when he heard a noise in the hallway to see Harry walking towards him from down the hallway. He frowned at that since he was sure that he'd been in his office but there were lots of ways around that. He'd already seen the way that Harry had his office and rooms linked to others. He was sure that he might have had a way out of the castle as well. Harry waved his hand and his office door sprung open.

"In you go," Harry offered.

Severus nodded and stepped into the office and Harry closed the door behind him. He then walked straight past him and tapped his wand to the wall and it shifted out of his way to reveal the man's rooms beyond.

"Take a seat," Harry said as he walked towards the small kitchen to his left. "Do you want a drink?"

"Tea, please." Severus answered as he settled into the lounge before the fire.

"There are some papers on the coffee table," Harry called back. "If you want to read through them."

Severus picked up the papers in question then paused. They were apprenticeship papers. He'd only heard of such things but no Hogwarts student had been one since he'd been here. They had his name and Harry's on them and they set out the rules involved. It was very straight forward and since he was already at Hogwarts then he would be continuing his education. He then noticed the signatures at the bottom and felt faint. His parents had signed them. Swift had been to see his parents. He wondered if his father was still alive after the visit.

Harry re-entered the room with two cups and set them down on the coffee table. He then sprawled out next to Severus on the lounge.

"Not everything is set out there," Harry told him as he leaned back on the lounge. "I'm not a master of just one subject which gives you more of a board range than other masters. I'm also not sure how far that you wish to take the apprenticeship as well. You are very skilled in potions but you will find that I am not. I can get by and if that is where you wish to focus your talents then I can set something up through the Department of Mysteries."

"I can go to the Department of Mysteries?" Severus uttered in shock.

"Yes," Harry answered and gave him a side glance. "If you sign the papers then you fall under me which makes you part of the Department. I've already seen Minister Albert in regards to that and he will be issuing you with a badge to that effect."

Severus stared at Harry with shock and wasn't sure what to say. Harry gave him a smile in return.

"You'll actually be higher up in the Ministry then Lucius Malfoy," Harry commented mildly.

Severus just felt a ball of fear in his stomach at those words. He'd already been approached in joining the Dark Lord's ranks before he met Swift and now, he would be in a better position than before. He placed the papers on the table as his joy turned to ash.

"I-I," Severus stuttered but he couldn't form the words.

Harry turned to him and rested his hand on his arm and Severus started.

"You will fall under my protection," Harry insisted. "If you are concerned about the Dark Lord's influence then you shouldn't be."

"You don't know him," Severus warned, which was the closest that he'd come to admitting that he'd been on that side. "He has a way of turning people."

"I am well aware of that," Harry responded, mildly.

Severus looked away at those words and Harry clenched his hand on his arm. Severus dragged his eyes back then couldn't turn away. Harry pinned with him with an ageless stare and Severus believed him. Swift would take on the Dark Lord to protect him.

"Why?" Severus whispered. "Why are you doing this?"

Harry blew out a breath and looked away from him and Severus took a breath once those eyes were off him. The man looked into the fire but hadn't removed his hand from his arm.

"That is a complex answer," Harry said, without looking at him. "You are worth saving, Severus."

Severus started at those words and wasn't sure how to take them. He'd lived a large part of his life feeling like he was worth nothing. A child of abuse brought up in a house of pain and suffering. Sorted into a house that were hated by the other houses. He always knew that his path would be a dark one and he was still sure that was the case. He felt like he knew Harold Swift and the kind of man that he was by his words and actions.

"It's up to you if you want to sign the papers," Harry responded as he released him and picked up his coffee. "You can take some time to think about it."

Severus just picked up the papers and the pen on the table and signed his name on the right line. It didn't flash or disappear and he was left looking at his name beside Harry's and his parents.

"Or you could do that," Harry chuckled. "I'll have some rooms set up here for you to use. You will continue your classes as normal and the Headmaster and I have agreed that for the rest of the year you will still be in Slytherin. Tomorrow, we'll go and see Albert and get everything set up on that end."

"Thank you," Severus whispered.

Harry looked back at him and quirked a lopsided smile, "I wouldn't thank me yet."

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