Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathb...

By Katisawriter12

9.4K 148 240

This shows the life of Deathbringer, Glory, their friends, and all of their dragonets. This contains drama, r... More

The Picnic
The Proposal Part 1
The Proposal Part 2
The Wedding
The Egg
The Dragonet(s??)
Message from the Narrorator
Message from the Narrorator
Learning and Growing
The Talk
Boys are weird. PERIOD.
Animuses and Dragonets don't work well with eachother.
Welcome, Hyacinth
Coconuts and Besties
Sunny and Starflight's Wedding : Part 1
Message from the author
Sunny and Starflight's Wedding : Part 2
Our Egg
Jade Mountain Academy
Queenly (and not queenly) Things
Seashell vs. Jade Part 1
Seashell vs. Jade Part 2
Venus and Mossstone
Why did you leave, PoiPoi?
Make Room For Refugees
Fight? Fight! FIGHT! (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
Betrayal ~ Two Days Before The Flood
Dance of the Year
Such A Bloodbath
"Tsu, the queen is dead."
Tourmaline And Their Parents
First Date Part 1
First Date Part 2
Apologize You Lummox
Moving Back
Got 'em
Revenge For Queen Coral Part 1
Dayum, she fine~
Revenge for Queen Coral Part 2
Revenge for Queen Coral Part 3
Its Over. It's The End.
School's Over. YIPPPEEEE
Vacation at the Beach
The Egg' Yours
The Princess's Allergic To Fish.
The Cat's Out Of The Bag
The "Talk"
Sun Time
Birthday Party!
Apologies Accepted
spilling them teas.
A Royal Hatching Day
School Starts Already?! Part 1
School Starts Already?! Part 2
School Starts Already?! Part 3
"Shut up, you nerd!"
legit jumpscare
Oh, thats what you think?
Ready? Set. . . Fieldtrip! (p1 cus its unfinished)

Where Are They?

49 2 4
By Katisawriter12

"And they just left? Just like that?"
"Deathbringer, you were there. Kolluth took Seashell and their egg and just. . . flew off."
"Where do you think they went?'
"I'm not sure. They didn't go in the direction of Possibility or Jade Mountain, but I don't expect them to go to either because they are kids and don't even know where these places are. . ."
"Well who cares?! Let's just get a search party and search all over Phyrria FOR GOODNESS SAKE."
"ExxxxCUSE ME???"
"SHUT UP. Can we focus on finding the dragonets-"

Hyacinth slammed her talons to her ears, Gill started laughing with his tail curled around and struggling Reed, and Poisonwing threw his wings over his head.

Tsunami, Glory, Riptide, and Deathbringer were talking (more like argueing) about what to do about Kolluth and Seashell.
"I hate when they argue," Reed said over the adult's argueing.
"IT'S YOUR FAULT THEY LEFT!" Hyacinth roared, getting up quickly and pouncing on him. Poisonwing got up and tried to pull her back, but her grip on the green dragonet was strong.

She held her claws gripped on his shoulders and Reed shrieked with pain.
"Hyacinth, stop it!" Gill and Poisonwing shouted, both trying to pull her back. Her grip loosened and soon they fell back with her in the middle.
"I'm sorry!" Reed whimpered, lightly touching the place that she scratched him.

"I wish you were the one allergic to fish!" She screamed at him, her usual violet scales bright red like a Skywing's. "Why do you have to be like that? You ruined our brother and your sister's lives! Oh my GOSH, REED. Be NORMAL!" She whipped her tail and flared her ruff, which was orange and speckles of dark red and violent purple.

"I'm sorry!" Reed cried, his green scales looking paler and paler. "I thought what I was doing was right! You wouldn't want your own brother keeping a secret so important and he never tells you."
"But you said it as a good thing," Poisonwing pointed out. "You said it like. . . like it was all about you. It seemed like you didn't care less what Tsunami and Glory would do to them."

Reed looked down. "I'm sorry. I'm only three, not an adult like you guys." Hyacinth flared her ruff again and growled, but Poisonwing hmshushed her. "And Hyacinth, I'm sorry. I really thought you liked me and-"
"Why would I like you out of all dragons?" She snarled and Reed backed off.

"He's a small dragonet. Spare him some sympathy," Gill threatened. "He has his hopes and dreams. He only thought what he was doing was right."
"But in the wrong way possible!" She said, her tail starting to  become a little more purple than red.
"Who cares?" Poisonwing said. "We need to find Kolluth and Seashell soon before someone else finds them. We don't need to find their corpses."
"And I'm in this?" Reed asked, his tail twitching nervously.
"You started it, dingbat," Hyacinth frowned. "Anyway, the rainforest is closest to us, and knowing Kolluth, he'd probably choose a place he's been before because he knows the area." She looked at the boys with green eyes. "We got this."

"Woah woah woah," Gill said. "Do we have to go? Are our parents coming with us? Are we doing it by our selves?"
"For goodness SAKE, Gill!" Hyacinth muttered, slamming her talon to the forehead and sighing softly. "I am an aunt now and you three or uncles. We are basically adults so GROW UP. If Kolluth and Seashell can make an egg, than we can go off by ourselves."

"Do you even know how eggs are made?" Poisonwing asked, his face looking concerned, amused, and the utmost frightened all at the same time.
"Doiwannu?" She said quietly.
"Well, a man has to put his coc-"
"OKAY ANYWAY," Hyacinth said, flaring her wings and turning around. "Let's go."


"And you really think Kolluth and Seashell are there?" Glory asked them from the air.

"Positive," Hyacinth said, flicking her tail and raising her lavender head to the sky. Dove and Tytan were sitting on her back with the left over cookies. "Where else would they be?"
"Everywhere else from the direction we're flying to," Deathbringer frowned from beside Glory. Poisonwing frowned and flew above his sister, lighting brushing his tail with the tip of her wings.
"Father, please," Hyacinth rolled her eyes. "Be optimistic." She turned and pointed to Tsunami, who was furiously glaring at the ground below, as if some crazy monster had risen up from the dead and was out to get them. "For her sake."

Glory, Deathbringer, and Poisonwing looked back at the blue Seawing and her husband and kids. Poisonwing looked back at his sister and smiled. She grew so much and was so SMART!


Eventually, after two days' flight, they managed to get to the rainforest, only when it was raining. It's always raining in the rainforest.

The eight dragons and two humans flew past trees and ropes and ropes of branches and intertwining vines. A blank panther glared at them from the side for scaring off his prey. As they reached the village, Poisonwing got a happy feeling of being home once again. But really, this was a question to find his brother and future sister-in-law or what ever they are called.

"Where do you think they are?" Tsunami asked, accidentally whacking her tail into a group of lime green frogs.
"Chill, Tsunami," Glory said. "AND STOP WRECKING MY FOREST. You're living up to your name."
"And there isn't anything 'glorious' about yours," Tsunami snapped back, sniveling her head around and ending up slamming the side of her blue neck into the tree. "UGH. It was less crowded when I was here."
"Six years ago?" Glory snorted. "More like seven." She looked at Tsunami and said quickly, "Like anyone is counting."

They reached the pavilion quickly, passing by waving Rainwings and running children. Poisonwing felt a sense of happiness, knowing that Magenta could be in that crowd, waving up to him.
"I swear, when I get there," Deathbringer muttered from the front, his black scales glittering gray from age. "He'll make me grow a beard!"
"You're growing one," Glory snided.

By the time they had gotten to the pavilion, Hyacinth had already dropped all of her stuff on the vine floor and was backing in the sun. Riptide, Gill, and Reed looked around in complete shock and awe.
"You LIVE here, Poisonwing?" Gill gaped, his blue scales looking like his father's in the light. Reed looked so amazed, his eyes were popping out of its socket.
"Yeah," he answered and let the adults pass to search the area. "It's pretty much like this every day."
"EVERY DAY??" the Seawing boys gasped. He nodded and followed the four adults in the main room.

"KOLLUTH?" Glory bellowed, her scales going instantly red and violent purple. Tsunami's scales had a tiny of red in it.
"Let me find him," Hyacinth said, stepping up with sleeping people on her back. "I'm the only one not as mad at them right now, so I can be calm. Scream at them later, Mother."
"Fine," Glory said. She turned to him. "And go with your sister, Poisonwing."
"Yes, Ma'am," he said with a smile, running with the little butterfly dragon.

They ran for a second, searching every room until they stopped at the twin's room.  They looked at each other and he opened the door. They peeked in and then looked back at each other with matching grins.

Kolluth was sleeping with Seashell, his wings covering hers and pulling him toward her. She had the top of her head pressed against his neck and he had his neck pressed against the top of her head. A small white thing was stuck in the middle of them, shaking her and there from Kolluth's shivering. They looked more like a true married couple. One that just had an egg and were acting as if this was the last living egg in the whole world.
"KOLLUTH," Hyacinth whispered loudly and tiptoed inside the room. She raised her wings and her tail, looking ready to pounce on him. "WAKE UP YOU STUPID MOTHER FLIPPING IDIOTIC SPERM MAKING DRAGONET."
"HYACINTH!" Poisonwing snapped quietly at her, holding his breath to stop from laughing. He broke and starting giggling until the shaking from his body rattled the floor.
"You're doing a terrible job of being quiet," Kolluth observed suddenly. He opened an eye to glare at them and rolled it.
"Hey!" Hyacinth scoffed, climbing on him and sitting on him. "You did a horrible job of being an exceptional big brother. You are supposed to be our guidance for when we get older."
"Oh I'm sorry," he muttered. Seashell opened an eye and made a surprised grunting sound.
"Mom's here," Poisonwing said. "Both of yours." Kolluth and Seashell groaned at the same time and Hyacinth giggled.
"I think I'll stick to practicing to be queen instead of having eggs." Her violet tail turned to a mocking yellow as she jumped off of Kolluth.

Poisonwing watched as the dragonets got up quickly with the egg. Kolluth set it down on his bed and stretched, Seashell signing and watching the floor. After a minute, they were ready and followed him down to the main hall, where four impatient dragons were waiting.

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