By Bluephoenix52

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so this story is merely a collection of various stories based on the love shows I watched while growing up... More



210 9 5
By Bluephoenix52

To all NetJames fans I know you must be heartbroken about the recent news. So I hope you like this chapter and do keep in mind yes they won't be doing projects together but atleast their friendship is still there.


      James was typing another script for a drama the station was working on  - a boys love drama  ; the scenario entailed  the male lead  desperately looking for the other male lead after an event separated them . At first the two men resented one another with a passion but after getting locked in a buliding for three days they bonded. Unfortunately , they never saw each other again after they police rescued them.

    He was currently writing the scene where the two would reunite again after a year and that reuniting eventually results to both of them developing feelings neither had seen coming at all.

  James stopped typing  and looked at his screen with nothing but complete frustration, "why does this seem familiar to my life. Shia."

         This particular scenario reminded him of  his own dilemma regarding a certain handsome actor / model it had been there months since he left Net at the hospital and although it was ro the best , a part of James couldn't help but miss him as much as he didn't want to .

      He missed the actor trying to get on his nerves and the smile net had on his face the time he had successfully caught fish after spending three hours onnan early morning. James' heart couldn't deny what his brain wouldn't let him say ; he had grown feelings for the actor/ model and that's why he kept remembering the actor the last three months.

But every time James thought about Net , he remembered seeing his mother in the hospital inquiring about Nwt like a mother hen. He knew it wasn't Net's fault at all but seeing his mother love and care for the actor way more than she ever treated him , her own biological son ticked and hurt James - he had being angry and jealous to see his mother worry for Net when she never did for him .  And it didn't make it better that when he thought about his feelings for Net he was as reminded the man was literally his stepbrother in a way.

He didn't understand why fate made him meet Net if the actor was connected to a past that only brought painful memories.  

   When James heard footsteps approaching he tore his sight away from the moon  and started typing again. .

        "James you're working ?"

"I told you uncle ," Yim said , "he's always such a busy bird."

   James rolled his eyes , "if you don't remember I was nearly fired ."

When he had returned from his little ' vacation ' from the island he had learnt his boss and director Tam had wanted to fire him because he wasn't picking up his calls. James thsbked all the gods out there she believed his story od him falling overboard and being one deserted island because that  secured his job.

"Chaai. but Tam also said you didn't have to overwork ."

   "I know. But I need to finish the script it needs to be submitted ."


    "Can I tell you something James?" His father smiled at him distracting him from his work.

    James looked up away from the laptop , "what?"

     "Ever since you came back , I noticed you look at the Moon and the stars more often ."

     "You've seen that too uncle ," Yim 's voice became a little too cheeky for James "it's almost as if he misses the island  or maybe something else. Right James?"

   James cursed at his friend quietly. Yim was the only person he had confided that Net was the person he wss trapped on the island with. If it wasn't for the fact his best friend had taken care of his father during his absence James would have hit him.

James focused on his dad instead , "I always star gazed . I don't see why it seems so surprising to you know."

"I know . You've always been a fan of the stars. But I couldn't help being curious. Ever since you returned you seem to do it more often ," Gun looked at his son knowing full aware he was in love with someone. He wouldn't pressure James to tell him who it was , "come. I came to call you for dinner."

    'ill be there."

Immediately his father left the room , James slapped Yims shoulder , "why ate you always trying to being up Net."

   "I wish I had been with him instead of you ," Yim replied instead , "you were with Net Sirahop for a week on an island ."

  "You make it seem it was a good thing. We were on a deserted island."

  "You two were alone on the island. You must have at one point seen net without his shirt. Ate you saying he isn't hot?" Yim asked with a skeptical brow raised .

James immediately thought of the time he was trying to bathe only to find Net stripping and the actor had been in nothing but tight boxers. He recalled every inch of Net's hot and well bulit body.

The assistant screen writer shook his head not wanting to delve into suxy thoughts , "I'm going to help Dad set the table. If you want to remain in here that's up to you."

"Fine them I'm going to watch this video of net all to myself." Yim knew that was going to get his friends attention. He knew when James liked a guy and ever since he was found he knew his friend had a crush on Net or probably even more .

   At that James froze in his spot , he become weaker when he heard Net's voice from the device and it caused his heart to tighten - he had missed the actor.

James watched the interview on Yim's phone on it was Net , it was a collection of sorts and watching them reminded  James of how different he and his ' stepbrother' , if that's even how he could refer Net , were. They both belonged to two different worlds and it was just best to forget what happened on the island and move on from these feelings that were bubbling.

            Besides Net was a well known womaniser clearly straight (🙈 not really )

               "Why are you showing me thus clip. I've work to finish and you." James snapped .

Yim looked unbothered , "just pay attention. He talks about you ."

           "What?" James attention went to the phone

       ' how was it like being deserted on an island ' the interviewer asked

     ' it was scary .' net said

     ' it must have been horrifying.'

the actor smiled , ' thankfully I had company  so it wasn't .'

         ' company?' the woman said , ' someone else was with you on the island?'

       ' chaai. We had both fallen overboard and landed together on the island.'

              ' where is she?'

   ' he ' Net clarified , ' and I don't know. When I woke up in the hospital.  He wasn't there anymore.'

             James frowned , deserting the hospital before the actor woke up wasn't something he was proud of. He just thought it had been right in the moment seeing his mother again riled him up.

         The interviewer smiled , ' it seems this guy and you became good friends huh.'

    Net chuckled , '  you could say that. We didn't get along very well at first. He liked bickering with me on what to do.'

             At that James scoffed  , "that's a lie."

     Net's smile seemed genuine , ' but within that week we got along and I don't know about him but he's a friend and I would like to thank him in person '

            The interviewer wiped a tear , ' that's so touching ja. So how do you plan to see him  if you don't know where he is .'

          Net looked directly at the camera , ' James if you're seeing this right now , I want you to know I want to reach out. Please ? Reach out to me. On the screen is my number and my managers , just call or text '

      James looked at the numbers that popped up on the screen. Despite what he thought of him and net being worlds apart he couldn't help but feel

   "This video has been circulating . Just look at the comment section ," Yim excitedly said scrolling through comments.

     James eyes scanned what people said ; some were demanding he do reach , others wished to be in his place and a few claimed he was lucky that Net Sirahop saw him as a friend .


"People are calling you the  island boy." His friend looked at him with a grin.  "You must be fluttered he thinks about you."

     James was indeed flattered but his pride wouldn't let him admit that to Yim of all people so it thought of the first excuse he could think of , "what ? He is exploiting what happened between us for the media "
      James wanted that to be the case , because seeing this video made him want to bury all the lingering feelings he had been developing for Net. Because even if Net wasn't his mother's stepson , even if the actor had been in bl shows , the truth was that Net was straight and he was from a different world . They weren't meant to be together.

After dinner , James had gone out to get some supplies that were low in the house despite it being late. Now he was waiting for a taxi but none wanted to show up.


James looked at the motorcyclist in the black leather jacket. "Do I know you?" He asked. How did a stranger know his name?

   The biker chuckled before taking off his helmet revealing a familiar face , "it's me Luke. Remember."

   James instantly remembered the hot bartender from the cruise ship.  "Oh yes. I remember you. How are you." He smiled.

   "I'm cool , what are you doing here so late ?"

    James gestured to the plastic bag , ", I had to get some things for the house."

  "Do you want a ride."

  "I'm ok."

  Luke just handed him a spare helmet , "it's already late. You won't find transport here. I'll take you to your home."

  "I don't want to bother."

  "I insist."

  Seeing Luke's stubbornness , James reclutantly took the spare helmet which was pink much to his annoyance.

   Luke didn't bother hiding his grin , "it's my niece's." He forgot how cute and handsome the brown haired man was. When James got he added , "hold onto me tightly."

     When Luke started his motorcycle , James automatically wrapped his arms around the man's middle. From appearance he could tell Luke was fit , but feeling his abs James realized he was indeed very hot .

     Luke felt James' around him and it made the former smile even more. He was determined to date the man behind him

"Hia." View , Net's sister , came up to him with a frown , "what if this idea of yours doesn't work."

    "It will. I know James  must have seen it." Net looked at the video of the interview on his tablet. His kitty must have seen it right? Unless James lived under a rock , he had to be among the viewers but if so he would have reached out right?

View sat closer , "Hia. Are you in love with him?"

      Net was confused by his sister's words. "no why would you think that." He was straight so why would his sister ask that.

  View pretended to act clueless , "I mean you've had alot of guy friends , but this island boy of yours , you're making alot of effort just to see him again. He seems to special for you. Hia , is it possible you're in love with him? Like your characters in your bl??"

     Net threw a pillow ay his sister who left the room giggling madly    "What nonsense" he didn't have feelings for James that way(🤨🤨).

But then his brain replayed the moment on the cruise during the escape room and they had kissed. That kiss still lingered in the headlf the actor/ model . He had kissed guys on set but kissing a man without a camera in front was different from what he usually felt.

Net shook  his head , "I don't see James that way." The reason he was looking for him ese because when the other had left the hospital without word it had hurt Net's feelings.

Regardless of all the bickering that took place on that island and his initial dislike for James , Net had grown accustomed to the other man - he meant what he said on the interview , James was someone he had grown attached to and that's why he was still searching for him the last three months.

Net looked up at the night sky and was instantly reminded of the fond memories when James had introduced him to the game of star gazing.

   "Will I ever see you again kitty?"  He asked himself. Net saw a shooting star and although the actor wasn't really a superstitious person he made a wish on it. He wished he would be United with James again.

"Why are we being called for a meeting?"

James heard the crew say and honestly he too was jus as blank and clueless.

  "Why does Tam want to see us all?" Yim asked.

  "I don't know. But I hope it's not another script change " net scolwed he hoped that wasn't the case.

  Just then the director Tam came she looked just as busy as ever , "okay I will be direct. The actor playing Korn got arrested for assaulting an officer just because the officer fined him. So the network decided to fire him , we do not tolerate one of our own battering and assaulting others ," at her words that alll agreed , "so a new actor has been selected to play Korn along side Tau. Everyone , round of applause for Net Sirahop."

               James stopped clapping mid way when he saw the actor again after three months. What was Net doing here????

      "Sawdee khrap. I'm Net Sirahop and I cannot wait to become part of the family " Net smiled at the crew some of whom were fangirling - the same went for the male workers too.

The actor's  smile faltered when he saw  , "you?"

"That's James ," the director said , "he's the assistant screen writer.

Yim saw how the two men looked at one another and it made him grin from ear to ear seeing how his best friend and his favorite actor stared at one another as if they were long lost lovers

Net  recalled what the other man had said when they were back on the island and kitty had said he worked in that area of the TV industry. James was writing the script for the latest project he was in - that alone made it he actor very proud and excited . He was looking for James the last six months and now fate had brought him back to him.

Net smiled  and extended his hand to the man he had been trying to sought for the last three months  "nice to meet you  James."

   James didn't respond - he couldn't believe his eyes after three months of not seeing each other he was face to face with Net.  Unbeknownst to the two , a new chapter was about to start on their lives.

Not gonna lie , I think if there was a Thai BL remake of Sanày Wala Nang Wakas, Luke would definitely suit playing leo ; the buff guy but us very soft hearted. That's why I decided to revive Luke's character in this again. Don't worry NetJames shippets the two are still endgame

Hey people. I'm currently on the part where Ara had met Leo while Christian with MaryAnn. I always shipped Ara and Christian while growing up but as an adult I do like the chemistry between Ara and Leo.

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