𝐌𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐚𝐭 𝐊𝐞 𝐀𝐚𝐧�...

By _dreamxwriter

104K 7K 1.6K

Known as "Love that hurts 💔" before. ❝ 𝐙𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐚 𝐤𝐡𝐚𝐧❞ ❝ 𝐑𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐢 ❞ I dedica... More

: ̗̀➛𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬: ̗̀➛
1. Intezaar | anticipation | انتظار
2. Jazbaat | Emotions |جذبات
3. Fasaad | Riot | فساد
4. Taqdeer | fate | تقدیر
5. Nafrat | hatred | نفرت
6.Khushi | Happiness | خوشی
7. Aghaz | beginning | آغاز
8. Mubaarka | congratulations | مبارکہ
9. Bechaini | Restlessness | بے چینی
10. Qubool | Accepted | قبول
11. Dard | Pain | درد
12. Roshan | Bright |(روشن).
13. Dil | Heart | دل
15. Asal | Real | اصل
16. Mazi | past |ماضی
17. Tabiyat | Health | طبیعت
18. Pachhtawa | Regret | پچھتاوا

14. Andaisha | concern | اندیشہ

5.1K 461 149
By _dreamxwriter

❝उनकी याद में दिल रोता है,
मेरी बेवफाई को वो जानते हैं।

मेरी चाहत में बस ये दर्द है,
मेरे दिल को तोड़कर वो मुस्कुराते हैं। ❞

❝In the memory of them, my heart weeps,
They know of my betrayal.

In my love, there is only this pain,
Breaking my heart, they still smile.❞

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Rumi writes The lyrics and shayaris that I wrote in every chapters, in her dairy which is for zayan solely!!


Zayan hesitated to enter his room where Rumi lay resting. After the doctor's examination, it was evident that she had developed a fever due to exposure to cold water and dust.

Despite the physician's reassurance, Zayan couldn't shake off the guilt weighing heavily on him.

Unbeknownst to him, Rumi's unconscious state was exacerbated by her dust allergy, a fact he remained oblivious to.

Despite his outward display of indifference, a small part of Zayan's heart couldn't help but worry about her well-being.

Although Zayan claimed to harbor nothing but disdain towards Rumi, he found himself grappling with conflicting emotions when he saw her faint in his arms. Her gaze stirred something within him, evoking memories of that day.


(Past part -2)

The very day she professed her love for me marked the beginning of my hatred towards her.

Despite harboring childhood affections for her, I refrained from expressing any interest, deeming her too young for such matters.

My intention was to wait until she matured before pursuing her.

However, over time, I witnessed her gradual descent into negativity.

Her tendencies to bully children in the neighborhood became increasingly apparent.

I vividly recall an incident in the park where a distraught young girl approached me, claiming that Rumi had slapped her. Although I initially dismissed the accusation, but later another child playing with that girl confirmed thier accusations amd it shattered my perception of the humble girl I once knew.

Despite my reservations, I placed unwavering trust in Rumi, even in the face of mounting evidence provided by my sister Hana. Hana, who attended the same school as Rumi, consistently alerted me to her wrongdoings, yet I remained steadfast in my belief in Rumi's innocence.

At the age of seventeen, I reluctantly embarked on a journey abroad, driven by my father's insistence on prioritizing my education. The thought of leaving Rumi behind filled me with reluctance, yet the determination to one day claim her as mine fueled my resolve to succeed.

As I bid farewell to my tearful sister, little did I know that Hana held a revelation that would shatter my world. She informed me about Rumi's feelings for me, sending my heart into a whirlwind of emotions. The realization that she reciprocated my affection, albeit in her teenage years, filled me with euphoria.

However, Hana's subsequent revelation tore through the fabric of my trust. She disclosed Rumi's manipulation tactics, including blackmailing my sister to coerce me into accepting her advances.

Otherwise she wouldn't let hana her love life. Despite my initial disbelief, Rumi's subsequent actions eroded my faith in her, planting a seed of doubt within my heart.

Just moments before my departure, the Siddiquis, Rumi's family, visited to bid me farewell.

It was then that Rumi confessed her love for me, her words melting my resolve and leaving me vulnerable.

In a attempt to test her devotion, I callously rejected her, dismissing her love as immature and childish.

Just to See what she'll do if I don't accept her.

The sight of her tear-streaked face shattered me, it made me so vulnerable that i could reciprocate her feeling there and then.

But later it confirmed Hana's warnings and plunging me into a pit of regret.

Rumi's subsequent behavior only served to validate Hana's claims, as she revealed her true colors, exploiting hana's affection for her brother Taha to further her own agenda.

Upon my arrival in the USA, I met Noor

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───


Merely a day into our marriage, and already this woman's influence is beginning to weigh heavily on me.

But let's not overlook her transgressions, Zayan. Remember what she did to your sister? How she attempted to dismantle your sister's happiness simply because you didn't return her affections – a pathetic reason, indeed. Pathetic love!

'Love is not for me.Indeed!!'

And you were spot-on about her character. She's nothing but spoiled rotten. I asked her to tidy up a room, and she ended up bedridden. Is she truly that feeble? No, this is the result of indulging in luxury and laziness!!!!

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───


Despite his initial reluctance, Zayan finally mustered the courage to enter his room where Rumi lay peacefully asleep.

To him, she appeared exceedingly delicate, her serene slumber tugging at his heartstrings.

Sitting beside her on a small stool, he found himself immersed in a whirlwind of emotions, unable to pinpoint a singular feeling.

Suddenly, the intrusive ringing of his phone shattered his reverie, prompting Zayan to retreat to the balcony to answer.

On the other end of the line was Hana, greeted him.Her voice laden with irritation and concern.

"Walaikum Assalam, Hana. Is everything alright? Why did you called this late?" Zayan inquired, his tone tinged with worry.

"Bhai, everything is as it as even after Rumi's rukhsati.And yeah Where is your so-called wife? She's turned our household upside down because she can't be bothered to pick up her phone! Taha is eating my brain How thoughtless!" Hana's words dripped with sarcasm and frustration.

"She's resting," Zayan responded curtly, his tiredness evident in his voice.

"What? Are you kidding me, bhai? She's caused chaos because their little princess didn't pick up the call , and there she is, sleeping peacefully!" Hana's incredulous tone pierced through the air, causing Zayan to wince.

Rubbing his temples, Zayan recounted the events of the day, including his emotions and frustrations.

But Anger brewed within him as he questioned why Rumi hadn't reached out to her family, deliberately causing worry and concern. Such a attention seeker.

"Don't feel guilty, brother. You did the right thing! It's clear she's not accustomed to hard work. Who knows if she's feigning illness to avoid her responsibilities? She used to pull similar stunts here too. Don't worry about her," Hana reassured him, her words like a soothing balm to his troubled mind.

With Hana's words echoing in his ears, Zayan felt a weight lift off his shoulders. It was a familiar pattern – every time he began to soften towards Rumi, Hana's reminders would stoke the flames of resentment within him once more.

Ending the call, Hana promised to concoct an excuse for Rumi's apparent neglect of her health due to tiredness because of travel. Zayan supported her excuse, they were always goodie two shoes and they cany spoil thier image just because of Rumi.

Leaving the room, Zayan reached out to his former maid late at night Meena, requesting a light meal for Rumi as per the doctor's instructions.

After Meena prepared the food, Zayan instructed her to ensure Rumi ate before retiring to the guest room for the night.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Rumi awoke to the jarring sound of the alarm, her body still heavy with the weight of sleep.

As the fog of slumber lifted, the events of the previous day came crashing down upon her like a tidal wave.

SHAME and EMBARRASSMENT washed over her in waves, each crest higher than the last. She couldn't even clean the room without falling ill.

'He must think I'm nothing but a spoiled, useless brat.' she thought bitterly, tears welling up in her eyes at the realization of how low she had fallen in Zayan's eyes.

She looked around made The absence of his presence in their shared room served as a stark reminder of his disdain for her, leaving her feeling like a discarded piece of refuse.

Despite the overwhelming sense of rejection, Rumi knew that she was still his wife for namesake, bound to him by the vows they had exchanged just a day ago.

Yet, instead of offering her solace and support, Zayan had chosen to distance himself even further, callously abandoning her to her own devices.

As she glanced at the clock, a pang of regret pierced her heart, realizing that she had missed her prayers in the midst of her turmoil.

With a heavy heart, Rumi rose from the bed and made her way to the bathroom,

The water from the shower offered little respite from the turmoil raging within her, each drop a reminder of her own inadequacy in the eyes of her husband.

As she emerged from the confines of the bathroom, Rumi's eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of Zayan's presence.

But he was nowhere to be found, his absence making her more restless for his just once glimpse.

Whatever transpired yesterday was not entirely his fault; he couldn't have known about her allergies.otherwise he wouldn't have done that.

Poor soul wasn't aware of the level of her husband's cruelty.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Meanwhile, Zayan awoke and descended the stairs, his mind still clouded with sleep.

He called out for Meena, only to remember that he had fired her in a fit of cruelty.

His intention had been to force Rumi into domestic duties, oblivious to the toll it would take on her health.

And he was indeed heartless even after knowing about her health , he didn't arrange a cook for them.

Zayan found himself looking at her because of open kitchen, where she was preparing breakfast with practiced efficiency. Despite his best efforts to ignore her, he couldn't help but notice the weariness etched into her features, a stark contrast to the vibrant girl he had once known.

She smiled at seeing him and brought the food.

“Subah khair” she wished happily like a sun brings new hope everyday.
(Good morning)

He didn't even reply but she let it slightly because she know he'll come around with time.

Though her presence stirred something within him, he remained resolute in his indifference, unwilling to offer her even the smallest gesture of kindness.

When she moved to serve him breakfast, he raised his hand in a silent gesture of rejection, his actions speaking volumes of his contempt. She also let it slight.

As Rumi prepared to join him for breakfast, hoping to bridge the gap between them like a happily married couple, Zayan sensed her intention and abruptly rose from his seat.

"What's wrong?" she inquired, her heart sinking as she watched him push away the morsel of paratha.

"Let me know when you're finished with your meal. Then, perhaps, I'll consider having mine," he retorted, his words dripping with taunt and disdain.


My eyes widened, mirroring the shock coursing through me, as I rose to my feet.

"Do you... do you not want me to join you for breakfast?" I managed to ask, my voice trembling with apprehension.

"Look closely at my face. Does it seem like I want you here?" he replied harshly, his words cutting deeper into my already shattered heart.

A tear escaped my eye, betraying my inner turmoil, but I quickly wiped it away. I couldn't afford to show weakness in front of him; he would only mock me further.

"N-no... I understand... I'm unwanted," I choked out, my voice barely audible as I looked down, feeling the weight of his rejection crushing me.

"Then why don't you just disappear?" he asked indifferently, and as our eyes briefly met, I saw the painful truth reflected in his gaze. He wasn't being cruel for the sake of it; he genuinely believed I was unwanted.

"I... I'll leave. You can have your breakfast," I stammered, he paused and I thought he would stop me but my heart breaking even more as he uttered a cold 'better' and resumed his seat.

"Make sure to not show your face to me.” he added, the final blow to my shattered spirit.

I left the dining room with hand on my mouth to suppress my sobs. And silent tears escaping my already sour eyes.

He's tearing me apart... He's breaking his own Rumi.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

I busied myself preparing lunch for him to take to the office,the clatter of pots and pans providing a hollow soundtrack to my thoughts.

Yes I'm making breakfast for him. Even though his harsh words. I just can't give up till I know the real reason for his hate toward me.

While cooking, I found solace in a conversation with my mother. Her concern for me was palpable, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for not keeping her informed about my well-being.

Yet, her reassurance that Zayan had informed her of my rest due to travel and fatigue offered a small comfort.

At least my family wasn't aware of the true reason for my absence; otherwise, they would have rushed to my side, especially Taha bhai.

Oh, how I longed for his comforting presence! He was always there to wipe away my tears, yet here, in this unfamiliar place, my tears flowed freely, unchecked.

The contrast between the love I received at home and the sense of burden and rejection I felt here was stark.

Zayan wanted me to vanish, to disappear from his life entirely. It was a bitter pill to swallow.

With a heavy heart, I assembled his lunch and entrusted it to the care of the driver, sending it off to accompany him at work.he asked me not show my face. And I will fulfilled it.

As I returned to the kitchen to tidy up, the intrusive sound of the doorbell shattered the silence, pulling me back to the present moment. With a sigh, I made my way to the door,did the driver forget something?

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Oh thank you  for completing the target I gave you. But I got late in completing my promise but still as a compensation I wrote a lengthy chapter for you hope it's fine.

Keep commenting like you guys did on last chapter. 🥀❤

How was the chapter. One thing I know in this chapter I unveiled one secret.

What do you think..?

And yeah congratulations to me for 6k completed on my Instagram account novels_odessey

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