Choni oneshots

By the_ykyk_girl

1.2K 39 2

Since my book was DELETED- this is a new one and re-uploading the oneshots More

Redhead teacher
Redhead teacher [pt.2]
Redhead teacher [pt.3]
Redhead teacher [LAST PART]

As you wish.

96 3 0
By the_ykyk_girl

rvd x marvel

The cup chinked against the saucer as Toni set it carefully on Cheryl Blossom's large desk, her heart rattling. Cheryl Blossom was sitting in front of her, writing fast notes and glancing back and forth at a huge stack of yellowing papers, red hair falling in her face; she didn't look up. They'd told Toni she wouldn't. That she would taste the tea first before she'd even look at who'd brought it. And then, she'd only look up to tell you what was wrong with it.

The first part of this pronouncement turned out to be quite correct. Cheryl Blossom lifted the cup with her perfectly manicured hand and took a sip of the tea that Toni had made so, so carefully, then, she set down the cup and, finally looked up. She looked younger than she did in photographs, her face slighter and her skin more luminous. She had more softness to her than Toni had expected. She wore no jacket, just a white blouse with pearl buttons, a smudge of ink on one of the cuffs. The room was dark apart from Cheryl's desk lamp, and in the light from it, Cheryl's blouse was very slightly sheer. Toni tried not to look.

Cheryl's lips were so red.

Cheryl Blossom watched Toni as she took a second sip of her tea and then she said, "I believe this is the best tea I've had in a while."
Toni dropped Cheryl Blossom's gaze and looked down at her own cheap brown shoes. She took a breath, before she looked up again and said, "When they heard the accent, they said I should give it a try. Your tea. Apparently no one can please you, ma'am."

Cheryl raised her chin. "That so?" But she took another sip of the tea. "Perhaps that statement ought to be revised. What's your name, darling?"
"Toni Pevensie," said Toni.

"Toni." Cheryl said it slowly, looking right at Toni's brown tweed skirt and bare legs. Toni wore no make up. "Where are you from, Toni?"

Toni shrugged. "Riverdale, I guess, ma'am. A few places. I was evacuated for a while. Quite a long while. In the end."

"I see," said Cheryl and she wrote something absently on her paper, almost as if she was just finishing something off. There was a small tray of candies on Cheryl's desk. Toni had tried to avoid looking at them, but somehow she hadn't quite managed. Cheryl must have spotted her staring, because she said, "Would you...?" and proffered the tray. "Would you like a sweet, Toni? A small reward for your diligence?"
"Oh, I can't, really. I shouldn't." But Toni was staring at the hard candies wrapped in cellophane, couldn't stop looking. She wanted one so much her mouth was wet with it. It was cold and dark outside, but Cheryl's window was open a small crack. Outside a car horn blared on the street, floors and floors below.

Cheryl smiled. "Rationing does rather stay with one, doesn't it?" She took one of the candies herself and spun the cellophane in her fingers, the wrapping unspooling. The light from the lamp on her desk bounced on the dark red sweet as it spun and glittered. "I think there was a time during the war," said Cheryl, pulling the cellophane away, "when I might have sold my entire family for a taste of something sweet."

Toni swallowed. "Well I didn't do that, at least," she said, softly.
"No?" Cheryl popped the candy into her mouth. Toni watched the red, wet sweet against Cheryl Blossom's red, wet lips. She was leaning forward a little. The pearl buttons on her blouse pulled slightly. Toni could see the shape of her tits through the slight sheerness. Cheryl flickered her tongue over the candy as she held it, then closed her lips and pulled her fingers away. "You didn't do that?" she said, the candy clicking against her teeth. "Then what did you do? Something else terrible? Have you been awfully bad, Toni? Too bad to be allowed a sweetie?"
Toni looked down, didn't reply. This was not a question she knew how to begin to answer. She said nothing and the room seemed very, very quiet.
"Do you need to bend over my desk, Toni?" said Cheryl.
Toni's head shot up. "What?" she said, leaving her mouth open.
Cheryl leant forward further, blouse buttons pulling tighter. The sweet clicked against her teeth. "Oh, I rather think you heard me."

"I..." Toni's voice tailed off.

"If you prefer, you could come to dinner for it. Perhaps you don't care to be spanked over my desk like some tardy servant girl. We all have our foibles."
"What?" Toni shook her head. "I don't... Ma'am, I..."
"Dinner it is, then. Jolly good. Be on your way now, Toni. Back to your station."

Toni's good winter coat wasn't enough to keep out the cold of New York in January, but she liked to be outside. Toni hadn't seen Cheryl since she'd made her tea, two days ago. She wasn't sure if her dinner offer was real or if she had just been teasing. Perhaps this was a joke she played on new recruits. However, just in case it was not a joke, she had found Cheryl's home address in her file and copied it into the back of her date book, where she had looked at it three or four times each day.
She was considering pulling out her date book and looking again where she had written that address on West 57th Street, as she sat on a low wall outside the SHIELD building and smoked a cigarette. Her inadequate coat was wool. A lot of women wore fur in New York. She could never have afforded fur. And anyway, she would never. Never again. She pulled the wool tighter around herself.
She was looking down at the icy pavement when she saw the shoes. Familiar shiny black t-bar heels. Shiny shoes were sinful, her mother had once said, because of what they reflected. Sinful or not, she was surprised she recognised them. She didn't recall ever studying Cheryl Blossom's shoes, but she knew them instantly.

"Hello Toni."

Toni looked up. Cheryl wore a bright red coat, belted tight and a matching felt hat. She had a heavy fur around her neck. Her lips were bright, bright red and her cheeks were too, flushed from catching the cold wind.
Toni swallowed. "Ma'am."

"You're shaking, you know, darling," Cheryl said. "Is it the cold or..." she tailed off, smiling. "You know, Toni, you really shouldn't be so scared of me. Us English girls, we should stick together." Cheryl wore red leather gloves and she kept smiling at Toni as she reached out and took her cigarette from her fingers. Toni had taken off her own brown woollen gloves to smoke. Her fingers were freezing, but the leather of Cheryl's gloves was strikingly warm where it brushed her skin. As Cheryl whisked the smoke away, she dropped her voice and said, "Really, whatever do you think I'm going to do to you?"

Toni didn't know how to say she that all she thought Cheryl was going to do to her was exactly what she had told her she would do. Put her over her desk and spank her. That she hadn't been able to stop thinking about that. The exact sound of each word on Cheryl's perfect red lips as she had said, "If you don't want to be spanked over my desk like some tardy servant girl." That she had thought of that in her bed at night and touched herself, wet and hot between her legs, jamming her fist into her mouth so as not to wake her sleeping room mate.

Toni watched Cheryl take a draw on the cigarette she'd taken from her. It was only half smoked and Toni wanted it back. Did she dare ask? Was this a test? You shouldn't be so scared of me. Toni screwed up her courage. "Ma'am," she said, struggling to keep her voice level and even, "would you, would you give me back my smoke? Please. I mean, if you please. Ma'am."

Cheryl laughed out loud as she exhaled a long blue plume. It made Toni look around startled. But no one was paying any attention to them. When Toni looked back at Cheryl, Cheryl let her tongue tip out over her top lip. "Oh Toni," she said with a little head shake, "here," and, shrugging, she held out the cigarette, turning her hand around. Casually, she pressed the blunt butt of it into Toni's mouth. Toni's breath caught, but she opened up for it - and her lips shook as Cheryl's red leather fingers pressed into her skin. She sucked. She moved her tongue over the tip of the thing in her mouth. Cheryl's thumb moved over Toni's chin, under her jaw and tilted her head upwards. Toni was hot, suddenly. Her face flushed as Cheryl made her look up at her, her nipples pulled under her sweater and clit pulsed between her legs. She stared up at Cheryl, as the nicotine rushed to her head and made it spin.
After a moment, Cheryl pulled the cigarette away and took another quick drag herself as Toni exhaled, half gasping. Then Cheryl tossed the almost done smoke into a pile of dirty snow.

"I have to go Toni, I have a meeting. You're coming for dinner tonight." And she turned away before Toni could answer, as if her reply didn't matter at all.

Toni Pevensie had few friends in New York, few friends anywhere anymore - truly, very little of anything. The employment opportunity from SHIELD had been surprising, but not unwelcome. She hadn't been here more than a few months and she had spent those working and hiding. The hiding was pointless of course. One cannot hide from a god. He could find her anywhere. He might decide to snatch her away from Earth whenever he wanted, no matter where she was, or what she did. And was being snatched away what she wanted? Or what she feared. Perhaps both. Nevertheless, she felt safest at home or at work, for all the sense that made. This world, her world, was too strange.

Toni took the bus uptown in her pink damask flower patterned dress and she didn't think too much about the fact that she'd spent over an hour choosing between the three good dresses she owned. And she didn't think at all about the fact she'd decided not to wear any underwear with her best pair of seamed stockings.
Cheryl Blossom answered the door herself in red satin pyjamas and a heavy, belted red robe. Her feet were bare and her toenails were painted the same red as her fingernails and lips. The sight of her dressed like this took Toni's breath, but she held back any comment - gasping instead at the grandeur of the place. The apartment was incredibly lavish. Toni had been in spectacular buildings many times, but she remembered to express her wonder at the marble and rich fabrics, even though such things had once been familiar to her, even expected.
Cheryl brushed off her comments saying simply, "It's Stark's. It's embarrassing really."

Toni knew who Howard Stark was. As she followed Cheryl through the elaborate rooms, she wondered if Cheryl might be his paramour, to be staying in his home. But she didn't say anything. And it seemed wildly unlikely that Cheryl Blossom was anyone's anything.

Cheryl took Toni to a parlour. Heavy curtains were closed against the cold and dark and the carpets were thick. Toni felt her breath come a little heavier at the thought of what might happen in this room. Cheryl closed the heavy double doors behind them with a soft clunk. Toni looked around to see her turning a key. The key clicked and Toni made a small startled noise that embarrassed her.

As she turned to look at Toni, Cheryl looked amused. "Do you like this room, Toni?"
There were two big brown Chesterfields in the room, facing each other over a long low table set with ham and cheese and bread and something that looked like a ginger cake. Toni wondered if it might be acceptable to allow herself a small piece of that cake. There was a big, bright fire in the grate, but there was little light otherwise. The table lamps were dim, shaded with coloured glass. The rugs were red and gold. For a moment, as Cheryl walked towards her, Toni felt like this room might be hell itself, but she said, "It's beautiful, ma'am."

"Howard Stark has a number of very interesting rooms in this apartment. It's the reason I agreed to live here for him, despite the ridiculous size of the place." She reached Toni and stopped, standing a little closer than was seemly. She touched Toni's waist very lightly. "Perhaps I will show them to you later, but for now, please, sit and eat."
After they'd eaten, sitting next to each other on one of the couches, they talked. Outside it was snowing and they spoke politely of the weather in New York, how it was worse than London and how they were both still surprised by this. Then Cheryl went to the kitchen and made mugs of hot cocoa so big Toni gasped at them. She hadn't drunk cocoa for months.

"So," Cheryl said as she sat back down, "If I may as that tired old question, how was your war?"

Toni took the warm mug from Cheryl's hands and said, "Strange," hoping that would be sufficient. "Strange and long," she added, when Cheryl didn't respond. And then, when Cheryl still didn't speak, just sipped her cocoa and looked at Toni with her big, dark eyes, Toni swallowed and said, "I've seen such strange things, ma'am. I can never be normal again." Cheryl was so close to her, their thighs were touching.
"During the war many people experienced things that changed them," Cheryl said. She looked over at the fire.

Toni made a noise. Maybe it was a laugh - a scoff - but it changed to a coughing sound. "I guess," she said. "It's hard to stop thinking about it sometimes. I need to live in this world. Not that other one."

"I know," Cheryl said. "It can be hard. To stop thinking about the war. About what we all saw. Can I help? Can I help you stop thinking?" She put her hand flat on Toni's thigh. "I think I know how to help you. I think you've been considering it. Rather a lot if I'm not mistaken."

Toni paused with her mug just touching her bottom lip. Her face was red on one side from the fire. "Like?" she swallowed. "Like what you said, in your office?"
"Is that what you need, Toni? Do you need to be hurt? Punished?"
Toni looked down into her cocoa. "I don't know," she said quietly. "Do I need it? I'm not sure what I need."

Cheryl reached over and lifted Toni's chin, like she had that morning. "All I know, Toni," she said sweetly, "is I know a lot of people, I have been close to lot of people who have experienced things that have left them, left their minds, in pain. And I hope you don't think this a terrible liberty, but you are aware you will have been vetted, of course, and I have naturally read your file. I am aware of what happened to your family."

Toni shivered. Felt a tug of discomfort. She was always being watched now. Observed. Judged. She didn't want this, didn't want this now. And yet..., "I didn't," she swallowed.

"I didn't know you knew about that."

Cheryl stroked over Toni's cheek as her other hand moved on Toni's thigh. "Do you feel guilty that you survived, Toni? Do you want to be punished for being alive?" she said, moving closer

"No, ma'am," Toni said. Toni knew why she was alive. Exactly why. He chose that for her. And perhaps he'd never tell her why, but she thought she knew.
Cheryl pursed her lips. Toni stared ather her lips. Red lipstick. Toni liked lipstick. Liked Cheryl's lipstick. She was half distracted by it when Cheryl said, "You know, Toni, ma'am is a little too much like the office. Wouldn't you say?"
Toni shrugged. "I guess so. What then? Would you have me call you something else? Miss Blossom?" Surely she did not mean that Toni should call her Cheryl. Toni could barely imagine that.

Cheryl smiled, She looked Toni up and down, slowly in a way that made Toni's mouth dry. Cheryl's hands were still on her thigh and her face. Cheryl moved her thumb over Toni's bottom lip. "I don't suppose, Toni, that you would care to call me Miss Blossom?" Cheryl dropped Toni's gaze, shy a moment, and then looked back up. "I have spent rather a lot of time with military men. I have to confess, I do enjoy such an honourific. If only because, oh, if they knew, my darling. If they knew."
"Oh," Toni bit her lip. She hadn't expected that and it had made her heart pound and her blood rush, made her aware of every bit of blood in her body. But it felt right; oddly, dreadfully right, the idea of calling Cheryl Blossom Miss Blossom. It made thrill with shame. Made her want more, suddenly, made her wish she was naked. It made her wish she was naked in front of Cheryl. Naked and on her knees. And - oh, yes, yes - crying. Crying and ashamed of how good that felt. Toni swallowed and said, "Yes. I'd like that, Miss Blossom." The word felt hot on her lips. "Thank you, Miss Blossom." And for a second she saw Cheryl forget how to breathe. It was truly gratifying.

"So then," Cheryl said after a moment, a moment where both of them just breathed in the heavy fire-scented air, "so, would you like to place yourself over my knee, Toni?"

Toni was shaking, but she shook her head and whimpered softly.
Cheryl reached over, took the mug from Toni's hands and placed it on the table. "I see. Would you prefer a command?" she said, and she was slightly breathless too. It thrilled Toni to think of it. That the thought of spanking her was arousing Cheryl Blossom.

"I might, Miss Blossom," Toni said quietly.

"Very well," said Cheryl, and her voice was suddenly harsh and nasty. "Miss Pevensie, you will place yourself over my knee right now for your spanking, or I will march you downstairs to a room where you will suffer some extremely serious punishment. Do you understand me?"

Toni was so hot and wet between her legs at that, she wasn't sure how she managed to complete the instruction. But she did. She whispered, "yes Miss Blossom," and she climbed over Cheryl's lap, lying herself flat across the length of the Chesterfield. The smell of the old leather couch filled up her senses. It was a good scent, musky and dark.

"That's right, Miss Pevensie, Cheryl said as Toni settled into position. "Now." And she, very slowly, took the hem of Toni's flowered dress and drew it up over her behind. Toni pressed her face into the couch with shame when she remembered she wore no underwear. She could scarcely allow herself to hear Cheryl's delighted gasp as the warm air of the room hit her bare skin. "Oh," Cheryl said. "Oh." She stroked a hand over Toni's rear and Toni groaned into the couch cushion where she had buried her face. "Miss Pevensie! So what am I to conclude from this?"
Toni said nothing and then, suddenly, Cheryl lifted her hand and smacked it down on Toni's rear. Sharp and hard. It hurt. Toni yelped and wriggled. "I asked you a question, Miss Pevensie," Cheryl said. "What am I to make of this dreadful wanton behaviour? Wait. Actually don't answer that. I will answer for you. The only conclusion is that all your blushing and stammering is an absolute front for the fact that you are the most terrible disgusting little slut, desperate and eager to be spanked and spanked hard, is that right?"

"I don't..." Toni's voice shook. She was speaking into the leather couch cushion."No. No, Miss Blossom."

"Oh, wrong answer," Cheryl said, bringing her hand down again, very hard. Toni yelled. One of her hands twitched. She was desperate, suddenly to try and cover her bare skin. Cheryl must have seen the movement because she said, "Oh no! You will not move your hands, Miss Penvensie. Or I will have to tie them together. But you aren't a child, surely you can behave." Toni moaned at the thought of being tied down, hoped Cheryl would do that another day. Would tie her down and stop her mouth. Would make her so helpless she couldn't even beg for mercy. Cheryl lowered her head a little and spoke in a low whisper. "Oh, I have had your sort over my knee before, darling. And I know just what you want, Toni. I know what creatures like you want. You really want me to hurt you, don't you?"

Toni shivered.

"Don't you?" Cheryl said, firmly.
"Yes, Miss Blossom. I do, Miss Blossom," Toni said, burning with the shame of having to admit such a thing. "Good," said Cheryl, stroking Toni's skin. "Then ask for it."
Toni stomach flipped at that, at the thought of that, the humilation of that. "Oh, I..."
Another sharp slap cut her off. "Enough stammering, Miss Pevensie. No more pretending." And Cheryl slipped her fingers down, between Toni's legs. She was so wet there, it felt so good. Toni pressed her face into the couch and wailed. "Quite honestly," Cheryl said as she teased over Toni's clit, "pretending to me that you don't want this is an insult to my fucking intelligence, Pevensie. You're slick as a sixpenny whore, you slut."

"Please," Toni yelled out, bucking onto Cheryl's fingers, saying it all in a gasping breath, as quickly as she could, hating every second of how she liked this feeling. "Please, Miss Blossom, please, spank me. Just hurt me. Please, make it hurt, Miss Blossom. Really make it hurt. Make me," she swallowed, "make me cry." Cheryl slipped her fingers free and hit Toni so hard then that she jolted a little way across the couch. Those little chastising slaps had been nothing compared to this. This hurt so hard it made Toni feel frightened. Worried if she really could take this. The pain Blossom'sed red and fiery. Toni screamed. She had expected pain, but the sting of it was nasty, cruel. And when Cheryl hit her again in just the same spot. It was too much. Toni yelled out, "Oh, oh. No. Miss Blossom, please." She tried to lift her head, but Cheryl grabbed her by the hair and forced her face down into the couch cushions so hard she could barely breathe. "Toni, that won't do at all," said Cheryl, hitting her again, a little lower. That stroke still hurt like hell, but somehow jolted her clit and made her burn in two places.

The next was low again, but harder, burned so much Toni kicked out and twisted her face to the side shouted out, muffled as Cheryl pressed her down, "Please, please, Miss Blossom. No."

"Do be quiet, Toni." Cheryl's strokes got faster and even harder. Toni twisted again and tried to get loose of Cheryl's grip on her hair, but Cheryl was strong and held her firmly in place, face shoved hard into the cushions now. She kept her hands still as Cheryl had told her, so she couldn't reach back to stop Cheryl or protect herself. There was nothing Toni could do but take it, yelling through stroke after nasty burning stroke. And even as she suffered like this, she found a dark pleasure in it. Not in the pain, which was too intense to enjoy even a little, but in the fact she was allowing this. Keeping her hands where she'd been told. Letting Cheryl do this to her. Letting Cheryl make her suffer like this. The humiliation of that made her begin to cry, jolting and sobbing out, "Please, please." Cheryl ignored her begging completely, stopping only to rub Toni's burning flesh and rake her nails across the sorest spots, making Toni whimper and kick and try again, hopelessly, to twist away.
Cheryl spanked Toni two dozen times before she finally stopped for good and stroked her, caressed the skin she had made burn and burn. She let go of Toni's hair and allowed her to lift her head and breathe freely. Eventually Cheryl slipped her fingers back between Toni's legs. Toni moaned.

There had been lovers in both Toni's lives. Princely suitors in one, pale, thoughtful men in the other. She knew what this feeling was, building inside of her under Cheryl's fingers. She wailed. "I... Miss Blossom... perhaps I shouldn't, Miss Blossom. This is not quite... ah-uh!" Cheryl's hand had slipped closer, fingers over Toni's wet clit. Toni sobbed out, "No, don't." But still Cheryl didn't stop and she was building a firm rhythm now. "Shush now," Cheryl said softly. "No, no," Toni yelled again. "Don't. Don't make me. Please. I just want the punishment. I just want it to hurt." Cheryl's grip on Toni wasn't as firm as it had been during the spanking. She twisted away, hard, hard enough that she fell from Cheryl's lap, onto the thick rug in front of the table. When she gathered herself and looked up, Cheryl was staring down at her. "Toni? Toni, are you alright?" Toni nodded. "Yes, Miss Blossom, but I just want..., I just need punishment." She said this with her voice as firm as any Cheryl had used. "I just want you to hurt me. Please. I'll do whatever you want, but don't, just don't do that. Don't give me that."

Cheryl nodded. "Very well, Toni. As you wish."

k bye for another 6years. idk what this is tbh, found it in my drafts.🥂 decided to post it bcs why not? vote please and yea.

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