Wishper Of The Heart [COMPLE...

By Thank_you_Too

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Sam(G!p)XMon (AU) When Khun Sam saw a little girl, that lead to unfold her past with a young girl, who she w... More

Chapter 1- Ghost From The Past
Chapter 2 - Some Memories Never Fade 1
Chapter 3 - Some Memories Never Fade 2
Chapter 4 - Happy pills
Chapter 5 - I Am Really Sorry
Chapter 6 - We All Are Stubborn
Chapter 7 - She Is My Sister
Chapter 8 - I Will Be Anything You Want
Chapter 9 - My Daughter's Mother
Chapter 10 - You Own My Heart ❤️
Chapter 11- We Are Family
Chapter 12 - My Little Bunny
Chapter 13 - I Love You
Chapter 14 - Pronounce Wife and Wife
Chapter 15 - One Of A Kind
Chapter 16 - Yes, I Am Stupid
Chapter 17 - White Strawberries
Chapter 18 - I Am Always With You
Chapter 19 - Welcome To The Family
Chapter 20 - Da-Da, Ma-Ma
Chapter 21 - She Is My Life
Chapter 22 - I Missed You
Chapter 23 - I Am Only Yours
Chapter 25 - Bonus Chapter

Chapter 24 - Special Chapter

3.3K 165 48
By Thank_you_Too

Sam's family is at a park, she is with her princess, Mon sitting on a bench with Max.

Little Sam is so cute on her pink bicycle, wearing pink helmet, with whatever safety gears that is available in the store.
The training wheels that help children learn the art of balancing, is removed from the bicycle.

For last two months, Little Sam is riding with training wheels, but today she is going to ride without it.

Sam is holding the rare part of bicycle, her daughter is sitting on the saddle, her little hands are on the handlebars, and her feet are on the pedals.
Sam reminds her daughter about their two months classes.

"Princess, are you ready?"
"Dada, I am scared"
"Ohh, my sweet don't be scared, Dada is with you all the time"
"Dada, not leave your hand"
"I will be behind you, Princess. Remembered what to do if you want to stop or you want to change the direction"
"Put the brake, move the handlebars in the direction I want"
"Uhmm, just calm, take a deep breathe, you can do it"

Little Sam took a deep breathe, like her Dada teach her
"OK Dada"
"OK let's go"

Little Sam start to move her feet on the pedals, the bicycle start to move forwards, Sam just holding the backrest slightly.

"Dada don't leave me" Little Sam shouted
"I am still behind you princess"

Slowly, Sam removed her hand. Her princess is riding without her support.

Mon smile, looking at her daughter who is riding the bicycle without any support. Sam run on her daughter side
"See princess you can drive without me"
Little Sam smile and continue riding

"Princess, try to turn around, change the direction" Sam shouted

Little Sam try to change the direction, she succeeded first, then after few seconds her bicycle fall. Sam run towards her, picked up her.

"Princess, did you hurt anywhere?"
"No Dada" Little Sam said smiling
"Oh, you drive on your own, Princess"
"I did, Dada"

Little Sam said hugging her Dada

Mon came towards them, holding Max.
"Oh my Bunny, can ride a bicycle on her own"
"Mama, I did it"
Little Sam is jumping around

"Oh, Mama and Dada are so proud of you" Mon said, her daughter smile widely, showing all her teeth.

Their life is continue like every one else, Sam goes to office, Little Sam already finished pre school. She start going to School for primary education. Mon is in her last year of online courses.
Max is enjoying her days sleeping, eating, playing.
But they spend their time together when they are free.
They had regular meeting with their family and friends too.

Sam enter the bedroom, she came for lunch. There, Mon is laying on the bed, Max is sleeping next to her.

Sam looked at Mon, She know Mon has been crying, her eyes are red, then looked at sleeping Max, her chin is covered by two bandaid. She sit on the bed next to Mon.

"Mommy, what happened?"
"Her chin cuts, fall from chair. I am sorry Daddy. That's was just in blink of eye, I was just grabbing her water"

Max is already 1 year old, she start to walk a little on her own. So she move a lot lately.

"Hey, don't worry, nothing will happened. It's normal to get cuts and bruises to a baby"

"She cried a lot, she must be in pain, I am sorry"
"Hey Mommy looked at me"
Mon looked at Sam, she continue

"That's not because of you Mommy, its will heal in few days.
She is just baby, sometimes they fall, they get up again, then they fall, that's how they learn to walk, thats how they grow"

Mon just hugged Sam,
"I was so worried "
"I know, I know, we all worried about our babies, she will be ok, believe me she will be ok"

Sam wake up in middle of night, she groan, then her hand is reaching for her wife, but Mon's place is empty.
Her eyes opened and looked around for her wife, but she is not in room. Thinking it's not normal, where Mon goes in middle of night.

She went out of bed and went towards their daughters room. Little Sam and Max share a room. They are not there too, Sam got goosebumps she though it might me a dream, she pinch herself, its hurt, so it's not a dream.

She came out of room and looking around, she can see light coming out from the direction of their kitchen. So she went down, when she reach ground floor, she can hear murmuring sound, she know who belong those voices.

She tip toes towards kitchen, Look towards the kitchen, there all her favourite people is there. She thought what they are doing.
Mon is putting candles on a cake.

Sam just remembered, its her birthday. She has been busy with her works for last few days, even forgot her birthday.

Little Sam is talking with her mother, Max is on front of Mon in Baby carrier.

"Mama, what is Dada's presents"
"Don't worry Bunny, Dada don't need any presents"
"Because she have us, you, me, Max"
"I made a card"
"Oh really Bunny? When you made Dada's card, And you know how to make a card"

"In the night, yes Mama our teacher teach me how to make card. And you told me tomorrow is Dada's birthday and you also told me not to tell Dada, so I didn't tell her"

"Ok ok good, we can surprised her, we will bring your card too"
"OK Mama"

Max try to grabbed the cake with her little hand
"Oh Honey, its for Dada, she will fed you later ok, no touching"

Max just turn her face a little towards her Mama, she is so cute with bow headband.

Sam doesn't want to ruin their surprise, so she went up without making any noise and went to the bedroom, act like she is sleeping, doesn't have any idea about it.

After like 5 minutes, she can heard them coming towards the bedroom.

Mon and Little Sam call her in unison. Sam didn't respond, she act like she is in deep sleep.
Again they called, Sam groan, move her body a little and slowly opened her eyes.

"Heyyy" Sam try to sit up, Mon put the cake in front of her
"Happy birthday Dada"
"Ohhh thank you, Mama, princess, sweetheart "

Mon and Little Sam sang happy birthday song for her. Max is looking around in awe, then smiling.

"OK Dada, make a wish"
Mon said
Sam closed her eyes, make a wish. Then blow out the candles.

She cut the cake, feed her wife, Mon did the same to her. Then their two daughter.

Afterward, Little Sam give Sam her birthday card.
Sam happily took and open it, she smile, a tear dropped fall on her cheek, she wipe it fast.

It's the drawing of 4 person with stick hands and legs, Sam can easily know that's they are her family, two big represent her and Mon, other two little ones are their children. They were holding their hands.

Above the drawing of figures, it writes 'Happy Birthday Dada' , colored with different shades.
Little Sam is fond of drawing.

"Thank you, Princess its so beautiful, Dada is so happy"
"You welcome Dada"
Little Sam smile at her Dada and hugged her.
Sam is so happy, with all the love her family is giving to her.

Time goes by, Mon already completed her college.
She is there for her graduation at the university, accompanied by her family.
"Oh Mommy you did it, congratulations"
"Thank you"
"OK we will be here go go"

Sam told her wife to go to her seat, she is with her two daughter, Little Sam is already 7 and Max is already 2.
Their daughters all grown up.

Their friends and family came to congratulate Mon for her graduation.
They took lots of photos, Sam organised a party at their home later.

"Mommy, again congratulations "
"Thank you, Daddy"
They were on bed, laying next to each other.

"So what you want to do now?" Sam asked
"Uhmm searching for job or doing further study"
"You can study further, but no need to search for job"

"Why means what?, If you want you can work with me, handling my money, or you can be my PA or you can be my Boss"

Mon laugh, Sam looked at her

"What!! you can be at any post in my company, we can go together, work together, came back together"

"Uhmm you want to be with me 24*7"
"What?Don't you want?"
"I want, OK let's think later, now Max is still too young to leave, when she start preschool, we can discuss"

"Yes right, right. What about having another kid?"
Mon laugh,

"Did I say something funny? Why you are laughing everytime I say something"
"Yes, you are"
"What?? I want another kid from you"
"Daddy, how many children you want"
"I can have any number, it depends on you"
"What? Are you building a football team?"
"Mommy, football team or basketball teams, I don't know, atleast we can have 5"
"Ok next baby you carry"
"If I can, I will carry dozen babies for you, my Queen"
Mon just rolled her eyes.

"Don't you believe me Mommy"
Sam just move on top of her wife
"I want to sleep, move your body, Samanun Anantrakul"

Sam smile, start kissing her wife in between she said
"Do you want me to move? Do you want me to go?"
"Ahhh No Daddy"
"Uhmm I love you"
"I love you too"

After 2 years,

Little Sam is in her primary school, Max start her preschool. Mon Pursuing final year of online MBA courses after her BA in English.
Sam is happy when Mon choose to do MBA, her Communication skill coming from an English background will be big plus in future. Mon is doing great, her brain is so sharp.

Sam company is flourishing. What can Sam asked more than this.

Sam is sitting on her desk, got a call from her wife
"Hi Mommy, did you missed me already"
"Get your ass to Bunny school"
"What happened? Did something happened to her?"
"Just go, I got a call from principal"
"Did something happened to her?"
"No, something is done by her"
"Just go"

Sam went to the school, there she meet the principal. Came to know, her daughter had a fight with a boy, who is teasing her. Mostly the beating is done by Little Sam.

Sam was angry, even said her daughter is doing right but Principal warned saying that is last chance.

They came back home, there they face someone more than the principal. Mon is sitting on sofa. They went towards her and sit opposite to her. Sam asked where is Max, Mon answered she is sleeping.

"So Bunny you beat a boy" Mon asked
Little Sam didn't answered
"Bunny answered Mama"
"Yes, he is teasing me saying I don't have a father, I have two mother"
"So you had fight with him? Are you happy Bunny?"

"What Mommy? If I were her I will beat him into pulp" Sam said

"What Dada, its lucky that principal gave a warning"
"I don't care, I can send my princess to any school in UK, USA, Anywhere in the world"

"Dada you are grounded"
Mon said, Sam just shake her head.

"Bunny, come sit here"
Mon pat next to her. Little Sam sit next to her Mama.
"Bunny are you angry at your friend for teasing you"
"Yes Mama, he is not my friend"
"I know you and your Dada are same"

Little Sam is smiling looking at her Dada, Sam smile back, Mon continue

"Why you are angry?"
"Because he tease me in front of my friends"
"Did your angry became less after beating him"

Little Sam is looking at her Mama, she shake her head.

"Then what is the purpose?"
Mon pulled her daughter on her lap, kiss her forehead
"Bunny, people will say many things to us, to you, are you going to fight with everyone"

Little Sam looked at her Mama, Mon continue

"Fighting is bad, we shouldn't fight with anyone"
"Then Mama, He is always teasing me"
"Did you tell your teacher or to us about it"
"Why? You should tell us, we can talk to him, warn him how could he tease our princess, our bunny"

Mon said tickling her daughter, Little Sam is giggling.

"Bunny, you should be proud of who you are, don't listen other babbling, peoples love to babble.
Do you want to change your school?"

"No, all my friends are in the school"
"So, why should you be angry with someone teasing, or someone's words. You are happy with us, you are happy with your friends, then why would you ruin your happiness by that silly boy, I bet he is not smart as you"

Little Sam smile, nodding her head. Little Sam is top in her class.

"So, Fighting with some teasing is not good, next time your principal will kick you out of school, do you like that"
"Then don't fight unnecessary, OK. I will tell you when to fight"
"When Mama?"

"When someone try to harm you physically, you can fight back, and Mama will enroll you in kickboxing class"

"Oh I love it Mama"

Sam looked at her wife and daughter, smiling. She is thinking Mon can handle any situation with calm and nicely, not like her.

Sam remembered when she saw Mon for first time, she was so shy, so young but now she grown up fully into a confident, beautiful, caring woman. Sam is so proud having Mon on her side. She promised she will do anything to be with her wife.

"OK Bunny are you happy"
"Yes Mama"
"No more fight unnecessarily Ok, first talk to your teacher or us, ok"
"Yes Mama"
"OK Go, change your dress, We are having Ice cream"

Little Sam ran towards stairs, Sam move towards her wife

"Did you forgot, you are grounded, you can't touch me"
"Ohh Mommy, that's not acceptable. How can I put my hand away from you"

"Yes, instead of calming her down, get to understand, you put oil on fire, saying you are going to beat him in pulp"

Sam just rolled her eyes
"Daddy, they are going to learn from us, should teach them how to handle the situation, fighting is not only answers. She will be tired if she fight everyone who tease her or I can say bully her"

"Uhmm, Mommy you are right, we will teach them or I can send them to UK"
"You will never change Samanun"

Sam smile.
She move her hand on Mon's belly, move towards and gave a kiss
"Hey baby, how are you?"

Yeah, Mon is 5 month pregnant with their third child, Sam promised it their last one.
Afterwards, the family spend their time together.

"Mommy, did you hear what my heart is whispering to me"
Mon move her ear towards Sam's heart, then nod
"So what it said then?"
"Its saying that you are stupid"

Sam laugh, Mon joined her
"What Mommy? I was serious "
"OK ok tell me what your heart is whispering to you"

"That's you are my soul mate, and we belong to each other. And I are going to search you in every lifetime, I will love you for eternity"

Mon smile, reach for Sam's lip, give a sweet kiss
"Same here, I will love you for eternity"
"I love you Mommy"
"I love you too Daddy"

Author Note :

Dear Readers,
Thank you everyone for loving and supporting the story.🥰🥰💕❤️❤️

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