Trashed & Treasured

By EdenFortae

5.2M 181K 15.8K

Jade Emmerson was born to two wolf parents but has a dormant gene that practically makes her human. When she... More

Winter: Update


89.7K 3.4K 233
By EdenFortae

The guys have been gone for nearly two hours now and thankfully I haven't felt a thing. I'm thankful for that and pray that it will stay that way. To anyone who doesn't truly understand this situation, I probably look like a worry wart or whining bitch, but that's just it . . . they don't understand. Dominic and I are considered the strongest wolves of all, but Cameron was my first mate. He was made for me which means that if I was always destined to be the powerful wolf that I am, he was designed to be one too. To top it all off, he has my blood running through him. Trent seemed very certain that Cameron's powers are dwindling, but that doesn't mean that Cameron's wolf has weakened. All we know is that he gained the ability to strip wolves through the small ingestion of my blood. What if he has some other power we have yet to see?

Sensing my slight moment of distress, Kayla reached over and grabbed my hand, rubbing soothing circles into the back of it. I placed my other hand over hers, smiling as best I could as thanks for her comfort. We'd decided to sit outside and watch the kids play in hopes that they'd keep us smiling and for the most part, it worked. There was this one little boy about maybe five-years-old with long brown hair that seemed to be flirting with Kayla. Each time he looked her way he was smiling. She waved 'hello' to him and his cheeks tinted bright pink. He became our focal point and remained as such as he bound over to the bushes on the other side of the stairs.

"He is crushing on you so hard!" I nudged her with my elbow.

She smiled sweetly glancing over at him then back at me, "If only he were twenty years older . . ."

"If he were, you'd have one pissed off royal Beta at your side every second of the day!"

She shook her head with a slight chuckle, "Jaxon isn't like that."

"My brother Jaxon? Yes, he is! Did you not see the eye he was giving the males here when we first arrived? I'm honestly surprised he didn't try to claim you yet."

Suddenly her smile fell and a look of uncertainty replaced it. "He's still attached to his original mate. I know what you said you saw Jade, but . . . I don't know."

I slid closer to her on the cool pavement, draping my arm around her shoulder, "There are a lot of things I'm not sure of, but one thing I do know is that you had Jax from the start. The day I marked you as my Beta was the first time I've ever seen him be so gentle with a female aside from me and Kenya. He stayed by your side the whole time determined to see you through the change. You're going to have a happily ever after Kayla and I'm just throwing in my bid now . . . Jade would be a wonderful name for my first niece!"

The smile was back and accompanied by laughter that increased with the cute little boy approached us with pink gardenias in his hand. The roots of the flowers were still attached and covered with dirt, but neither one of us could bring ourselves to stop smiling.

"This one is for you," he handed me the first then turned to Kayla, once again blushing, "and these are for you." While I got one flower, Kayla was given three.

"Thank you, Sweetheart. What's your name?"

"Kris!" A beautiful redhead who looked to be about my age ran up from the end of the yard and clasped him by the shoulders. "I'm so sorry about him! I promise he won't bother you again!"

"Oh no, he wasn't bothering us at all." I waved her off with a gentle smile. As she relaxed I turned my attention back to the little boy who now looked worried. "Thank you very much, Kris. I'm Jade and this is Kayla." I held out my hand to him and he took it right away and gave it a small shake. Without hesitation, he held his hand out for Kayla, but she surprised him with a quick kiss on his cheek. We thought we saw him blush before, but that was nothing compared to this. As we laughed, the pretty redhead cracked a smile along with us. I extended my hand to her next.

"I'm sorry! My name is Ella." Her palm was cool and sort of clammy, but not enough to dull the strange spark I felt. What makes it so strange is the fact that it made the baby move. By the look on her face, I can tell that she felt it too. Either that or I must be frowning. It wasn't quick movement like the baby was shifting into another position, but continuous movement. I let go of her hand and placed it over my stomach.

Suddenly I was outside of my body, zooming through the woods at a speed that was causing me to feel nauseous regardless of it only being in my head. When I finally stopped I saw my mate and all the men that had gone along with him. There were standing still in the middle of the woods, looking around and sniffing the air. Before I could get a good look at any of their faces to try and determine what was going on, I was thrust forward and zooming through the trees again. When I came to a stop this time I was standing over an uncovered hole. The irony scent of blood hung heavily in the air as I peered over and spotted the mangled bodies of men and women that I recognized from my pack. Images of Cameron attacking these people flooded my head along with those of him forcing three children through a barren field. The same field I saw when Cameron first showed up as that big wolf.

"Oh my God . . . he's going to kill them!" I shook with fear staring off into the trees in the distance. I closed my eyes trying to reach out to Dominic only to hit the same wall that blocked me out earlier.

"Who's going to kill who?" Kayla frantically asked, holding on to me by my shoulder. I closed my eyes again trying to reach out to Dominic again, then my brother, and father. Each time I hit the same wall and realized that they all had up the wall. "Jade?! What's happening?" I couldn't answer. I was too busy trying to no avail to reach someone — anyone that could get through to the guys.

"Can you reach Jaxon or Dominic? Call out to them for me Kayla! Tell them to turn around! Cameron killed the adults already and he's going to kill the pups! If they don't turn around now they'll be too late!" She stared at me wide-eyed as her body took on the same trembling as mine. She then closed her eyes, but opened them quickly and shook her head. "Ella, is there anyone here that's highly skilled in fighting?"

Her head rocked back and forth while her eyes mirrored the same horror. "No. Most of the males went along with Alpha and the King as backup. Those that didn't are more than likely not properly trained."


I used to wonder why I never had visions about myself and Dominic aside from that one of me in the field and now I know why. If I had visions of my own future, I'd try to prevent them if they were bad . . . like I am now. The thought of asking Kayla to go to that field while I run to get Dominic crosses my mind, but my wolf refuses to put her in that kind of danger. Those bodies were of men and women that were powerless against him. He wouldn't hesitate to kill Kayla . . . especially if he knows it will hurt me.

"I have to do it." I pulled out of Kayla's grasp, taking a few steps backward as tears continued running down my cheeks. I didn't wait for a response or for either of them to react. I eased past Ella and took off running toward the treeline. My mind was so clouded, my heart full of sorrow. I'll never be able to get the image of those dismembered bodies out of my head. I chose not to shift because I know that if I do, my wolf won't try to contact her mate, she'll just go straight for Cameron. To her, he is her problem and her biggest regret. We hadn't been able to break our own bond because of the physical pain it would've caused her and the suspicion that doing so could kill him, but now his death was something she no longer cared for.

I tried one final time to reach my mate and the others only to hit that same wall. I was hoping that Dominic would at least have the part of his mind that is connected to mine open enough to sense my distress, but it looks like he has that blocked out too. That leaves me with only one choice. Kayla ran alongside me then pushed herself forward until she was slightly ahead of me. I feel her wolf hanging on by a thread telling her that no matter what she needs to guard me.

Shit, she's not going to like what we have to do.

"We have to split up Kayla. One of us has to go get the guys while the other goes to the kids." I huffed out as I ran behind her.

"Hell no!" She growled. "I am not going to let you face him alone!"

"That's why I need you to get Dominic. In the time it takes you to sniff them out and tell them what's going on, I could be buying time for those kids. If they keep going in the direction they're going without a warning, they won't make it to the pups in time."

Kayla slowed her running and I followed suit. When she came to a stop she looked me in the eyes silently pleading. "And what about your pup, Jade? What if he tries to drain you as they said? My wolf is telling me my place it at your side—"

"And mine is telling me that I have to do this! I saw myself in that field and I have to go. I have to stop him! Now go." I tipped my head to the north. I purposely told her that as an order because I knew she wouldn't be able to fight it. She stood in front of me shaking her head with new tears staining her cheeks, but I still felt her wolf as it internally bowed to me. Kayla rushed me with a tight lingering hug then backed away and ran.

I did the same thing using my wolf's senses and the details of the vision to guide me. Every now and then I had to stop to take in my surroundings, but for no longer than a few seconds. Drawing closer to what I assumed was the edge of Redford territory I started catching faint scents of salt.


I followed the smell until I was standing in the very field I saw in my mind. The sky was just as dark and gloom, telling of an approaching winter storm. I looked down at myself just as I had in my vision, realizing that my stomach was slightly blocking my view of my feet. I have on a loose sweater but it's still pretty obvious.

From the trees across the field, I heard the sobs of children and wasted no time running toward it. I don't think there is ever a time that I pushed myself harder or have been so happy to hear kids crying. Those little voices — through mournful and scared — reassure me that I'm not too late, however, I wasn't thinking clearly when I charged toward the sounds and ended up skidding to a stop as I reached the edge of another deep hole.

At the bottom of the dirt hole were the kids, two boys, and a little girl, holding on to each other and crying. Their clothes were dirty and their faces look as if they had been doing a lot of crying. When they saw me they immediately began reaching for me, begging for my help through hoarse voices. I looked over the area seeing no sign or Cameron or even catching his scent. I got down on my knees and held out my hand to them. The hole was so deep that even with them jumping, I couldn't reach them.

"Hold on guys, ok? I'm going to get you out!" Standing, I shrugged off my sweater leaving my skin not covered by my tank top I wore underneath, exposed to the harsh wind. I wrapped one end of a sleeve around my fingers draping the rest of it into the hole. The two boys picked up the little girl to help her grab hold of my sweater. The second she latched onto it I pulled back until she was up on the edge of the hole. I grabbed hold of her arm pulling her into mine. Her little arms wrapped tight around my neck and the same sobs I heard before were now rippling through my hair.

It was my growing maternal instinct that brought my free arm around her and then reminded me of the other two pups. "Everything is going to be ok, Sweetie. Just stay right beside me and as soon as I get the others out I'm going to take you home.

She pulled back and gave me a quick nod. Repeating the same steps of wrapping my sweater around my hand, I leaned forward to get the next child. The biggest of the two boys helped him up, but when it became his turn I realized I couldn't get to him the same way I got the others out. For this, I had to lay down on my side. Even then the little boy had to jump to reach the end of the sweater. As soon as he had a strong enough hold I started squirming backward to help him up.

Finally out of the hole, the little boy ran to me and rushed me with a hug followed by the other two. I held onto them tightly, smiling, and panting at the rate of my heart's beat. The wind was beginning to pick up even more with the storm drawing closer, but to be honest, the weather is the last thing on my mind. When they released me I stood and began ushering them through the field. Coming out here I thought my vision was all about a confrontation with my former mate. I told Dominic that I had no intention of taking Cameron on and meant that. If he'd been there when I got to the kids . . . I wouldn't have had a choice.

The second we crossed into Redford territory I started to get that strange feeling like we were being watched. Chills ran down the length of my spine as the fine hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I continued walking, pushing the pups forward as I did. If I can just get them a little closer then maybe they can make a run for it. I squeezed the hands of the little girl and the smaller boy to get their attention. When they looked over at me I mouthed for them to run on the count of three.

One. The smaller boy shook the other's hand until he too was looking at me.

Two. I looked over each of their faces.

Three. I let go of their hands and they took off running while I whipped around scanning the darkening woods behind me. I saw nothing of course, but now I could smell him. His scent was the same as it had been that day my wolf first awakened only now, I'm not attracted to it. Regardless of our broken bond a piece of me has always been with Cameron. As tiny as that piece is, it still holds an enormous amount of disgust for him.

"Now you decide to show up . . ." The automatic reaction of my eyes darting in the direction of the sound had me looking to my left between two trees. When Cameron stepped out from behind one of them his face was as I imagined, contained a smirk. "Sorry to inform you, your majesty. Part of your pack is dead. I got tired of waiting and figured that piece of shit Alpha and his trackers would lead you to me. The brats were getting the same sentence, but I figured if I left them there long enough they'd die on their own. No guilty conscience for me." He smiled proudly shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. As he looked me in the eyes from his position by the tree I felt myself shiver with disgust. How I could've ever loved him could only be attributed to the bond that I'm happy we no longer share.

"Your eyes . . . I meant to compliment you on them when — what's that?" Suddenly his relaxed figure was as stiff as a board, his eyes no longer pools of amusement. He took one big step closer to me and growled in an even harsher tone, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!"

I followed his line of sight down to my stomach and this time it was my turn to smirk. "Something you never wanted with me."

"Because when I had you, you weren't shit. Every look you got, I received. The laughs were directed at me. Do you know what it's like to have to walk around with a mate that's worth nothing?" I looked at him as if he weren't at all serious when asking me that and to my surprise, the dumbass really was. I smirk yet again shifting my weight to the right as I folded my arms over my chest.

"I do. I was paired with you, wasn't I?" He snarled at me taking another step forward. The fire in his eyes burning brighter than before and I could sense his wolf itching to break free. My wolf wanted the same thing. Thoughts of ripping into his flesh were flirting with each of our senses. I can smell his blood, feel it coating my teeth, see his reaction to the pain, taste it . . . and I want it more than anything right now.

"You better realize who you're talking to! After I get a little bit more of your blood — or maybe a lot — I'll be stronger than you and your new mate. If you're lucky, after I kill him I might keep you and your bastard pup around just to watch me mate with someone worthy."

I clenched my jaw holding back the growl working it's way up when he mentioned my mate and our pup. Throwing the best smile I could on my face to taunt him with I replied sweetly, "Worthy of you? The shit on the bottom of my shoe would be too good for you Cameron. After all, you were rejected by a defect."

Cameron growled fiercely lunging at me and shifting in the process. I sidestepped him causing him to land hard on the ground. Before he could get up, I let my wolf have control, shifting, and taking a fighting stance that also protects my belly. Throaty barks that came from him made me think of laughter. I didn't doubt for one minute that he was laughing and it only fueled me more. He lunged out of nowhere, but again I dodged him. He tried three more times to jump on me, but I was too fast for him. It was becoming obvious that he was growing frustrated at what he probably thought would've been an easy takedown. When he failed to get a hold of me the last time, he stopped, lowered his head, and closed his eyes. I don't know why, but the first thing I assumed as he was attempting to take my wolf.

"You can't strip me if that's what you're trying to do. You got that power from me and therefore can't remove me." If I were in human form I'd be smirking.

He growled showing me all his teeth as he took another attack stance, "One way or another . . . I will!"

Rather than charging at me with the intention of a bite, Cameron stood and began swinging his claws at me. When I went to move out the way this time, he caught the side of my nose. My hiss from the pain turned into a deep growl and every attempt from my human to be cautious was gone out the window! I lunged at him swiping his face just as he did mine, using my other paw to scratch at his back too. He howled from the depth of my claws in his face and shook until they released.

Standing now face to face with blood from both of us straining our fur, I was at an advantage. My wounds have already begun to heal and aren't nearly as severe as his. The one on his back may close in no time, but the one on his face is still gushing. He stood up again coming at me with his claws so I did the same to block him. Just before he connected with me he dropped back to all fours and snapped at my belly. I fell immediately after his sharp teeth retracted from my stomach. The human inside me screamed just as I howled my pain.

I rolled onto my side forced to shift back to human form due to the pain. I could feel it more now this way. The sharp stinging as air hits each of the puncture wounds and the warmth of my own blood rolling across my skin. My mind was in complete panic mode, but I couldn't forget that Cameron was still near me.

I tried to get up, shift back, and run to the packhouse, but just getting up on my knees was taking too much out of me. I saw Cameron as I did, sitting a few short feet away from me, just watching. The same throaty bark echoed through the woods resembling laughter.

"I don't know what pleases me more. Seeing you nearly bleed to death or the fact that your pup probably won't survive this. Both maybe?"

He laughed again pushing up on his paws. At first, he was walking slow, a tactic to taunt me more, no doubt, then he pounced on me, knocking me to my back. The heavyweight of his wolf on top of my weakening form was becoming too much. With each snap of his jaws, he shook his huge head to get through the guard I created with my hands to protect my neck. His original purpose was to get enough of my blood to strengthen him, but now his mission is to kill. I brought my knees up under him to block my stomach as I continued to hold him back. I thought I felt my pup move which was reassuring for me then suddenly Dominic's words rang back to me.

". . . he's going to be stronger than both of us . . ."

". . . he's going to be protective of you . . ."

And right he was. The small flutter that prompted me to block my belly from Cameron's weight happened again. Then again, and again until it drilled the importance of not letting my former mate win into my head. My hands were being pushed toward my face as Cameron used the weight of his head to get closer to my face and neck. Realizing now that my hands are both on his head I closed my eyes and begged my wolf to help me. I felt her move along inside me just as my hands began to warm. It was an internal pull surging through my hands to my heart. Cameron stiffened above me, eyes wide staring straight into mine as I reopened them. He felt it and knew exactly what I was doing. My hands were on fire, burning so much that they were shaking on each side of his head. His entire body took on a tremble that rocked me against the ground. The exhaustion that had plagued me in the last few days was back full force. My eyelids were drawing close and my mind was starting to give out on me.

My pup moved again. I took it as a sign of encouragement. Curling my fingers slightly I pushed in my mind a little harder and just like that, it was over. The wolf that was above me viciously trying to end my life was replaced by a man with hollow eyes. My arms finally gave out and as they did, Cameron collapsed on top of me panting desperately. With what little strength I had left, I pushed up with my knees to get him off me. He hit the ground with a dull thud, still panting and breathing wildly.

My own breaths have shortened, my heart taking on a slow beat. A sick feeling twirls within my stomach, dizziness blurs my vision. Lazily I dragged my hand up and over my belly to hold my bleeding wounds closed, but I could still feel my blood slipping through my fingers. I need to get up and get help, but the energy to do so is mental only. If I had the strength to attempt another call to my mate, my only words to him would be an apology. I made a promise not to go after him and in a way, I still broke it. I was called to this field. My instincts lured me here to save those pups and now I know, it was to end what initially started with me. Now, I lay in a field in a pool of my own blood slipping further and further away unsure of the damage my pup may have suffered. Tears ease their way over my cheeks as a cloud of darkness brushes over my eyes and before I knew it was happening, they'd closed.

"Jade . . . Wake up, Jade." A beautiful melodic voice sang. "Dominic needs you. They all need you." I couldn't see her face, but I could make out long blonde hair. In my head, I was asking who she was and was met with laughter just as sweet and angelic as her voice. "Who I am is not nearly as important as who you are and who you will be. Mother of a new bloodline, creator of second chances. Your story needs to be told, Jade. In your words and with Dominic's love surround you."

Her second time mentioning Dominic brought her name to the forefront of my mind. Alice. This must be Alice. I could barely see her face but was able to make out a smile. "Take care of your mate, for he is one of your greatest rewards. Your decisions have led you this far and you should regret nothing. The life that awaits you from here on out, though challenging at times, will be yet another of your rewards. You just need to wake up to see it. It's time to open your eyes, Jade. Wake up . . ."

"Jade please wake up! I can't lose you!" Sobs were all I could hear, darkness was all I could see. My head was being lifted, cradled, and held close to a heart. "I need you . . ."

My lips parted to speak, yet no sound came out. Not even a breath. There were other sobs around me, sounds of movement, and scents that held me in a peaceful state. A hand, warm and soothing ran along my cheek as something wet fell onto my face. I can smell the scents of many, but those of my father, brother, mate, and beta stand out the most. It surrounds me like a blanket of comfort, providing me warmth like the hand still moving along my cheek.

A hand then glided over my stomach as a warm breath brushed by my skin. That reassuring flutter moved beneath the hand. Lips came down on mine reminding me of what I was just told. I had no clue that our first kiss would take me from a girl with no wolf to a woman of power. Rejected mate treated like trash to loved and treasured. I almost died because of my pain and decision to end it all. That stupid decision led me to a life-changing kiss. It saved me more ways than I ever would've guessed just as it is saving me now.

Raising my hand slowly, but surely I placed it on the back of Dominic's head. He stilled for a second then pulled back, to see my face. My head was still spinning and the pain still present, but every ounce of regret I felt for doing what needed to be done has fallen from my heart. This feels like the day my wolf was born. What I feel seems so different and has a whole new meaning for me. With everything inside me, I willed my eyes to flutter open.

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