Side by side || Emily Prentis...

By bullspace

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«me and the devil walking side by side» _ A life for a life. This is the pact that Daisy Johnson has made an... More



332 12 0
By bullspace

«When I'm with her I have two childish eyes,
if you are my destiny then take me away.»

The next morning Daisy woke up in the bed of Emily's huge apartment, which was identical to hers: empty, cold and perfectly furnished, as if its beauty could fill its void inside.

The women headed, as always, separately to work and spent the entire day immersed in a pile of reports of closed cases and consultations of open cases within the jurisdiction of the local police forces.

Everything was back to normal. Every time their hours of love ended Daisy and Emily went back to being two simple colleagues, pushing everything that happened when they were alone to the bottom of their hearts and minds.

Once the work shift was over, Daisy immediately ran to the house in the middle of the woods, having once again managed to convince the boy to let her see her daughter even though she had missed the Sunday appointment.

When she had Rose in her arms she relented to tell the boy that she and Emily were unofficially in a relationship and that she was working on making the matter official and formal.

She tried to convince him that she still needed a maximum of two weeks before handing Emily over to him to be killed, but what Daisy didn't notice, too immersed in the love she felt for her little girl, was the suspicion and distrust that the boy had in regarding of that statement.

The blond knew that there was something that wasn't going according to his plan: he had studied and observed Daisy's abilities for too long to doubt them and to believe that she really needed that much time to melt Emily Prentiss.

The head of the BAU certainly didn't have to be a simple character or a particularly easy woman to gain her blind trust, but the Daisy Johnson he knew was ruthless and bloodthirsty and the woman he had in front of him at that moment didn't seem anything like what he knew she actually was.

Daisy's plan, in fact, was different: in a few days, after having spent a few moments of eternal love with Emily and having hugged her beautiful little girl for the last time, she would have handed herself over to the boy, refusing to complete the mission.

She would have made sure that Emily, and not just Rossi, was completely aware of all her deceptions and that whole sick situation and, if everything had gone according to plan, the team would have saved Rose before the boy threw out the balls necessary to kill her daughter.

Daisy, on the other hand, was sure that her days would be over soon, but she had already made peace with that situation some time before and, if everything had gone exactly as she expected, she could have died peacefully.

The problem was that things were already going in the opposite direction, even if she had yet to realize it; two plans were now rowing against each other: hers and the boy's.

Both, however, pretended to still stick to the original.

When her maternity hours expired again Daisy forced herself to return to her apartment, knowing that the downfall on her life had officially begun; there was no way she was going to let her last days pass away meaninglessly.

The next morning, therefore, she woke up at dawn and, as had often happened by that moment, she headed to the offices before the start of her work shift, aware that she would find Emily there, alone and without breakfast.

As was becoming her habit, she stopped to get the usual black tea and a dark chocolate donut, which Emily seemed obsessed with, and a bitter coffee for her, and then headed to her boss's office.

She knocked clumsily on the door, with her hands full, and she was immensely surprised not to hear Emily's usual response giving her permission to enter, as, shortly after, the older woman opened it herself with a huge smile on her face.

"It couldn't have been anyone else but you with my breakfast. Come in." - she told Daisy, leaving room for her to enter and closing the door behind them

"Good morning." - Daisy told her, smiling and pressing a small kiss on her lips

"What are you doing here so early?" - Emily asked her, taking her tea and her donuts with an ecstatic expression and sitting on her chair

"I couldn't sleep well, I needed to talk to you." - said Daisy trying not to look too serious and sitting down on her usual chair in front of Emily

"What happens now?" - the older agent asked her with a concerned expression

Daisy didn't know how to set up that conversation, she just knew that she needed Emily to understand that her feelings for her were real, she just knew that they needed to experience them before it was too late.

"I know we've talked about this before Em, but I really can't live pretending to just be your colleague anymore." - she said in one breath

"Daisy, I already explained to you what the problem with this whole situation is." - Emily replied defeated

"And I understand it, I don't care about telling others that we're in a relationship, I don't think they need our help to understand it anymore, but I want to live it Emily. I don't want it to just last the hours we have sex, I want to live you outside the bed."

The black eyes of the gray-haired woman became, if possible, even darker, but they were full of love and sweetness; they moved gracefully over every feature of Daisy's face and Emily couldn't help but feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

"Are we in a relationship?" - she asked with a smile

"Call it what you want, I don't care, that's not what matters."

"I like relationship, even if it has to remain a secret." - she then said, reaching out to move a lock of Daisy's unruly hair behind her ears

"Emily Prentiss, my plans were never like this. When I realized how I felt for you I tried so hard to keep you away from my heart, but whatever spell you decided to cast on me worked perfectly and, please, allow me to truly experience you."

Emily didn't understand the desperation she read in the young woman's eyes, but despite that she couldn't help but get up from the chair and crouch at Daisy's feet while the other woman was still sitting in her chair.

She placed a hand on her knee and peered into those brown eyes, hard as reinforced concrete, as if to try to delve into her soul. Emily was sure that Daisy could dominate her in bed as much as she wanted, but when it came to feelings she was fragile and insecure and she needed a hand to deal with them in a healthy way.

"Let me take you to dinner tonight. A date, just you and me. What do you think?" - Emily said in a low voice, with one of the sweetest tones Daisy had ever heard in her life

"Really?" - the young woman asked her, a little in disbelief

"I also want to live you out of bed D. We will have to be a little careful and choose a place a little far from here, but if you are willing to take this precaution we can have our first real date as a couple."

At that word Daisy's heart leapt and it was almost impossible for her to swallow. She was sure of what she felt for Emily, but hearing the other woman talk about them being a couple out loud was a blow to her heart: she had never had any other relationship except with Claudia.

"All right." - she said after a while, remembering the reason why she was there, why she had said those things to Emily

"Are you sure? I know it's easier to think certain things than do them. If you need time we can wait longer, we have all the time in the world." - Emily said, as if she had read her mind, able, for the first time, to truly understand what was going through Daisy's brain

"No, I don't want to wait, I really want a first date with you." - replied the young woman, aware that the time Emily had talked about was not a luxury they really had

"Dress elegantly then and be ready at eight o'clock sharp, I'll pick you up." - said the older agent, standing up and kissing Daisy briefly on the lips

"You won't tell me more?" - the brunette asked her with a smirk

"Absolutely not, in fact, go to work now Agent Johnson. Your shift starts in ten minutes and you better have finished everything you have to do by the end of shift time." - Emily said laughing and Daisy, aware that she still had a lot of things to do, didn't have to be told twice

The working day passed with the usual boredom and slowness that characterized all days at Quantico without the brio and adrenaline of cases. As soon as the end of shift struck Daisy ran off, for once eager to go home and get ready.

She decided not to leave her comfort zone and with a long gray dress, a pair of low heels, her curly and unruly hair tied as best as possible in a messy bun, red lipstick and a pair of huge earrings she felt perfect.

Emily came to pick her up at eight o'clock, exactly as she said, and in the hour-long journey they took to reach the restaurant they didn't say many words to each other, they remained in silence savoring each other's presence, listening to jazz music .

Emily had booked a table in a private corner of an extremely elegant restaurant and Daisy had felt over the moon when they entered holding hands. Many people might have thought that Emily was her mother, so that gesture, for the older woman, was necessary, indicative, possessive.

During the evening, however, they had talked about everything. Emily had told Daisy how her mother had been strict and absent in her life, but how time had taught her to be forgiving. She had told the younger woman about all the countries she had lived in, she had spoken to her in all the languages ​​she spoke, she had told her how much she liked rock music and even a little punk music, but how with age she had learned to love jazz.

She had told Daisy that her favorite color was red and that she didn't have many regrets in her life other than that she had waited too long to have a child and that she hadn't realized that she had waited so long that at a moment she realized hadn't more time.

Daisy, on the other hand, had told her how much she loved her hometown, how much she loved having grown up in a place where there was the sea and that she actually felt like a daughter of the sea. She had told her about her family: about her father, her sister, her favorite aunt, her cousins her grandparents and how much she missed them.

She had told her about all her friends and about when, during her studies, she left for a tour of Europe with only one backpack on her shoulders and how much she had fallen in love with Milan and Paris. She had told her how much she loved her previous job and how she missed it.

When they returned to Emily's apartment, Daisy was over the moon. Her stomach and heart were full and she couldn't stop thinking about how her feelings for Emily were becoming so strong that it made her feel like her heart was bursting out of her chest.

When they were both sitting on Emily's comfortable sofa and Daisy was busy giving the other woman a foot massage, since the heels she had decided to wear had massacred them, the brunette couldn't stop thinking about the fact that she wanted the woman older woman would hug her.

Daisy wanted Emily to hug her because every time the gray haired woman spoke she looked at her hands, because the brunette was sure that in another life she would have loved her without thinking twice and from the first time she met Emily.

She wanted the older woman's sincere soul to embrace her, she wanted Emily to embrace her even if she was still a little ashamed of that strange need. For Daisy, having met Emily was pure luck, because being alone often scared her.

She felt as if Emily had put handcuffs on her, as if she no longer needed to rest her head on her narrow legs to cry and every time she woke up to Emily's smile she couldn't think of anything else but that it was paradise.

But really, what harm was there? What was wrong if Daisy's life now belonged to Emily? Maybe it was normal. What was wrong? What was wrong if every time she was with Emily she felt so good that she could close her eyes without being devoured by her demons?

Daisy wanted Emily to take her, hold her, give her a signal, because for her the gray-haired woman was like a sunny day in a universal flood. She wanted Emily to give her a look to let her know if she should keep quiet or if she could scream to the world how much she loved her.

For Daisy, real power was having two things: the sun and feelings and the two women were up to their necks, they were inside their feelings and even though Daisy's mind was still full of confusion she had loved, that evening, being with Emily among people.

Now she could no longer deny it, Daisy Johnson loved Emily Prentiss.

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