
By Gamma_2006

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In a world plagued by a mysterious phenomenon erasing Living and Non-Living Things into nothingness, Ekam's l... More

Episode 1: From You
Episode 2: Not Normals
Episode 3: Autodidactic
Episode 5: Revelation
Episode 6: The Enigma Quest Begins
Episode 7: Darkness Emerges
Episode 8: Veil of Shadows
Episode 9: Broken Bonds

Episode 4: The Trauma

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By Gamma_2006

Ekam: Welcome back, man.

Genos: What did you do here?

Ekam: Oh, I did many things.

Genos: Did anyone help you?

Ekam: I eventually figured it out.

Ekam: Alright. Now I will show you, MY moves.

Genos: Oh, sure.

Ekam focused intently, summoning his energy. The air crackled with anticipation as he formed an energy ball, its luminous glow casting an otherworldly aura around him. Genos watched in awe as Ekam manipulated the energy with newfound skill. The flicker of realization danced in his eyes as he witnessed Ekam's progress.

Ekam's determination shone through as he charged the energy ball with both hands, channeling his focus and power into it. The ball pulsed with energy, growing larger and more vibrant with each passing moment until it reached the limit of stability.

Ekam: Now, I don't want to make you feel jealous, but this... will blow your mind.

With a swift motion, Ekam tightened his palms and released the energy ball. It shot forward with incredible force, trailing behind it a mesmerizing cone of energy that seemed to warp the very air around it. Anything in its path was met with destruction as it surged forward, leaving behind a trail of chaos in its wake.

Genos could only stare in disbelief as he watched the spectacle unfold before him. His jaw dropped, speechless at the sheer power and control Ekam exhibited.

Genos: Woah... How did you even learn that? Also, on your own?

Ekam: I told you you'd get jealous.

Genos: I'm amazed more than jealous. I mean, I couldn't do anything at all without any guidance. You are good.

Ekam: Who was your guide?

Genos: Well, I suppose it's not classified anymore.

Ekam: You know, people say, "One can be the master of what one does, but never of what one feels."

Genos stares confusingly.

Ekam: Nevermind. Come on, you'll feel light.

Genos: Hmm, I see you're still intrigued to know.

With a thoughtful pause, Genos decides to open up about his past.

Genos, sitting on the training grounds, began recounting his painful past to Ekam.

Genos: (Voiceover) My real name is Yen Raikou, and I used to live in a village known as the Raikou village. It's located in a remote area of Japan, where my people, the Raikou tribe, are or were known for their expertise in recovery and biotechnology.

Genos: (Voiceover) My parents left me in the care of my grandfather, Yong Raikou when I was four. My grandfather wasn't involved in biotechnology, he was a simple farmer, a good businessman. He used to travel to various countries, to sell... our goods and make a living. Occasionally, I would ask him to take me along to show me the world and occasionally he did.

Flashback: At Raikou village.

Yen: Come on, Gramps, please! I promise I won't be a bother this time.

Yong: Yen, No. Besides, I need you here to help with the farm.

Yen: But I can help with the farm anytime! Please, I just passed 9th grade, and I want to see New york.

Yong: (sighs) It's not just about helping with the farm, Yen.

Yen: I know, Gramps, but I promise I'll stick by your side. I won't wander off or cause any trouble.

Yong: Alright, wait here.

Yong hesitated, his wrinkled brow betraying his inner turmoil.

Yong: I don't know about this.

Daisuke: Relax, Yong. We've dealt with anonymous orders before. Nothing to worry about.

Yong: (sits on the chair) I don't know. What about Yen? Should I bring him along? He's been pestering me.

Kenji: (while drinking) Ya... ahm bring him along... He'll enjoy the sights.

Daisuke: Isn't this quite early to drink?

Kenji: Drinking... doesn't have a time, friend.

Trusting in his partners' judgment, they go to New York.

The journey to New York was an adventure for young Yen, his eyes wide with wonder as they explored the bustling streets of the city that never slept. The Statue of Liberty stood tall and proud, a beacon of freedom and hope that left Yen in awe as he gazed up at her towering figure. With each step, he soaked in the vibrant energy of Times Square, dazzled by the neon lights and the hustle and bustle of the crowds.

As the day drew to a close, Yong finally received the location of the delivery. With a sense of urgency, they made their way to the designated spot, navigating the labyrinthine streets of New York.

The sudden turn of events sent shockwaves through the group as they found themselves thrust into darkness; their freedom snatched away in an instant. The cold, damp air of the room clung to their skin as they were surrounded by a chorus of panicked whispers from the other prisoners.

Yong's mind raced with worry for his grandson, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive as he struggled to make sense of their dire situation. With each passing minute, the tension in the room thickened, weighed down by the ominous specter of the unknown fate that awaited them.

As the minutes stretched into agonizing hours, the periodic calls for prisoners only added to the atmosphere of fear and uncertainty. Each time someone was summoned from their midst, a collective sense of dread settled over the room, knowing that they might never return.

In the suffocating darkness, they could do nothing but wait, their hopes of escape dwindling with each passing moment.

Genos' voice trembled as he recalled those terrifying moments

Genos: (Voiceover) I saw those empty, blood-soaked bodies around us...

As his grandfather was abruptly summoned from the container, Yen's heart clenched with dread, knowing that whatever awaited Yong beyond those walls could spell doom for them both.

Yen: Wait, No-

Man: Shut your ass up, kid. 

Daisuke: Yen, be cool...

Kenji: Where are they taking him?

Daisuke: Oh god... (Anguish) We shouldn't have come... fuck.

Through the thin veil of darkness, he strained to catch the snippets of conversation that pierced the silence, each word a dagger to his soul.

The revelation of his grandfather's involvement in the illegal smuggling of Raikounium.

Man: So, you sell BodX.

Yong: BodX?

Man: The drug? Ha, you don't know your product?

Yong's confusion morphed into horror as the truth dawned upon him, a sickening realization that twisted his stomach into knots.

Yong: What do you mean?

Man: (Picking Raikounium) This... is your product, old man. BodX. 

The leader's mocking laughter sliced through the air like shards of glass, each taunting chuckle a dagger to Yong's shattered pride.

This shook Yen to his core, shattering the image of the kind-hearted farmer he had always known.

Yen: You... smuggle raikounium? Uncle?

Daisuke: Yen... we aimed for the good-

Yen: What good? Does the village know?

Kenji: No, they are unaware.

Leader: Bwahahaha, you're a real dumbass. Your product is amazing, a very powerful drug. The best in the market.

Yong recoiled as if struck, his mind reeling with disbelief at the monstrous perversion of his creation. His voice trembled with desperation as he attempted to explain, to justify the unintended consequences of his actions.

Yong: Shut up!! We don't sell Drugs, we sell medicine. The best in the world.

Leader: We?

Yong's lips clamped shut, his resolve steeling against the onslaught of threats and violence that followed. Each blow inflicted upon his frail body served as a grim testament to his unwavering loyalty to his people, a silent vow to protect their secrets at any cost.

With each blow and anguished plea, the air thickened with tension, suffocating Yen as he listened with bated breath. His heart hammered against his ribcage, a primal rhythm of fear and uncertainty that threatened to consume him whole.

His instincts screamed for him to intervene, to protect the only family he had left, but fear held him in its icy grip, paralyzing him with doubt and indecision.

Then, as his grandfather's cries pierced the darkness, something within Yen snapped. A surge of raw courage coursed through his veins, banishing his doubts and igniting a fierce determination within his soul.

Yong: No, Yen!? GO BACK!!

Leader: This your kid?

Strong arms seized him, dragging him forward and forcing him into a chair beside Yong.

Leader: I know you're not going to tell us anything. So...

The leader's voice dripped with malice as he pressed a knife against Genos's trembling throat, a cruel grin twisting his lips. But then his phone rang.

Leader: (annoyed) Oh, who is it!?

Person: (Firmly) Hey, I am on my way.

Leader: Oh, you? Unfortunately, I am in the middle of the interrogation.

Person: What? Hey, don't start without-

The leader cuts the call.

Leader: As I was saying. Spit it out, or else.

Yong's heart shattered as the weight of guilt crashed down upon him like an avalanche of despair.

Yen: Gramps... (angerly) You fucker. Stop this nonsense.

Leader: hmm... You seem annoying? And I don't like "annoying".

Yong's tear-filled eyes met Genos's gaze, and in that fleeting moment, a silent apology passed between them, heavy with unspoken regret.

Yong: I'm... (Cries) I'm sorry, Yen... (Cries)

Yen: Gramps... (Teary)

Yong: (Scrunched up) Oh god... No. Don't Please NO, NO Please Not him.

Man: Shut up.

Daisuke: No, Fuck! No! *Thud*

Kenji: *Thud* Yen, NO! SHIT!!

A man approaches inside the container knocking both out.

The Group Blindfolded both and made Yong shut with a cloth in his mouth.

With trembling hands, Yen felt the rough fabric of the blindfold descend over his eyes, enveloping him in a suffocating shroud of darkness. His breath caught in his throat; a strangled gasp stifled by the weight of dread that pressed down upon him like a leaden cloak.

Leader: Hmm... (with a sinister smile) Give me the slicer.

Yong: (unable to speak) OHn, uhnn, nuh.

Then, a scalding heat of the slicer seared through the air, Genos's body tensed with anticipation, every nerve ending screaming in protest as the first cruel incision tore through his limbs.

The agony was like nothing he had ever experienced, a white-hot inferno that consumed him from within, rendering him powerless to do anything but endure silent agony.

Genos found himself trapped in a nightmarish realm of silent screams; his voice stolen by the sheer magnitude of his torment. Each merciless cut sent shockwaves of torment coursing through his veins, blurring the line between pain and oblivion until he could no longer remain conscious.

Through the haze of anguish, Yong's frail form convulsed with the onslaught of a sudden heart attack, Genos lay unconscious, unaware of the heart-wrenching scene going to unfold.

Leader orders to take Genos away.

Leader: Take him.

Leader's Phone rings again.

Leader: OH! Why doesn't he shut up! Take this away. (orders to unveil Yong) Unveil him.

Seeing Yong's misery, he decides to end it.

Yong: Yen... Yen! Where's Yen? Please, I beg of you... Leave him be...

Leader: He's fine. He won't die. But you, on the other hand...

With a chilling laugh, he revealed the true nature of their operation, a revelation that sent a chill down Yong's spine.

Leader: You see, We're traders. Organ traffickers, to be precise.

Yong: That... explains the bodies...

Leader: One last time. Tell us about BodX.

In a final act of defiance, Yong refused to comply, his spirit unbroken despite the agony that consumed him. With his last breath, he uttered a silent prayer for his loved ones, a solemn vow of remorse that echoed through the darkness as he faced his inevitable fate.

Yong: (thinks) I'm sorry, Haru... Miyu... I'm sorry, Yen...

And with that, Yong's world faded into darkness, his anguished cries silenced forevermore as he embraced the peace of oblivion.

Genos's voice trembled with emotion as he recounted the harrowing ordeal, the memory of his grandfather's tragic demise still fresh in his mind.

Genos: (Voiceover) After a few days, I woke up in Washinton DC, my body battered and broken. The wounds inflicted upon me were healing, thanks to the miraculous properties of Raikounium and the tender care of my fellow villagers. But no amount of physical healing could ease the anguish that... (teary) that gnawed at my soul, the haunting memory of those... (teary) fateful days...

Genos: (Voiceover) I don't know what stopped the havoc there.

His voice cracked with sorrow as tears welled up in his eyes, the weight of grief too heavy to bear.

Genos: (Voiceover) Uncle Kenji... he told me that Gramps had passed away from a heart attack. But I... (cries)

The retelling of this brutal event had taken a toll on Genos, and he broke down, his voice choked with emotion.

Genos: I... I can't go on...

Ekam, deeply affected by Genos' trauma, suggested they take a break from the painful narrative. He could see that Genos was in no condition to continue recounting the story. The two friends sat in silence, each grappling with the horrors of the past.

Ekam: You know what, we should spar! Let's have a fight.

Genos: hum... sure. Hey, at least show me the rest of your abilities.

Ekam: I only have one.

Genos: Oh yeah? What about that big scar over there.

Ekam: That was just an experiment. It was unstable.

Genos: As in?

Ekam: As in, I can't withstand that amount of ki yet.

Genos: ki?

Ekam: Huh?

Genos: Is that what you're calling your energy?

Ekam: I said ki? No, did I?

Genos: I'm pretty sure you did.

Ekam: Hmmm, ki... seems familiar.

Genos: Ki is a Japanese word meaning spirit or energy.

Ekam: Never heard of it.

Genos: Alright, whatever. Let's practice this then.

Ekam: What about the sparring match?

Genos: We'll fight tomorrow. Go on now.

Ekam: Alright.

Ekam first creates a ki ball in his right hand, then in his left hand, and merges them.

As Ekam poured more energy into the ki ball, the air crackled with power, and a swirling vortex of energy formed between his hands. His muscles tensed with the effort, his concentration unwavering as he pushed the limits of his abilities.

But then, as if a dam had burst, the ki ball exploded with a blinding flash of light and a deafening roar, sending Ekam flying backward through the air. He crashed into a tree with a thud, his body tangled amidst the branches as he struggled to regain his bearings.

Genos: (laughing uncontrollably) What happened? Why are you in a tree?

Ekam, his pride wounded but unable to suppress a chuckle himself, shook his head in disbelief.

Ekam: Well, this didn't happen before.

As Ekam attempted to extricate himself from the branches, his footing slipped, and he plummeted to the ground below, much to Genos' amusement. Despite the embarrassment of his fall, Ekam couldn't help but grin at the sound of Genos' laughter ringing through the air.

In that moment, amidst the wreckage of his failed experiment and the laughter of his friend, Ekam felt a warmth spread through his chest.

Ekam: Wait a minute. (snapping his fingers)

Genos: what?

Ekam: Ya. (thinks and mummers) Maybe I just... (focusing) Okay. (takes a breath)

With a surge of excitement, Ekam channels his ki with both hands. He puts ki over ki again and again at a certain level. The air crackles with anticipation as the energy swirls and converges, building up into a dazzling display of power.

Ekam: Ha Ha-

But then...

Ekam: Ohh cra-

In an unexpected twist, the energy escapes his control, pulsating wildly like a tempest unleashed. Without warning, Ekam releases the pent-up energy from his hands in a blinding beam of light, slicing through the air.

The beam just blasts through the upper layer of the ground, leaving Ekam and Genos stunned.

Genos watches in awe and horror, the sheer power of the unleashed energy leaving him speechless.

Genos: (with his eyes pop out) huuuuuhhh???

Genos approaches cautiously, his eyes wide with amazement and a hint of trepidation. He knows that Ekam's ability is a force to be reckoned with, one that will forever alter the course of their journey.

Genos: (thinks) That was like a Kamehameha.

Genos is utterly confused and shocked by what he just witnessed. If you'd like any further modifications or have specific directions for the story, please let me know.

Genos: If I wasn't jealous as before, now I am EVEN MORE!

Ekam, still trying to connect the dots.

Genos: How did you do it now all of a sudden?

Ekam: I Swear, I just did it.

Genos: How... I have no words.

Ekam: Ditto.

Genos: hmm... Maybe we can have a real fight now.

Ekam: Maybe... But I still must find more about this

Genos: Yeah... Also, We should probably go.

Ekam: Dark already?

As the day came to an end, Ekam and Genos made their way back home, both still trying to process the astonishing display of energy, Ekam had shown earlier.

Ekam lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling mummers to himself.

Ekam: (thinks) I never imagined I could possess such power in Real Life. It's like a whole new dimension of myself. Damn... I must learn to control it. Is this real?

Ekam: (closing his eyes) But for now, sleep's good.

The next day dawned with a sense of anticipation as Ekam and Genos prepared for their spar. Ekam suggested the idea, eager to put his newfound abilities to the test, and Genos agreed with a confident nod.

Genos: Alright, let's do it. But fair warning, I won't hold back. Don't blame me if you end up eating dirt.

Ekam: (grinning) I'm Ready. Bring it on.

At the count of 3, they fight.

As the spar begins, Ekam quickly creates an energy sphere in his right hand and readies himself . Genos activates his jet propulsion, lifting off the ground for a moment with a Jet Jump. He zooms towards Ekam, attempting to strike him with a Sonic Boom. With a quick movement, Ekam evades the incoming "Sonic Beam" attacks, in a pattern of an alpha sign.

Genos: (thinks) I didn't know he had this in him.

Genos, impressed by Ekam's reflexes, adjusted his strategy, launching himself into the air once more with a powerful "Jet Jump." His eyes gleamed with determination as he prepared to unleash his next assault.

As Genos descended with another "Sonic Boom," Ekam seized the opportunity, uttering the words "Flash Spirit."

Genos: Oh boy

In an explosive burst of energy, the ki sphere expands into a blinding flash of light, engulfing Genos in its brilliant glow.

Caught off guard by the sheer force of the attack, Genos was sent hurtling backward, his form tumbling through the air before crashing to the ground below with a resounding thud.

Genos, being in the sky, cannot move nor can he use his jet jump as there is no ground to jump off. "Flash Spirit" engulfs Genos, it sends Genos flying backward, landing on the ground with a thud making him a little stunned.

Ekam: I clearly won.

Genos: how about we fight with raw strength

Ekam: Let's do this

The spar between Ekam and Genos intensified as they shifted their focus to raw strength. They both adopt martial arts stances, preparing for an intense hand-to-hand combat session.

Genos lunges forward, his metallic limbs gleaming. Ekam uses his agility to sidestep Genos's initial strike. Genos follows up with a swift roundhouse kick, aiming for Ekam's head. Ekam blocks the kick with his forearm, which thrusts him across the field.

Ekam: Gya- Ou...

Genos: How was that?

Ekam counters with a series of precise strikes to Genos's abdomen and chest. Each punch and kick are calculated and well-timed, Catching genos off.

Ekam: (thinks) *THUD* this hurts.*THUD*

Genos Stands still Ekam's hands hurt.

Genos uses Sonic Boom making a shockwave knocking Ekam back.

Ekam: (thinks) What the. Hey-

Genos follows up and strikes again. Ekam blocks, and again gets thrusted across the field. He Uses Flash Spirit to distract Genos and tries to counter with an upper cut punch. Ekam lands the strike.

Ekam: (thinks) This was easy to defend.

Genos: Hey, you used your thing.

Ekam: Look who's talking, you used your shockwave too!

Genos, despite his strength and endurance, begins to feel the pressure of Ekam's relentless assault. Ekam's combination of defense and offense proves to be an effective strategy.

In a swift move, Genos manages to grab Ekam's arm and flips him over his shoulder, sending Ekam crashing to the ground.

Ekam's techniques don't work most of the time. He dodges some of Genos' kicks and throws a gut punch.

Ekam: (gasping) You know, your defense is Bullcrap.

Genos: (gasping) It's fine.

Ekam: Umm... No, It's not. (gasping) Oh, I am tired. (lies down)

Genos: (gasping) Want some juice?

Ekam: (gasping) Sure.

Genos: So, (while sipping) who won?

Ekam: I don't know. But what I do know is that I have got to train more. Harder...

Genos: Ya, I'll help.

Ekam: Same goes to you.

Genos: Hey, I am the mentor here.

Ekam: Alright "Mentor". You need some training.

Genos: Ya ya I know.

The scene cuts to school next day

Instead of going for training, he leaves a sticky note for Genos that reads, "Work on your defense! And don't lose your cool while I'm not around."

Genos: (sighs)

Aasa: Look who's here, decided to grace us with your presence?

Ekam: ha-ha

Tan: I thought you didn't want to participate.

Ekam: Can't miss this one, right?

Tan: Hell yeah, you're right.

Meanwhile, behind them, Kaya has a heated conversation with her group.

Max: Why bother? You're only behind by four points. Does it really matter?

Kaya: It matters to me. There is only one event left, which is a BIG one.

Marley: Come on, you're acting like a little girl.

Kaya: (getting annoyed) Oh, am I now?

Kaya notices the Others. Tan, Ekam, and Aasa turn their faces away from Max and Kaya's direction. She sees Tan and Aasa turning their heads, but she focuses her attention on Ekam.

Kaya: What are you looking at?

Ekam: (gulps) Nothing.

Kaya's mood shifts.

Kaya: How's things between you and genos

Ekam: We're good. The juice did the job.

Kaya: That's good to hear.

Kaya: (looks at max) Oh- ya, did you meet Max?

Ekam: Nah

Aasa: You haven't met Max?

Tan: Bro, how did you not meet him?

Ekam: Why is it such a big deal?

Tan: Max is like the coolest dude in the school

Kaya: Max, this is...

Aasa: Mr. Blushy.

Ekam looks at Aasa with wide eyes.

Max and Kaya: Mr. Blushy?

Aasa: Yep, that's his nickname.

Ekam: Na na, it's actually...

Max: Hey, howdy Mr. Blushy

Ekam: It is-

Maya: You...

Kaya looks at Maya.

Kaya: You...

Ekam: Oh, would you stop interrupting!

They Both stare at Ekam.

Ekam: Or, or not...

In the scene featuring Maya and Kaya's standoff, they imagine themselves as cowboys, and the tension between them builds.

Maya: (with a grin) Looks like you're losing.

Kaya: The events aren't over yet.

Maya: Oh, the scores say otherwise. Aasa, what are the scores again?

Aasa: Let me check... So, you've won 1, 2, um you won 11 and kaya um you won 7.

Maya: See?

Kaya: This event is worth 5 points, ninny.

Maya: Yeah, like you are gonna win, Gee bug

Kaya and maya's eyes lightning of rivalry

Aasa, wanting to add some excitement to the challenge, challenges everyone to the Enigma Quest. She may claim it's for fun, but her competitive spirit shines through.

Aasa: Listen up! Ha! Prepare to be schooled in the art of humiliation. The Enigma Quest is my domain, and none of you amateurs stand a chance against the reigning queen of intellect!

Aadi: You won't win this time.

Aasa: Do the score say the same thing, hmm? does it?

Maya: You gonna lose.

Kaya: Talking to yourself?

Max and Tan, showing a friendly rivalry, decide to team up for the challenge, reinforcing their camaraderie. Nadia and Hao, intrigued by the challenge, join in as well.

Ekam, sensing the tension among students, decides to spice things up even more.

Ekam: Whoever wins the Enigma Quest, wins it all!!!

This declaration lifts everyone's spirits, and they get pumped up for the competition.

The scene splits into two screens, showing the rivalries and tensions between characters like Maya and Kaya, Aadi and Aasa, and the friendly rivalry between Tan and Max.

Finally, Ekam's rivalry with himself, leaving a sense of intrigue and anticipation for the Enigma Quest. 

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