See you in hell (Male OC X Ni...

By Young-Ringleader

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Heya, bois and girls, welcome to the happy hotel! since Hazbin Hotel released as a series, i wanted to make a... More

Context here :D
No purpose?....or lack of hope?
Building closure
Worthless Lifestyle
Changing...for the better? or for worse?
Meet your friends. Read their souls
Pure in all aspects
Not that strong
Frustrating feelings
Looking for a lost sheep
A showdown uncalled for
One hell of a party
I'm always watching
Over my friends
The "Big" Boss
Fake Paradise pt 2
Cute Seraphim (side story)
The sun sets even in Paradise (side story)
Last day with you
Counter Genocide
Annoyance incarnate
Lil' Note

Fake Paradise pt 1

265 8 12
By Young-Ringleader

Word count: 5500

The day had barely started, and Alex was already stressed over having to pack his bags, he was incredibly nervous about spending a day in heaven

In fact, he was terrified, but this was like a dream come true for him, five months ago he had this small hope of going back to heaven one day, and now he finally had his big chance

Charlie decided to bring him along with them because...well, he was an Angel, but with red blood, instead of the golden one, and also because he could serve as witness that redemption was possible, to help convince the higher ups in heaven

He wanted to see his friends again, and he thought that maybe, he could try and get permission to visit there sometimes...because right now he wanted to stay in hell to help people redeem themselves...

He was happily walking through the hallways of the second floor, carrying a few clothes with him, he heard a few muffled voices coming from Charlie's room

"Okay! I have my warm weather clothes and my cold weather clothes"
"I have a light jacket, flak jacket, rain jacket-"
"Wait does it rain in Heaven?"

Vaggie: "chuckle Charlie, You're only going to Heaven for a few hours"

Charlie: "Vaggie, We are only going to Heaven for a day!!"

"I just wanna be prepared!"
"This is our last chance to convince Heaven a soul can be redeemed"

Vaggie: "Y-yeah...i, wish i could, come sweetie but i have, that...thing"

Charlie: "What thing?"

Vaggie: "The thing with the....uh, fuck, gah i'm such a bad liar"

Charlie: "Vaggie, you're my partner, i need you there with me, even if Alex will go too...i need you..."

Vaggie: "..."
"Sigh, fine"

Charlie: "Yes!"
"Mwuah!" She gave a little kiss on her forehead

Alex was a bit confused
She doesn't wanna go to Heaven?...

Suspicious....Should i?....


Nah, i should respect her privacy

Giving up on using omnicience, he simply kept on organizing his stuff

Charlie: "Hey but...what was that thing about hating yourself Husk mentioned the other day?"
"Didn't we didn't discuss that already?"

At this mention Vaggie flinched and clenched her lips, looking to her side with a sad expression

Charlie: "C'mon hun...why do you feel like that?...
"You can tell me..."

Vaggie: "'s...hard to explain"

Seeing how uncomfortable she was to talk about this properly, Charlie gave up, and tried to lighten the situation, giving her another kiss on the cheek

Charlie: "It's okay...take your time..."
"I'll get the rest of my stuff ready"

Vaggie saw how Charlie left the room in silence, wondering if she should have told her about that....

But she was afraid...

She shook those thoughts away and got up to help her and Alex

While they were getting ready, Angel arrived at the hotel, completely drained

"Augh, fuck..."

Upon his arrival, Niffty sprouted out of a vase that had a dying tree in it

"Hehe!, you look messy, what happened to you?"

He answered in a frustrated tone

"It's who happened to me, and the answer is everyone"

"Val had me working 16 hours straight on a fuckin' whim!"
He walked through the main hall while cracking his sore back

"The absolute dickbag"
Niffty climbed on him to clean some dust off his clothes

Alex was passing by with some clothes in hands
"You look terrible"

Angel frowned at him
"Why thanks, you too, feathered fucker"

He threw himself on the sofa, but then the wall next to Alex blew up, blasting him away
He shouted as he hopelessly flew away

Angel got startled from the explosion but then just groaned out of frustration

"Ugh...what the fuck is with that wall?"

???: "What up hoes? Pfahaha!"

Angel: "Ho-holy shit! Cherri bomb!?, long time no see baby!"

She jumped inside the hotel

Cherri: "Angie ya bitch"
"You've been texting me depressing crap all day"
"Figured we could tear shit up like old times"
"It's been.fuckin'.forevah!"

She glanced at Charlie and tossed a bomb at her
"Here hold this"

Charlie: "Agh! OhmyGod! OhmyGod!"

Vaggie: "Nope, gimme that"

Alex came back from the other side of the room after being blown away, he was covered in burns and scratches from the explosion

"Who the hell blew me up-WOAH!"

He ducked under the bomb that Vaggie threw through the hole that Cherri made

Vaggie: "Oops...sorry"

Alex: "'s fine....i guess"

When he spotted Cherri, he gasped silently, with an indignant expression

That girl's the one who threw a bomb at us months ago!

Angel let out a huge sigh as the grenade that Vaggie threw exploded outside of the hotel

Angel: "Nice seeing ya Cherri, but i'm too tired, i need to pass out"

He tried to throw himself on the sofa yet again but she catched him

"Oho! You can sleep when you're double dead, fuckhead"
"C'mon what you really need is a recharge!"
"A reinvigoration, a re-"

Alex: "You!"

He suddenly approached her, staring down at her while looking into her eye

"You're the one who almost blew me to smithereens months ago!"

Cherri: " 'scuse me? Do i know ya?"

Alex let out a sigh while rubbing his forehead

"It doesn't matter, do you even know how to use the fuckin' door?"

She chuckled at him

"Doors are for sore bitches, i ain't into the stealthy game when i can make a grand entrance"

Alex: "Well i'm sore all over because of you"
"And he's a sore bitch"

He pointed at Angel with a nonchalant expression who gasped offended

Angel: "HEY!"

Alex: "Anyways, he's tired as fuck, mind telling me where you're taking my friend?"

Angel's offended face switched to a warm smile with puppy eyes when he heard Alex calling him his friend

Cherri: "Your friend? I'm his friend too, i was tryna take him for a nice party out in the night"
"Y'know just having a nice rest out?, that's why i said re-"

Charlie: "Reeesponsible night on the town!!"
"That's a great idea!"

Cherri and Alex looked over to her awkwardly

"Hi, Charlie"
She shook Cherri's hand
"That's my wall that you just blew up"
She said shrugging a little
"And that's my employee you also...blew up"

Cherri glanced over to Alex, who Charlie was pointing to

He provokingly widened his eyes while angrily shrugging at her, to indicate his frustration about his current state

"I'm Alex...sigh, whatever"

Then he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, walking away from this whole ordeal, on his way to repair the clothes that were blasted away with him

Charlie chuckled nervously
"Don't worry about him, he's a little nervous today"
"Anyways, it's sooo nice to meet one of Angel's friends!"

She clapped her hands together and lifted her leg up, talking like a proud mother

"Agh! He never brings anyone around"

Cherri chuckled a little and crossed her arms with a smirk
"Pff- wonder why"

"Yeaaah me too" she responded, oblivious to Cherri's sarcasm

"Anyway, Angel and everyone else have been working so hard"
"I think they deserve to have a little fun"

Cherri's expression turned into a frown
"W-wait, 'they'?

"Yeah!" She took her hand and then announced to the others
"Hi! Everyone! Angel and his friend are taking you all out for a night of fun and relaxation!"

Cherri, obviously against this, tried to object

"Wait wait, i am only here for Angi-"

Suddenly she felt something heavy drop on her hands, opening her eye to see a huge pile of money that Charlie gave her

"Oh...nevermind! Let's go!"

Alex: "Wait? Party? T-tonight?"

Alex's already stressed mind only processed three things:

Niffty + Party

Holy shit

Alex: "W-wait maybe i don't want to Heaven..."

Charlie: "Make sure they have the best, time tonight!"

Charlie: "Anyway the portal to Heaven should be opening right about..."

Suddenly a magic portal opened inside the hotel

Charlie: "Gasp Oh! Now!!"

She rushed over to Vaggie and Alex and grabbed both of them...

Vaggie: "WOAH-!"

Then she yeeted them both through the portal

She waved one last time before going in

While the heavenly passage disappeared, Sir Pentious was passing by, spitting his drink on the floor after spotting Cherri

"Well!? If it isn't my arch-nemesis!"

Seeing him she frowned, a bit frustrated, she rolled her eye

"Have you come to meet your fate ij battle? Cherri bomb?"

She was sliding towards her but tripped on the suitcases left behing by Charlie and Alex

She just sighed while speaking, almost ignoring him

"I'm going out with Angel and gotta drag your sorry asses along"

Surprised at this, Sir Pentious was quite...surprised

"Oh?....oh, you and me are...going out? Like- for fun?" He did little finger guns while she scowled at him munching on bubble gun

"I....i didn't this would ever happen..."

"What...what do i do? Wha-what do i wear?"

He touched her shoulder and she grabbed his hand with force

"Don't fucking touch me you munted dickhead"

When she released his hand, he blushed, not expecting her to suddenly grab it


Flying through the portal Alex fell on his face against the golden floor, he yelled into it

"Fuuuckkk! I just wanted a taste! DAMMIT!"

Vaggie arrived right after, landing on her feet
"Phew...what the? Why are you like that? What are you doing?"

Alex: "I'm grieving"
He growled, his voice muffled from facing the floor, he lifted his hands up and flexed his fingers angrily

Vaggie: "Wha-? For who?"

Alex: "For the loss of an opportunity"

Vaggie: "..."

Alex: "Do NOT judge me"

Vaggie: "You're so horny, how are you even an angel??"

Alex: "Look who's talking..."

At this response Vaggie flinched slightly

Vaggie: "What...what does that mean?"

Alex: "Yeah...i know"

Vaggie: "H-how did you know??"

Alex: "Oh c'mon, you have an "X" over your eye, besides, at first i thought you bought that spear from Carmilla, but seeing how you reacted about Pentious buying her weapons, that means you probably wouldn't buy those, and also how you don't want to go to Heaven"

"It was honestly pretty damn obvious"

Vaggie: "Agh!!! Dammit!!"
She let out a frustrated hiss, pulling her hair a little

Alex: "Shhh"

He gestured her to shush as Charlie passed right through the portal

Charlie: "Ooh~ fancy-! What the? What happened to your face??"
She gestured at his scratched forehead

Alex: "You threw me through a portal...i'm just a guy with shit reflexes, of course i fell on my face"

Charlie: "R-right...h-haha! Sorry..."

He got up and dusted himself, putting his hands behind his back, acting more formal

Charlie: "Wooah but look at this place! It's soooo clean! Isn't it amazing!?"

Vaggie: "Yep....super cool,"

Suddenly an angel popped out next to the entrance to Heaven, startling Alex

"Hiya! Welcome to Heaven! Can i get your name please?"
He opened a huge golden book from below him

Charlie: "Oh! Uhhh uh uh C-charlie! Charlie Morningstar!"

Peter: "Charlie Morningstar hmm..."
"K, Charlie, Char...charlotte..."
He searched for her name until he couldn't really find anything, obviously
"I'm not seeing you on my list here..."
"That's so odd..."
He said while smiling nervously

Alex glanced at Vaggie and whispered to her
"Can ya stop with the death glares??"

She then glared at him, which made him flinch
"Holy shit, alright i'll shut up"

Charlie: "Well uhh, my dad got me this meeting so maybe..."

Peter: "Your dad? Okay..."

Charlie: "Try Lucifer?"
She slowly shrinked down as she said his name, feeling a little nervous

Peter's eyes widened
"OH! FUCK!, Yeaaaah, Hooo..."
"He-he-he yikes! Am i right?"
"You sure you're in the right place? 'Cause i think you might be a little lost"

Vaggie: "Ugh, here we go"

Alex: "Uhh no?...we have a meeting with Heaven here"

Peter: "Really?...wait a second..."
"I recognize you! You're the kid that fell two years ago!"

Vaggie: "You two know each other?"

Alex: "Uhhh...wait, you're Saint Peter?"

Peter: "Yeah!! I know i'm a little different"
"I dyed my hair blonde but, it's me!, dude your friends missed you so much!"

Alex: "R-really?"

Peter hugged him

Peter: "You're a little different too! Your hair's black now...i'm so glad you managed to get back up!, did Sera agree to this?"

Alex: "Sera?...who's that?..."

Peter: "Uh...Sera...the talked to her to get here, right?"

Alex: "Why would i need to-"

???: "Saint Peter..."

A voice spoked from above
Everyone looked up to see two majestic angels, their bodies covered in eyes, they transformed to a more suitable form, their several eyes disappeared, they looked more human

???: "We can take it from here"

???: "Greetings, daughter of the Morningstar"

???: "I'm Sera the high seraphim of Heaven"
"You are gifted to be here..."

Oh...that's Sera, how shiny...
Gifted to be here huh?...what a way to welcome people

While she spoke the other Seraphim next to her squealed and walked over to them

"Hi! I'm Emily! The other Seraphim!, though you can call me Em..."
"Emmy...E, Whatever!"
"I go by whatever"

Alex loved her cheerful attitude, it reminded him of Niffty

How bouncy

"Welcome to heaven!"

Flying up, Saint Peter began to sing

"Dearly beloved, it is my pleasure to say unto thee"
"Welcome to heaven! Ooh!🎶"

Alex: "Oh we're singing now i guess..."
He said, unimpressed at this point

The heavenly doors opened, the bright city shined on them
Alex covered his eyes in pain
Too fucking bright!

As Peter gave them a tour through the city, he sang joyfully

"We have the best and brightest!, the politest of the lot!...and everyone is hoooot~!!"🎶

Is he gay?

He stared for a few seconds, a little speechless, while a group of angels posed for them, a very muscular woman held Peter in her arms

They are hot though...not as much a Niffty but-

Wait a minute...that's her!
Alex spotted a certain spider-like angel posing among the others

Woah...she's so pretty...Angel wasn't kidding when we talked about that a month ago, his sister....what was her name again? Moll...molly?

Emily: "Gosh i'm so pleased to show some outsiders around!" 🎶
"After you see our realm! You'll never want to go back down!"

She held Charlie's hands while Vaggie frowned furiously at this

Alex nudged at her with his elbow while chuckling, as if to warn her that she was being too obvious

Sera interrupted Emily's singing

"Of course it's just temporary, i'm sorry you can't stay..."🎶

Alex frowned at this, staring with half closed eyes, feeling a suspicious of her

Did she need to clarify that???

Saint Peter and Emily flew together to the sky
"...'Cause every single say in Heaven is a happy daaaaaay~!"
"Welcome to Heaven!"

Alex: "Welp...that was....divine"
"...this place is still too bright ugh..."
He covered his eyes while mumbling to himself

After the song ended Emily guided them through the city a little more, while at it they ran past two certain angels

Adam the first man and his lieutenant, Lute

Adam: "Holy fucking shit balls, am i seeing who i think i'm seeing?"

Lute: "What is she doing here? How did she even get up here??"

Adam: "Who cares?? I'm handling this shit right now!"

Lute: "Wait!"
She held him back
"You wanna start a fight in the promenade in front of everyone??"

Adam: "Better than waiting for the fucking extermination"

She pulled him down by his collar, looking around to see if anyone heard him saying that
"Shhh! Sir, what was the Seraphim's one rule??"

Adam: "uuggghhhh! No one but the exorcists can know about the exterminations, i know, fine!"

He gave up on fighting and drank from the soda cup he had in hands

"Don't fucking shush me bitch"
He pointed at her

Suddenly two pairs of wings appeared behind them, startling both Lute and Adam

Sera: "You should listen to your lieutenant Adam"

Adam: "Fuck! Sera! You can't sneak up on a guy like that, geez"

Lute: "Your highness...forgive me, but what are the hell-spawn doing here?"

Sera: "You failed to control the demon's unrest and now Lucifer is involved, setting up an audience for his misguided daughter"
"I would've never agreed to your....yearly activities if i thought it would bring trouble to our doorstep"
"Keeping Heaven safe was my only reason for allowing it"

"And speaking of keeping Heaven safe, we have an even worse problem within us"

"That boy, he's a ticking bomb ready to explode at any moment"

Adam: "Wait you mean the kid with omnicience? The one you threw down like two years ago?"

Sera: "Precisely, not only is he here but also he has been in hell for quite some time"
"To make matters worse, his power increased significantly, i would never have allowed this meeting if i knew that filthy red blooded monster would be going along too"
"Lucifer and his, troublesome habits"

Adam: "Well what do you want me to do?? I'm just one guy"

Sera: "I want you to do whatever you need to do keep these problems from getting any worse"
"Are we clear?"

Finishing his drink, Adam sighed

" it"

After a long tour throught the divine city
Charlie, Vaggie, and Alex were all resting in their quarters, although Charlie and Alex were a little too hyped to go to the zoo with Emily

Vaggie decided to stay and rest, while the other two left for the zoo

Alex was already used to the brightness of Heaven, in fact, everyone in there was incredibly nice, he was having trouble getting used to it, although it warmed his heart to see Charlie hugging and snuggling a koala while Emily showed her around

He had become friends with Emily quite fast, she had a knack for making people smile, and she had said his smile was beautiful

Back in hell Niffty suddenly felt the urge to murder while going to the club for a party, she was a little confused by this....

Emily: "So your hair used to be ginger??"

Alex: "Yeah...dunno why it suddenly changed when i fell down there"

Emily: "I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to you, i'm sure it was simply a mistake, you're home now, where you belong"

She smiled warmly at him, he smiled back

Alex: "Thanks..."

Emily: "No problem, your wings are so pretty though, never seen feathers shine like this"

Alex: "Says the one with six wings chuckle"

Emily: "Oh you!"

He looked down at the little birds snuggling to his legs, then at Charlie, who was feeding that koala from before with sparkles in her eyes

Alex: "It's funny..."

Emily: "What is?"

Alex: "I never realized how much i missed these little things, until i lost them, and then i realize how ungrateful i might be when i think that....someone like Charlie never got to see actual animals....she's lived her whole life in hell, and look at her, she's so bright, meanwhile...i tried to make myselt the victim when i fell"

Emily noticed his tired smile, the bags under his eyes showed how conflicted he felt, but at the same time, the smile was genuine

Emily: "You know....i can tell you have trouble feeling worthy of what you have"

Alex flinched
"H-huh? I uh...n-no..."

Emily: "Don't play dumb!"
She punched his arm lightly
"Just know that, if you were destined to this place, then you are more than worthy...."
"Value yourself"
"So far, i can only see a great person in you"

Shocked and flustered by her kind words, Alex's eyes widened slightly, tears threatening to escape them

"T-thanks...i, sniff, that means a lot"
His eyes were welling up with tears, and he had a sad puppy face, feeling seen and understood

Slowly a small glowing circle appeared above his head

Alex: "Huh?..."

Emily squealed happily when she noticed

Emily: "Hehehe!! I guess you do have a halo"

Alex: "Well this a i can't wear any hats"

Emily: "oh don't worry, it goes up to adjust to anything you wear"

Alex: "Oho! Now this is a huge perk"

He felt a strange pulse in his chest, as if something had changed, it felt like a sudden surge of energy

He remembered he felt the same way when Vox and Valentino nearly killed him


He ignored it nevertheless, but then suddenly he spotted a few certain familiar figures

Alex: "No way..."

Emily noticed how he stared towards a group of people

Emily: "Who are they?"

Alex: "M-my friends, from when i was alive"

She smiled warmly, looking at the group, she recognized them

Emily: "Now that i took a better look, i actually have spent a ton of time with them for the past two years..."

Alex: "Oh? Really?, well...what do you think of them?

Emily: "Oh they're awesome!, Lucas is super funny, and Luke's always really calm"
"And....Aiden is....hehe..."

Her expression changed, she seemed like she was melting at the thought of him

"He's really nice..."

Alex noticed this sudden change of mood and smirked
Well well, who would've thought, i'm dating a little demon meanwhile you're about to get a Seraphim

"Way to go Aiden..."
He whisperer to himself

Emily: "Well anyways, what are you waiting for? Go there!"

Alex: "Wait a second-!"

She pushed him towards them, he was incredibly nervous about this, but still walked over to them

One of them saw him, the tallest of the group

Aiden: " i seeing this right?, guys!"

Lucas: "Whuh? Wha...what is it? HUH?"

Luke: "Alex!?"

Aiden: "Dude!!!"

Alex: "H-hey y''s Heaven been treating ya?"

Tears escaped his eyes instantly as his voice wavered, they all hugged in a group

And they all enjoyed the rest of the day together, going to parks, hugging a few animals, enjoying the sweets and foods available in that realm

Until it was almost time for the court to happen
Alex would join as a witness and defendant while Charlie defended her case

They went back to the room assigned to them
To rest and prepare for the evening event

Charlie: "Oof! That was fun! Koalas are the best, i never got to hug a bear before!! They were so fluffy and cute! AGHH! Vaggie you should've gone with us!"
She grabbed both her hands and kissed her forehead

"I love yooouu! I'll go take a shower!"

Right after Charlie, Alex walked in, his hair was a mess, and he was covered in fur and feather that were not his

He leaned onto the door and let out a tired sigh

Vaggie chuckled at this

"Had fun?"

Alex: "Oh boy...huff, you missed me getting crushed by a bear, i think they loved me too much...holy- pHeW"
"Gimme a minute"

He raised his finger and bent down to catch his breath, exposing his halo a bit more

Vaggie: "That's new..."

Alex: "Wha? Oh this? Yeah! It just popped on my head...dunno why"
"Far as i knew only my soul had a halo"

Vaggie: "Maybe you're just fully 'holy' now?"

Alex: "Probably"

While questioning the whole "halo" ordeal, he noticed how Vaggie seemed uneasy

Alex: "Anything on your mind?"

Vaggie looked up to him with a nearly miserable expression


Alex: "Lies...i can tell that much"

Vaggie kept quiet, looking down

Alex: "Oh c'mon, really?? Not gonna tell me anything??"

Vaggie: "Why should i? I don't need to share everything with you"

Alex: "That's not what i said, ya can't keep everything in or else you'll go crazy"

She kept quiet once again

He sighed and took on a fighting stance

Alex: "Then how about we spar?, you don't need to tell me, but you might aswell let out some steam?"

Hesitant at first, Vaggie agreed


They exchanged a few blows that started normal at first, although Alex clearly had the upper hand, deflecting every punched she swung at him

A: "Nope"

V: "Ugh!"

A: "Too slow"

V: "Dammit!"

A: "Are you even trying??"

V: "Shut up!!"

She threw a reckless hook and he catched her arm, throwing her down

A: "Welp...that's odd, pretty sure you're better at fighting than me"

She growled quietly, and got up, raising her guard again, the spar was becoming more heated

They swinged faster, deflected more precisely, Alex kept a straight face all the time despite sweating from the exercise

V: "Why are you stronger!?"

A: "I'm not stronger, you're just not giving your all"

V: "Well it's not my fault!!"

A: "Then who's is it?"

V: "Adam and that bitch he has around all the time!!"

She stopped when she finally landed a punch on his face, his eyes, which were adverted to the side due to the force of her blow, moved and coldly looked back at her
He took a blow to the face and only moved his eyes, only what was necessary

A: "So that's what was bothering you"

V: "Wha? Y-you-!"

A: "Hey, i could've just used omniscience"
"Now i got a face rearrangement i didn't ask for so..."
"Mind sharing your burdens?"

V: "...."

A: "I'm your me"

She let out a long sigh

Vaggie: "They...came here and...threatened to tell Charlie about...y'know"

Alex: "Ohhhh....shit"
He raised his index finger and then held his chin
"That's...a problem"
"Were they the ones who...?"

Vaggie: "Yeah...Lute took my eye and wings away"

Alex: "Oof..."

He had a face that could only be described as deadpan shock

"What are you gonna do?"

Vaggie: "Well...."
"I'll keep helping Charlie, even if she hates me..."
"Even if...she doesn't want to look at me ever again"

Alex: "That's admirable..."
"Y'know Vaggie...i think you're a great person"
"You're responsible, and try to be nice and patient despite all the stress you go through"
"And i just wanna let you know that, i'll help you, the best way i can"

"You're my friend...and a wonderful person"

She was surprised to hear this from Alex, especially since they started off with the wrong foot

Her thoughts compared what Adam said with what he said

"To think someone as worthless as you-"


"You're a wonderful person"

She was a smart woman, she knew who's opinion to value more, and that was the opinion from a loyal friend

Three hours later

The court was ready, everyone was prepared to defend their own cases

Alex: " many people, i hate crowds"

Charlie: "Oh nooo not him again!!"
She groaned out loud as Adam walked past her and sat on his assigned place

"What up baby? Saw that you went to my manager"
He pointed at Sera, who frowned

"Low blow Karen!"

The high seraphim readied herself and spoke

"We are gathered here to determine whether or not a soul in Hell can be redeemed into the heavenly realm by means of this Hazbin Hotel"
"Princess Morningstar?"

Charlie: "Sigh Thank you, Seraphim"

She attempted to define redemption acording to a dictionary and start her defense, but Adam objected had Charlie barely spoken, claiming it was lame and unoriginal

The high seraphim sustained it

Alex: "The fuck?"

Sera: "No further dictionary references please"

Alex: "Oh no...."

Alex shrank down a little, looking at Charlie with concern, knowing the initial part of her defense was consisted mostly of definitions and references from the dictionary

He went over and whispered on her ear
Alex: "L-let's just skip over to Angel alright?"

Adam: "If you have any actual proof then show it already"

Alex: "This fucker-"

Charlie: "We have a patron! Right now, who is making incredible progress!"

Adam: "Who?"

Charlie: "Angel Dust"

Adam: "Oh yeah! The porn demon, he's totally worth being redeemed"
He blew a raspberry at them

Alex: "How do you even know who he is??"

Adam: "I uh....t-that's not the point! He's not worthy of redemption"

Charlie: "Well if you know so much, what do you think it takes to get into Heaven?"

Adam: "Ummmm..."

Alex: "Got him!" He whispered, winking to Charlie and Vaggie

Adam: "W-....w-well uhhh"

The jury and other participants stared at him in confusion

Sera: "Is everything okay, Adam?

Adam: "Give me a fucking minute okay?"
He pulled out a quill pen and wrote on a piece of golden paper

Then after writing on it, he passed it to Vaggie, she read it out loud

"Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man..."

"Are you fucking serious?" She said, almost slamming her fist on the table

Alex: "You gotta be kidding me..."

Adam: "Uh...Yeah! Sure got me here...didn't it?"
He glanced over to her for support

"He was the first human soul in Heaven" Sera replied reluctantly

Alex noticed this bit of vulnerability in Adam, and his curiosity was piqued, but he ignored it for now, they needed to focus on the court

Charlie: "Well i bet Angel is doing all of that right now"

Vaggie looked concerned, and Alex gestured for Charlie to stop by sliding his fingers in front of his neck repeatedly

Adam: "Then let's fucking see it! Brah!"

He snapped his fingers and a white orb appeared in the middle of the court

Charlie: "Your honors, may i present exhibit A"

The orb showed Angel and Cherri at the party with the others

Cherri: "Whoo! Isn't this place the fuckin' best?"

Husk: "I'll admit, 'consent' is a good name for a sex club"
Husker said with a smile

Alex was a little concerned
Shoot, they're in a sex club

Pentious noticed Niffty rapidly trying to clean the floor

Pentious: "Niffty dear, what are you doing?"

Niffty: "I'm sweeping!, urgh! Look at how icky it is in here!"

Pentious: "That's because we're at a club dear"

Niffty: "OoOoH! I thought the hotel looked different, gremlin sounds"

Alex looked at the orb with sparkling eyes and dilatated pupils
My baby! I miss you...aarghh!

Sir Pentious glanced at Cherri, and tried to hit on her

Pent: "Miss bomb! Agh!"
Her hair accidentally hit his face
"I-i'd like to buy you a drink!"

Cherri: "Why? Didn't you say we were arch rivals??"

Charlie, just for a moment, loved this little interaction, Alex was secretly fanboying over it too

C'mon Pent! She gave you a chance!

Pentious: "I-i well...because i'm buying everyone a drink here!"

The crowd in the club cheered upon hearing this

...welp...he tried at least

Angel: "Good..."
He replied with a tired groan
"I need a drink after today"
"Y'know Val? He's into this waterboarding shit now..."
"I....i don't know, it's a kink"

Cherri: "Angel enough with the Val talk, he already ruined your whole day, don't let him ruin your night too"
"Here take one of these and you won't be worrying about nothing"

She opened her hand and offered him a few "happined pills"
Obviously, drugs

Alex: "Ah...shit" he whispered to himself, hoping with all his heart that Angel would refuse them

Husk: "here we go..."

Cherri: "Oh? Look! The drunk sobered up long enough to judge us!"

Husk: "I ain't the one trying to get into Heaven"

Yes! Go Husker!!

Husk: "Look, you wanna fuck up all your progress? Be my guest!, i just..."
"I just thought you were better than that"

Cherri: "Thanks Captain Buzzkill"

Ugh! Shut up! Stop! I knew she was trouble...

"C'mon Angie, let's get fucked up! It's been too long!"

Angel: "I, uhh, i-i don't know, it's been a long night, i don't need to go too wild"

Hearing this, Husker looked at Cherri with a smirk, feeling proud of Angel

Cherri: "C'mon bitch!, if you've been working hard then you deserve a little R and R"

At this moment, Sir Pentious showed up behind her with two shots


"And some THC, or maybe some PCP with DMT"
"Aw fuck it, let's see where the night takes us eh?"

Angel: "I...i guess?"

Nooo! least he resisted, we're proud of you Angel!

Pentious: "Cherri...i bought you a shot"

She looked back at him with a bored expression

Pentious: "Erm! Because i bought everyone another shot! Hooray! Ha ha ha!"

The crowd cheered once again

He'd rather admit that out loud than confess...

Alex: "I need to give him some tips when we get back"
He rubbed his forehead in frustration

Back to the club, after taking in a shot of whisky, Angel decided to just go along with it, and go wild

Adam: "Heavenly people, what more do you need to see?"
"The porn star chose a night of debauchery"
"That's not a soul worthy of being in Heaven!"
Lute sat down smugly next to Adam, seeing how well the handled this

Alex was about to rip his hair off

Charlie: "Uhh, objection!"

But the Seraphim kept silent

Charlie questioned them, asking if they seriously never had a drink with friends at the end of a hard day, to which Adam responded saying that they don't have hard days, since it was...well....Heaven

"Are you really gonna sit there and pretend like this behavior is ok?"
"What do you think?"

Vaggie: "I...i need to go to the bathroom!"

Alex: "Wha?"

Charlie: "What? Vaggie can't you hold it!?"
Charlie held her head in distress, Alex looked at her with pity
The whole world was against her, once again

Charlie: "Angel will make good decisions! We have to keep watching!"

Alex: "I-i know he's a good person...he's my friend...please"

Sera: "Yeah...i don't know"

Emily: "We have to give him a chance!"

After taking a deep breath, Sera allowed it

Charlie: "Fuck! Yes!"

Alex: "Fucking yes!"

They both looked at them awkwardly...

Alex: "I...uh.."

Charlie: "H-haha...i mean, thank you"

Why doesn't she judge Adam when he swears twice as much?
Alex thought
This is so weird, it's like she doesn't want us to win

With suspicion in mind, Alex decides to carefully watch Sera's behavior from now on, they kept watching the party, to see where that would lead to...

To be continued in next chapter...

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