The Eclipsed Heart

By mehhh024

122K 8K 3.8K

In the comforting embrace of his perfect life, Khan Murtasim Khan had everything one could wish for. Yet, a c... More

Character Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Last Chapter

Chapter 36

1.9K 166 141
By mehhh024

Murtasim and Meerab had finally settled into a semblance of normalcy. After days of awkwardly avoiding each other, they had seamlessly slipped back into their normal routine. Nights were once again filled with Meerab animatedly recounting her day until she drifted into sleep, and Murtasim patiently listening to her, occasionally interjecting with a comment or a gentle tease.

The room was once again adorned with the soft glow of a bedside lamp, casting a warm ambiance that enveloped them in a comforting cocoon. Murtasim, perched on his side of the bed, would attentively listen to Meerab's rants, his gaze fixed on her as she shared her thoughts and experiences about the panchayat or maybe anything new she saw when she went out. As the night progressed, he would gently adjust the blanket to accommodate Meerab's weird sleeping positions, with a small smile playing on his face.

However, the serenity took an unexpected turn when Meerab approached Murtasim with news of Shahmeer's call about the gaon tour.

"Mr. Khan, Shahmeer called me today," Meerab informed him, her eyes reflecting curiosity. "He asked if you're free for touring this week."

Murtasim sighed at the mention of Shahmeer, While he did have a relatively free schedule, but did he wanted to spend it with Shahmeer? Nope! "Oh, Meerab, I'm sorry I won't be free this week. I have a number of tasks to deal with. Perhaps next week would work better for me."

Meerab nodded understandingly, "Alright, I'll tell him."

Murtasim couldn't help but smirk as Meerab left. Mission ditching Shahmeer and preserving mental peace, has been successful, he exclaimed mentally. But little did he know that Meerab's persistence would unravel his carefully crafted plans.

The following days brought repeated inquiries from Meerab, each time met with Murtasim conjuring up creative excuses to evade Shahmeer's proposed tour. Irritation began to gnaw at him as Meerab's concern for Shahmeer's plans annoyed him.

One morning, expecting the usual inquiry about his availability, Murtasim was taken back when Meerab approached him with a different request. Grinning, she caught him off guard, "Mr. Khan, since you're heading out anyway, could you drop me off at the shopping mall? I'm feeling a bit bored and I have to buy a few things as well so,"

Caught off guard, Murtasim cleared his throat, his mind scrambling to adjust to this request. "Alright, I'll drop you off," he replied as Meerab nodded excitedly.


The drive to the shopping mall was filled with easy conversation. Upon arrival, Murtasim turned to Meerab. "So, when should I pick you up?" he inquired.

"I don't know, maybe in an hour or two?" Meerab replied.

"Alright then, give me a call, and I'll be here," Murtasim said with a nod. Just as Meerab was about to step out, he gently stopped her. "Wait, Meerab," he said, reaching into his pocket. She looked at him curiously as he handed her his card.

"What's this?" Meerab questioned.

"It's a credit card," Murtasim shrugged.

"I know, but why are you giving this to me? Do you want something?" Meerab questioned, looking at the card in her hand.

Murtasim chuckled, his eyes filled with warmth. "No, Meerab. I'm giving it to you so that you can use it. You mentioned wanting to buy a few things, right?"

Meerab was genuinely surprised. "But Mr. Khan, I can't take this. I have my own money. You don't need to—"

"But I want to," Murtasim interrupted, smiling warmly. "Besides, I'm your husband. I deserve to do this much right?"

The gesture left Meerab momentarily speechless. "Thank you," she finally whispered.

"Okay then, I'll pick you up later. But if I get a bit late, I'll ask Farukh to come, okay?"

"Okay. Bye," Meerab said as she left.

As Meerab entered the mall, she couldn't help but stare at the card Murtasim had given her. It wasn't just any credit card; it was a black card, a card with no spending limit. The weight of the gesture left her both puzzled and intrigued. Why did he give her something so extravagant?

Meerab had never take money from anyone ever since she had turned sixteen. Independence had always been her mantra. Despite being the only child of his father, who kept on insisting that everything he had was hers, she had been earning her own keep. This self-sufficient spirit extended even to her orphanages, where she steadfastly refused her father's financial assistance, tirelessly seeking funds on her own. After all, her dad had already done enough by building the orphanage and giving it to her, but now, it was her job to maintain it.

However, now as she was holding the sleek black card in her hand, Meerab felt a subtle shift. It wasn't just about money; it was a gesture that went beyond financial support and the thought made Meerab's cheeks turn pink. "I'm your husband, I deserve to do this much right?" his words echoed in her mind as she strolled through the mall.

Maybe her husband wasn't Elon Musk, but he did come close, Meerab giggled at her own words as she continued to explore the shopping mall until her eyes fixed on a jewelry shop, where she saw a woman adorned with a piece of jewelry that shimmered and sparkled like a star, something that made Meerab feel intrigued.


Murtasim wasn't able to pick Meerab up. He had found himself entangled in the complexities of legal matters, battling the intricacies of factory issues, taxations, and machinery payments that detained him far beyond his usual return time. Weary and burdened with the day's challenges, he made his way to his room, each step heavier than the last.

Upon entering, he saw Meerab, standing by the bed, that was filled with her shopping spree. Clearing his throat, Murtasim spoke, "Wow, looks like you raided the whole mall tod—" His words trailed off abruptly as Meerab turned towards him, and his eyes fixated on her transformed appearance.

In that moment, Murtasim's gaze was arrested by a tiny piece of jewelry that adorned Meerab's nose—a nose ring with a delicate stud on it. It looked as if a small shining star had been delicately placed on her face. The miniature star, reminiscent of a cosmic constellation, danced along the contours of her nose, capturing the very essence of her celestial beauty.

As Murtasim stood there, time seemed to momentarily stand still. The weariness that clung to him disappeared, being replaced by an undeniable sense of warmth. He couldn't help but think that Meerab looked not just pretty, but absolutely enchanting in this newfound embellishment. The nose ring accentuated her features, adding a touch of celestial grace to her already captivating presence.

In a moment of anticipation, Meerab eagerly asked, "So, how do I look?"

Murtasim, as if entranced by her newfound radiance, whispered, "Beautiful."

"Really?" Meerab sought reassurance.

Shaking his head, Murtasim trying to break free from the enchantment, cleared his throat, and replied, "Yeah. It looks really good. Its—it suites you."

Meerab's smile widened, a subtle victory dance playing in her eyes. "I knew it would look good on me. I saw this lady at the mall getting her nose pierced, and it got me thinking—would it suit me or not? But then I felt a bit adventurous, and I decided to go for it."

She paused, strolling towards her side of the bed to retrieve her bag. Rifling through it, she continued, "Oh, that reminds me." Meerab walked back to Murtasim, clutching something in her hand. "Here you go. I know you gave me this card, but I couldn't bring myself to use it. Thank you, though."

As she extended his card back to him, Murtasim shook his head gently, pushing her hand back towards herself. "No, Meerab. You keep it. I gave it to you so use it get whatever you need or want. No need to return it. It's yours."

"But how can I keep it? It belongs to you and I'm not used to using someone else's things like this," Meerab argued.

Murtasim looked at her with sincerity in his eyes. "Lekin tum meri biwi ho," he said softly, the words hanging in the air, invoking a recent memory that had been buried deep within both of them.

"Tum meri biwi ho, Meerab"

There was a subtle shift in the atmosphere, a delicate dance of memories taking them back to an intense moment filled with an electrifying proximity that lingered in the air. The recollection was so vivid that it seemed to wrap around them, creating an unspoken connection that they could both still feel.

As Meerab's shy eyes met with Murtasim's, time seemed to stand still—a shared recognition flashed between them, a silent acknowledgment that they were both dwelling on the same alluring memory. Inhaling deeply, Meerab chuckled nervously, attempting to dissipate the palpable tension that filled the room. Murtasim reciprocated with an awkward smile, excusing himself to the bathroom to change, only to be stopped by Meerab once again.

"Mr. Khan, wait. I have to tell you something," she said, her voice carrying a mix of anticipation and hesitation.

"Yeah," Murtasim replied, his curiosity piqued.

"Well, you know how Shahmeer had been asking me about the gaon tour, and you kept delaying it again and again," Meerab began, causing Murtasim to feel a discomfort settle within him at the mention of Shahmeer once more. Did every conversation have to involve him? Murtasim huffed as Meerab's voice broke his trance.

"So, I asked Farukh about your schedule this week, and he said that you're free. So, I called Shahmeer and agreed to the tour this week," Meerab confessed, her gaze dropping.

"Meerab," Murtasim said, his voice carrying hints of disapproval.

Hastily, Meerab held onto his hand, her pleading eyes locking onto his. "Please don't say no. I already promised him, and you've been free for two weeks. I don't know why you've been delaying it, but I've already committed to him now," she pleaded softly.

Murtasim sighed in a mix of frustration and embarrassment. Why the hell did Farukh had to go and spill the beans about his free routine to Meerab and the fact that Meerab had noticed that he had been delaying the tour deliberately wasn't helping as well. As he contemplated, Meerab's grip on his hand tightened and her doe-eyes pleading looked at him for assurance. He couldn't deny her, he knew that for sure.

"Okay, since I am free, you can call Shahmeer and tell him to come over tomorrow," Murtasim conceded, a resigned smile playing on his lips.

Meerab's squeak of excitement seemed to echo through the room, a symphony of joy that filled the air. Her eyes sparkled with genuine happiness, and an infectious enthusiasm radiated from her. Unbeknownst to her, Meerab leaned in impulsively, a burst of spontaneous gratitude prompting her to place a gentle kiss on Murtasim's cheek.

The sensation was both electrifying and tender. Meerab's lips lingered for a heartbeat longer than expected, leaving a soft imprint on Murtasim's cheek. It was an unexpected touch, sending a ripple through the atmosphere, and a subtle warmth began to spread through Murtasim from the point of contact.

"Thank you!!" Meerab exclaimed as she hurriedly turned to grab her phone, but Murtasim remained rooted in place. His mind raced, processing the mix of emotions stirred by Meerab's gesture. His ears burned, not just from the physical contact but from the emotional undercurrents that had surged through the room.

He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, each beat echoing the surprising intimacy of the moment. He touched his cheek, still tingling from the soft imprint, a warmth enveloped him, defying both reason and explanation.

"What is happening to me?" he questioned himself as the sensation lingered, leaving him momentarily spellbound and bemused. The touch, the warmth, and the unspoken emotions left him standing on the precipice of uncertainty, wondering about the truth of his feelings.


The morning hues gently caressed Khan Haveli as Khan Murtasim Khan, a man with a meticulously crafted plan, prepared for the upcoming Gaon tour. Farukh was also enlisted to accompany them, much to Murtasim's relief. And even Maa Begum had repeatedly insistence on making Shahmeer feel as welcomed as possible. Murtasim's strategy was straightforward – Farukh would keep Shahmeer company while he would stick close to Meerab. Simple, right?

However, the execution of the plan proved to be more difficuly than Murtasim had envisioned. As Shahmeer arrived at Khan Haveli, bearing a plethora of gifts for everyone, the welcome extended to him was nothing short of grand. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation, and Shahmeer found himself embraced into the warmth of the Khan family. The grandeur continued as they all sat around the dining table, sharing a hearty breakfast.

To Murtasim's chagrin, the plan seemed to falter right from the start. Despite the strategic placement of Farukh, Shahmeer and Meerab found an organic connection, obviously drawing closer due to their camaraderie. As the atmosphere buzzed with animated conversation, Shahmeer had started telling everyone about their university days.

With a mischievous grin, Shahmeer turned to Meerab, "You know, since our university days, Meerab has always been quite the social worker she is."

The room hushed with anticipation as Shahmeer recounted the incident, "We once witnessed a guy harassing a girl in our campus, and before anyone could react, Meerab, with the speed of a superhero, grabbed a nearby book and went full ninja on the guy. She literally broke his nose and that guy had passed out there and then."

Gasps and laughter erupted around the dining table as Meerab blushed, a mix of pride and modesty on her face. "Well, he deserved it."

As everyone continued to share stories and laughter, Murtasim swore he tried to blend in, but an inexplicable unease lingered within him. The room buzzed with warmth, yet an invisible barrier seemed to separate him from the shared joy. It was as if a shadow loomed over the merriment, casting a faint pallor on Murtasim's attempts to enjoy himself.

And to add more fuel to the fire, when they were finally about to leave, Meerab insisted on sitting with Shahmeer since he was alone in his car. Murtasim wanted to argue; a tempest of frustration and disappointment welled up inside him. He craved Meerab's company, wanted her to sit with him but fate had dealt him the card of being stuck with Farukh instead.

"Shahmeer's a nice guy, right?" Farukh's voice broke the heavy silence in the car.

"Sure he is," Murtasim replied, his teeth grating against each other as he struggled to maintain his calm composure.

Farukh glanced at him, a hint of surprise on his face as he raised his eyebrows. "What?" Murtasim snapped, irritation simmering beneath the surface.

"Are you jealous of Shahmeer?" Farukh teased, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Why the hell would I be jealous of him?" Murtasim retorted, his voice carrying subtle traces of anger.

"Well, because he's Meerab's friend, and they've known each other for years," Farukh observed with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"So what? They're just friends, and I'm not like those weird, conservative men who get possessive over their wives for no reason," Murtasim asserted, trying to dismiss the notion.

"Well, you should be then," Farukh whispered, his words hanging in the air like a subtle provocation, and Murtasim couldn't help but pick up on it.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Murtasim asked with a shrug, genuinely intrigued yet slightly annoyed.

"I mean to say, Shahmeer is—he's quite an ideal guy, you know. If I were a girl, I would have totally fallen for him," Farukh remarked, his words carrying an unexpected depth that lingered in the confined space of the car.

Murtasim's neck snapped towards Farukh, his eyes narrowing in confusion. "Why? What does he have that I don't!?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Farukh, attempting to stifle a laugh, couldn't help but find amusement in Murtasim's sudden perplexity.

"Well, for starters, he's tall—like, taller than you are, and he's broader. His muscles are more defined, and well, he has that rugged charm that seems to catch everyone's attention. Did you see how well he blended in with all of us even when he met us today only?" Farukh explained, a playful glint in his eyes.

"No big deal in that! Height is my genetic default and muscles, anyone can build that. What else?" Murtasim scoffed.

"And then he's so sweet. He got us all presents. He's well-educated, eloquent, and handsome. Did you see how good he looked in that prince suit sorta thing? Future prime minister I tell you."

Murtasim couldn't help but discreetly roll his eyes; in his view, Shahmeer's touted impeccable style seemed overrated. The grey prince suit coat paired with straight black pants that Shahmeer was raving about hardly impressed Murtasim. Contrarily, he firmly believed that his own classic white shalwar kameez, accentuated by a beige waistcoat, presented a far more appealing and timeless aesthetic. And at least he was the one complimenting Meerab's dress not that Shahmeer!

"And most importantly, now this is something that he surpasses you in," Farukh spoke, building suspense as he paused.

"What? What is it?" Murtasim asked eagerly, anxiety crawling up his back as he paid close attention to what Farukh was about to say.

"He's Meerab's age. Ah, being 23 is truly a blessing, you know. Such youthful days," Farukh declared, the mischievous sparkle in his eyes revealing the punchline.

Murtasim's frustration reached a boiling point. His eyes, once narrowed in confusion, now burned with anger as he delivered a swift and frustrated punch to Farukh's chest. The force behind the blow reflected the intensity of Murtasim's emotions, unleashed in response to Farukh's teasing words.

"Shut up, you asshole! It was a stupid idea to talk to you. I should have just left you back home. No, wait, should I open the door and kick you out somewhere?" Murtasim's voice sliced through the confined space of the car, carrying an undertone of exasperation.

Farukh, recovering from the punch, let out an "Ouch" and instinctively touched his chest before he continued, "You wouldn't do that, Murtasim. You wouldn't want Shahmeer and Meerab to spend all the time alone now, do you?" Farukh said, challenging him. He wasn't really aware Murtasim's initial intentions to bring him along on the trip, but now that he knew, and he wasn't going to let the matter rest.

Murtasim's jaw tightened, and he shot a sharp look at Farukh. Farukh, with a tone that carried a mix of curiosity and intrigue, questioned, "Why, Khan? Why are you so worked up about this? Weren't you the one who pushed Meerab away? So why are you getting insecure by the mere mention of Shahmeer?"

As the words hung in the air, Murtasim clenched the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. The weight of Farukh's probing question pressed upon him, and a tumult of thoughts swirled in his mind. Why was Shahmeer effecting him so much? Murtasim wanted to scream, the temper of his feelings reaching its limits, threatening to explode into an overwhelming cascade of emotions. However, he decided to do otherwise.

"It's nothing," he whispered, his gaze fixed ahead on the road. The rhythmic hum of the car and the passing landscape provided a stark contrast to the internal storm raging within him.

Farukh, undeterred, smiled as he looked at his stubborn friend. "Well, leave all of this. Let's listen to some songs. Wait, I'll play my favorite," Farukh said, connecting his Bluetooth to the car device. The melody started to play, and Murtasim swore he wanted to punch the music system. Of course, Farukh was a lovesick jerk who loved getting on his nerves.

As the music filled the car, Farukh increased the volume, moving his shoulders in rhythm. He started singing along to the familiar tune of a classic Bollywood song,
"Tum paas aaye,
yun muskuraye,
Tumne na jaane kya sapne dikhaye.
Ab to mera dil jaage na sota hai,
Kya karun haaye kuch kuch hota hai,
Kya karun haaye kuch kuch hota hai."

Farukh's singing echoed through the car, and Murtasim couldn't help but groan. He wondered why he was friends with this annoying pest in the first place. Amidst Farukh's musical theatrics, Murtasim's eyes repeatedly glanced at the rearview mirror, catching glimpses of Shahmeer's car following closely behind.

The road ahead seemed to stretch endlessly, mirroring the labyrinth of emotions Murtasim found himself entangled in, unsure of where the journey would lead.


Shahmeer and Meerab, on the other hand, found themselves in a relaxed atmosphere with the subtle music playing in the background.

"You've changed a lot, Meerab," Shahmeer remarked, stealing a glance at her. Meerab looked at him, a hint of confusion dancing in her eyes, but she smiled warmly. "Really? In what sense?" she questioned.

"Well, first of all, you're wearing these traditional clothes," Shahmeer said, pointing at her attire. Meerab was adorned in a beautiful light olive green long shirt paired with matching straight trousers. The delicate gold embroidery gracing her neck and sleeves added an air of sophistication. The matching raw silk dupatta draped gracefully around her shoulders featured exquisite pink flowers with vibrant green leaves and delicate gold lines, creating an enchanting ensemble. To top it off, the matching gold khusas completed her entire look.

She had chosen this attire, considering how Maa Begum always emphasized on wearing formal clothes while visiting the gaon. This, according to tradition, was how Khan Murtasim Khan's wife and the Khaani should look. The intricate details of Meerab's outfit not only reflected her adherence to tradition but also showcased her innate grace and elegance.

"Well, since I'm the Khaani, this is how I should be presenting myself. It's the custom here," Meerab explained, her voice carrying a sense of pride and acceptance of her role.

"See, another thing. You weren't the one to follow traditions or customs before," Shahmeer observed.

"I mean, maybe because I've never felt this attached to my roots before. But after all of this, I don't really mind this, you know. Traditions might seem suffocating at times, but they're quite interesting as well," she laughed. "What else do you think is different?" She asked eagerly.

"You being in love," Shahmeer said with a teasing smile as he looked at Meerab.

Meerab's smile faded as she was taken aback. "What? How—how do you know?"

Shahmeer chuckled, his eyes reflecting a depth of understanding. "You, out of all people, shouldn't be asking me that. Your eyes say it all, Meerab."

Meerab blushed, attempting to hide the emotions that seemed to betray her. She looked away, a shy smile playing on her lips. "Well, I didn't think it was that obvious."

Shahmeer leaned in slightly, his tone becoming more playful. "Meerab, the way you talk about him, the sparkle in your eyes when his name comes up, and now, these traditional clothes that you're wearing to hold up the status of being his wife– it's written all over you. Love looks good on you."

Meerab's cheeks flushed with a deeper shade of pink, and she playfully nudged Shahmeer. "Stop teasing me, Shahmeer."

Shahmeer grinned as he asked, "What about him? Does Murtasim love you as well?"

Meerab's smile faded as Shahmeer uttered those words. Did he love her? He had always denied it, but his actions always spoke otherwise. His elusive responses, the unspoken tension that often filled the spaces between them, and the way his eyes betrayed emotions he refused to voice—all of it contributed to the intricate tapestry of their relationship. Sighing, Meerab replied, "It's complicated."

"What's complicated? Honestly, to me, it's quite obvious. The way he looks at me as if he's planning my murder, and the way his face had fallen into disappointment when you said you'd sit with me, Meerab, coming from a man, I would say that Murtasim is head over heels for you. He reeks of jealousy when he sees me with you." Shahmeer's observations carried a mix of insight and amusement.

"Shahmeer, please. You're mistaken here," Meerab insisted, her tone a blend of defensiveness and uncertainty.

Shahmeer leaned back once again, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he continued to press on the matter. "Mistaken? Meerab, trust me, I've been through a lot to recognize the signs of love. Murtasim may be playing it cool, but his actions speak louder than his denials."

Meerab opened her mouth to argue once again, but Shahmeer interrupted her with a sly smile. "Do you wanna make a bet?"

Caught off guard by the unexpected proposal, Meerab blinked in surprise. "A bet? Shahmeer, we're not eighteen anymore."

"No, no wait. I promise you, by the end of today, Murtasim would himself agree that he's jealous of me. He might even be screaming his guts out of frustration right now," Shahmeer said with a confidence that bordered on mischief.

"I don't think this is a good idea," Meerab said, her tone laced with hesitation.

"Oh, come on," Shahmeer insisted, bringing his hand in front in a mock gesture of sealing a deal. "Where's your sense of adventure, Meerab? I want that old Meerab back, no need to turn into a granny already."

Meerab shook her head as she said, "Shut up! It's on. I know Khan Murtasim Khan would never do such a thing, but whatever sails your boat."

"We'll see. Now, the only thing you need to do is ignore him. Don't talk to him and just keep being on my side. I'll take care of the rest," Shahmeer instructed confidently as Meerab just reluctantly nodded to it.

As their conversation filled the car, the atmosphere became a blend of playful banter and underlying tension. The bet hung in the air like a subtle challenge, adding an unexpected layer to Shahmeer's journey to the Gaon.


Murtasim's journey of patience is starting and all of my sympathies are with him because he would definitely need that🥹

Drop your feedbacks and apologizes for any typos or errors!!!

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