AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kai

By cobracade

39.3K 1.9K 1.5K

๐’„๐’๐’ƒ๐’“๐’‚ ๐’Œ๐’‚๐’Š ๐’”๐’†๐’‚๐’”๐’๐’๐’” ๐Ÿ-๐Ÿ” โ”โ” โthrough chaos as it swirls, it's us against the world.โž multiple l... More

โ”โ” act one.
01 โ€• let the chaos begin.
02 โ€• definitely (not) a crush.
03 โ€• the devil listens to ac/dc.
04 โ€• marty mcfly's got moxie.
05 โ€• the defender of nerds.
06 โ€• fights and fouettรฉs.
07 โ€• this little piggy is jealous.
08 โ€• the rabbit on the moon.
09 โ€• got a secret, can you keep it?
10 โ€• parties and drinking and fights, oh my!
11 โ€• we've got a tournament to win.
12 โ€• point, thirasawat!
โ”โ” act two.
13 โ€• of rejection and refection.
14 โ€• new kids on the block.
15 โ€• love, decha.
16 โ€• a series of complicated events.
17 โ€• just being friendly.
18 โ€• take a chance on me.
19 โ€• tough decisions, tougher envisions.
20 โ€• we're just getting started.
21 โ€• are we gonna have a problem?
22 โ€• unhappy birthday.
23 โ€• love is torture.
โ”โ” act three.
25 โ€• guilt becomes her.
26 โ€• the warrior you're meant to be.
27 โ€• new person, same mistakes.
28 โ€• don't poke the hawk.
29 โ€• every last moment.
30 โ€• the worst betrayal of all.
31 โ€• divisions, collisions, decisions.
32 โ€• rivalry, wherefore art thou?
33 โ€• it's just too little too late.
34 โ€• germanium nickel uranium sulfur.
35 โ€• friendship and feelings.
36 โ€• heaven knows i'm miserable now.
37 โ€• carol of cobras.
38 โ€• rage becomes her.
โ”โ” act four.
39 โ€• a new era of chaos.
40 โ€• who is achara thirasawat?
41 โ€• second chances.
42 โ€• love has flown all alone.
43 โ€• it all comes back to the 80s.
44 โ€• foes to friends and back again.
45 โ€• don't let cobra kai win.
46 โ€• everything comes back to you.
47 โ€• the twins in the spider's web.
48 โ€• nervously in love.
49 โ€• i will always love you.
50 โ€• a fight to remember.
51 โ€• keep your enemies closer.
52 โ€• it's karate time.
53 โ€• true potential.
54 โ€• the winner takes it all.
โ”โ” act five.
55 โ€• humans make mistakes.
56 โ€• shattered and scattered.
57 โ€• the other achara.
58 โ€• drama, drama at the splasharama.
59 โ€• a time and a place.
60 โ€• the secrets we keep.
61 โ€• over the moon.
62 โ€• the right side of the fight.
63 โ€• birds of a feather flock together.
64 โ€• queen of the cobras.
65 โ€• the secret weapon unveiled.
66 โ€• the moment of truth.
67 โ€• confessions and confrontation.
68 โ€• of monks and moxie.
69 โ€• a quiver of cobras.
70 โ€• the end of the beginning.
โ”โ” act six.
71 โ€• peacetime in the valley.
72 โ€• a turning point.
73 โ€• college, actually.
74 โ€• ad meliora.

24 โ€• the tragedy of revenge.

602 30 51
By cobracade

it's about time she learned her lesson. ❞


It was the night before school was about to start, and Achara stayed awake, thinking about Sam kissing Miguel. Her mind had been wandering all weekend, thinking of the worst possible scenarios. Miguel had been trying to contact her, but his texts went unanswered.

That night, Achara remained awake, staring up at the ceiling. Her phone buzzed over and over again on her nightstand, but she couldn't bring herself to look at it. She knew it was Miguel. It was as if her mind wouldn't let her, fearing the worst.

Decha spent almost the entire night thinking about Hawk and Demetri. His mind was running a mile a minute as he tried to think about what he was going to do. He wanted nothing more than to be with Demetri, but he didn't want to break Hawk's heart. He had never cared about breaking anyone's heart before, but Hawk was different. He actually cared about him, and he just couldn't bring himself to hurt him.

Both of the twins were wide awake when their alarms began to blare at them. Even after turning them off, they continued to lay in their beds and stare up at the ceiling. It wasn't until their mother came knocking on their door that they actually got out of bed.

After seeing the texts he had sent her last night, Achara decided that she was going to talk to Miguel and tell him that she had seen him with Sam. Achara hated to assume the worst and she wanted to at least give Miguel the opportunity to explain. He deserved to tell his side of the story.

Achara hadn't even gotten the chance to walk into the school before she saw him leaning against one of the concrete pillars. Miguel shoved his phone in his pocket when he saw her and walked over to her.

Achara waved goodbye to Decha as he walked into the school.

"Achara! I've been trying to text you all weekend," Miguel said. "Are you okay? Did something happen?"

Achara stared at him, wondering how she should approach the conversation. She figured that coming right out and saying what she saw was the best way.

"I saw you with Sam at the party," Achara told him. "I saw you kiss."

Miguel's face sank. "She's the one that kissed me. I didn't kiss her back. I pushed her away the second I realized what was happening. I would never do that to you."

"That's not what it looked like," Achara said.

"Chara, I swear on everything that I pushed her away. I'm sure it looked like I kissed her back because I was too shocked to react, but I didn't," Miguel pleaded. "Please, you have to believe me."

Achara sighed and nodded her head. "I believe you. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. I just...I just thought that..."

Miguel shook his head and wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her in a hug. "It's okay. I love you, okay? I'd never do that to you."

"I'm sorry," Achara said again. "I love you too."

Miguel broke the hug and grabbed Achara's hand. "It's okay. Class is about to start. Let's go."

They walked hand in hand through the school doors. Miguel walked Achara to her class, giving her a quick kiss before leaving to go to his own class.


Decha walked into his first period class. Demetri was the first person he saw when he stepped into the classroom. He made eye contact with him before taking a seat next to him.

"What are you doing here?" Demetri asked. "You are aware this is a computer programming class, right?"

Decha nodded. "Yeah, I'm fully aware."

"Since when do you know anything about computer programming?" Demetri asked.

"We've already established that I'm a huge nerd," Decha replied. "Does the fact that I'm in this class really surprise you at all?"

Demetri shrugged. "I guess not."

They went silent as Decha started flipping through the syllabus that was already placed on the desk.

"Hey, you know I'm sorry for what I said at the party, right?" Demetri spoke up. "I didn't mean to like...expose you or Hawk for that matter. I was just mad..."

"Don't worry about it," Decha told him.

"Have you...have you talked to him since the party?" Demetri asked.

Decha shook his head. He couldn't bring himself to. He didn't know what to say to him. Hawk hadn't made the effort either. He got no texts, no calls, just nothing.

"It's fine though," Decha said. "I think I might break up with him."

Demetri's eyebrows raised. "Really?"

Decha nodded. "Yeah. It's just not working out."

Demetri nodded his head. Decha looked at him, observing his reaction. A small smile appeared on his face, but he was trying his hardest to suppress it and remain neutral.


Achara sat at a desk in the back of the classroom. She was looking down at her hands, picking at a hangnail that she hadn't been bothering her for days. When the bell rang and the announcements began, Achara didn't even react. She just continued to pick at her hangnail, wincing in pain when she finally pulled it off. Once the initial sting was gone, Achara smiled to herself. Finally, the annoying hangnail was gone.

Achara leaned back in her chair and looked up at the whiteboard where the teacher was writing her name.

The sound of interference coming from the intercom caused her head to turn.

"Hey,'re not supposed to be in here!"

The sound of a microphone screeching and what sounded like two people fighting over the microphone blared over the intercom speaker.

"Give that back!"

"Samantha LaRusso..."

Achara straightened in her seat. With just the sound of Sam's name, she knew instantly who's that voice belonged to.

"You know what you did, and now you're gonna pay for it," Tory's voice came over the intercom. "I'm coming for you, bitch!"

Achara's eyes widened. Tory didn't know that Miguel had pushed Sam away.

Achara sat up from her seat so fast that she shoved the desk forward, pushing the edge of the table into the person in front of hers back. She didn't even bother to grab her backpack as she exited the classroom, running as fast as she could.

The bell rang. As students began to walk out of their classrooms, Achara had to push her way through them.

Achara stopped once she reached the crowd that was starting to form around Tory and Sam. She stood next to Aisha, watching as the two girls circled around each other.

"I saw what you did at the party," Tory said. "You kissed Miguel."

The crowd of students muttered in shock. Achara gulped.

"Tory, Miguel didn't kiss her back," Achara told her.

Achara wasn't sure if Tory hadn't heard her of if she just  didn't care. Tory raised her fist, sending it flying towards Sam's face. Sam dodged and Tory immediately through another punch towards her. Sam but Tory wasn't going to let her get away. She pulled her bag, yanking it off of her. Tory kicked Sam in the stomach, pushing her into the crowd. Hawk shoved Sam forward, sending her right into Tory's fist.

Achara tried to grab Tory and get her to stop, but she yanked her arm away, continuing to punch Sam before she could grab her. Sam threw a punch at Tory, but she dodged it, causing Sam's fist to collide with Achara's jaw instead.

Achara grabbed her jaw and glared at Sam. Sam froze for a split second, but then immediately had to dodge a punch from Tory.

Although she knew it was an accident, Achara grabbed Sam's arm and pulled her around, sending her into a locker. Tory pulled Sam up and grabbed her head, kicking her and jabbing her in the stomach with her knee. She flung Sam back into the locker, and tried to hit her with her elbow, but Sam moved just in time.

Tory pulled Sam into a headlock and then looked at Achara. "She kissed your boyfriend. You're just going to let her get away with it?"

"I talked to Miguel. He pushed her away," Achara told her again.

"Does that matter?" Tory asked. "She thought she could make a move and steal him right out from under you! It's about time she learned her lesson."

Achara looked back and forth between Tory and Sam as Tory began to punch Sam in the side.

Achara thought for a moment. She continued to flirt with him when she knew that he was dating Achara. She posted a picture on Instagram about how she wasn't going to give up. She accused Tory of stealing her mom's wallet at the beach club. And now she kissed Miguel at the party?

Achara clenched her fist. Sam managed to get out of Tory's grasp, but before she had the chance to get away, Achara grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back.

Tory smiled. "Atta girl."

Achara released Sam's hair. Sam turned and looked at her. Achara raised her knee, hitting Sam in the chest. Sam stumbled backwards into Tory who grabbed her and held her arms. Achara lifted her leg and kicked Sam in the rib.

Achara was pulled back and flung to the side. Robby stood in between Sam and her and Tory. Robby checked on Sam. Tory turned to look at Achara before twisting his body around. He grabbed Tory's shoulder, pushing her into the lockers.

"Don't touch her," Achara said, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from Tory.

Robby yanked Achara's arm, pushing her back into the lockers just like he had done to Tory. He held his hand on her chest, holding her back.


Achara turned to see Miguel running towards Robby before tackling him to the ground. They slid on the hallway floor, stopping in front of the crowd that was forming. Achara looked up, seeing Decha standing next to Demetri. Decha looked directly at her; a questioning look on his face.

She looked away as the fighting continued. Miguel and Robby were fighting on the floor as Tory lunged for Sam again. Sam turned, trying to make an escape, but she was met with Achara.

Achara punched Sam in the shoulder and kicked her in the abdomen, causing her to stumble backwards into Tory.

"Oh, it is on!" Hawk's voice shouted.

Multiple fights broke out as Achara grabbed Sam's shoulder and spun her around, flinging her into a locker. Tory swung at Sam, but Sam bent over. Tory flipped over her back. As Sam lifted her head, her face collided with the bottom of Achara's shoe.

She felt someone grab her arm and pull her back. Without even bothering to see who it was, Achara thrust her elbow back, hitting them. Achara turned around, seeing Decha standing behind her, blood starting to pour out his nose.

"What the hell, Achara?" Decha asked, his eyes starting to water.

Achara didn't answer him. She just went back to fighting with Sam, pushing and kicking her back and forth with Tory like she was a rag doll. Tory screamed and started to push Sam down the hallway and into the main foyer. As Achara was about to follow them, she was grabbed by a boy she didn't know. She kicked him in the shoulder, causing him to groan. Before he had the chance to react, she kneed him in the groin. He fell to the ground.

Achara ran into the foyer where Tory continued to push Sam. Decha ran after her, avoiding the punches and kicks from the students around him. He tried to reach Achara, but with all the fights that were going on around him and the people pushing to see the fight, she was impossible to reach.

Tory let go of Sam and immediately began to send kicks flying her way. Sam dodged and blocked every single one. Achara grabbed her from behind, turning her around so that she was facing her. She spun around her, catching Sam off guard. Achara kicked her in the back before she was pushed to the ground by Tory.

Sam stood up, panting and out of breath. "Can't you just stop it already?"

"What's the matter?" Tory asked. "You can't keep up?"

"Is fighting two people at once too much for you, princess?" Achara responded.

Sam started to run up the stairs. Tory and Achara chased after her. Tory attempted to kick Sam but kicked the railing instead. Sam turned around, punching Tory in the side of the head. Tory grabbed her and pushed her. Achara climbed up the stairs and grabbed ahold of Sam's hair, pulling her up and dragging her up the stairs. She let go and Sam turned around, swinging her fists at her.

Tory grabbed Sam's arm, pulling her away from Achara and flipped her onto her back.

"Achara! Tory!" Miguel shouted. "Enough!"

Tory shoved Miguel and kicked him to the floor. Sam was throwing punches Achara's way as she dodged them and attempted to punch Sam back. Achara kicked Sam's back, causing her to fall.

Tory gripped Sam's hair and started to drag her down the stairs. When Tory let go, Sam stood up and shoved her. Achara grabbed ahold of Sam's shoulder, turning her around. Achara thrust her fist as Sam's face, hitting her in the mouth.

Sam swung her leg around, kicking the side of Achara's head and causing her body to spin around. Achara's head slammed against the metal railing. Her vision went blurry, and the entire room felt like it was spinning. Achara placed a hand on her head and struggled to maintain her balance. Her ears began to ring.

"Is that the only way you know how to fight?" Achara heard Sam ask Tory. "Dirty?"

The room continued to spin. Achara felt like she was riding around and around on the tilt-a-whirl she rode at a carnival when she was ten. Achara closed her eyes, trying to make the spinning stop.

"This isn't a tournament," Tory replied. "There are no rules."

The room began to spin less. Achara's head felt like it was throbbing. She opened her eyes to see Tory clutching her spiked bracelet in her hand.


As he tried to get to Achara, Decha paused when he saw Hawk go chasing after Demetri. He looked back and forth between Achara and the direction he had gone in. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know who to help.

Decha took one last glance at Achara before turning on his heels and running in the direction that Hawk and Demetri had gone. Achara could handle herself; Decha was sure of it. But Demetri? Decha didn't know if he'd be able to defend himself against Hawk.

Decha ran down the hallway. It seemed like there was a fight everywhere he turned.

"Demetri!" Decha called out. "Dem!"

Decha saw Hawk's bright red mohawk turn the corner. Decha followed him. He walked quietly, careful not to make any sudden movements or sounds that would alert Hawk that he was behind him.

The hallway was empty. It was the only place where there wasn't a fight happening.

Hawk entered the doors to the computer lab. Decha waited until he could no longer see him before carefully pushing the doors open. Decha placed his hand on the doorknob to the side door of the computer lab. He turned it slowly and opened the door.

Demetri was kneeling on the floor in front of the windows, his back turned away from Decha.

Decha kneeled down so that he couldn't be seen through the windows and placed his hand on Demetri's shoulder. Demetri jumped and turned to look at him, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Thank god, it's you," Demetri said, peering his head up to look out the windows. "You think the coast is clear?"

Decha looked out the window. There was no sign of Hawk. Decha grabbed Demetri's hand.

"What are you doing?" Demetri asked.

"Making a break for it," Decha replied as he stood, pulling Demetri up with him.

He started pulling him towards the door that he had used to enter the computer lab. Suddenly, Demetri squeezed Decha's hand tightly. Decha turned his head to see Hawk standing in front of them. He had appeared out of nowhere, shadowed by the darkness as only the light coming through the windows lit up his face. Decha thought it was like something out of a horror movie.

As Hawk started charging towards them, Decha ran, pulling Demetri out the door with him.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" Demetri panicked as they ran down the hallway.

They wound up back in the foyer. Decha let go of Demetri's hand.

"You're back to defending him?" Hawk asked Decha, absolutely seething.

"Yeah, I'm defending him," Decha responded.

Hawk scoffed. "Defending the enemy yet again."

Decha rolled his eyes. "Would you stop with that? He's not the enemy!"

Hawk didn't respond using words. Instead, he raised his fist and punched Decha square in the mouth. Decha could feel like blood starting to trickle down his chin. He wiped the blood with the back of his hand.

Decha scowled at him. He thrust his fist forward, striking Hawk in the nose. Demetri hid behind Decha as Hawk and Decha fought, punching and dodging. Decha landed a kick to Hawk's abdomen, sending him to the floor. He stood back up, a furious expression on his face.

Hawk grabbed Decha's arm and twisted it. Decha winced in pain.

"Let go of him!" Demetri shouted.

Hawk let go of Decha's arm and shoved him to the floor. Decha held out his hands, breaking his fall. He looked over his shoulder, seeing Hawk repeatedly punching Demetri. Decha took a deep breath before he reached out and grabbed Hawk's leg. He pulled hard, causing Hawk to slip backwards, hitting his back on the tile floor.

Hawk stood back up and stared to lunge at Demetri again. Demetri grabbed his shoulder, wrapping his arms around his back. He spun around and pressed him, proceeding to kick the side of his face. Hawk fell back into trophy case, shattering the glass.

"Sorry...Eli," Demetri said.

Decha stood up and walked next to Demetri, staring down at Hawk.


With the room no longer spinning, Achara watched as Tory sliced Sam's arm with her bracelet. She stood at the top of their stairs as Sam kicked Tory over the railing. Sam turned to look at Achara but didn't make a move. Achara just stared at her.

Achara turned her head. Her breath hitched and her heart sank, feeling like it had stopped beating. Miguel was falling from the second floor.

"Miguel!" Achara screamed.

Miguel's back slammed against the rail, followed by the faint sound of cracking.

Tears started streaming down her face as she looked down at him, his body still.

She kneeled down to his side and started begging for him to wake up as the security guard radioed for an ambulance.

"Robby what did you do?" Sam yelled.

Achara's eyes began to feel heavy. Her vision blurred. The last thing she heard before she blacked out was Decha screaming her name.


Achara's eyes fluttered open. She was blinded by a bright light. Her head was pounding and felt heavy like a bowling ball. She looked around the room, trying to figure out where she was.

When her eyes opened, she saw her parents standing over her.


Achara turned to her mother and was immediately wrapped into a hug. Achara stared straight ahead blankly as her mother hugged her.

"Miguel..." Achara whispered. "Where's Miguel?"

Jintara stopped hugging her and looked at her. "Angel..."

"Where is Miguel?" Achara repeated, louder and more aggressive.

"He's in a coma."

Achara looked at Decha. His lip was swollen and busted. His nose was bruised, wrapped in a splint. His left eye was purple, almost swollen shut.

Achara could feel the tears starting to form in her eyes. She looked around the room, glancing between her parents and her brother.

"Where's Miguel?" Achara asked again. "I need to see him. I have to see him."

Achara swung her legs over the bed and started to stand up. A feeling of dizziness came over her and she struggled to maintain her balance. Her mother and father grabbed her wrists, helping her sit back down on the bed. Achara's stomach churned. She had an intense feeling of nausea.

"Angel, please lay back down," Jintara begged her daughter. "You have a concussion. You need to take it easy."

"Miguel..." Achara said again as she laid back on the pillow. "I have to see Miguel..."

"You can see him soon," Jintara told her.

"Promise?" Achara asked.

Her mother nodded. Achara took a deep breath and stared out the window as tears streamed down her cheeks. Visions of Miguel falling replayed in her mind.



this chapter was very stressful to write and took me a whopping 3 1/2 hours!! i swear the whole school fight is so hard to write for no reason like why?? i hope i did it justice...

anyway... it's only a downhill spiral from here.

alternative chapter title: one of the most chaotic fights in the history of fights.

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