Wish (Girl Sensation's Versio...

By GirlSensation

3.7K 101 21

This is a rewrite of the movie Wish, celebrating 100 years of Disney. However, the movie was received with mi... More

Wish (Girl Sensation's Version)
Song Revisions + Commentary
Forced To Be A Tour Guide
Out of Control
When You Wish Upon A Star
The Brightest Prince Ever...Literally
Treasure Hunt
Realizations and Recollections
Mother Knows Best
Victim and Fugitive
Operation: True Love
Night Market Festival
Secrets of Stell
Suspect Above Suspicion
Black Hearts, White Garments
Star-Studded Revolutionary Team
Prince in Peril
Battle of Truth
To Light Up The Sky
Lost Lullaby
New Beginnings, Missing Piece
The Starry Surprise

'Til We Meet Again

112 4 2
By GirlSensation

Back in the real world, Asha has sniffed her nose from severe sobbing. Her eyes were tired from crying, red from the aftermath. She had to accept it...

Until Stell's star pendant glowed. Brighter and brighter, it started to hurt her exhausted eyes, so she let go and covered it with her hands. He floated up the sky, and rays of light surrounded the pendant. Stardust melted his old getup, blending in with a black medieval blouse, a midnight blue cape pinned onto it that trailed with only a bit of gold at its end, as well as new shoulder and knee pads, and finally, a shining golden crown on his head.

His hair, which was pushed back, unraveled and swept itself on the right. His sword was reforged, hanging neatly on his belt. Then, he descended gradually, ending in a soft landing. Stell opens his eyes, seeing Asha amazed yet still shocked from his transformation.

Asha: You...(runs to Stell, slaps him on the face)!

The star people were caught off guard with what she did to their prince—who is now their king. Some of the Rosas citizens laughed, especially the apprentices.

Stell: Ow! You didn't have to do that!

Asha: You didn't have to die (hugs him tightly, cries)!

Stell: Don't cry now! I didn't, see (shows himself, then hugs her)?

They embraced each other for a while, thinking that it was only them exisiting in this world. The people were swooned with the mildly romantic gesture; many star people even murmured if Asha has grew fond of their king.

Asha: Anyway, look at what you've done.

Stell: So should you. Had it not been for you, I would've not even done this! And actually...I...(sentimental) I met my parents, while I died...

Asha: Huh (piqued)?

He recounts how he saw his parents in a mind plane and what they encouraged him to do instead of reuniting with them in the afterlife.

Asha: Oh...but what's important is you're here now.

Stell: Yeah. But your efforts must be repaid as well.

Asha: No need. I'm not asking for—

Stell: (projected at the glass mirrors) EVERYONE! This city is in need of a new ruler after the recent events.

Asha: Wait—

Stell: Raise your hands if you accept Asha as your new queen!

All of the people put their left hands up to vote for her. Asha could not process what was going on; should she be excited, ashamed, or concerned?

Stell: Does anyone oppose?

Hands were put down. Stell looked at her and smiled.

Stell: As the new King of the Wishing Stars, I declare Asha to be this world's Ambassador of Magic and the Queen of Rosas!

Star maidens flew and spun around her. Then Asha suddenly floated, while the maidens pulled out their sewing kits and fabric. They magically mended her apprentice uniform into a new gown, a black bodice and skirt accented with gold lining. Her sleeves were also in the same color, but its ends also faded to a dark periwinkle blue. She was then adorned with blue stars on her head, and a cape in the same color that lightened on its tips.

She made her descent back at the castle top. Afterwards, Stell summoned the same scepter—that defeated Magnifico and Amaya—to her.

Stell: (presents Asha) Hail the new queen of Rosas!


They clapped their hands for Asha's coronation. She, on the other hand, was tearing up again.

Asha: Th...thank you...(hugs Stell)

Stell: You're very much welcome. But I...(gets sad) I have to go back.

Asha remembered the things she wanted to say to him, now that he will leave.

Asha: Wait. I want to tell you something...(holds his hand)

Stell: What?

Asha (mind): Do I even tell him? How would he feel? Wait, I need to reconsider these decisions...

It was taking a while, yet Asha has never let go of his hand.

Asha: Stell...I...I want you to stay...

Stell: Asha, I'm sorry. I still need to rebuild this part of Nyxis.

Asha: Will you come back?

Stell: Me? Of course, I would! And y'know what? You'll make an awesome queen, I'm sure of it.

Asha: You...I really liked...(blushing) your company.

Stell: (blushing) Me too. I hope we get to see each other again.

A carriage made of white stardust arrived behind Stell. Its car was shaped like a pumpkin, ran by two horses, and operated by a coachman and a footman.

Stell: 'Til we meet again, Queen Asha.

Asha: Same goes to you, King Stell...goodbye (waves her hands while tearing up).

All the stars followed him behind like a parade. He waved his hands goodbye as they slowly darted to the sky.


Magnifico and Amaya woke from their slumber. They notice the drifting comet traversing away from the city, and the apprentice in majestic clothing fit for royalty.

Magnifico (whispering): What do we do, dear?

Amaya (whispering): Darling, we will be jeered and thrown objects by our people. It is best we end our suffering...

Magnifico (whispering): Are you sure? We can take her scepter and—

Asha: Now onto you.

Amaya: You got what you wanted. Now you can just kill us!

Asha: How about you, Magnifico?


Simon approached behind the new queen.

Simon: With all due respect, Sir Magnifico, you must call her "Your Majesty".

Magnifico: Who...who gave you the right to take my place, huh!?

Simon: Everyone voted for her, which to be fair, is legitimate.

Asha: Since the people voted for my election, how about I'll let them decide? (looks at all the citizens) Citizens of Rosas, may I know your verdict?

Person 1: Put them in jail!

Person 2: I second the motion!

Person 3: I also second the motion!


Asha: (looks at the evil couple) They want you in prison for your crimes. So shall be it. Also, you are restricted from using magic again in eternity.

Magnifico was infuriated with the verdict. On the other hand, Amaya reluctantly hung her head low as an acceptance to her fate.

Asha waves her scepter, and two knights were teleported to their location. She also stomped her foot to the ground, prompting the floor to return to the Grand Study Hall.

Asha: Please, put them in the lowest and at the very end of the dungeons we have. Make sure that they will not access any form of magic.


Amaya: Darling, please calm down...

Asha: Magnifico...(walks to the deposed king) you have taught me many reasonable principles and beliefs that will benefit Rosas, however, you yourself don't apply them. As queen of Rosas, I will give credit where it is due. You will always be here, but only in your opinions and outlook in life.

Magnifico: Wha—what?

Asha: Which is why, even if I did not let the people decide, I would've spared both of you. See it as the thanks you'll get for guiding me.

The knights escorted the royal couple outside the room. She then uses her wand to teleport downstairs, where her family was waiting.

Sakina: ASHA (charges at her)!

Asha: Mom, Dad (embraces her parents)!

Tomás: You've made us so proud. I bet Hidalgo and Sabino would be happy as well seeing all of this.

Asha smiled at both of them, and Valentino jumped onto her arms.

Valentino: So that means...I'm your royal pet now?

Asha: Technically, yeah. Guys (looks at her parents), I love you so much!

They kept embracing, even Valentino who is just caressing her gown.

The others were moved to tears from the reunion. Rosas is now free to make its own path, with the help of their new queen.

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