a bunny's heart | karma akaba...

By MIRAI________

18.3K 674 159

mina tried to be tough in every situation, she really did. But everyone's heart can spring and twist, and so... More

001: teacher in disguise
002: 3-E's hot blonde
003: conversations with friends
004: 3-E's second hot blonde?
005: the Hayashi's way of work
006: field trip to Kyoto
007: trains suck (occasionally)
008: pretty girls in distress
009: jackasses with an incompetent hair dresser
010: rescued, luckily.
011: promises
012: sick red-head
013: unofficial sleepovers
014: parcel (containing small tentacle boy)'ll be delivered accordingly.
015: cinema visit across the globe
016: cute bikinis
017: wipped baseball captain
018: wipped baseball captain| p.2
019: top or bottom?
020: arriving parcel
021: self-made pool
022: Injuries, comfort.
023: exam time, again.
024: an old friend
025: good band, bad hair
026: winning & loosing
027: the most beautiful place on earth
028: weirdo equivalent of a Midlife-Crisis
029: insecurities.
030: 2/3 Americans serve cunt
031: a hero, a red-head
033: depression
034: butterflies
035: virus
036: Stubbs and terrorism?
037; Art of War
038: girl power against sexism & assassins
039: Collin.
040: downfall
041: missing eachother
042: stolen kisses
043: sweetheart protection program
044: fruit punch
045: back to school hauls
046: Pretty boy revolution
047: Pretty boy revolution|p.2

032: koro-sensei and his ace

276 10 0
By MIRAI________

SITTING WITH CROSSED legs, mina was situated in the very front of the couch-chair constellation 3-E started in one of the common rooms of the Okinawan resort. It was somewhere around 9:00 AM, and Mina rubbed her eye while yawning.

She had to stay up late for a 'girl's sleepover' yesterday night. And, because it was held in her room, couldn't go to sleep before everyone (including hazama, who is insomniac) left.
On the plus side, though, Rio had apologised at least eight times for the injury from the afternoon. And they had made up, even when the brunette wasn't mad at her friend to begin with.

In fact, that exact friend was leaning on her shoulder right now, struggling to keep awake. Mina smiled slightly while stroking the girl's head, she couldn't possibly wish for a better best friend.
While mina and Rio took up the left place of the couch, karma was taking up the right side. He seemed a little off after their talk yesterday, but he returned to his usual self quickly. She didn't know what was bugging him, and she didn't find out after they spend the rest of the day together, watching terasaka argue with koro-sensei or Hana raid the welcome snacks. It was a nice day, the Collin thing had almost completely left mina's mind. Although the bikini she was wearing, as well as the sting in her forearm, remembered her clearly and well.

Currently, nagisa was explaining the assassination attempt they would execute this day. The bluenette stood next to a white board with projector set up, his phone with Ritsu on it carefully placed in everyone's view.

"...and that's what we all planned summarised! Seriously, guys, I think with the blackmail video we put together and the whole island thing, we have a pretty good shot." He ended his presentation with a smile, the last projected picture being one of koro-sensei's head crossed out with a red sharpie.

While no one particularly disagreed, everyone, including mina, was too tired to be as excited as nagisa was.
His friends still sheepishly smiled, and mina was the first one to speak up.

"That's great and all, nagisa. But why exactly did we have to meet up at, like, 9:20 in the morning?"

"Yeah, thank you mina! Like dude, I drank about three red bulls yesterday evening. Give me a break!" Maehara grumbled into his hand before throwing a pillow, just slightly missing nagisa's head, who quickly bent over with a little squeak.

"I'm more disappointed that you, nagisa, saw an opportunity to blackmail koro-sensei and didn't immediately call me. You're breaking my heart!~" the oh so familiar voice of the red-haired boy mina had just thought about ringed in her ear as he spoke up for the first time in this 'emergency-meeting' , making mina from glancing at him every now and then full on glue her eyes onto him.

She was starting to think the events of yesterday have led to her mind drifting further into madness.


The class assembled inside a wooden, ball-shaped room a little further off the beach's coast line. The inside was dark and only slightly lighted, and there were multiple red chairs spread out Infront of a normal, medium-sized TV. Their yellow octopus homeroom teacher sat in the very front, waiting for a particularly edited video to start playing.

Truth is, nagisa had spent the whole day perfectionating the plan they had planned out. He gave each one of his classmates a role and something to do. It was like out of a movie, the mood was tense, and, in a way, excited.

"So this is the thing you've been working on? I'm thrilled!" Koro-sensei exclaimed to his class, suspicious of ever little move.

This was the day of his death, surely.

"Indeed. Okajima, start the tape!" Kurahashi smiled from the very back.

Mina sat next to Rio (who was clearly awake now) on one of the couches. And it of course didn't slip koro-sensei's mind to notice that every other student of his that was seated, was one that won one of the tentacles in the end of term exams. On the contrary, those who did not archive something of that sort were starting to leave the small room as the film started.
The octopus smirked into himself.

"AC: assassination classroom~" the humanoid female announcing voice started in a singsong, but mysterious way. "Class 3-E of the Kunugigaoka junior high. Believe it or not, the homeroom teacher of that very class is target of an assassination. "

It was obvious that the video was not the primary point of this plan, and koro-sensei also noticed how hayami and Chiba (the two snipers) were missing from the people who walked outside. However...

"This video is very well made!" He quickly switched back this his joyful voice, "Mimura, you did the editing and programmed the voice if I'm not falsely remembering, right? I must say that the music choice and the cutting style reassemble a professional one. Kudos!" The teacher turned his head towards the orange haired mimura, who was leaning against one of the walls proudly.

Mina smiled at that. Koro-sensei was a special teacher, he really was. And weirdly enough, no one seemed to realise that if everything went by plan today, they'd loose him. That one click just didn't go off, and the brunette felt herself conflicted whether or not she wanted the plan to succeed in the first place.

"Today, we invited those from the research committee of this production. Okajima and maehara will now share highly secretive documentation with us!" Mimura in the video explained next to a drawing of their teacher, and the screen went black before showing the first piece of blackmail.

Even tough this was duty, the brunette girl could feel herself getting curious what the boys actually found.

The screen went black before, before, ... Showing koro-sensei sitting on the ground, surrounded by lewd magazines?

Rio lost it completely next to her and Koro-sensei quickly jumped up in his chair.

"PFF- that was the blackmailing material you guys found??"

Mina couldn't help but let Out a few giggled herself. This was absurd.

"Shush, Rio!" Their teacher's face turned into a bright, cherry red tone as he turned his head to look at mimura again "I thought i told you guys to keep it a secret!"

The boy only shrugged with a sly grin. And the video, naturally, continued merciless despite koro-sensei's attempt to stop his students.

"... And here's our suspect. Cross-Dressing to enter a café designated for female guests only. Is this guy really the progressive teacher he claims to be?"

Koro-sensei now held his face in shame, growing smaller and smaller on the spot. Mina would feel empathetic for her teacher, but this whole thing was pretty funny and a distraction from the fact that she'd have to wear the same swimsuit from yesterday in a moment.

"On top of all of this, he uses his doppelgangers to get multiple turns with free samples on the street or in faires. Look at him here!"

The video cut to a scene where multiple, differently dressed koro-sensei's lined up for a guy who was handing out free handkerchief.

"Don't worry, Koro-sensei, students, we will now unwrap the embarrassing sides of this teacher for a whole hour. Enjoy!"



By the time the 60 minutes were up, koro-sensei liquified into his seat. He was so distracted that his surroundings blended away. And he wasn't the confident target he proclaimed to be at the start because he simply forgot that there was an assassination planned for him to begin with.

"..And that was why you don't trust koro-sensei around changing rooms." The monotone voice finally ended the video, Or so he thought. Because quickly afterwards followed a blood red screen.

"Did you notice anything while we were playing the video, koro-sensei?"

The yellow octopus looked down to his feet, only to face the dark reality that his death wasn't completely impossible anymore.

They had filled the Capelle with water.

Mina nudged Rio, and the blonde only nodded with a determined smile as all of the 6 students seated stood up one after one, surrounding their teacher.

"It was a promise, koro-sensei." Mina started bluntly as she loaded her anti-sensei gun.

She obviously partook in the PE lessons of karasuma, and therefore knew how guns worked and how to use them. It was simple procedure in this classroom. Yet, mina couldn't help but feel uneasy whenever she held a gun.
This one was filled with pink bullets almost harmless to humans, but the effect was still there.

That feeling only occured in smaller portions when she held a knife, with which she was also generally better with. PE in the main building included lots of gymnastics for the girls, so her flexibility and quick thinking lead up to that conclusion.

Mina wasn't a killer, though, and that counted for both weapons. She wasn't a killer at all.

But If the circumstances, the world, her government, wanted her to be one, she would, of course, submit. She would adapt. She would kill.

"That what the chick said. You can't move, teach'." Terasaka, who was at the other end of koro-sensei grinned widely. He seemed to enjoy this more than her.

On the outside, during the situation that was happening in the Capelle, was Chaos.

Karasuma watched his students from a safe distance, tense. They had build this up themselves, and not he nor the government were allowed to join, to interrupt.

Ritsu, on the other hand, listened to the conversation inside through mina's phone. And when she found them ready, switched to Kaede's phone.

"Go!" Isogai shouted from inside as each student shot at one tentacle, the limbs falling through the air almost immediately.

"Five seconds are over." Ritsu announced, now to everyone, and step two of the operation started.

Karma, kaede, Hana and takebayashi, each having a single speed boat, covering all the points of the Capelle's diagonals, started driving.

And the speed boats, which were connected to the thin walls of the room koro-sensei was struggling to regenerate in, tore those very walls apart as they drove further. It was now no longer a room, but a platform in the ocean. Koro-sensei's weakness.

"25 seconds are over." The computer girl announced again, only this time having even further of a shock. Koro-sensei was overwhelmed by this point.

the remaining classmates, all jumped up from beneath the water, flying the hotel's tourist flyboards that shot water under them to pressure each individual up.

Koro-sensei was now surrounded by streams of water, without his essential limbs, and now way to escape.

Mina also catched a few sprinkles of water, of course, but her reaction didn't mildly compare to her teacher's one.

The brunette started shooting again, and so did the rest of the scoring students. Koro-sensei was not only surrounded by water, but also by bullets deadly to him.

There was not possibly a way out of there, right?


Hayami and Chiba were supposed to seal the deal, shoot the final two shots that'd kill him.

Supposed to.

They were further off into the woods than Koro-sensei assumed.

Both teenagers, holding the faith of humanity in their not even fully grown hands, were incredibly nervous.
They were only children.
Mina couldn't imagine what it'd feel like. That uneasy, mind-wrecking, gut-wrenching feeling on the heart. That feeling that paralysis your whole body, doesn't let you think straight. That feeling that makes you run, survive on adrenaline and adrenaline only.

That was the feeling that led the two students to miss both bullets by 0.5 seconds.

0.5 seconds before koro-sensei pulled his ultimate trick. His last option, one he never revealed before.

Mina didn't know what the bright light was first, the bright light that blended every one of her classmates and made koro-sensei hid in white smog for a few seconds.
The bright light hurt her eyes, made her feel dizzy.

The water turned hectic for that period, only coming down slightly after the smog had lifted.

Every student was now swimming in the water, drenched from head to toe.
Everyone was asking themselves the exact same question.

What the hell just happened?

·★ ·
2088 WORDS

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