Darkness into Light

By Dondena21

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Brooklyn has to be forced to undergo tests from a team up from enemies Demona and Sevarius. Will Brooklyn eve... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28

Part 8

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By Dondena21

Anton went to Demona after a few weeks of recovery. The infection was gone, and she was still sad.

"Demona, I know you are still sad at losing the baby, but remember, we can do this again. We still have the male."

"I'll never get over losing my son." Demona glared at him.

"I know, but do you want a baby or not?" Anton asked.

"Yes." She said sadly.

"So, when do you want to begin?"

"Give me a few more days."

"Alright." Anton said.


So, it was a few days later that Demona felt ready for breeding again. Usually, it would never be done like this, but it was artificial, and Demona was brought back into heat again with strong hormones.

She and Anton discussed the prognosis this time. As soon as she was officially bred, the new embryo would need to be taken from her uterus within a week before it implanted. It would be grown in an artificial womb test tube with the help of some accelerant. But Demona was firm in her decision that she wanted the baby to be grown in the tube only to the point that it was the size of a teenager. She wanted it to be halfway grown up at least.

When the night came on and she was approaching her ovulation, Demona was getting feisty in wanting to mate again quite desperately. That was when it was time for all humans to be out of sight from her.

Brooklyn was in his cell as usual. He heard footsteps coming down. He expected the food deliverer as usual, but he wasn't expecting it to be Demona.

"Good evening, Brooklyn." Demona greeted him upon opening the cell. She had a big grin on her face. "It's good to see you again."

"You sure do like letting the humans take over for you." Brooklyn declared. "What do you want?"

"I want you this night, Brooklyn." She had a flirt in her talk.

Brooklyn was shocked to hear that. But then, his nose picked up on something new. He had smelled that scent on her before. "Oh no." He muttered. "Not again."

"Oh yes, again, my young love." Demona began to advance on him. "Come on, Brooklyn. Don't you want to take a beautiful female and be proud of it? Without force?"

The scent of her was making him nervous. "I would if you were one that I loved as a mate. But I don't."

"Don't say that! You know you want me. Either you take me now, or I'll take you!" Demona snarled. "And you know what I'm capable of. Take it off!" She ordered.

Brooklyn knew there was no getting out of it. Her scent was also overwhelming him. "Alright." He gave in. He started undoing his loincloth and slid it down.

"You aren't getting past this cell door with your collar on." Demona said. She began to remove her garments.

She went over to him, and she backed him against the wall first, taking his beak into her hands. He was nervous and flattened his ears. "You are really attractive, Brooklyn." She complimented him. "You are my mate now."

He swallowed. Then she started kissing his beak and face. Her kisses getting fast. Then she began to touch his other body parts, eventually leading down to his member. His heart was beating fast in his chest at the thought of arousal. He also reluctantly started touching her body. She was growling in desire to tempt him to get aroused for her.

Eventually, she had him where she wanted him. This time at least, she was letting him be loose for their mating. She wanted to see what he was capable of with getting a female aroused. She kept a firm grip on him to make sure that he wouldn't think of bolting for the door and getting a good shock.

Demona had Brooklyn penetrate her from the rear first, this time. He did as told, and he gladly took his place there. She slid her tail aside and he felt he wanted to dominate her for stuff that she had done. He got rough with her while she also kept a hand on one of his legs. But she liked the roughness.

Eventually, she made him get on the bed in there and she mounted him. Her scent was driving him wild by this time. But she wanted to have her time on him too. Their eyes were glowing from the excitement.

Brooklyn turned out to be an amazing lover when he was allowed to be loose. Demona was turned on by him all night long. There was even a time she held his arms down and he was ordered to thrust into her. There was still some hesitance from him at times too.

In the end, Brooklyn had gotten the deed done about three times before he was ready to stop completely. Since he hadn't eaten, his stomach hadn't been hurting either.

"So, how's your stomach been doing lately?" She asked when it was over.

"Still hurts after eating." He held his arms in front of him, staying away from her now.

"And Sevarius has done nothing to help with the pain?" she asked.

"No. I don't even get the medicine anymore."

"It might be time for the more intense treatment then."

Brooklyn knew that she might be right, though he didn't want it. He watched as she got dressed and left his cell. Once she was gone, he couldn't help but feel sad and hopeless again. She had forced him to mate with her again. But at least he hadn't been tied down the whole time. He had just known what the consequences were if he hadn't given in. He had experienced enough pain while being here.

Female gargoyles were only in heat for one night. But why did this happen again so soon? Was this going to happen every so often?

When Demona got back to her room, she was pleased with herself that she had gotten Brooklyn to cooperate for her. At least this wasn't his first time. Now all she could do was wait for a few more days and be checked for a viable fertilized egg. She had his seed. Now it just remained to be seen.

What happened to Brooklyn next, she didn't care, as long as he was kept alive for a while longer to make sure this pregnancy took too.

Brooklyn was left alone the rest of the night. He wasn't given any food or water tonight. Just his own company was his reward. Tomorrow was when the men would strike at him for the one man who wanted to punish him. 

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