Part 24

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Brooklyn had awoken on the chair he was tied down on. His arms were tied behind the chair. Other chains were wrapped around his belly, pinning his arms back there and also tying up his wings. He was currently squirming to get loose. His legs were also each tied to one chair leg too. He was doing everything in his power to get free.

Then, he stopped squirming as he heard a door unlatch. He thought it was Demona and boy, did he have some big words to share with her! But it turned out that it wasn't Demona at all, but someone new. Brook's eyes widened in shock at what he was seeing before him. In stepped a young gargess. She was red skinned, had white hair and a beak. Her wing type also matched his too, though.

"Hello, Brooklyn. Do you know who I am?" Jasira asked.

"You-, you look like me. Who are you?!" Brook demanded.

"Didn't my mother tell you that you were a father a long time ago?" Jasira asked him mockingly. "I am Jasira... Daddy."

He was still in shock at this, but he answered, "Vaguely, but she said she had lost the baby. Then I guess she was lying to me, again. Nothing unusual for her." Brooklyn stated. "But she said the baby lost was a boy."

"She wasn't lying to me! She said that you and she had a fling together. That's how I came to be born." Jasira explained what she had been told, though it was a lie.

Brooklyn couldn't believe what he was hearing. He squirmed some more. "Listen, kid, I don't know what Demona told you, but that is a downright lie! I NEVER had a fling with her!"

"My mother wouldn't lie to me. If there was no fling with her, then you must have forced yourself on her!"

"I could never force myself on anyone, least of all her! Demona can overpower me. Many months ago, Demona and an evil scientist called Sevarius kidnapped me and held me captive for over four months. They tortured me and Demona forced herself on me several times! I had no idea she was trying to make babies, but she was in heat for me twice through artificial means. Believe me when I say if I had known about you, I would have tried to get you away from her." Brooklyn explained his sad but true story to his daughter.

"Are you saying you would fight for me, Daddy?" Jasira asked.

"Yes. I would never have allowed a child of mine to grow up with her, filling their head with lies about me. What has Demona told you about me besides that?" Brooklyn was curious.

"She has told me of what life was like back in times of one thousand years ago. But she says that you attack her on sight all the time. You ruin her plans whenever you can. She says that she was trying to help you and you viciously betrayed her." Jasira proclaimed.

"Life was different before our clan was massacred back then. Demona was Goliath's mate back then. We all trusted her then. But when we woke up here in New York after one thousand years, she had significantly changed. She wasn't the same female we used to know. I mean, she's always hated humans and wants to do away with them." Brooklyn explained.

"Yes, that's right. Humans are evil! How can you even want to protect them? They destroyed the clan and have wanted to hurt our kind for centuries! I think they need to be done away with too!" Jasira exclaimed. "But I don't see how doing away with you is going to help."

"Jasira, is it?" he asked.


"Please, Jasira. Look, if you help us get out of here, my clan and I can truly show you what it means to be a gargoyle. We live to protect others. That's our purpose. That's why we protect the humans. We're able to defend the ones who can't defend themselves, at least at night. Yes, humans do have a dark side, but there are many good humans too. Elisa is one such human. Is she here?" Brook tried to convince the young female to believe him.

Darkness into LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora