Part 7

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In the coming nights, Brooklyn looked for any pain medication. He was given some tums, but they did no good to control his pain. The devices planted in his digestive tract were the causes. They needed removing if it was going to stop.

Brooklyn wanted to go home badly. He would wake up refreshed every night after a day of stone sleep, but it was eating that he dreaded. He was given food every night around midnight and he would suffer the rest of the night from intense nausea. If he didn't eat, his collar would shock his throat and he would be force fed.

After a week passed, Brooklyn complained. "Why isn't the treatment working?" He winced, holding his belly.

"Oh, you still got tummy aches?" The man mocked him.

"Yes!" Brooklyn normally didn't want to confess about his pain, but he was in too much pain not to.

"Good." The man grinned and left. Brooklyn looked sadly up at him as he left him there. 

Why did they have to treat him so badly? Why was Demona doing this to him? Why was she allowing these scientists to experiment with him? Was she wanting him dead soon? He felt like he was poisoned on a nightly basis.

One night, he had had enough, and he tried to escape from his cell again when the man came with his food. He knocked the tray over and tried to get out of the cell, but the collar instantly started shocking him and it made him fall to the ground, screaming and holding his neck. It wouldn't stop that it made him feel like he couldn't breathe.

Guards came down to the room and helped the one man to his feet. "Nice try, Devil." The man exclaimed before giving the red gargoyle a kick to the stomach.

Brooklyn cried out, holding his belly. The shocking stopped after that. He was still stuck in there. He wasn't going anywhere with this evil collar on his neck. There was still a mess everywhere. There was nothing given to him that night. But there was the water bottle and tums he wanted.

He didn't dare touch the food. He was tired of the nausea ripping him apart internally every night. But even water hurt him too. There was just something going on inside him that he didn't understand.


As for Demona, more than a month had passed since she first brought Brooklyn here and mated with him. She didn't visit him currently as she was feeling the side effects of early pregnancy now. This had happened back to her in the tenth century too when she had carried her first and only egg that had turned into Angela. Now she knew she was pregnant.

She felt the effects of 'morning sickness' at all times of the day and even the staff that she worked with noticed her strange behavior. It wasn't like her to feel sick so much. A once in the while flu happened to everyone once in a while, but every day was something else.

Demona didn't always have to eat to live, but she knew if she wanted this child, she had to eat healthy every day and night. If she was really nauseated, she would wait till she was hungry enough. But she was still worried for the child too, given the daily stressful transformations.

She hated having a scientist checking on her like this, but Anton was her ally and they both were wanting to keep an eye on the embryo, if it was being stressed.

"If you want, I could also create an artificial womb for the embryo and our guest could also serve as a surrogate," Anton advised, "though we know males don't carry young."

"No! I will carry this child myself." Demona snapped. "I don't want him to have anything to do with it!"

"Very well." Anton backed down. "This is still a test of what you can do while you are carrying the embryo."

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