A Fresh Start (A Lost Cause S...

By noLmagz

10.4K 795 674

๐Ÿ”žmature warning๐Ÿ”ž Story picks up one month after the events of A Lost Cause This is a medium length format w... More

0 - Preview
1 - All Over Again
2 - Steal The Show
3 - Pagtingin
4 - Ere
5 - Go Your Own Way
6 - As It Was
7 - Fix You
8 - No No
9 - Little Life
10 - Eyes On Fire
11 - The Fight Is Over
13 - Agora Hills
14 - Nonsense
15 - Dangerous Woman
16 - Wide Awake
17 - Something Just Like This
18 - Not Shy
19 - Your Body Is A Wonderland
20 - Smash Into You
21 - Fall For You
22 - La Vie En Rose
23 - Brighter Than The Sun
24 - Teenage Dream
25 - Ring The Alarm
26 - Lost Stars
27 - One Last Time
28 - It Will Rain
29 - To The Bone
30 - 100 years

12 - The Lion Sleeps Tonight

407 31 14
By noLmagz

🐭War's POV

After that embarrassing encounter, I tried my very best to act nonchalant.

Yeah, that didn't bother me.

Okay fine it did.

I don't know what got to me. I was just... in the moment.

Damn it.

He must think of me as some pervert, groping and in heat.


This is NOT a good start for me.

"Papa? Are we not going to your wedding?"

She finally asked. I've noticed her making a few nervous glances at me for hours.

"The wedding is not happening, princess." I start. "Is that okay? It's just you and me. Are you okay with that?" She shakes her head no.

"Daddy too." She said, pointing at Yin who's busy watching a presentation on his laptop, headphones attached.

"Yeah, of course." I said and she smiled and nods her head.

"Well... okay."

She said and went on her iPad too.

It's still 2 hours of fly time but she's over it as of now. I know she's super excited with the animals that we'll get to see there.

They are both so busy with their own things yet here I am, still thinking back on that kiss. It feels like I can still taste his breath on my lips. And how the fucking hell did that tongue felt so... sensual? I've kissed a fair amount of ladies, but damn that is a whole another experience.

Those words sting ring in my ear.

No more kisses for you... did he mean like for the day?

Or maybe for the week?

Or for the whole trip?

For the month?

I mean... it's not FOREVER, right?

"Papa?" I was again pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Belle from my side, already sitting in between Yin's legs. These two are inseparable.

"hmmm?" I answer.

"How long are we staying in Africa?" she asks.

"Africa is the continent, princess. We'll start the tour in Namibia and we'll end in Botswana. The whole tour package is for 10 days."

"Are we sleeping in camps?" she asks excitedly.

"There are hotels there love. For those that have tents, it's big tents so it will feel like a room." I said grateful that I didn't get extra rooms. Bu then... what if she asks to sleep with us? Or maybe she wants Yin to sleep in her room. Ugh...


"You're sleeping in my room again, daddy??" she asks Yin and he removed his headphones.

"Sorry baby, what was it?" he asks and she repeats the question.

"Hmm.." he hums and shot me a knowing look, "Yeah, sure." he answers with a smirk.


Does he really think I want to share my bed with him???!?!

The audacity!

"Good. I prefer to sleep alone, anyway." I said with a smile at Belle and she nods happily.

I got nothing to do, so kill time I just randomly clicked a series on my Netflix account. Hmm... Doctor Cha looks interesting.

I went on to watch the pilot episode but then in the middle of the 2nd one, we started to land so I put away my iPad and got to my seat for landing.

The tarmac is about 30 minutes away from the hotel. It's an hour past midnight and since we followed the destination time we now feel a bit sleepy. It's best to do this during long travels.

Sleep and wake up as if you're already on that time zone, it will help a lot with the body clock and sleep.

It's 6 AM in Thailand.

Wait... today supposed to be the wedding day.

It somehow felt so far away. It felt like a week has already passed.

Yet it's not.

All of us jumped on a van and we got our things at the back before a local drove us to our hotel. By the time we got to the place, Belle is already asleep. We checked in and I got the whole itinerary.

Belle sleeps in the connecting room and Leon is sleeping on another room just one floor down..

Yin has already changed her and is now lying next to her.

"Here's a copy of the itinerary." I whisper, he took it and placed it behind him, Belle burrows her face on his chest, hugging him closer.

I leaned in and gave her cheek a kiss, which is literally less than an inch away from Yin's face.

"Good night." I said and he made that small smile "Good night." He responds and wraps his arms around her. She looked so peaceful inside his arms.

I know it felt nice. Warm and comforting. It's almost a year since we slept in a bed together.

Not that I want it or something.

The bed is big enough... It's a queen sized one, we can fit comforta-

"Do you want to sleep with us?" he asks, trying to not smile, pulling me out of my thought.

I immediately stood up.

"No. Good night." I said before walking away.

I slumped on my bed. My king-sized bed. That I get to use.

On my own.

I changed into my pajamas and get under the covers.


The first day of the tour is just a short briefing and some safety reminders for the entire trip. I booked a private tour but there are 3 drives that we are group with 2 other small groups.

Most of the guides speak English, apart from our dedicated driver who only speaks the local language.

We spent the afternoon strolling around the nearby water reserve. It's a good time to visit since it's cooler and dry.

"Papa looook. There's a fox" she whispers. She knows not to make loud noises since it'll disturb the animals and might run away from being startled.

I looked up at her and pointed to one of the trees.

"There are lemurs too. King Julien." I said and she looks down at me from Yin's shoulders with shock and excitement.

"Ohhh I see it, I see it." she whispers excitedly, bouncing a bit. I held her hand to keep her balanced.

We continued our walk along the trail.

"I can carry her if you're tired." I said.

"It's okay, she's light."

"Is this your first time here?" I ask him and he looks at me with a slight smile. "What?? It's just a question." I said defensively.

"Yeah, it's my first time." He said, trying not to laugh.


"You ask it as if people come here often. You do know my family's not THAT rich right?" he said.

"Really??" I said, trying to remember any sign. But he seemed well off. He got to college, he used nice things, they used to travel to abroad. Their family's from Hongkong, so I remember Ploy being excused from classes from time to time.

"Yeah. I didn't come to fieldtrips, remember? When the school put up that Hongkong Disneyland trip, only Achi went since my parents can't afford to book us both."

I then remember that. Having good memory pays well, I mean of course not within those years I totally lost them.

"You were not there. But I remembered it's because you said you were afraid of Mickey Mouse. That's what Ploy said." I said and he chuckles with a huff.

"When I was young, I forgot how old I was... I overheard my parents talking about finances. We were on the brink of bankruptcy." He said, I don't remember this.

"Did... did you already told me that before?" I ask and he shakes his head no.

"This is the first time." He murmurs.

"Thank you for sharing." I said reaching out and holding on his arm, I felt him tense for a bit but then relaxed.

"Your turn. Anything you want to share?" he asks.

Now that I think about it... what do I want to share to him? Considering I don't know what I already told him.

Hmmm what to tell?

"Hmmm... what about Ellie? Have I told you about her?" I ask him.

"Your first girlfriend? No, nothing aside from she's your first girlfriend and that she cheated on you?" he said.

"Well... not entirely." I said, I know I would have never said it. "She liked you." I add.

"What? Really?? Well, she seemed to like a lot of guys." He mutters.

"Well, she did. But what really tipped it off was when she said she liked you in a very weird way. Ploy and I were kinda close so I was kinda protective of you. I see you as my little brother, so yeah. That was really weird."

"Little brother? That hurts." He said with a chuckle.


"Well, I liked you for as long as I remember." He said.

"Really? I don't remember... anything that felt like you like me more than an older brother."

"Can you stop all the brother talk?" he said with a raised brow and a smirk. "It's... not good." he said with a stink face.

"Fine, well anyway... how can you like someone when you're that young?" I ask him.

"You already asked that." He said amused.

"What did you say back then?"

"Hmm... I have the rare opportunity of changing what I said. Hmm... I'll think about it." he said and I pinched his arm.

"No fair." I mumbled.

"Well, you win some, you lose some." He said with a smile. "Yes you forgot all the good things, but then... you also forgot things I've done that you didn't like before." He smiles widely.

"What did you do??" I asked and he just smiles at me. Kind of boasting his situation. "Did you cheat on me??? You did, didn't you!??!?!" I accused.

"Of course, I didn't!!" he said it in a way that's too defensive.

"You're not telling me something."

"I'm not telling you a lot of things. But I've never cheated on you." he said seriously, "Not unlike you." he adds under his breath.


The ever proof of my infidelity, as he says.

"But I forgive you. If I'm taken back in time, I'd urge you to. I'd never stop you. We'll never have this little girl if I did." He said lovingly as we both look at her.

She's still focused on the audio recording on her headphone as we walk the trail. She's more interested on the place than listening to us.

"See?? I made the right decision, whatever that was." I said and he laughs shaking his head.

"That's your one free pass. Try it again, see what happens." He said it with such a cold voice, I literally felt a chill all over my body.

Not gonna lie, that's some scary shit... and a little hot.

🦤Yin's POV

"Princess, wake up." I whisper, trying to wake her up.

It's a shared trip so we can't be late. It's also the first group activity and it's our 3rd day here on our Safari getaway.

It's been fun so far.

The place is amazing, it's like a whole different world. But what makes this special?


I see him really trying.

Not half ass trying. But really trying.

It's especially thrilling every time I see him take small glances, trying to hold my hand, and every night he kisses Belle to sleep, I think he does it longer since he wants to get closer...

Ugh!! Stop imagining too much.

Keep a straight head. Calm down. Never assume.

"Belleeee we need to get up noooow" I hummed at her and she eventually opened her eyes.

"Daddy... I'm sleepy." She groans.

"Yeah? Then shall we skip today's Safari group?" I ask and she nods.

"Ohhh okay then. I'll tell Papa okay?" I said and she nods again.

"It's a shame we won't get to see the group of rhinos and elephants... and giraffes." She immediately sat up in bed.

She blinks a few times, trying to gather her head.

"I wanna go, daddy." She mumbles, still partially asleep.

"Then we should get ready?" she nods in agreement and we go for a quick shower and getting on our outfits. It's very outdoorsy and neutral. To better blend with the place.

"Go on and wake up, Papa." I said.

I packed the outdoor bag that I bring, with just the basics. The tour guides bring refreshments and snacks and first aid kit too.

I went to the next room and the first thing I see is Belle alone in bed already watching TV.

"Honey it's too early for TV" I heard War say and I turn to him just getting out of the bathroom. He towels his hair, only wearing his shorts. His body all smooth and toned.

God, he looks so hot.

"Papa! I see your boobbbieeeees" Belle giggles. "Daddy!! See!!! Papa boooobbies" she said pointing at War. She's not as used to seeing War without clothes. She and I shower most of the time so she's used to me by now.

"Stop staring." War sneers before getting back in the bathroom.

"I was not staring!!!" I immediately said.

"Why were you staring, Daddy??" she asks and I get to her and tickles her.

"Daddy stoooop it!!! Stop!!! It!!!!" she kept on laughing and laughing and eventually stopped, giving her time to breath.

"You were the one staring, you even pointed at War's boooobbbbies." I said and she giggles again, laughing at the word.

She's in the stage of her life that boobies, butt, fart, and poop make her laugh so hard.

I don't know why but almost every kid goes through to this stage.

We left the hotel and got in the jeep where there's one other group already sitting on one side.

"Hi" Belle greeted the girl, maybe a few months older than her.

"Hi" she answers back before holding tight to who might be her father.

"Introduce yourself, darling" the man said in a sophisticated British accent.

"My name is Isabella, you can call me Bella" she said shyly.

"Bella?!!? My name is Belle!!!" she shouts which could've woken up the rest of the animals in around a 2-kilometer radius.

"Princess, not so loud remember. Soft voice, please." I said.

"Oops. Sorry." She said with a wide smile. "My name is Belle. This is my Daddy Yin and my Papa War is there" she points to War talking with Leon for I don't know what but it looks like War is giving him instructions and he nods and nods before leaving. "That's Mr. Leon, he's our bodyguard." She adds.

The father immediately looked at the three of us, maybe thinking if we're someone important.

"I'm Arthur. My wife, Olivia, should be here any moment." He said and then came running a young lady. Maybe in her mid20s. The guy must be in her mid40s. The age gap is noticeably wide.

"Mommy" the shy girl said.

"I'm sorry I'm late." She said, in that same accent.

They were straight out of a Harry Potter movie, War would love it.

"Looks like you already made a friend." War said.

"Papa! Her name is Bella." She said excited and War looked lovingly at her.

"Ohhh maybe it's destiny huh?" Belle nods and then went on to introduced the parents. After a couple of minutes of chatting, the last group of 4 people came. They are a group of friends, they got here after graduating college.

They are from America and graduated Julliard. Two music majors and two dance and drama majors.

We were also informed that this is our group for the rest of the trip so we better behave. It's a good thing there's someone around Belle's age too.

We were driven out for an hour to a base and then we were made to slip into two groups. The four young people sat in one car while we sat on another. It was three of us in one row and they were seated in front.

But the problem is, Bella kept on chatting with Belle and facing backwards.

Bella won't have it, she will not leave Belle.

"Arthur, we could make room for Bella." War said, since the cart is really wide enough for 3 adults to sit comfortably.

We eventually got to the trail where there's a pride of lion. The tour guide explaining the dynamics of the lions. That the lioness are the more agile ones and take down the prey and they work as group to take down one animal.

The bloodied faces of the lions as they eat make Bella tremble and my little Belle to stare in awe, nothing but pure fascination.

Maybe she'll be a serial killer when she grows up.

Damn this girl has no fear whatsoever.

"Are you scare? Want to sit on my lap hm?" I ask her and she nods quickly.

"Mr. Arthur? Ms. Olivia? Bella is kind of scared, do you mind I make her sit on my lap?" I asked permission to her parents.

"Bella? Are you sure you still want to sit there? Daddy can hold you if you're scared." Arthur said to his daughter.

"But I want to sit with Belle, Daddy." She said, now clutching her hand together.

"Princess? Want to sit on my lap? So, you can sit with Bella?" I ask and so I made Belle sit on my thigh closer to the door and Bella on my other one, closer to War.

The rest of the trip is like that. The air got hotter and hotter so staying hydrated is key.

It's good there's wind, not that it helped us to cool down though.

We finally arrived at the end of the trail with a based set up. There we had a simple lunch and then kids played until they got tired. As usual, Belle slept on my chest. Bella on the chair with her head on her mother's thigh.

The four of us chatted for a while. The four our groups were filming on their phones under the high sun.

We talked about being parents. Well mostly me since War is not that involved right now with Belle and he lost his memory, which of course we didn't bring up.

"So, who's her real father?" Arthur asks and before I can even answer, War butts in.

"We're her real fathers. Both of us." He said defensively, even though I know Arthur didn't mean it that way.

"War is her biological father." I said.

"Hmmm I guessed wrong then." He said, "she's much more closer to you" he adds.

"War here works a lot. Very hardworking. I am just a regular office worker, so I have more time." I said trying to not make War look bad. Since he is hardworking.

It's not fair to judge parents that work all the time.

They need to provide for their families, so they do. It's not War's case but he too has his own set of varied problems.

We drove back on a different trail and saw a bunch more different animals and another Pride of Lion. When the first one we saw were eating... these group. Well let's just say they are eating too.

"Ohhh Papa look! He's hurting the lady lion" Belle whispers.

Well... he's not 'hurting' her.

"Yeaaah he's biting her neck." Bella joins in the conversation looking worried.

"They are playing." War said trying to sound normal but miserably failing. That made me chuckle, as well as the rest of the group.

"It's called mating. The lion there need to make babies with the lioness. They need to grow their pride." I said and they both nod in understanding.

"Ohhhhh okay. When can we see the babies?" Bella asks and thank god the tour guides chimed in since I don't know the answer.

"The lionesses can have babies all year round. It usually takes about 110 to 120 days. But you know what?" the guide said and then the girls leaned in closer, I see on my peripheral vision that War leaned in too.

"When they have to give birth, they leave their family to find a private den on bushes or sometimes a cave if there is any. They usually have 2-4 babies in one belly." He said.

"Woooow. Like my mommy, she went to the hospital" Bella said.

"Did Mommy go to the hospital too, Daddy?" Belle asked.

"Yep. And you were the prettiest girl I've ever see in my whole life." I told her and she leans in to me, that's when I saw the disappointment in War's face.

It must be hard, having that precious memory torn out from you.

I reached out for his hand and held on to it. He held on tight with a small smile of understanding.

We held on to each other for the rest of the trip.

It... felt really nice.


As we arrive at the hotel, it'll be two more days before we see each other again for a group trip. Tomorrow's a free day for both of us so Bella and Belle already made plans for themselves.

We got back to our room to freshen up when I saw Leon close War's room behind him after he entered.

"Princess? Wash up first in the shower okay? I'll be right there." I said.

I used the connecting door and get in. War is not in yet since he made a call back home as I walk towards the bathroom since I hear footsteps, I got closer and then I almost bumped into Leon.

"What are you doing inside here?" I ask him and he looked flushed. He moved his mouth trying to say something but nothing really came out.

"Well... Mr. Yin... it's Mr. War. He just... well he asked me... uhm... I'll get going." He said and ran past me, leaving me there stummed.

Were they...



That would be the stupidest thing he'll ever do.

But he did do a whole bunch of stupid things so who am I to make a judgement that he's better now... One way to find out.

I got in the bathroom and saw an unfamiliar paper bag. I leaned in and looked at the contents.

"What the fuck???" I whisper in shock.

"Yin!!!!" I heard War shout, followed by closing of the main door, and then he stood there, looking shocked at me.

"I can explain." He said and I leaned back on the sink.

"Go on. Explain." I said in a deadpan voice.

"Well... I mean... Fuck!" he groans closing his eyes.

I reach into the paper bag and hold it out to him.

"This is not water based, you only use water based since others causes you might to moderate irritation."

"Put it back. Put it back. Put it back" he said grabbing the tube and putting it back inside the bag and snatching it to his side.

"Are you that horny that you really made your bodyguard buy sex toys and lube? It's not even the right kind of lube." I murmur.

"Fine!" he said with a pout.

So cute!!!!

"I... I need practice." He mutters. "I don't have any... hands on knowledge."  He adds, still pouting and in deep thought. "I was watching... you know... last night and I didn't..." he then groans.

"Why am I even explaining to you?? Get out!!!!" he said pushing me out of the bathroom.

"You know you can always ask me if you have any... curiosities." I whisper and he looks at me with an angry and annoyed looked.

"No more kisses for you" he said mocking how I said it. "How can ask you if I can't even..." he sighs "just get out."

I lean in closer to his ear.

"I can always teach you... without kissing." I can see the hair on his neck went up.

I am getting to him.

My lips were about to reach his ear when a shout and a bang on the door pulled us out from the moment.

"Daddy!!! Daddyyyyyyy! I want to open the water in the bathtub!!!!" Belle shouts on the other side.

"Let's reschedule this fun learning session, okay?" I said with a smirk.

He gave me a look that shouts 'are you seriously leaving me here?'.

I chuckle as I turn around and left him there.

I got to our room and carried Belle to the bathroom.

"You know, princess? You have the BEST timing in the world." I said, trying my hardest not to laugh.


Happy reading!

Feb 2 2024

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